
    精心整理年全国学生英语竞赛复资料中容包括:2006 National English Contest for College Students
    2006 National English Contest for College Students
    (Level A  Preliminary)
    Part I  Listening Comprehension ( 25 minutes 30 points )
    Section A Short Conversations ( 6 points )
    Directions In this section you will hear 6 short conversations At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the question will be read only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    1  A  Keys and a purse         B Glasses and keys
        C Glasses and a bag         D Glasses keys and a purse
    2 A A plate      B A table      C A lamp      D A phone
    3   A They are under the chair by the television
         B They are under the chair with the rubbish
         C They are beside the television
         D They are by the door with the rubbish
    4 A Grapes and oranges         B Grapes and apples
       C Bananas and grapes         D Bananas and oranges
    5 A Five to three                 B Five past three
       C Twenty five to three          D Twenty five past three
    6 A The restaurant    B The market     C The cinema     D The sports center
    Section B Long Conversation (4 points )
    Directions In this section you will hear one long conversation At the end of the conversation 4 questions will be asked about what was said You will hear both the conversation and the questions only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    7  A £6       B £16       C £60       D £66
    8  A One       B Two      C Three      D Four
    9  A In a photographer's stuido          B In the library
        C In the post office                  D In the shopping center
    10 A A letter from her college            B Her passport 
        C Her student card                     D Her driving licence
    Section C News Items (10 points)
    Directions In this section you will hear 10 short pieces of news from BBC or VOAAfter each news item and question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the three choices marked A B and C and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    11 A 6        B 16         C 60
    12 A To bring more foreign language speakers into government service
        B To promote trade with foreign countries
        C To make people learn foreign languages at an early age
    13 A An hour       B More than an hour     C Less than an hour
    14 A To get publicity for their cause
        B To get some money for their group
        C To get more rights for their group
    15 A Ticket prices have been falling and their incomes rising
        B Aviation fuel is becoming less expensive
        C British people prefer to travel by plane
    16 A More than eighty thousand
        B More than sixtytwo thousand
        C More than fiftythree thousand
    17 A 30      B 27     C 57
    18 A Baton Rouge       B Louisiana       C Atlanta
    19 A Reduce violations of intellectual property rights
        B Controll the growing population
        C Working together to fight terrorism
    20 A Workers and policemen
        B Farmers and the unemployed
        C Workers and farmers
    Section D Passages (10 points)
    Directions:In this section you will hear 2 passages At the end of each passage you will hear 4 or 6 questions After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    Passage One
    Questions 21 to 24 are based on the passage you have just heard
    21 A He is very thin       B He is very tall
        C He is very short      D He is very fat
    22 A He met a cook from a restaurant  
        B He met a man who had a farm
        C He met two fat farmers    
        D He met a farmer and his wife
    23 A He wanted to have something to eat for lunch
        B He wanted to go to a restaurant for dinner
        C He wanted to make a cup of coffee
        D He wanted to do some farm work
    24 A He wanted some green beans            B He wanted a big steak
        C He wanted some cake and coffee        D He wanted lots of potatoes
    Passage Two
    Questions 25 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard
    25 A Last week               B Three weeks ago
        C Two months ago          D Three years ago
    26 A By coach        B By bus
        C By car          D By train
    27 A 9 am to 9 pm          B 10 am to 8 pm
        C 10 am to 9 pm         D 10 am to 10 pm
    28 A Get information        B Watch a film
        C Find a bank            D Buy some shoes
    29 A Feed the ducks      B Take a bus ride round the lake
        C Go swimming         D Go sailing
    30 A There was nowhere to put the rubbish   
        B There were not enough cleaners
        C The food in the café was disappointing 
        D The service in the shops was slow
    Part II Vocabulary and Structure (5 minutes 10 points)
    Directions There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part For each blank there are four choices marked A B C and D Choose the one that best completes the sentence Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    31 I can't agree with my Mum I think that such an oldfashioned dress can't cost a __________ She says 100 pounds is a real __________
          A lot of money luck       B bargain luck
          C fortune bargain         D big sum fortune
    32 __________ is on the rise with over 20 of serious crimes being committed by children under the age of seventeen
          A Junior crime       B Juvenile delinquency
          C Minor crime        D Senior delinquency
    33 The Smiths were leaving that __________ town Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a __________ country life
          A crowded peaceful     B deserted peaceful
          C desert thrilling     D empty sour
    34 When I first began writing poetry I think the poets that I had studied at school __________ my approach and the things I wrote about
          A communicated    B impressed     C influenced      D discussed
    35 She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools __________ she taught her principals had a high opinion of her
          A Wherever            B Everywhere   
          C Inasmuch as         D In such schools that
    36 My friend Tanya __________ Japanese for six years before she __________ Japan I've just received a letter from her It says she has been studying Chinese for three months and __________ for China in a month
          A had been studying visited is leaving          B studied had visited will live in
          C has studied visited would leave               D was studying has visited leaves
    37 At the last place Gary worked they __________ an annual company picnic All the employees __________ bring their families along and spend the day at a nearby park It was great
          A had to have had to                     B used to have couldn't
          C would have didn't have to              D used to have would
    38 They __________ such a big van __________ the price of gas would skyrocket
          A would have bought if they knew
          B wouldn't have bought had they known
          C wouldn't have bought if had they known
          D wouldn't have bought did they know
    39 We're going to paint the town __________ to celebrate our win
          A blue    B purple   C gold    D red
    40 Written in central Canada in the early part of the twentieth century __________ depicts life in Manitoda
          A The Midnight Sun was Victor Frank's last novel
          B Victor Frank's last novel was The Midnight Sun
          C The Midnight Sun which was Victor Frank's last novel
          D Which was Victor Frank's last novel The Midnight Sun
    Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes 5 points)
    Directions There are 5 incomplete dialogues in this part For each blank there are four choices marked A B C and D Choose the one that best completes the dialogue Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    41 Dan  Have you ever participated in a risky sport
          Kay  Yes I like hang gliding It's fantastic to be able to fly like a bird Though landing is sometimes difficult I've always felt hang gliding is quite safe
         Dan  ____________________________________
          Kay  I've never been seriously injured Maybe I've just been lucky Once my glider turned upside down and I lost control I almost crashed but I parachuted away just in time
          A What sports are risky
          B Do you ever get into some difficult situations
          C Have you ever hurt yourself in an accident
          D Have you ever been to a sports centre
    42 Lucy  What made you leave such a large company
          Ken  My work there was so boring I couldn't do anything myself I always had to have my boss' approval So I decided to get a new job at Coricom a small venture company
         Lucy  ____________________________________
          Ken  The work here is very challenging which suits me We always have to cope with dynamic working conditions And since there are not many people in this company we understand each other very well and feel like we are all in the same family
          A What's the hardest part of your new job
          B How do you like your new job
          C Tell me about what you liked at the large company
          D Tell me about what you liked in your university
    43 Julio      ____________________________________
         Officer  Well first you write and get an application form Then you send it in with a copy of your  school records And after that you ask your teachers for some letters of recommendation
          Julio     Are foreign students allowed to work in the States
         Officer They'll only let you work in the summer And you'll need to get permission from the US Officer of Immigration to do that During the school year you're not allowed to work unless the work experience is part of your school program
          A Is it all right to apply to several universities at the same time
          B I'd like to get some information on how to get into an American university
          C When can I apply for that
          D I'd like to get some information on how to get a travel card
    44 Bob   ____________________________________
         Jane  My first book was Trapped in a Cave a true story about two boys who got trapped in an underground cave for five days without food water or light Next I wrote the current twelve volumes of Real Kids Real Adventures Right now I'm working on the next two Real Kids Real Adventures books
         Bob  ____________________________________
        Jane  If I'm looking for a specific kind of story for instance a child who survived being struck by lightning I'll go to the library and use Newsbank keying in on words like lightning and child Mostly though I get tips from kids who read the Real Kids Real Adventures books and send notes or newspaper clippings
          A Can you tell me about the books you've written so far Where do you get your stories
          B What are your favorite books that you've read Where do you get your stories
          C Can you tell me about the books you've written so far What's the hardest part about being a writer
          D Where do you get your stories What's the hardest part about being a writer
    45 Lisa  ____________________________________
         Andy I think people love to laugh They want to laugh even in serious business presentations in the classroom seminar and so on When people laugh they relax And they can remember you and your message better
         Lisa  ____________________________________
         Andy Most people give a summary at the end of their speech But in my opinion a summary at the end only distracts from a good presentation I want to give people a chance to think about the topic so I finish my speech with some questions
          A Could you tell me how to introduce speakers How do you end your speech
          B Could you tell me how to introduce speakers Do you think the title of a speech is important
          C How do you end your speech Do you think the title of a speech is important
          D Why do you use so many jokes in your speech How do you end your speech
    Part IV IQ Test (5 minutes 5 points)
    Directions There are 5 IQ Test questions in this part For each question there are 4 choices marked A B C and D Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    46 What is the minimum number of matches you can remove from this diagram to leave just 2 squares
          A 2        B 4        C 6       D 8
    47 Which of the bottom watches completes the sequence
    48 Which of these cubes cannot be formed from this web
    49 How many circles contain a dot
          A 12        B 11        C 10        D 13
    50 Each symbol in this table has a value The total of these values in each row and column is written at the end of the corresponding row or column Can you find the value of each symbol
          A Triangle 65 Square 42 Diamond 58 Circle 114
          B Triangle 75 Square 52 Diamond 68 Circle 124
          C Triangle 85 Square 52 Diamond 68 Circle 134
          D Triangle 55 Square 32 Diamond 48 Circle 104
    Part V Reading Comprehension (25 minutes 40 points)
    Section A Multiple Choice (5 points)
    Directions There is one passage in this section with 5 questions For each question there are four choices marked A B C and D You should decide on the best choice Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    Questions 5155 are based on the following passage
          I was dirty smelly hungry and somewhere beneath all that suntanned It was the end of an InterRail holiday My body couldn't take any more punishment My mind couldn't deal with any more foreign timetables currencies or languages
          Never again I said as I stepped onto home ground I said exactly the same thing the following year And the next All I had to do was buy one train ticket and because I was under twentyfive years old I could spend a whole month going anywhere I wanted in Europe Ordinary beds are never the same once you've learnt to sleep in the corridor of a train the rhythm rocking you into a deep sleep
          Carrying all your possessions on your back in a rucksack makes you have a very basic approach to travel and encourages incredible wastefulness that can lead to burning socks that have become too antisocial and getting rid of books when finished On the other hand this way of looking at life is entirely in the spirit of InterRail for common sense and reasoning can be thrown out of the window along with the paperback book and the socks All it takes to achieve this carefree attitude is one of those tickets in your hand
          Any system that enables young people to travel through countries at a rate of more than one a day must be pretty special On that first trip my friends and I were at first unaware of the possibilities of this type of train ticket thinking it was just an inexpensive way of getting to and from our chosen campsite in southern France But the idea of nonstop travel proved too tempting for there was always just one more country over the border always that little bit further to go And what did the extra miles cost us Nothing
          We were not completely uninterested in culture But this was a first holiday without parents as it was for most other InterRailers and in organizing our own timetable we left out everything except the most immediately available sights This was the chance to escape the guided tour an opportunity to do something different I took great pride in the fact that in many places all I could be bothered to see was the view from the station We were just there to get by and to have a good time doing so In this we were no different from most of the other InterRailers with whom we shared corridor floors food and water money and music
          The excitement of travel comes from the sudden reality of somewhere that was previously just a name It is as if the city in which you arrive never actually existed until the train pulls in at the station and you are able to see it with your own tired eyes for the first time
    51 At the end of his first trip the writer said Never again because _______
          A he felt ill   
          B he disliked trains
          C he was tired from the journey     
          D he had lost money
    52 What does the writer mean by this way of looking at life in Paragraph 3
          A Worrying about your clothes              B Throwing unwanted things away
          C Behaving in an antisocial way           D Looking after your possessions
    53 Why did the writer originally buy an InterRail ticket
          A To get to one place cheaply             B To meet other young people
          C To see a lot of famous places           D To go on a tour of Europe 
    54 What the writer liked about traveling without his parents was that _______
          A he could see more interesting places 
          B he could spend more time sightseeing
          C he could stay away from home longer
          D he could make his own decisions
    55 What does it in Line 3 Paragraph 6 refer to
          A A name     B The city    C The train    D The station
    Section B Yes No Not given (5 points)
    Directions In this part you will have 5 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet For questions 56 60 mark 
          Y (for Yes) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage 
          N (for No) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage 
          NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the passage
    Questions 5660 are based on the following passage
    The Outdoor Centre
    Opening times
    Water sports 10 am 6 pm
    Play Park 10 am 530 pm
    Entrance Car park fees
    Low season Weekdays £200 per car      Weekends  £300 per car
    High season 23 July 11 September         Weekdays and weekends £300 per car
    Fees are for cars with four people Each extra person is 50p Fees to be paid at the main office
    The center is not a private club it is an organization whose aim is to provide outdoor sports and recreation facilities for the public
    Group visitors are requested to inform the center in advance of their intended visit
    Windsurfing Oneday course

    Beginner windsurfing course is offered on Saturdays and Sundays when the weather is good enough Learning to windsurf is a lot of fun The excitement when you sail across the water for the first time is not easily forgotten Boards with small sails are available for beginners
    Course fee £3250 (this includes all equipment)
    Oneday adventure course
    This is an opportunity you have been waiting for Come and try sailing climbing surfing and archery This course is intended to introduce outdoor activities to adults in a fun leisurely manner You do not need to be extremely fit or to have had previous experience of the activities All you need is to be interested
    Course fee £2250
    Play Park
    The Play Park is suitable for children from two to ten years of age It is one of the best of its type in the country It has sand and water play slides large ball pool play castle and much much more Next year the center will open a new Play Palace and Play Ship
    Summer adventure holidays (for 14 18 years of age)
    Sailing      Climbing        Windsurfing        Fun Games

    Safety is of primary importance at the Outdoor Center All staff members are fully trained in First Aid and qualified to teach the activities on offer We also make certain that all children only take part in activities that are suitable for their age and physical abilities For this programme children must be able to swim 25 metres and be in good physical health
    56 In August four people visiting the centre together by car have to pay more than two people
    57 The centre has special equipment for people who learn to sail
    58 The adventure course is suitable for beginners
    59 The centre is planning to add extra facilities to the Play Park
    60 Summer adventure holidays are open to any child between eight and fourteen years who can swim
    Section C Short Answer Questions (20 points)
    Directions In this section there are 2 passages followed by 10 questions or unfinished statements Read the passages carefully then answer the questions in a maximum of 10 words Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet
    Passage One
    Questions 6165 are based on the following passage
          Going to the beach is many Americans' favorite activity In the area near New York City nine million people used to go to the beach every summer They went swimming in the ocean without giving a thought to what was underwater. But those days are long gone.
          In the summer of 1988the government was forced to shut down beaches all over America. Many of the beaches had to be closed because garbage from hospitals was found in the water. The garbage included glass bottles with samples of bloodand people were afraid they might get AIDS from the blood. Where the medical garbage came from is anybody's guess. At some beaches sewage (生活污水) was found in the water
          Americans were shocked by this state of affairs. They had long taken for granted that oceans were big enough to stay cleaneven if garbage and sewage were dumped into them. People didn't think of the underwater garbage because it was out of sight.
          Some of the most polluted waters still look beautiful at first glance. San Francisco Bay is a good example of a beautiful bay that's full of chemicals. Scientists discovered pollution in some lakes and rivers when they found fish with rotting skin. In many parts of Americapeople are told not to eat too much fish because of pollution.
          Most American cities put their garbage in the ground. But New York and a few other cities put their garbage in the ocean. Boston Harbor is so polluted that scientists say it won't recover until the next century at best
    . The city of Boston puts its sewage in the water. The government has ordered the city to build a sewage treatment plant.
          Cleaning up oceans won't be easybut people can no longer ignore this challenge.
    61 Most Americans used to go to the beach because of __________
    62 Ocean waters around America have become polluted by __________
    63 Some polluted waters are still beautiful because pollutants such as chemicals are hard to __________
    64 If fish live in polluted waters people should not __________
    65 The author of this passage seems to suggest that people should pay more attention to__________
    Passage Two
    Questions 6670 are based on the following passage
          There are cockroaches (蟑螂) everywhere on Earth except the places that are covered with ice Scientists have discovered about 3500 different species of cockroach There is just one human species Cockroaches can be anything in size from about five mm to nine cm Although five mm is very small nine cm is as long as a large rat
          It is very difficult to catch most cockroaches They see with the hairs on their bodies These hairs can feel the smallest movement in the air so the cockroaches know immediately something moves and run to safety
          Of all the species of cockroach fortunately only three live among humans and are a serious problem They are the German the Oriental and the American One egg case of the German cockroach can produce as many as seven million cockroaches in 12 months
          Our main problem with cockroaches is that not only do they look ugly to us but they also carry diseases They are particularly dangerous in hospitals as they eat all kinds of hospital waste or get it on their bodies They can then carry this waste which may contain dangerous bacteria on to food which is then eaten by people in the hospital
          Most of the bacteria that cause food poisoning have been found in the stomachs of cockroaches so it is important that cockroaches should be kept out of restaurants and other places where food is prepared
          Many people work and try to destroy cockroaches but as soon as they find one way of doing it the cockroaches learn how to deal with it Electricity does not always kill them and they can avoid most poisons or learn how to deal with others At one time scientists thought that radiation would kill them but they have been on Earth for about 300 million years and it does not harm them as much as it does us
          It seems probable that when there are no longer human beings living on the Earth cockroaches will still be here
    66 Cockroaches do not live in places where it is __________
    67 Cockroaches know that someone or something is near because __________
    68 Cockroaches can __________ because they carry bacteria
    69 Paragraph 6 says that it is very difficult to __________
    70 The passage is mainly about __________
    Section D Summary (10 points)
    Directions In this part there is one passage followed by a summary Read the passage carefully and complete the summary with the appropriate words from the passage Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet
    Questions 7175 are based on the following passage
          Cosmetics have been used throughout history The ancient Greeks the Egyptians and the Romans all used various kinds of makeup Some of these cosmetics were used to improve their appearance Others were used to protect their skin But in some cases things used for makeup were dangerous or even deadly
          Some of the first skin care treatments started in Egypt In fact Cleopatra was known to use them She thought a bath in milk and honey left her skin silky smooth Egyptians also developed some of the earliest sunscreens They used oils and creams for protection against the sun and dry winds Egyptian and other ancient cultures also used various powders on their skin for beauty Egyptians used black kohl around their eyes Romans put white chalk on their faces And Indians painted red henna on their bodies
          Most of the ancient cosmetic powders oils and creams were harmless But in the name of beauty some people applied dangerous chemicals and poisons to their skin During the Italian Renaissance women wore white powder made of lead on their faces Of course doctors now know lead is like a poison for our bodies
          Also around the time of the Renaissance women in Italy put drops of belladonna in their eyes Belladonna is a very poisonous plant The poison in the plant affects the nerves in the body By putting belladonna drops in her eyes a woman's pupils would become very large People thought this made her more beautiful Actually this is why the plant is called belladonna In Italian belladonna means beautiful woman
          When Elizabeth I was queen of England in the late 1500s some rather dangerous cosmetics were also used by women there Women were using rouge made with mercury They were also using special hair dye made with lead and sulphur The dye was designed to give people red hair the same color as the queen's hair Over time the dye made people's hair fall out Finally women using this dye ended up bald like the queen and had to wear wigs
          Although people have used cosmetics throughout history not all of them have been safe In fact some of them have been quite (71)__________ to people For example long ago in Italian (72)__________ people thought women with big pupils were beautiful Therefore in the (73)__________ of beauty women began to put (74)__________ of belladonna in their eyes to make their pupils larger Today we know belladonna is poisonous and it can affect the (75)__________ in the body
    Part VI Cloze (10 minutes 15 points)
    Directions There are 15 blanks in the passage For each blank some letters of the word have been given (not exceeding 3 letters) Read the passage below and think of the word which best fits each blank Use only one word in each  blank Remember  to  write  the  answers  on  the Answer Sheet
          I'm really in two minds about what to do when I leave school Should I go straight to university or should I spend a year travelling (76) a           the world
          First of all there are so many (77) ben       of going straight to university
          The most important point is that the (78) s      I get my qualifications the quicker I'll get a job and start earning
          In my opinion starting work and making (79)m      is one of the most important things in life
          And I'm not (80) al       in this opinion Many consider a sound (81)ca      and a good salary to be an important goal
          Secondly if I go straight to university I'll learn so many things that will help me in my future lifeIt is often said that knowledge is the key to power and I cannot (82) dis       with this
          (83)M          I'll be able to take part in the social activities that the university offers and meet lots of new friends who share the same interests
          However it could also be (84)ar      that I would meet lots of interesting people while I was traveling
          (85) Fur        if I spent a year travelling I would learn more about the world
          On the one hand I would experience lots of different (86) c      
          On the other hand I could end up suffering from culture shock homesickness and some (87) str        tropical diseases
          Nevertheless these inconveniences would be an inevitable part of travelling and would be greatly (88) out      by the advantages
          (89) Unf        another point is that if I spent a year traveling I would need a lot of money
          But I (90)b        it would be easy to make a bit while I was travelling giving English lessons or working in hotels and shops
    Part VII Translation (15 minutes 15 points)
    Section A EnglishChinese Translation (10 points)
    Directions Translate the underlined sentences of the following passage into Chinese Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet
          In such a changing complex society formerly simple solutions to informational needs become complicated (91) Many of life's problems which were solved by asking family members friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve Where to turn for expert information and how to determine which expert advice to accept are questions facing many people today
          In addition to this there is the growing mobility of people since World War II (92) As families move away from their stable community their friends of many years and their extended family relationships the informal flow of information is cut off and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable The almost unconscious flow of information about the simplest aspects of living can be cut off Thus things once learned subconsciously through the casual communications of the extended family must be consciously learned
          Adding to social changes today is an enormous stockpile of information (93) The individual now has more information available than any generation and the task of finding that one piece of information  relevant  to  his  or  her  specific  problem  is  complicated  timeconsuming  and sometimes even overwhelming
          Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine readable files and to program computers to locate specific information (94) Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television radio and very shortly electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages Satellites have extended the power of communications to report events at the instant of occurrence Expertise can be shared worldwide through teleconferencing and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and or jobs to travel to a distant conference site Technology has facilitated the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information thus making more information available to more people
          In this world of change and complexity the need for information is of greatest importance (95) Those people who have accurate reliable uptodate information to solve the daytoday problems the critical problems of their business social and family life will survive and succeed Knowledge is power may well be the truest saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people
    Section B ChineseEnglish Translation (5 points)
    Directions Translate the following sentences into English Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet
    96 毫疑问计算机帮助生活更容易
    97 应该保护森林免受破坏污染
    98 国家发展取决年轻代素质众皆知事实
    99 认计算机英语教学中会广泛应
    100 父母担心时说谎话
    Part VIII  Writing (30 minutes 30 points)
    Task I
    Directions There is an error in an English magazine that you feel must be corrected Write a letter to the editor to 
          1) point out the mistake
          2) suggest the correction
          3) express your interest in the magazine
          You should write about 120 words Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter Use Li Ming instead You do not need to write the address Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet
    Task II:
    Directions Look at the following picture and write an article which should meet the following two requirements
          1) Interpret the message conveyed by the picture
          2) Make your comments on what is represented
          Now write a composition of about 150 words on the Answer Sheet
    Part I  Listening  Comprehension  (25 minutes  30 points) 
    Section A Short  Conversations (6 points)
    1 C  2 C  3 B  4 B  5 A  6 C
    Section B Long Conversation (4 points)
    7 B  8 C  9 B  10 A
    Section C News Items (10 points)
    11 A  12 A  13 C  14 A   15 B 
    16 C  17 A  18 C  19 C   20 A
    Section D Passages (10 points)
    Passage One
    21 C  22 B  23 D  24 A
    Passage Two
    25 B  26 C  27 B  28 D  29 A  30 C
    Part II Vocabulary and Structure (5 minutes 10 points)
    31 D  32 D  33 A  34 A   35 C
    36 D  37 B  38 B  39 C  40 A
    Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes 5 points)
    41 A  42 C  43 D  44 D  45 A
    Part IV IQ Test (5 minutes 5 points)
    46 B  47 C  48 A  49 D  50 A
    Part V Reading Comprehension (25 minutes 40 points)
    Section A Multiple Choice (5 points)
    51 B  52 C  53 A  54 D  55 C
    Section B Yes No Not Given ( 5 points )
    56 NG  57 N  58 N  59 Y  60 Y
    Section C Short Answer Questions (20 points)
    61 allows the students to develop their own interests
    62 worry about grades or rules a lot
    63 Because there are too few rules
    64 They don't believe in open education
    65 The advantages and disadvantages of open education
    66 acceptable
    67 uncomfortable
    68 More formal
    69 Teachers are in a higher position and should be respected
    70 They tolerate it (rather than approve)
    Section D Summary (10 points)
    71 seal   72 proper  73 screw tops  74 mold  75 stick to
    Part VI Cloze (10 minutes 15 points)
    76 acid           77 warming      78 wood       79 swimming
    80 endangered     81 destroyed    82 recycle    83 supermarkets
    84 genetically    85 organic      86 harmful    87 environmentalists
    88 making         89 oppose       90 whatever
    Part VII Translation (15 minutes 15 points)
    Section A EnglishChinese Translation (10 points)
    91 20世纪中叶类已处太空旅行梦想变现实旅程中途
    92 着具令难置信力效造物体送入太空火箭推进器诞生两国力求星际间谋席努力获重成带极高国际声
    93 美国感觉太空竞赛中处劣势便着手实现(决心进军)时具挑战性目标——送月球
    94 年努力没白费美国尼尔·阿姆斯特朗成第月球行走
    95 目前国际太空站正环绕球运行甚计划行星变类殖民昨日梦想幻想变成天现实
    Section B ChineseEnglish Translation (5 points)
    96 Travel not only makes one feel delighted happy but (also) widens one's scope of knowledge enriches one's mind
    97 What impressed me most was her determination to pursue her goal
    98 Since As people have different interests and hobbies the TV programs they like vary
    99 If you want your dreams to come true want to turn your dreams into reality health will be the most important guarantee for your success
    100 My house is next to the cinema just one block from the university
    Part VIII Writing (30 minutes 30 points)
    Task I 应文评分标准
        1. 题满分10分 
        2. 评分时先根文章容语言初步确定属档次然该档次求衡量确定调整档次分
        3. 词数少100150总分中减2分
        4. 书写较差致影响阅卷分数降低档次
    Task II 议文评分标准
    (Script for Listening Comprehension)
    Section A
    Directions In this section you will hear 6 short conversations At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the question will be read only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    1 Mary Could you help me paint my flat this weekend David
       David Oh sorry I'm going sailing I've decided to enjoy myself for a change I spent last weekend helping my mum do her garden and I need to repair the car next weekend
       Q What is David going to do this weekend
    2 Woman Dr Brown's Clinic Can I help you
       Man Yes Can I have an appointment to see the doctor please
       Woman Well he's free at a quarter past eleven today or tomorrow at a quarter past ten or five to two
       Man I'll come tomorrow afternoon
       Q What time is the appointment
    3 Man Are you going to take the train up to Edinburgh
       Woman We've booked tickets on the coach actually We wanted to drive up there but we've been having problems with the car and we can't afford to fly
       Q How will they travel to Edinburgh
    4 Man Can you tell me how much it is for a ticket for Saturday's performance of  Macbeth
       Woman The front stalls and the circle are the most expensive at 1650 The middle seats in the stalls cost 15 and the back three rows cost 1250 but the view isn't so good All seats are 10 for students
       Man I'll have one in the middle please I'm not a student I've got my credit card here
       Q How much is the man's ticket 
    5 Woman HiHave you had a busy day at the office
       Man Yes sorry I'm late I didn't get the bus because John offered me a lift We didn't realize the motorway was closed because of a lorry accident so it took much longer than usual I'll be even later tomorrow with the train strike
       Q Why was the man late home 
    6 Woman It's a bit crowded isn't it worse than a football matchCan you see well enough from here
       Man It doesn't matter as long as I can hear and get down the important points of what he says it's OK
       Woman I'm going to the library after this I want to get this report finished so that I can go to the cinema later 
       Q Where are the man and the woman talking
    Section B 
    Directions In this section you will hear one long conversation At the end of the conversation 4 questions will be asked about what was said You will hear both the conversation and the questions only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    Mark Hello Jenny What are you doing here
    Jenny Hello MarkThis is my daughter Sarah It's the school holidays so we're shopping now we're not sure what to do after that
    Mark Well there's a show for children this afternoon in the library where I work
    Jenny Oh What time is it at
    Mark It starts at two and finishes at three thirty It's only a quarter past one now Do you think Sarah would like that
    Jenny How much is a ticket
    Mark Well it's one pound fifty for adults and seventyfive pence for children Programmes are twentyfive pence
    Jenny And does your library run a reading course in the holidays
    Mark Yes and if children under ten like Sarah read four books in six weeks we give them something to take home
    Jenny What like a book
    Mark Well this year it's a pen but sometimes it's a book or a school bag Meet me after the show and I'll give you more detail
    Jenny Thanks See you later then
    Questions 7 to 10 are based on the long conversation you have just heard
    7 When will the show begin
    8 How much is a child's ticket
    9 How long is the holiday reading course
    10 What free gifts can children get from the library this year
    Section C
    Directions In this section you will hear 10 short pieces of news from BBC or VOA After each news item and question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the three choices marked A B and C and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    11 President Obasanjo said about 148 billion dollars were lost each year as a result of corruption He described the loss as monumental’ and preventable’ with extractive industries such as oil and gas among the worst hit
       Question Approximately how much was lost each year as a result of corruption
    12 The University Boat Race is a uniquely British institution but it's taken on a distinctly international character It dates back to 1829 and is now broadcast on television in more than a hundred countries And of the sixteen rowers in the two boats only five were British this year It was the first time a French rower had taken part for at least a century There were also four Americans three Germans two Canadians and an Australian
        Question How many British students joined the University Boat Race
    13 In Romania to the east and Slovakia and the Czech Republic to the north populations in lowlying areas have been put on alert In the Czech Republic several people have died and antiflood barriers on the river Vltava have been raised Czech officials have declared a state of emergency in several areas and in the historic city of Olomouc 250 kilometers east of Prague thousands of people had to be evacuated
        Question In which country have several people died because of the flood
    14 I was so touched by the way the people in London took to that animal and cheered it on I just feel bitterly disappointed that we couldn't give them the result that they wanted I feel that perhaps we got the result hopefully that the whale needed and that's probably more important
        Question What animal was the man talking about
    15 Steven Spielberg's Munich' and Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain' are likely to be the big winners at the Oscar ceremony in five weeks' time Spielberg's highly controversial drama about the 1972 Olympic massacre and what happened after it is one of the five nominations for Best Picture Some have speculated opposition to the movie and its theme might harm its Oscar chances but that hasn't happened Spielberg's also nominated as Best Director
        Question Who won the nomination as Best Director according to the speaker
    16 Ukrainian politicians claim there are political motives behind the price rise originally demanded by the Russian energy giant Gazprom They say Russia is offering much more favourable terms to other former Soviet Republics Russian officials insist it's a purely commercial matter
        Question Which countries are having talks over gas prices
    17  Britain's Labour government is having a difficult week The government wants to ban smoking in indoor public places including restaurants and other places of entertainment This is partly because it wants to discourage people from smoking since smoking causes so much illness but also to protect the health of the staff who work there and who got no choice about breathing in second hand smoke
        Question What does the British government want to do
    18 A crowd of some 35000 including US First Lady Laura Bush and Italian film legend Sophia Loren filled the Olympic Stadium More than 4700 performers including fastmoving skaters with fiery rocket packs dancers and even dancing cows opened the  festivities  Some 2600 athletes from more than 80 countries and territories marched into the stadium accompanied by American pop music from the 1970s and 1980s
        Question How many performers joined the Winter Olympics opening ceremony
    19 Governments from Singapore to South Korea are increasingly lifting restrictions on gambling But gamblers do not have to wait for new casinos to open to place their bets they can just use their mobile phones Europe is the largest market for mobile gambling but telecommunications analysts predict that Asia will catch up soon
        Question What is the passage mainly talking about
    20 The United States National Weather Service says that this huge winter storm has dumped some 683 centimetres of snow in Central Park making it the worst blizzard to hit New York City since records began in 1869 To add to the problems facing the entire northeastern seaboard winds across the region have been gusting at up to 96 kilometres an hour causing serious localised drifting
        Question Which part of the United States was attacked by snowstorm
    Section D
    Directions In this section you will hear 2 passages At the end of each passage you will hear 4 or 6questions After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    Passage One
        I have four small children three girls and one boy I don't go out very much because it's hard for me to find someone to look after them Any time I do go out I have to find a baby sitter It's not easy for me to find a baby sitter because we have just moved here Since we're new in town I don't know very many people yet
        Well one Friday morning I looked in my purse and found that I had only two dollars left I still had to do that week's grocery shopping There was nothing else I could do I had to go to the bank I hoped that Rachel my nextdoor neighbor could come and babysit for me but she wasn't home So after the children were all dressed off we went to the bank
        After we'd all got into the car I tried to relax a little as I drove to the bank The children were very noisy from the start They were yelling and crying and picking on each other By the time we arrived at the bank I was very angry
        The bank was very crowded I don't think I'd ever seen so many people there at once I think since it was the end of the month it was payday for most people
        Anyway the children were still acting up and I was still pretty angry with them I turned around to try to keep them quiet and shouted Stand against the wall and don't say a word Everyone in the whole bank stopped talking They thought it was a holdup
    Questions 21 to 24 are based on the psssage you have just heard
    21 Why was it hard for the woman to find a baby sitter
    22 Why couldn't Rachel her nextdoor neighbor babysit for her
    23 How did the woman feel when she arrived at the bank
    24 What happened when the woman shouted at her children
    Passage Two
        You will hear an announcement about what's on television tomorrow
    Man And that's the weather forecast And now we know what the weather's going to be like let's have a look at what we've got for you tomorrow on TV31 Most of the morning is taken up with children's television As it's Saturday we've got programmes for children from the under fives to teenagers We start the day at 700 with cartoons and programmes for the very young These go on until 900 when we have a film specially made for television called The Railway Princess' It was first shown about six months ago and we've had lots of requests to show it again The film is based on Jenny Johnson's bestselling  children's book Then from 1030 until 1200 we continue with a magazine programme for 5 to 12 yearolds There's something for everyone animals art sport the countryside At lunchtime from 1200 till 200 we have something for teenagers Here and Now’ our music programme with all the latest groups and singers and the results of last week's competition
        After lunch there's half an hour of news and that's followed at 230 by sport This afternoon you can watch the match between Brazil and Ireland the winner of that match will go on to play Italy or Spain in the final next week
        Football is followed at 4 o'clock by tennis We'll be watching part of the Macmillan Tennis Tournament If the tennis is cancelled because of rain we'll be going over early to Japan to see some of the skiing Let's hope Angus Burns has recovered from yesterday's fall At 5 o'clock we'll be bringing you the end of the Round Britain Cycle Race
        At 6 o'clock it's time for our new quiz programme Your guess is as good as mine’ with Nigel Parsons Each team is shown pictures of people who were in the news in one particular year or important things that happened in that year The teams guess when that was
        That's followed by more news and at 700 it's time for our Saturday evening film I Could Live Forever’ a sad story with a happy ending You'll recognize the songs made famous by the film and sung by Julia Jones And of course there's some wonderful dancing

    Questions 25 to 30 are based on the psssage you have just heard
    25 During which period is The Railway Princess on television
    26 When is there a music programme for teenagers
    27 Which two teams can you see in the football match
    28 If the weather is bad which sport will be cancelled
    29 What do the teams have to guess in the quiz programme
    30 What kind of film is I Could Live Forever
    (Script for Listening Comprehension)
    Section A
    Directions In this section you will hear 6 short conversations At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the question will be read only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    1 Man Was there anything valuable in the bag that was stolen Madam
       Woman Yes it had my purse in it and my keys
       Man Anything else
       Woman Well luckily I was wearing my glasses so no nothing else
       Q What was in the woman's bag
    2 Man I'm terribly sorry mum I've just broken something
       Woman Oh dear what was it
       Man Well I got up too quickly from the table to answer the phone and knocked one of your plates on to the floor at least it wasn't your new lamp
       Woman Oh dear I thought I heard a crash
       Q What was broken
    3 Man Have you seen my old shoes I thought they were under the chair by the television
       Woman Not any more They're by the door with the other rubbish I've been tidying the flat
       Q Where are the man's shoes
    4 Boy Mum have we got any fruit to take on the picnic I thought there were some oranges and bananas
       Mother Here are the bananas Let's take them OhThe oranges have all gone What about taking some grapes or apples as well
       Boy OK let's take the grapes That'll be enough 
       Q What fruit will they take
    5 Man Excuse me what time does this train leave
       Woman This train leaves for Paris at five to three
       Man Paris Isn't it the Rome train
       Woman No that goes at twenty five past three
       Q What time does the train to Rome leave
    6 Man Are you and Sarah going straight to the restaurant from work tonight
       Woman Actually I'm leaving work early because I need to do some shopping in the market and after that we're going to play tennis at the sports centre before we go to the restaurant
       Q Where will the woman go first after work
    Section B
    Directions In this section you will hear one long conversation At the end of the conversation 4 questions will be asked about what was said You'll hear both the conversation and the questions only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
       Jan   Hi Steve
       Steve Hi Jan I'm planning to go to London by train Do you want to come with me
       Jan    But it'd be cheaper by bus
       Steve I've got a student travel card You can get cheap train tickets with it 
       Jan   That sounds good How much does it cost
       Steve A card for six months is sixteen pounds
       Jan    So how do I get one
       Steve You need two photographs one for the card and one for the form
       Jan   There's a photo machine in the post office It gives you four photos for three pounds
       Steve So does the one in the library But I went to a photographer's studio It was cheaper
       Jan   I don't have to show my passport or my driving licence do I
       Steve No Jan you only need a letter from your college
       Jan    OK I'll ask my teacher for one
       Steve And then you take everything to the tourist office and ask the travel agent
       Jan    Great next time you go to London I'll coming too
    Questions 7 to 10 are based on the long conversation you have just heard
    7 How much is a sixmonth travel card
    8 How many photos will Jan need to get a travel card
    9 Where are the photos much cheaper
    10 As well as the photos what must Jan take with her for the travel card
    Section C
    Directions In this section you will hear 10 short pieces of news from BBC or VOA After each news item and question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the three choices marked A B and C and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    11  The Amazon is a lifeline for everyone in the river basin from businessmen in the big city of Manaus to indigenous tribes in remote settlements When water levels fall the biggest effect is on transport ferries and barges are the only way of moving goods and people around an area that spans about half the South American continent In the last few weeks the river and its tributaries have become increasingly difficult to navigate and vital supplies of food medicine and fuel are now struggling to get through In an example of the risks sixteen people were killed last Friday in a ferry accident which the captain blamed on difficult river conditions 
        Question How many people were killed last Friday in the ferry accident
    12 President Bush has proposed to increase the study of foreign languages in American schools The new plan is called the National Security Language Initiative It will involve the departments of State Education and Defense and the director of National Intelligence The plan calls for teaching foreign languages to more children as early as the age of four It also aims to increase foreign language instruction in college and graduate school The hope is to bring more foreign language speakers into government service 
       Question Why does Bush propose to expand foreign language teaching in American schools
    13 Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital says the tracheotomy took less than an hour and was successful Doctors cut a small hole in Mr Sharon's neck and inserted a tube into his windpipe The aim is to wean him from a respirator which has helped him breathe since a massive stroke and cerebral hemorrhage early this month Medical experts say the tracheotomy is another bad sign for the 77yearold prime minister 
        Question How long did the tracheotomy last
    14 Fathers for Justice is a small but vocal group of men who campaign in Britain for fathers to be given greater rights of access to children after divorces Its founder confirmed that the police had told activists to keep away from Mr Blair's home in Downing Street It follows claims that some campaigners had planned to kidnap fiveyear old Leo Blair and hold him for a short time to get publicity for their cause
        Question Why did some members of Fathers for Justice want to hold Mr Blair's youngest son
    15 Falling ticket prices and rising incomes are leading to rapid growth in global air travel According to the British government the number of British air passengers for example will more than double in the next quarter of a century Increases of such an order would mean much more aviation fuel being burned and aviation fuel may be more harmful to the environment than other fuels because the resulting smoke is emitted at high altitudes
        Question Why is there rapid growth in global air travel in the UK
    16 The Institute of International Education based in New York recently published its yearly report Open Doors Two Thousand Five The report says the number of foreign students decreased by about one percent during the school year that began last fall India sent the most students more than eighty thousand That was a one percent increase from the year before China sent the next highest number more than sixty two thousand That was also a one percent increase South Korea was third with more than fiftythree thousand students up two percent Japan was fourth with more than fortytwo thousand students an increase of three percent
        Question How many Chinese students went to study in the USA in 2005
    17 Joaquim Chanque May does not remember facing such daunting hurdles when he arrived to Barcelona as a student from Equatorial Guinea 30 years ago After completing his university studies Mr Chanque May opted to stay on because he opposed his country's government Now 57 years old Mr Chanque May owns a small business and has Spanish citizenship But he says he and his family are not completely welcome in their adopted country 
       Question How many years has Joaquim Chanque May been living in Spain
    18 As Secretary for the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Dr Fred Cerise has had little time to rest since Hurricane Katrina and the catastophic flooding that followed DrCerise spoke with VOA in the state capital at Baton Rouge while a helicopter waited outside ready to take him on an inspection tour over a devastated New Orleans We actually have a team a large team here from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta that is coming down to help us with our environmental assessment Even though the water may be running you have had stagnant water It can be contaminated
        Question Where is the team from to help New Orleans people with the environmental assessment
    19 AsiaPacific ministers also drafted another statement for action on wideranging issues that affect or threaten global trade They are vowing to reduce violations of intellectual property rights such as movie privacy to make the oil markets more transparent and to act collectively to fight terrorism and prevent a human epidemic of bird flu
        Question What are AsiaPacific ministers not vowing to do
    20 More than seven thousand activists outside the meeting hall protested that the WTO's trade rules hurt workers and farmers The activists began the week declaring they wanted to derail the talks and prevent the delegates from reaching any agreement Despite days of protests including a brief riot near the conference center on Saturday the activists did little to interfere with the talks
        Question Who did the WTO's trade rules hurt according to the activists
    Section D 
    Directions:In this section you will hear 2 passages At the end of each passage you will hear 4 or 6 questions After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
    Passage One
        I know a man who loves food In fact he can eat more food than anyone else I know His name is Bill and he is very fat Bill's problem is that he likes to eat a lot of food but he
    doesn't like to work
        One morning Bill was out in the country when he met a farmer
        Are you looking for work asked the farmer
        Yes said Bill because he was very hungry and had no money to buy food
        All right said the farmer you can come and work for me
        Just a minute said Bill First I must have a good lunch
        Well said the farmer what would you like
        Vegetable soup said Bill to start with
        Anything else asked the farmer
        Yes I'd like a big steak and green beans and lots of potatoes Bill went on hungrily
        Is that all asked the farmer
        Almost said Bill I'd like to finish with a cup of coffee and a big piece of cake
        Listen said the farmer you don't need a job you need a restaurant
    Questions 21 to 24 are based on the psssage you have just heard
    21 What does Bill look like
    22 Who did Bill meet in the country one day
    23 What did Bill want to do first
    24 What did Bill want after this
    Passage Two
        You will hear part of a local radio programme in which someone is talking about a shopping centre
    Presenter Thank you David To finish today's programme I want to tell you about the Waterside Shopping Centre near Northport which I visited last week It has something for everyone and I would recommend it for a day out It's taken three years to build and finally opened three weeks ago two months later than planned
        Firstly getting there there are organized coach trips from most towns in the area but they leave early and come home very late so I drove There are 12000 free parking spaces so parking is no problem You can also get there by train but the station is 15 minutes from Waterside by bus and the buses are really crowded so you sometimes have a long wait
        One thing to remember is that the shops don't open till 1000 in the morning except on Saturday when they open at 900 So don't get there too early on a weekday They close at 8 o'clock every day except Friday when they're open until 9 pm
        The shopping centre is arranged on three levels You'll find all your favourites here In fact if you want to buy a pair of shoes there are 15 different shops to choose from on levels one and two When you run out of money there are seven different banks but collect your money before you get to the third level as there aren't any banks up there On that level however there are several restaurants as well as a cinema with seven screens And don't get lost like I did go to the information desk on the first level and get a map
        Before you go back to your car or the bus and in fact it might be better to do this before you go shopping and have too much to carry go and see the lake Take a walk or have a go at fishing sailing or windsurfing if you have time Or you can rest your tired feet and watch the birds and ducks but you are asked not to feed them
        Although I had a good day I would complain about one thing but not the usual thing the service in the shops was good and I had an excellent lunch in a café No the silly thing was that everywhere was quite clean but people were dropping their fastfood boxes and empty drink cans on the ground because there wasn't anywhere else to throw them Apart from that I would recommend it And so that's all for today's programme
    Questions 25 to 30 are based on the psssage you have just heard
        25 When was the shopping center opened 
        26 What is the best way of traveling to Waterside
        27 During which period are the shops open on Fridays
        28 What can you do on the third level
        29 Apart from shopping what else can you do at Waterside
        30 What did the speaker complain about
    听力部分 (四题计30分)
    Part I  Listening  Comprehension  (25 minutes  30 points) 
    Section  A  Short  Conversations ( 6 points)
    1 A  2 A  3 D  4 C  5 D  6 B
    Section B Long Conversation (4 points)
    7 B  8 B  9 A  10 A
    Section C News Items (10 points)
    11 B  12 A  13 C  14 A  15 A  16 B  17 B  18 C  19 B   20 C 
    Section D Passages ( 10 points )
    Passage One
    21 D  22 B  23 A  24 C
    Passage Two
    25 B  26 C  27 C  28 B  29 D  30 A
    Part II Vocabulary and Structure (5 minutes 10 points)
    31 C  32 B  33 A  34 C  35 A
    36 A  37 D  38 B  39 D  40 C
    Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes 5 points)
    41 C  42 B  43 B  44 A  45 D
    Part IV IQ Test (5 minutes 5 points)
    46 D  47 B  48 D  49 C  50 A
    Part V Reading Comprehension (25 minutes 40 points)
    Section A Multiple Choice (5 points)
    51 C  52 B  53 A  54 D  55 B
    Section B Yes No Not Given ( 5 points )
    56 N  57 NG  58 Y  59 Y  60 N
    Section C Short Answer Questions (20 points)
    61 swimming       
    62 garbage sewage and medical waste 
    63 discover see find      
    64 eat (too much) fish
    65 the ocean pollution the pollution of oceans the problem of ocean pollution
    66 too cold         
    67 they can feel sense their movements (in the air)
    68 be very dangerous hurt human beings
    69 kill cockroaches    
    70 how and where cockroaches live and difficulty of controlling them
    Section D Summary (10 points)
    71 dangerous  72 culture society     73 name      74 drops   75 nerves 
    Part VI Cloze (10 minutes 15 points)
    76 around    77 benefits    78 sooner      79 money           80 alone  
    81 career    82 disagree    83 Moreover    84 argued          85 Furthermore 
    86 cultures  87 strange     88 outweighed  89 Unfortunately   90 believe
    Part VII Translation (15 minutes 15 points)
    Section A EnglishChinese Translation (10 points)
    91 许原通请教家朋友事便解决生活问题现超出家庭力范围
    92 着家庭搬离稳定社区年朋友失家庭亲戚联系非正式信息交流便切断时需时信信息信心丧失
    93 天获信息时代找条问题相关信息复杂耗时时候甚困难万分
    94 电信技术发展通电视线电简短电子邮件铺天盖般发送量信息
    95 拥准确信新信息解决日常问题工作中重问题社会家庭问题生存取成功
    Section B ChineseEnglish Translation (5 points)
    96 There is no doubt that people can live a much easier life with the help of computers
    97 We should protect forests from being destroyed and polluted
    98 It is a wellknown fact that the development of a country depends on the quality of the younger generation
    99 We believe that computers will be widely used in the teaching of English
    100 Sometimes he had to tell lies in order not to make his parents worry about him
    Part VIII Writing (30 minutes 30 points)
    Task I 应文评分标准
        1. 题满分10分
        2. 评分时先根文章容语言初步确定属档次然该档次求衡量确定调整档次分
        3. 词数少100150总分中减2分
        4. 书写较差致影响交流分数降低档次
    Task II 议文评分标准




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