

    英 语(A卷)
    1 答卷前考生务必姓名准考证号填写答题卡
    2 选出题答案2B铅笔答题卡应题目答案标号涂黑需改动橡皮擦干净选涂答案标号答试卷否效
    第部分 听力(两节满分30分)
    第节 (5题题1 5分满分7 5分)
    Which part of the man’s body hurts
    A His back B His neck C His arm
    详解W What’s the matter
    M I’ve hurt my back at the top near my neck It hurts when I put my arms up
    What was the weather like on Saturday
    A Sunny B Cloudy C Windy
    详解M Did you have good weather at the beach at the weekend
    W Yes it was sunny all weekend There wasn’t a cloud in the sky
    M Wasn’t it windy too
    W Only on Sunday
    What does the man want to do next
    A Stop for some coffee B Keep on working C Leave for home
    详解W We’ll finish the work soon Perhaps we should stop for some coffee here
    M Actually I should prefer to go on with our work Or it will be late when we leave for home
    Why does the girl talk with the man
    A To send an invitation B To seek for help C To ask for permission
    详解W Dad it’s Julia’s birthday today
    M Oh is she having a party
    W Yes And she’s invited me to spend the night at her place Is that all right Dad
    M OK Just call me when you want me to pick you up
    What are the speakers talking about
    A An applicant B An experience C A job
    详解W We’ve interviewed all of the applicants Now we just have to make a decision
    M Martina Hernandez gave me the best impression She has the most experience
    W I couldn’t agree more She is suitable for the job
    第二节 (15题题1 5分满分22 5分)

    6 Where will the man go first
    A To his office B To a library C To a shop
    7 What will the man buy
    A A book B A jacket C A CD
    答案6 B 7 C
    W Aren’t you getting off at the next stop
    M You’re right That’s where I usually get off for the office but it’s early so I thought I’d stay on as far as the High Street and do a couple of things here
    W Some shopping
    M Yes after I’ve given this book back I’ve just finished the last chapter and it’s a few days late so I’ll have to pay a fine but it is worth it
    W Then which shop are you going to You said you need a new jacket
    M I’ve already bought it I’m going to buy Adele’s new CD

    8 Why does the man dislike the telephone sales job
    A It’s unsuitable for him
    B It needs long working hours
    C Its pay is quite low
    9 What does the man think of working as a director assistant
    A Boring B Tiring C Appealing
    答案8 A 9 C
    W I really need to find a job now
    M So do I Do you see anything good listed
    W How about this telephone sales job You call people and try to sell them magazines
    M That sounds boring And anyway I’m not good at selling
    W Well I am I might check that one out Oh here’s one for you An entertainment director assistant on a ship
    M That sounds fun I love traveling and I’ve never been on a ship
    W It says here you have to work every day while the ship is at sea That’ll be tiring
    M That’s OK I don’t mind working long hours if the pay is good I think I’ll apply for it

    10 Why does the man make the phone call
    A To ask for a day off
    B To make an appointment
    C To inform the woman of a lecture
    11 What is wrong with the man
    A He feels lightheaded B He has a fever C He has no appetite
    12 When will the man go to see the doctor
    A At 3 00 this afternoon
    B At 2 00 tomorrow afternoon
    C At 300 tomorrow afternoon
    答案10 B 11 C 12 B
    W Doctor’s office May I help you
    M Yes My name is John Carver I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr Carter
    W What seems to be the problem
    M I guess I have a bad cold
    W Do you feel lightheaded or have a fever
    M No But my nose is often running and I don’t feel like eating anything
    W Well let me check the schedule Dr Carter has an opening at 300 this afternoon Can you come in then
    M At 300 No I’m sorry I can’t I have an important lecture to attend then How about tomorrow afternoon
    W Let’s see Tomorrow afternoon at 200
    M Yes that would be fine
    W All right See you then

    13 What is the woman going to do
    A Meet some customers
    B Attend a makeup party
    C Meet her college friends
    14 What does the man suggest the woman doing
    A Buying a blue dress
    B Changing purple shoes
    C Wearing a white necklace
    15 Where will the man go first
    A To his company
    B To his daughter’s school
    C To his parents’ home
    16 What is the relationship between the speakers
    A Manager and secretary B Father and daughter C Husband and wife
    答案13 A 14 C 15 B 16 C
    M Why are you so dressed up
    W I am on my way out to the celebration party of my company And I have to meet some important customers there How do I look Is my makeup OK
    M You look great Your makeup is also perfect
    W Do you think I should wear a blue dress
    M No the one you have on looks great especially with your purple shoes and your hair like that
    W Thanks for saying so Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear
    M With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect
    W Thanks for helping out Now that I’m ready what are you doing tonight
    M Don’t you remember I have a gettogether party with my college friends
    W Oh yes But who is going to pick up our daughter at school
    M Don’t worry I’ll pick her up and then send her to my parents before I go

    17 When did Alisha realize she wanted to be a singer
    A When her classmate won a talent show
    B When her brother praised her voice
    C When she first went on live TV
    18 How did Alisha feel when she heard the competition result
    A Annoyed B Disappointed C Relieved
    19 What did the newspapers say after the talent show
    A They praised Alisha for her singing
    B They commented on Alisha’s appearance
    C They scolded Alisha’s performance style
    20 What advice does Alisha give on friendship
    A Treasure your old friends
    B Learn from those famous friends
    C Make friends with people around you
    答案17 B 18 C 19 B 20 A
    M Today’s guest is singer Alisha Ryan who was the winner of a wellknown TV talent show a few years ago Tell me Alisha was becoming a famous singer something you
    ’d always wanted to do
    W Not really I’d always enjoyed singing of course but the idea of becoming a star never occurred to me until I saw Katie Wyatt who’d been in my class back in my secondary school days in a talent show And my brother said I got a better voice than her I suddenly knew it was something I at least had to try to do
    M And how did you feel when you first went on live TV and you had that victory
    W Well I didn’t actually sing that well I was annoyed with myself and I thought my family and friends were a bit disappointed too At one point I was convinced I’d lost so afterwards I was just glad when the scores were announced and it became clear I hadn’t
    M You did in fact become famous overnight
    W Yes I realized that the next morning when the national press had all the news about me
    M I imagine they said a lot of nice things
    W Yes though it was mostly about how I had the right look how stylish my clothes were and that sort of thing rather than how I’d actually performed or what they thought of my singing voice
    M How do you feel about friendships among famous people
    W I wouldn’t say that exactly Just remember it’s probably going to end sometime and when it does you
    ’ll want to go back to those you were close to before you were famous so don’t lose touch with them
    M Thank you Alisha
    第二部分 阅读理解(两节满分40分)
    Live at Leeds Festival United Kingdom
    A weekend of Indie music taking over Leeds for one day in May Metronomy Sunara Karma and Tom Grennan will headline but there’s a focus on the city’s newer bands with the festival aiming to bring new artists into the spotlight Events take place across the city with wristbands giving you access to all the places And to go to this festival you need to be over 14 years old
    Time 4 May 2019
    Midnight Sun Film Festival Finland
    Almost a hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle Sodankyla is where Finnish filmdirector brothers Aki and Mika Kaurismaki rock up every summer for their Midnight Sun Film Festival a fivedayandnight celebration of new cinema A mix of silent films contemporary Finnish ones recent festival hits and boxoffice classics are screened around the clock
    Time 1216 June 2019
    Fuji Rock Festival Japan
    The first ever Fuji Rock Festival was held at the bottom of Mount Fuji back in 1997 and has brought in music and rock fans from all over the world The festival is now held in the Naeba Ski Resort and is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year The artists who perform aren’t all rockers Your wristband has to be checked at the entrance We offer facilities for children but they can’t be left unaccompanied
    Time 2628 July 2019
    The White Nights Festival St Petersburg Russia
    The White Nights Festival is held at the city’s famous Mariinsky Theatre and shows some of the world’s best opera and ballet It’s the best time to visit St Petersburg because it’s held during the magical summer period when there
    ’s almost 24 hours of sunlight a day
    Time 23 May2 June 2019
    21 Which festival lasts the longest time
    A Live at Leeds Festival
    B Midnight Sun Film Festival
    C Fuji Rock Festival
    D The White Nights Festival
    22 Where will you enjoy a 24hour movie activity
    A In Leeds United Kingdom
    B In Sodankyla Finland
    C In the Naeba Ski Resort Japan
    D In St Petersburg Russia
    23 What do Live at Leeds Festival and Fuji Rock Festival have in common
    A They are of the same music style
    B They focus on new artists
    C They require entrance wristbands
    D They have age limits
    答案21 D 22 B 23 C
    细节理解题根文章中4节日时间Live at Leeds Festival United Kingdom Time 4 May 2019Midnight Sun Film Festival Finland Time 1216 June2019 Fuji Rock Festival Japan Time 2628 July 2019The White Nights Festival St Petersburg Russia Time 23 May2 June 2019知俄罗斯圣彼堡白夜节持续时间长选D
    细节理解题根Midnight Sun Film Festival Finland 中A mix of silent films contemporary Finnish ones recent festival hits and boxoffice classics are screened around the clock知全天24时播放声电影芬兰代电影期电影节热门影片典票房影片选B
    细节理解题根Live at Leeds Festival United Kingdom中Events take place across the city with wristbands giving you access to all the places 整城市举办种活动通腕带进入方Fuji Rock Festival Japan 中Your wristband has to be checked at the entrance 腕带必须入口处检查知英国利兹音乐节日富士摇滚节处入口处戴腕带选C
    点睛文章容较简单文章考查细节理解题类题型考生首先问题中找关键词然线索运略读查阅技巧文中迅速寻找细节找部分容仔细阅读遍仔细较选项文中细节细微区题2中题干中24hour文中around the clock表达意思考生需较间细微区
    On my first day of high school going into math class I was pointed and laughed at by two of my classmates I initially thought my fly was open or that something was stuck in my teeth But as I took my seat I heard one student whisper Why is a black boy taking Honors So my fly wasn’t open An honors level class had simply been taken by a student whose skin was brown
    Many people think my clothes should be big enough for me to live in or expect me to listen to only black music In seventh grade a group of my classmates fixed their cold stares on my clothes They called out to me Go get your gangsta clothes In one of my Spanish classes the teacher asked me Do you like rap music or rock music more I replied Rock The look of shock on my classmates’ faces made me uncomfortable
    Now I still take all Honors courses I still wear clothes that fit me My music library covers from rock to pop to techno and almost everything in between When it comes to choosing my friends I am still colorblind I continue to do my best to work in school in order to reach my goals and yet when I look in the mirror I still see skin of that same brown
    I believe in being myself I believe that I myself should decide who I am and what actions I take in life In high school popularity often depends on your willingness to follow trends And I’ve been told that it doesn’t get much easier going into adulthood But the only other option is to sacrifice my personality for the satisfaction and approval of others This can be appealing but I’m not going to do that
    24 Why did his classmates laugh at him
    A His fly was open
    B Something was stuck in his teeth
    C He went into the wrong classroom
    D They had prejudice against him
    25 What are black people usually believed to do
    A Listen to rap music B Wear small clothes
    C Take Honors courses D Attend Spanish classes
    26 What does the underlined word colorblind probably mean
    A Making friends of the same skin color
    B Having no idea what friends to make
    C Treating people equally and fairly
    D Feeling hurt and offended inside
    27 What can be a suitable title for the text
    A Following Popular Trends B Being Content with Myself
    C Having Faith in Skin Color D Changing My Personality
    答案24 D 25 A 26 C 27 B
    推理判断题根文章第段But as I took my seat I heard one student whisper Why is a black boy taking Honors So my fly wasn’t open An honors level class had simply been taken by a student whose skin was brown知作者学认黑男孩该获荣誉推断出学嘲笑偏见选D
    推理判断题根文章第二段In one of my Spanish classes the teacher asked me Do you like rap music or rock music more I replied Rock The look of shock on my classmates’ faces made me uncomfortable知作者说更喜欢摇滚音乐学震惊推断出认黑喜欢听说唱音乐选A
    词义猜测题根文章第三段容知作者坚持做推断出When it comes to choosing my friends I am still colorblind 含义
    旨意题根文章段But the only other option is to sacrifice my personality for the satisfaction and approval of others This can be appealing but I’m not going to do that全文容知文章作者讲述作黑常没表现出黑特点周围迷惑解作者坚持做没牺牲性换取满足认选B
    点睛推理判断题属观性较强高层次阅读理解题做类题目时学严格作者陈述细节事实作者措词态度语气找出够表露作者思想倾感情色彩词句然利已获相关知识进行推理判断出符合逻辑结题2中考查认黑通常会做什原文第二段In one of my Spanish classes the teacher asked me Do you like rap music or rock music more I replied Rock The look of shock on my classmates’ faces made me uncomfortable作者说更喜欢摇滚音乐学震惊推断出答案
    CocaCola which reportedly produced more than 3 million tons of plastic packaging in 2017 announced Thursday it wants to help fix the world’s plastic waste problem one community (社区) at a time
    The soda giant is doing so by providing 54 million for recycling programs in cities like Atlanta Boston Denver and Houston In these cities partners like The Green Blue Institute and The Recycling Partnership which receive the money will work together to improve recycling rates
    We focus on areas where we have the ability to make the biggest influence on communities through the funding and expert skills of CocaCola employees Carlos Pagoagoa CocaCola’s group director of community partnerships said in a statement In each city local partners will work together to identify barriers to recycling on a local level and test a range of solutions he added We hope the learnings from these model markets’ can offer solutions to other cities facing similar challenges
    As part of the effort The Recycling Partnership and the city of Atlanta where the cola company’s headquarters are based will send street teams out to open recycling carts and leave citizens cards informing them what they can and can’t recycle and let them know how their efforts work
    Two of the most urgent problems with recycling in the U S today are lack of access followed by pollution in recycling Keefe Harrison CEO of The Recycling Partnership said in a statement We know from the success of Atlanta in 2017 that the citizens want to recycle and that communicating with them in the street works
    Last year CocaCola announced its task to collect and reuse a bottle or can for each one it sells and increase the amount of its products out of recycled materials to 50 by 2030 The brand also aims to make all its packaging fully recyclable by 2025
    28 What does CocaCola company intend to do in the program
    A Produce less packaging
    B Help deal with plastic waste
    C Pick up waste in communities
    D Build a plant to recycle plastic waste
    29 What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about
    A How CocaCola conducts its program
    B What organizations participate in the program
    C How CocaCola chooses cities for the program
    D What the local people do in CocaCola’s program
    30 What do street teams do to help
    A Sort out various waste in the city
    B Look into the cause of pollution
    C Instruct local people what to recycle
    D Hand cards to the locals in person
    31 What does Keefe Harrison think of the program
    A Promising B Difficult C Pioneering D Costly
    答案28 B 29 A 30 C 31 A
    细节理解题根文章第段CocaCola which reportedly produced more than 3 million tons of plastic packaging in 2017 announced Thursday it wants to help fix the world’s plastic waste problem one community (社区) at a time知口乐公司宣布计划帮助社区解决次全球塑料垃圾问题选B
    段落意题根文章第二段The soda giant is doing so by providing 54 million for recycling programs in cities like Atlanta Boston Denver and Houston In these cities partners like The Green Blue Institute and The Recycling Partnership which receive the money will work together to improve recycling rates 口乐公司亚特兰波士顿丹佛休斯顿等城市回收项目提供资金合作伙伴努力提高回收率知段讲述口乐执行计划选A
    细节理解题根文章第四段As part of the effort The Recycling Partnership and the city of Atlanta where the cola company’s headquarters are based will send street teams out to open recycling carts and leave citizens cards informing them what they can and can
    ’t recycle and let them know how their efforts work 街头团队市民留卡片告诉什回收什回收知街头团队指导居民回收利选C
    推理判断题根文章第五段We know from the success of Atlanta in 2017 that the citizens want to recycle and that communicating with them in the street works 市民想回收垃圾街交流效推断出Keefe Harrison认项目希选A
    At 9 30 a m on a Wednesday morning I received a notification (通知) that I’d already picked up my phone 30 times that day 11 left until you go over your goal of 41 pickups my screen read Put your phone down until 9 52 a m Enjoy your time living in the moment
    These updates were sent via Moment an app that tracks my screen time created by Kevin Holesh in 2014 to fight his own device addiction He was working as an independent app developer spending hours each day staring at screens After work Holesh found that he was looking mindlessly online instead of talking to his wife or taking his dogs for a walk
    I wanted a way of seeing how much time I was sinking into my phone he said
    So I came up with something that could monitor my screen time Holesh found that he was spending 75 minutes on his phone a day He added a function to the app that informed him whenever his screen time was more than 40 minutes My phone would make a sound like a bee and I’d go and do something else It was like a little angel on my shoulder pushing me in the right direction he said Holesh figured that if the system worked for him it would work for others and later that year he made Moment a free app To date it has been downloaded 8 million times
    Beside Moment also has a coach function offering guided programs to help users focus and be more productive for 7 99 a month
    I am so much happier I sleep better I read more I take better care of myself and most of all I am present in my daytoday life Jack a user said Similar comments on Moment reflect a growing consciousness around digital wellness the name given to lifestyle practices that encourage healthy device use
    32 What does the inspiration of Moment come from
    A The creator’s own experience
    B The sound made by honey bees
    C Complaints from family members
    D The widespread digital addiction
    33 What does Moment do at the expected screen time
    A Monitor the screen and keep a record
    B Make a noise to remind the user
    C Turn off the phone immediately
    D Force the user to take a rest
    34 What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 4
    A Persuade readers to buy the app
    B Provide readers with some advice
    C Recommend a coach to the readers
    D Introduce more information of the app
    35 In which part of a website will you find this text
    A Fashion and Business B Sports and Entertainment
    C Health and Lifestyle D Art and Design
    答案32 A 33 B 34 D 35 C
    推理判断题根文章第三段I wanted a way of seeing how much time I was sinking into my phone he said So I came up with something that could monitor my screen time Holesh想知道花少时间沉迷手机想出监控屏幕时间东西推断出开发Moment灵感创造者体验选A
    推理判断题根文章第三段He added a function to the app that informed him whenever his screen time was more than 40 minutes My phone would make a sound like a bee and I’d go and do something else 屏幕时间超设定时间时该功会发出蜜蜂样声音通知推断出Moment会设定屏幕时间发出噪音提醒者选B
    细节理解题根文章第三段Beside Moment also has a coach function offering guided programs to help users focus and be more productive for 7 99 a month知段作者读者介绍Moment功选D
    推理判断题根文章段Similar comments on Moment reflect a growing consciousness around digital wellness the name given to lifestyle practices that encourage全文容知文章鼓励健康电子设备生活方式关推断出文章选网站中健康生活方式部分选C
    Three in five people in the UK hold a library card For some they’re a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life ___36___ If you’re considering joining your local library now is the time to do so And if you need any more encouragement here are several reasons why you should
    Most libraries in the UK allow members of the general public to come and go as they like ___37___ You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns
    ___38___ Imagine just how many books you have at your fingertips with a library card There are lots of modern ones as well as originals and you can continue to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time It’s a priceless experience especially for kids and also a great way to level the educational playing field
    Libraries develop with times They have changed greatly since decades ago ___39___ Some libraries have apps so you can see when your books are due back and even reserve books in some cases There are also libraries which let you access books in digital formats on your mobile device — pretty cool
    Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be and feel like a community They have notice boards to offer services like exercise classes or learning centers ___40___
    A Libraries help people learn
    B Libraries help educate the kids
    C They create a great sense of community
    D You can go in settle down and read a book without being charged a penny
    E Most libraries now have computers and allow people to borrow CDs and DVDs
    F Libraries help us save money as we’re borrowing books rather than buying them
    G For others particularly the homeless and people in poverty a lifeline to the world
    答案36 G 37 D
    38 A 39 E
    40 C
    根前句For some they’re a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life说躲避日常生活压力庇护知特家者贫困口说通世界生命线里抓住关键词For some接着面应该For others选G
    根前句Most libraries in the UK allow members of the general public to come and go as they like 英国数图书馆允许公众意出入句You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns 出书证免费书果逾期书避免面罚款知进坐读书收分钱里抓住句关键词You can also接着前面应该You can选D
    里考查段题句根段中and you can continue to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time 时继续扩学词汇It’s a priceless experience especially for kids and also a great way to level the educational playing field 次价历尤孩子说方式公教育环境知段题句:图书馆帮助学选A
    根段题句Libraries develop with times 图书馆时俱进知现数图书馆电脑允许CDDVD选E
    根前面Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be and feel like a community They have notice boards to offer services like exercise classes or learning centers 知图书馆城镇中仅存数公空间里公众聚集起真正成感觉社区创造种伟社区意识选C
    第三部分 英语知识运(两节满分45分)
    第节 完形填空(20题题1 5分满分30分)
    When Freddie arrived to perform in the hospital room Pam worried it was already too late Her 88yearold stepfather Strobel had ___41___ been moved to the palliative (姑息治疗) care unit Pam could ___42___ that something had changed in him A nurse told her Strobel’s ___43___ was near
    You’re probably ___44___ your time Pam told Freddie But Freddie ___45___ with her what medical professionals had told him ___46___ may be the last sense to go
    Let me go in and ___47___ Freddie said It’s as much for you as it is for him
    Freddie is a country and folk musician When he was in his childhood his mother encouraged her young son’s ___48___ talent When she was dying of cancer he put their ___49___ of songs to its greatest use He would crawl into her hospital bed with his guitar and ___50___ her favorites His mother seemed to relax a(n) ___51___ look crossing her face
    That moment allowed her and me to ___52___ like we used to when I was singing as a kid Freddie recalled It emphasized to him the ___53___ of music When he ___54___ a nonprofit organization called Swan Songs which arranged free musical last wishes Freddie signed up for the ___55___
    That was the case with Pam’s stepfather who enjoyed ___56___ music and Swan Songs sent Freddie That’s why Freddie arrived at the hospital that day when Strobel seemed ready to say ___57___ Freddie played some songs and after 45 minutes Pam asked for just one more song Freddie ___58___ Love Me He sang the last note and Strobel took his last breath
    Oh my we just experienced one of the most ___59___ moments in our lives It was a gift for us all At a really sad time it was ___60___ says Pam
    41 A still B just C ever D almost
    42 A tell B explain C witness D announce
    43 A failure B relief C time D recovery
    44 A killing B sparing C spending D wasting
    45 A shared B traded C discussed D exchanged
    46 A Tasting B Hearing C Smelling D Touching
    47 A observe B check C negotiate D play
    48 A athletic B creative C musical D literary
    49 A love B instruction C choice D assessment
    50 A recite B sing C make up D pick up
    51 A embarrassed B regretful C confused D peaceful
    52 A comfort B pray C connect D escape
    53 A power B rhyme C style D sound
    54 A set up B broke up C heard about D talked about
    55 A course B program C competition D treatment
    56 A modem B popular C classical D country
    57 A hello B goodbye C sorry D no
    58 A chose B analyzed C wrote D enjoyed
    59 A glorious B difficult C ridiculous D magical
    60 A delightful B hopeful C beautiful D forgetful
    答案41 B 42 A 43 C 44 D 45 A 46 B 47 D 48 C 49 A 50 B 51 D 52 C 53 A 54 C 55 B 56 D 57 B 58 A 59 D 60 C
    文篇记叙文文章叙写弗雷迪位乡村民间音乐家加入名天鹅歌(Swan Songs)非营利组织终演奏音乐
    考查副词词义辨析A still然B just刚刚C everD almost根前句When Freddie arrived to perform in the hospital room Pam worried it was already too late知88岁继父 斯特罗贝尔刚刚搬姑息治疗护理单元选B
    考查动词词义辨析A tell识B explain解释C witness目睹D announce宣布帕姆识出变化选A
    考查名词词义辨析A failure失败B relief欣慰C time时间D recovery恢复位护士告诉斯特罗贝尔生命时刻选C
    考查动词词义辨析A killing消磨B sparing抽出C spending花费D wasting浪费浪费时间帕姆弗雷迪说选D
    考查动词词义辨析A shared分享B traded交易C discussed讨D exchanged交换share with分享弗雷迪分享医疗专家告诉话:听觉许消失选A
    考查动词词义辨析A Tasting尝B Hearing听觉C Smelling闻D Touching触摸弗雷迪分享医疗专家告诉话:听觉许消失选B
    考查动词词义辨析A observe观察B check核C negotiate协商D play演奏根文Freddie played some songs and after 45 minutes 提示知进演奏吧弗雷迪说选D
    考查形容词词义辨析A athletic精力充沛B creative创造力C musical音乐D literary文学根前句Freddie is a country and folk musician知孩子时候母亲鼓励年幼子音乐天赋选C
    考查名词词义辨析A love热爱B instruction教诲C choice选择D assessment评价死癌症时歌曲热爱发挥极致选A
    考查动词(短语)词义辨析A recite背诵B sing唱歌C make up编造D pick up拾起根He would crawl into her hospital bed with his guitar知会抱着吉爬进病床唱喜欢歌选B
    考查形容词词义辨析A embarrassed尴尬B regretful遗憾C confused困惑D peaceful静母亲似放松脸掠静神色选D
    考查动词词义辨析A comfort安慰B pray祈祷C connect联系D escape逃跑弗雷迪回忆说刻间联系时候唱歌时样选C
    考查名词词义辨析A power力量B rhyme押韵C style风格D sound声音强调音乐力量选A
    考查动词短语词义辨析A set up建立B broke up破裂C heard about听说D talked about谈弗雷迪听说名天鹅歌(Swan Songs)非营利组织安排免费音乐遗愿报名参加项目选C
    考查名词词义辨析A course课程B program项目C competition竞赛D treatment治疗弗雷迪听说名天鹅歌(Swan Songs)非营利组织安排免费音乐遗愿报名参加项目选B
    考查形容词词义辨析A modem现代B popular流行C classical古典D country乡村帕姆继父样喜欢乡村音乐选D
    考查名词词义辨析A hello问候B goodbye见C sorry起D no时斯特罗贝尔似准备弗雷迪道选B
    考查动词词义辨析A chose选择B analyzed分析C wrote写D enjoyed喜欢弗雷迪选择爱选A
    考查形容词词义辨析A glorious光荣B difficult困难C ridiculous笑D magical神奇刚刚历生命中神奇时刻选D
    考查形容词词义辨析A delightful令愉快B hopeful 怀希C beautiful漂亮D forgetful健忘帕姆说:非常悲伤时刻切美选C
    点睛完形填空考查学生语篇全面理解求学生做题时够做身境感身受准确握作者写作意图时瞻前顾左顾右盼充分考虑前文逻辑关系仔细推敲原整体细节例题7考查动词根文Freddie played some songs and after 45 minutes 提示知演奏
    第二节(10题题1 5分满分15分)
    Calligraphy the art of writing was the visual art form prized above all others in traditional China Painting was contemporary with calligraphy sharing ___61___ same tools—namely brush and ink Yet calligraphy was regarded ___62___ a fine art long before painting
    The status of calligraphy reflects the importance of the word in China ___63___ makes the written words distinctive is its visual form However despite its abstract ___64___ (appear) calligraphy is not an abstract form Chinese characters are dynamic closely connected with the forces of nature and the kinesthetic (运动) energies of the human body
    How can a simple character convey all this The use of brush and ink ___65___ (have) much to do with it A calligrapher can control the ___66___ (thick) of the ink by varying both the amount of water and the solid ink Once he starts writing by loading the brush sometimes with ___67___ (much) ink or sometimes with less he creates characters that resemble a shower of rocks here and a drop of dew (露珠) there
    The Chinese written language ___68___ (begin) to develop more than 3000 years ago and ___69___ (eventual) evolved into five basic script types Over the centuries calligraphers were free to write in any of them ___70___ ( depend) on the text’s function The calligraphic tradition remains alive today
    答案61 the
    62 as 63 What
    64 appearance
    65 has 66 thickness
    67 more 68 began
    69 eventually
    70 depending
    考查固定短语短语be regard as视……句意:然书法绘画前久视门艺术填as
    考查较级根with less提示知里较级more句意:旦开始写作通毛笔蘸时更时更少墨水创作出汉字填more
    考查时态根句中时间状语3000 years ago知般时句意:中国书面语言3000年前开始发展终演变成五种基文字类型填began
    第四部分 写作(两节满分35分)
    第节 短文改错(10题题1分满分10分)
    删余词斜线( \ )划掉
    注意1 处错误修改均仅限词
    2 允许修改10处者(第11处起)计分
    The other day we moved to the new school yard where lies in the far north of the city We were all on high spirits It is much big than the old one The classrooms are bright and clean We have a lot of modern equipment making convenient for students to learn every subject Now we can have a lot of afterclass activity on the new playground Our teachers often play the basketball and soccer together with us As spring approached the flowers newly planting in the yard have just come out With such many green trees and fragrant flowers around we feel it less hardly to study and our school life more enjoyable
    答案where → which
    on → in
    big → bigger
    activity → activities
    approached → approaches
    planting → planted
    such → so
    hardly → hard
    详解第处:考查定语句句中先行词new school yard非限定性定语句中作语关系代词which句意:前天搬新校园位城市北部where改which
    第二处:考查短语固定搭配短语in high spirits兴高采烈句意:兴高采烈on改in
    第四处:考查代词句中真正宾语定式to learn every subject里it作形式宾语句意:现代化设备学生学门课程方便making面加it
    第五处:考查名词数名词activity数名词根前面a lot of修饰知复数形式句意:现新操场课外活动activity改activities
    第七处:考查时态根前句时态知里般现时句意:着春天校园里新栽花刚刚开放approached 改approaches
    第十处:考查词义辨析hardly hard困难句意:绿色树芳香花周围觉学困难学校生活更愉快hardly改 hard
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1 需证件(护)
    2 购票方式(售票窗口网)
    3 车站取票
    注意1 词数100左右
    2 适增加细节行文连贯
    Dear John
    Li Hua
    答案Dear John
    How is life going Knowing that you’ll travel around China during your vacation I feel very happy for you and here are the details about how to buy train tickets
    Train tickets can be bought online or from the ticket office of the train station and your passport is required either way If you book it online you can save the trouble of going to the station and waiting in a queue But you still need get your ticket at the station since the ticket vending machine doesn’t support passports So the best way is to go to the train station ahead of time and purchase your ticket right on the spot
    May you have a great time in China
    Li Hua
    详解篇书信类作文写作提假定李华校英国交换生John想利假期中国旅游发邮件询问购买火车票请回复邮件容包括:1 需证件(护)2 购票方式(售票窗口网)3 车站取票做正确英语出点表达出作文中出点较简略需发挥方较需注意偏离文章中心写作时注意准确运时态文意思连贯符合逻辑关系定契合整文章出现文章脱节问题量熟悉单词句式时注意高级词汇高级句型文章显更档次
    点睛文容齐全结构严谨层次分明布局合理语言精练时运高级句子非谓语动词作状语:Knowing that you’ll travel around China during your vacation I feel very happy for you and here are the details about how to buy train tickets定式作表语:So the best way is to go to the train station ahead of time and purchase your ticket right on the spot





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    2019届高三英语一模试卷含完整解析 英语试题 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题...

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    精选2019届高三英语一模试卷有解析与答案 本试卷共12页。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔...

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    2019届高三英语一模试卷附解析 说明: 本试卷由四个部分组成,共12页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。请把答案全部涂写在答题卡上,考试结束后,只交答题卡。 第一部分 听力(共两...

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    2019届高三英语一模试卷附解析 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3.考试结束后,将...

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    2019届高三英语一模试题(含解析)【与】2019届高三英语二模试题(附解析)《合辑》 2019届高三英语一模试题(含解析) 2019届高三年级综合能力测试 英语试题 (考试时...

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