
    Part ⅠCloze Test
    For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices marked [A] [B] [C] and [D] Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets (10 points)
    Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals including man
    They do not provide energy 1 do they construct or build any part of the body They are needed for 2 foods into energy and body maintenance There are thirteen or more of them and if 3 is missing a deficiency disease becomes 4
    Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon hydrogen oxygen and 5 nitrogen They are different 6 their elements are arranged differently and each vitamin 7 one or more specific functions in the body
    8 enough vitamins is essential to life although the body has no nutritional use for 9 vitamins Many people 10 believe in being on the safe side and thus take extra vitamins However a wellbalanced diet will usually meet all the body’s vitamin needs 1[A]either [B]so [C]nor [D]never
    2[A]shifting [B]transferring [C]altering [D]transforming
    3[A]any [B]some [C]anything [D]something
    4[A]serious [B]apparent [C]severe [D]fatal
    5[A]mostly [B]partially [C]sometimes [D]rarely
    6[A]in that [B]so that [C]such that [D]except that
    7[A]undertakes [B]holds [C]plays [D]performs
    8[A]Supplying [B]Getting [C]Providing [D]Furnishing
    9[A]exceptional [B]exceeding [C]excess [D]external
    10[A]nevertheless [B]therefore [C]moreover [D]meanwhile
    Part ⅡReading Comprehension
    Each of the passages below is followed by some questions For each questions there are four answers marked [A] [B] [C] and [D] Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil (40 points)
    Passage 1
    Tightlipped elders used to say It’s not what you want in this world but what you get
    Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things
    You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living If we intend to have friends to dinner we plan the menu make a shopping list decide which food to cook first and such planning is an essential for any type of meal to be served
    Likewise if you want to find a job take a sheet of paper and write a brief account of yourself In making a blueprint for a job begin with yourself for when you know exactly what you have to offer you can intelligently plan where to sell your services
    This account of yourself is actually a sketch of your working life and should include education experience and references Such an account is valuable It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews While talking to you your could be employer is deciding whether your education your experience and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your wares and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner
    When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires you have something tangible to sell Then you are ready to hunt for a job Get all the possible information about your could be job Make inquiries as to the details regarding the job and the firm Keep your eyes and ears open and use your own judgment Spend a certain amount of time each day seeking the employment you wish for and keep in mind Securing a job is your job now
    11 What do the elders mean when they say It’s not what you want in this world but what you get
    [A] You’ll certainly get what you want
    [B] It’s no use dreaming
    [C] You should be dissatisfied with what you have
    [D] It’s essential to set a goal for yourself
    12 A blueprint made before inviting a friend to dinner is used in this passage as         
    [A] an illustration of how to write an application for a job
    [B] an indication of how to secure a good job
    [C] a guideline for job description
    [D] a principle for job evaluation
    13 According to the passage one must write an account of himself before starting to find a job because        
    [A] that is the first step to please the employer
    [B] that is the requirement of the employer
    [C] it enables him to know when to sell his services
    [D] it forces him to become clearly aware of himself
    14 When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires you have something        
    [A] definite to offer [B] imaginary to provide
    [C] practical to supply [D] desirable to present
    Passage 2
    With the start of BBC World Service Television millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation’s news coverage as well as listen to it
    And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to two BBC television channels five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio stations They are brought sport comedy drama music news and current affairs education religion parliamentary coverage children’s programmes and films for an annual licence fee of £83 per household
    It is a remarkable record stretching back over 70 years — yet the BBC’s future is now in doubt The Corporation will survive as a publiclyfunded broadcasting organization at least for the time being but its role its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nationwide debate in Britain
    The debate was launched by the Government which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC — including ordinary listeners and viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation and even whether they thought it was worth keeping The reason for its inquiry is that the BBC’s royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organization as it is or to make changes
    Defenders of the Corporation — of whom there are many — are fond of quoting the American slogan If it ain’t broke don’t fix it The BBC ain’t broke they say by which they mean it is not broken (as distinct from the word broke’ meaning having no money) so why bother to change it
    Yet the BBC will have to change because the broadcasting world around it is changing The commercial TV channels —— ITV and Channel 4 —— were required by the Thatcher Government’s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial competing with each other for advertisers and cutting costs and jobs But it is the arrival of new satellite channels — funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’subscriptions — which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term
    15 The world famous BBC now faces        
    [A] the problem of news coverage [B] an uncertain prospect
    [C] inquiries by the general public [D] shrinkage of audience
    16 In the passage which of the following about the BBC is not mentioned as the key issue
    [A] Extension of its TV service to Far East
    [B] Programmes as the subject of a nationwide debate
    [C] Potentials for further international cooperations
    [D] Its existence as a broadcasting organization
    17 The BBC’s royal charter (Line 4 Paragraph 4) stands for        
    [A] the financial support from the royal family
    [B] the privileges granted by the Queen
    [C] a contract with the Queen
    [D] a unique relationship with the royal family
    18 The foremost reason why the BBC has to readjust itself is no other than         
    [A] the emergence of commercial TV channels
    [B] the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government
    [C] the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs
    [D] the challenge of new satellite channels
    Passage 3
    In the last half of the nineteenth century capital and labour were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modern lines Many an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders It was moreover a step away from individual initiative towards collectivism and municipal and stateowned business The railway companies though still private business managed for the benefit of shareholders were very unlike old family business At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting trams and other services to the taxpayers
    The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequences Such large impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business All through the nineteenth century America Africa India Australia and parts of Europe were being developed by British capital and British shareholders were thus enriched by the world’s movement towards industrialization Towns like Bournemouth and Eastbourne sprang up to house large comfortable classes who had retired on their incomes and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders’ meeting to dictate their orders to the management On the other hand shareholding meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for the highest purpose of a great civilization
    The shareholders as such had no knowledge of the lives thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away Indeed the mere size of operations and the numbers of workmen involved rendered such personal relations impossible Fortunately however the increasing power and organization of the trade unions at least in all skilled trades enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other’s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation
    19 It’s true of the old family firms that        
    [A] they were spoiled by the younger generations
    [B] they failed for lack of individual initiative
    [C] they lacked efficiency compared with modern companies
    [D] they could supply adequate services to the taxpayers
    20 The growth of limited liability companies resulted in         
    [A] the separation of capital from management
    [B] the ownership of capital by managers
    [C] the emergence of capital and labour as two classes
    [D] the participation of shareholders in municipal business
    21 According to the passage all of the following are true except that         
    [A] the shareholders were unaware of the needs of the workers
    [B] the old firm owners had a better understanding of their workers
    [C] the limited liability companies were too large to run smoothly
    [D] the trade unions seemed to play a positive role
    22 The author is most critical of         
    [A] family firm owners [B] landowners
    [C] managers [D] shareholders
    Passage 4
    What accounts for the great outburst of major inventions in early America— breakthroughs such as the telegraph the steamboat and the weaving machine
    Among the many shaping factors I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools a labor force that welcomed the new technology the practice of giving premiums to inventors and above all the American genius for nonverbal spatial thinking about things technological
    Why mention the elementary schools Because thanks to these schools our early mechanics especially in the New England and Middle Atlantic states were generally literate and at home in arithmetic and in some aspects of geometry and trigonometry
    Acute foreign observers related American adaptiveness and inventiveness to this educational advantage As a member of a British commission visiting here in 1853 reported With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman
    A further stimulus to invention came from the premium system which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it This approach originated abroad offered inventors medals cash prizes and other incentives
    In the United States multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs and at the industrial fairs in major cities Americans flocked to these fairs to admire the new machines and thus to renew their faith in the beneficence of technological advance
    Given this optimistic approach to technological innovation the American worker took readily to that special kind of nonverbal thinking required in mechanical technology As Eugene Ferguson has pointed out A technologist thinks about objects that cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions they are dealt with in his mind by a visual nonverbal process … The designer and the inventor … are able to assemble and manipulate in their minds devices that as yet do not exist
    This nonverbal spatial thinking can be just as creative as painting and writing Robert Fulton once wrote The mechanic should sit down among levers screws wedges wheels etc like a poet among the letters of the alphabet considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts in which a new arrangement transmits a new idea
    When all these shaping forces—schools open attitudes the premium system a genius for spatial thinking —interacted with one another on the rich US mainland they produced that American characteristic emulation Today that word implies mere imitation But in earlier times it meant a friendly but competitive striving for fame and excellence
    23 According to the author the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large part due to        
    [A] elementary schools [B] enthusiastic workers
    [C] the attractive premium system [D] a special way of thinking
    24 It is implied that adaptiveness and inventiveness of the early American mechanics        
    [A] benefited a lot from their mathematical knowledge
    [B] shed light on disciplined school management
    [C] was brought about by privileged home training
    [D] owed a lot to the technological development
    25 A technologist can be compared to an artist because         
    [A] they are both winners of awards
    [B] they are both experts in spatial thinking
    [C] they both abandon verbal description
    [D] they both use various instruments
    26 The best title for this passage might be        
    [A] Inventive Mind [B] Effective Schooling
    [C] Ways of Thinking [D] Outpouring of Inventions
    Passage 5
    Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationismevolution are in the publisher’s pipelines A few have already appeared The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life Cosmology geology and biology have provided a consistent unified and constantly improving account of what happened Scientific creationism which is being pushed by some for equal time in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given is based on religion not science Virtually all scientists and the majority of nonfundamentalist religious leaders have come to regard scientific creationism as bad science and bad religion
    The first four chapters of Kitcher’s book give a very brief introduction to evolution At appropriate places he introduces the criticisms of the creationists and provides answers In the last three chapters he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating He describes their programmes and tactics and for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an unpleasant surprise When their basic motivation is religious one might have expected more Christian behavior
    Kitcher is a philosopher and this may account in part for the clarity and effectiveness of his arguments The nonspecialist will be able to obtain at least a notion of the sorts of data and argument that support evolutionary theory The final chapters on the creationists will be extremely clear to all On the dust jacket of this fine book Stephen Jay Gould says
    This book stands for reason itself And so it does and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationismevolution debate
    27 Creationism in the passage refers to         
    [A] evolution in its true sense as to the origin of the universe
    [B] a notion of the creation of religion
    [C] the scientific explanation of the earth formation
    [D] the deceptive theory about the origin of the universe
    28 Kitcher’s book is intended to        
    [A] recommend the views of the evolutionists
    [B] expose the true features of creationists
    [C] curse bitterly at his opponents
    [D] launch a surprise attack on creationists
    29 From the passage we can infer that         
    [A] reasoning has played a decisive role in the debate
    [B] creationists do not base their argument on reasoning
    [C] evolutionary theory is too difficult for nonspecialists
    [D] creationism is supported by scientific findings
    30 This passage appears to be a digest of         
    [A] a book review [B] a scientific paper
    [C] a magazine feature [D] a newspaper editorial
    Part ⅢEnglish—Chinese Translation
    Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2 (15 points)
    The differences in relative growth of various areas of scientific research have several causes 31)Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent selfaccelerating Some however are less reasonable processes of different growth in which preconceptions of the form scientific theory ought to take by persons in authority act to alter the growth pattern of different areas This is a new problem probably not yet unavoidable but it is a frightening trend 32)This trend began during the Second World War when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail It can be predicted however that from time to time questions will arise which will require specific scientific answers It is therefore generally valuable to treat the scientific establishment as a resource or machine to be kept in functional order 33)This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future
    This kind of support like all government support requires decisions about the appropriate recipients of funds Decisions based on utility as opposed to lack of utility are straightforward But a decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult The goal of the supporting agencies is the praisable one of supporting good as opposed to bad science but a valid determination is difficult to make Generally the idea of good science tends to become confused with the capacity of the field in question to generate an elegant theory 34)However the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world’s more fascinating and delightful aspects 35)New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past giving rise to new standards of elegance
    Section Ⅳ Writing
    36 Directions
    B Time limit 40minutes
    C Word limit 120—150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
    D Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence The desire for good health is universal
    E Your composition must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET
    1 Importance of good health
    2 Ways to keep fit
    3 My own practices
    Part ⅠCloze Test
    1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 D 8B 9 C 10 A
    Part ⅡReading Comprehension
    Part A
    Passage 1 11 B 12 A 13D 14 A
    Passage 2 15B 16C 17C 18D
    Passage 3 19C 20A 21C 22D
    Passage 4 23D 24A 25B 26A
    Passage 5 27D 28B 29B 30A
    Part Ⅲ EnglishChinese Translation
    Section ⅣWriting(15 points)
    Part ⅠCloze Test
    1[A] either [B] so [C] nor [D] never
    [精解] 题考核知识点:否定倒装句连词
    四选项中either表示否定句中般放句尾例:She didn’t go there either()so 引导倒装句肯定句中表示
    :They can leave now so can we(现离开)nor引导倒装句否定句中构成notnor(……)固定结构:You can’t do it nor can I(做件事)never引导倒装句表示否定必须放句首:Never in my life have I heard such nonsense(辈子没听说样稽谈)综合素C正确选项
    2[A] shifting换转移 [B] transferring迁移移动传递
    [C] altering改变变动 [D] transforming转换改变
    [精解] 题考核知识点:惯搭配 + 动词词义辨析
    shift into搭配:The wind shifted to the south(风转南吹)transfer位置改变into搭配:His employer transferred him to another office(老板调办公室)alter强调部分少量变动程度较轻:These clothes are too large they must be altered(衣服太修改)三词表示事物质改变
    知识点补充:trans前缀动词连表示横越转变转移例:transact(办理 交易 谈判 处理)transatlantic(横渡西洋)transnational(跨越国界)transplant(移植)transport(运输)
    3[A] any [B] some
    [C] anything事物 [D] something某事物
    [精解] 题考核知识点:定代词法
    空格句子and连接列句前分句There are thirteen or more of them中them指vitamins分句if引导条件状语句意果…缺乏(会出现)维生素缺乏症if引导句中谓语动词is单数表示单数意义定代词作选项
    首先排some般肯定句做语时谓语动词复数次anythingsomething泛指事某事放入句中符句意any放入相any of them维生素注意any般否定疑问句中做语时谓语动词常单数:Any of the hunters is able to catch the tiger singlehanded(猎单独抓住老虎)答案选A
    4[A] serious严重严肃认真 [B] apparent明显
    [C] severe严厉剧烈严峻 [D] fatal致命
    [精解] 题考核知识点:形容词词义辨析
    5[A] mostly部分 [B] partially部分
    [C] sometimes 时候 [D] rarely少罕
    [精解] 题考核知识点:逻辑语义搭配 + 副词词义辨析
    句破折号举例说明维生素组成成分:碳氢氧5氮and 表明成分间列关系选项应usually相呼应usually频度副词选项应频度副词选项中mostlypartially频率副词强调事物部分整体关系:The audience consisted mostly of women(观众妇女)The driver is partially to blame for the accident(司机次车祸应负部分责)rarely频率副词含否定含义句中前连词and应改表示转折关系butsometimes正确选项全句意通常碳氢氧时候氮
    6[A] in that…方面
    [B] so that致便(引导结果目状语句)
    [C] such that样(连接两完整句子)
    [D] except that
    [精解] 题考核知识点:逻辑关系
    句提维生素相似原句开始提维生素区两句子行结构预测句半句会解释什文果然提原元素排列方式种元素体()种种特殊功空格处应填入表果关系连接原状语句短语选项中except that表果so thatsuch that面接结果in that面接原空格前面different介词in连表示方面
    例句补充:Selfcriticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes(批评必帮助改正错误)Speak louder so that all the people in the hall can hear you(声点讲 便厅里听清)The situation was such that political observers found it difficult to predict(形势连政治观察家觉难预料)His account is correct except that some details are omitted(细节未提外叙述正确)
    7[A] undertakes承担采取 [B] holds保存握握
    [C] plays担承担 [D] performs表演执行履行
    [精解] 题考核知识点:动宾搭配
    题考查动词function搭配四选项中function搭配performperform a function(具…功发挥…作):The brain performs a very important function it controls the nervous system of the body(脑具非常重功控制着身体神系统)文中意种元素体承担种种特殊功function搭配动词fulfillserve等选项常搭配:undertake a missiontaskproject承担命务工程hold a share持股份play a rolepart扮演…角色
    8[A] Supplying补供提供补充
    [B] Getting获变成收获
    [C] Providing供应供准备预防
    [D] Furnishing供应提供装备布置
    [精解] 题考核知识点:动名词逻辑语 + 动词词义辨析
    题空格句子含步状语句复合句:8enough vitamins is essential to life although the body has no nutritional use for9vitamins中空格部分enough vitamins构成动名词复合结构做句语考生关键判断出空格处填入动名词逻辑语面although引导步状语句中语:the body样动名词表示动作必须the body发出接enough vitamins做宾语选项中SupplyingProvidingFurnishing均表示提供供应动作发出者身体句子表达含义身体需获取维生素营养提供Getting(获取获)符合
    知识点补充:supplyprovidefurnish组义词提供供应含义furnish指提供基必物品译配备:furnish the new apartment(新房间配备家具)supply强调提供物品备需时候译供供应常with搭配:supply the market with new commodities(市场供应新商品)provide强调提供物品…做准备常介词forwithagainst搭配providewith意…提供provide foragainst指困难做准备防备:He worked hard to provide for his old age(努力赚钱防老)
    9[A] exceptional例外异常 [B] exceeding非常极度度
    [C] excess额外余 [D] external外部客观外
    [精解] 题考核知识点:文语义 + 形容词词义辨析
    题空格部分although引导步状语句前面句提获取足够维生素必句相反角度说明获取维生素体意义have use for固定短语意
    需否定疑问句中:I have no further use for it(需)根句含义考生需判断体什维生素没营养需选项中首先排externalexceptional存外部维生素例外维生素剩两选项中exceeding指修饰成分超出般限度:exceeding darkness(极度黑暗)exceeding beauty(美丽)显然直接修饰维生素excess指超正常需数额数量强调摄入维生素符合逻辑
    10[A] nevertheless然(表示转折关系)
    [B] therefore(表果关系)
    [C] moreover外(表示递进关系)
    [D] meanwhile(at the same time)时(表示时间关系)
    [精解] 题考核知识点:逻辑关系
    Part ⅡReading Comprehension
    Passage 1
    11What do the elders mean when they say It’s not what you want in this world but what you get
    11年长者说:It’s not what you want in this world but what you get什意思?
    [A] You’ll certainly get what you want
    [A] 肯定想东西
    [B] It’s no use dreaming
    [B] 梦想没
    [C] You should be dissatisfied with what you have
    [C] 应该满足已东西()
    [D] It’s essential to set a goal for yourself
    [D] 确立目标(想)非常重
    [精解] 题考核知识点:句意题
    原句it’s notbut结构否定想肯定什想什重B选项较概括原文意思正确答案A选项强调想定中certainly词绝第二段提想条件:知道需什求合理C选项中满足文中没容D选项强调想重性原句意思相反
    技巧:题属句子理解题考生需反复琢磨句意注意选项中what you want what you get具体化含义
    12A blueprint made before inviting a friend to dinner is used in this passage as        
    [A] an illustration of how to write an application for a job
    [B] an indication of how to secure a good job
    [B] 获份工作暗示
    [C] a guideline for job description
    [C] 职位描述指导
    [D] a principle for job evaluation
    [D] 工作评估原
    [精解] 题考核知识点:作者意图题
    题干容第三段中举例举例说明点文该段第句中作者表述观点:日常生活中停勾画样(愿)蓝图请吃饭前制定计划说明勾画愿蓝图例子第四段首逻辑词likewise (样样)表明面提容请朋友吃饭前制定计划样勾画愿蓝图整第四段介绍找工作前应写简历A选项举例说明容
    BCD选项中分出现good jobjob descriptionjob evaluation原文未容
    技巧:涉举例题文阅读甚重考生关键通句子间逻辑关系准确握作者写作意图外熟悉段落关联词短语法:likewise表列暗示成分间等相似例句:This place is pretty beautiful likewise the people here 方美美
    13According to the passage one must write an account of himself before starting to find a job because        
    [A] that is the first step to please the employer
    [A] 取悦雇第步
    [B] that is the requirement of the employer
    [B] 雇求
    [C] it enables him to know when to sell his services
    [C] 明白时推销服务
    [D] it forces him to become clearly aware of himself
    [D] 够清楚解
    [精解] 题考核知识点:事实细节题
    根题干关键词before starting to find a job定位第四段第二句该句中for引导原状语句该题作回答:确切知道够提供什服务时明智筹划里推销D选项句改写中exactlyclearly相应know what you have to offerbecome aware of himself 致C选项偷梁换柱该原句中where换成when
    14When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires you have something        
    [A] definite to offer
    [A] 明确提供
    [B] imaginary to provide
    [B] 想提供
    [C] practical to supply
    [C] 实际提供
    [D] desirable to present
    [D] 提供令满意
    [精解] 题考核知识点:词义题
    题题干文章段第句模样sell四选项中分换成义词offerprovidesupplypresent题考点文中tangible词理解联系文第五段中提简历中教育背景工作历证明材料求职硬件推测tangible含义tangible意clear and definite(明确确实)A选项正确答案B容易排Practical意workable useful(行)计划蓝图中东西定行令满意排CD
    ①It’s not what you want in this world but what you get
    句中it’s notbut结构表示……否定前者肯定者
    知识点补充:but作介词法例:nothing but仅仅:Nothing but a miracle can save her now(现出现奇迹救活)anything but根:He is anything but mad(点生气)
    ②You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living
    句and连接两列句前分句中as引导较状语句make a blueprint of a desire make a blueprint of a house作较第二分句干:each of us is making blueprints
    ③While talking to you your couldbe employer is deciding whether your education your experience and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your wares and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner
    该句干While … your couldbe employer is deciding whether and your wares and abilities must be displayed前分句中while引导伴状语句whether引导宾语句该句中列语your education your experience and other qualifications谓语部分pay him面定式做状语And面列句动语态中in … manner方式状语
    知识点补充:pay sb to do sth意思干某事某利:It will pay you to be careful(心谨慎处) couldbe意思未wares义货物商品里表示应聘者够展示出资格力
    ①Likewise if you want to find a job take a sheet of paper and write a brief account of yourself
    ②Keep your eyes and ears open and use your own judgement
    例句补充:Keep your eyes and ears open and use your own judgement Then you can find something of real value(保持耳目灵敏运判断样会发现真正价值东西)
    (1) tightlipped(a)沉默寡言出言谨慎
    (2) psychology(n)心理学
    (3) blueprint(n)蓝图详细计划方案
    (4) likewise(adv)样样wise 缀表示样子位置状态:clockwise(时针方) lengthwise(竖着)
    (5) account(n)叙述描述
    (6) routine(n)固定规事常规
    (7) reference(n)证明文书 介绍信推荐
    (8) sketch(n)概述概梗概
    (9) secure(vt)~sth (for sb sth)(尤指努力)获取实现:He secured a place for himself at law school (法学院取学籍) ~sth (againstfrom sth)某事物安全保护 :to secure a property against intruders(保护房产免外闯入)
    Passage 2
    15The world famous BBC now faces        
    [A] the problem of news coverage
    [A] 新闻报道覆盖范围问题
    [B] an uncertain prospect
    [B] 确定前景
    [C] inquiries by the general public
    [C] 公众提出调查
    [D] shrinkage of audience
    [D] 观(听)众减少
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    文章第二段描述BBC开播接收范围节目类型已非常广泛两段间and 相连表明种承列关系介绍BBC令乐观面接着第三段首句yet表明前两段转折关系yet the BBC’s future is now in doubt(BBC前景明)说明现面情况B选项正确答案中原文futurein doubt应选项中prospectuncertain
    技巧:议文非常强调逻辑严谨性考生应特注意表示逻辑关系关联词短语:although though but yet however等握作者思路
    16In the passage which of the following about the BBC is not mentioned as the key issue
    [A] Extension of its TV service to Far East
    [A] 电视广播扩展远东区
    [B] Programmes as the subject of a nationwide debate
    [B] 电视节目成全国谈话题
    [C] Potentials for further international cooperations
    [C] 进步国际合作潜力
    [D] Its existence as a broadcasting organization
    [精解] 题考核知识点:事实细节题
    解题采排法A选项文章第段提成千万亚美观众现观收听该公司新闻报道选项中Far East西方国家亚洲东部国家称呼B选项D选项文章第三段第二句提BBC公司作国家赞助广播机构存少暂时会样位规模节目类型已成全英国谈话题文章提BBC身变革未涉国际合作问题C选项答案
    17The BBC’s royal charter (line 4 paragraph 4) stands for        
    17BBCroyal charter(第四段第四行)指        
    [A] the financial support from the royal family
    [A] 皇室家庭资助
    [B] the privileges granted by the Queen
    [B] 女王赋予特权
    [C] a contract with the Queen
    [C] 女王签合
    [D] a unique relationship with the royal family
    [D] 皇室家庭特关系
    [精解] 题考核知识点:词义题
    第四段末句提政府进行民意调查原:the BBC’s royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organization as it is or to make changes见royal charterBBS存关联解题关键解run out 含义run out 表示完期意构成谓搭配C选项英国君立宪制国家女王签约表明BBC国家办广播公司非私营企业
    18The foremost reason why the BBC has to readjust itself is no other than        
    [A] the emergence of commercial TV channels
    [A] 商业电视频道出现
    [B] the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government
    [B] 政府广播法实施
    [C] the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs
    [C] 降低成减少员工迫切需求
    [D] the challenge of new satellite channels
    [D] 新卫星电视频道挑战
    [精解] 题考核知识点:事实细节题
    文章第六段首先指出BBC进行改革接着陆续出原:周边广播业正发生变化政府广播法实施迫电视商业频道进步商业化进广告业相互竞争降低成减少劳务长远带变化新卫星频道实际原纳两点:电视频道进步商业化趋势卫星电视频道出现句强调句型It is the arrivalwhich willthe biggest changes强调原更具重性中biggest选项中foremost义D选项正确答案ABC选项前原相关容原
    技巧:果关系中原常考点考生需众原中辨次注意词汇(mainy chief)句型结构(强调句)暗示
    补充:no other than意正:He is no other than my old friend Jones老友琼斯
    ①They are brought sport comedy drama music news and current affairs education religion parliamentary coverage children’s programmes and films for an annual licence fee of £83 per household
    该句干They are brought…谓语动语态bring接双宾结构bring them sth 转化直接宾语sport comedy drama等串列名词构成for an annual…作状语
    ②The corporation will survive as a publiclyfunded broadcasting organizationat least for the time beingbut its roleits size and its programmes are now the subject of a nationwide debate in Britain
    该句but连接两转折关系分句前半句The corporation will survive as …中at least for the time being意思眼暂时里做时间状语半句干表达A are the subject of B(AB象)
    ③The debate was launched by the Government which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC—including ordinary listeners and viewers—to say what was good or bad about the Corporation and even whether they thought it was worth keeping
    该句干:The debate was launched by the Government面which 引导非限定性定语句修饰government句干:which invited anyone to sayanyonewith引导介词短语修饰限制译法两破折号间插入语样 anyone进行补充说明to say两宾语成分what was good or bad about the Corporationwhether they thought it was worth keeping副词even表进步强调
    ④The BBC ain’t broke they say by which they mean it is not broken (as distinct from the word broke’ meaning having no money) so why bother to change it
    该句调整句序应:They say the BBCain’t broke … so why bother to change it干部分so连接两果关系分句前分句中which引导定语句修饰ain’t broke括号部分指出broken(破损)broke(破产)含义分句why bother to do sth 反问句属非正式法
    ⑤But it is the arrival of new satellite channels—funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’subscriptions—which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term
    句干it is the arrival which强调句强调部分语the arrival of new satellite channels破折号中间容分词结构置修饰名词做定语
    ① And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to two BBC television channels five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio stations
    (1) coverage(n)覆盖总括新闻报道
    (2) tune(n)调子谐(v)调音调整~in to调谐收听
    (3) annual(a)年年度(n)年刊年鉴
    (4) licence(n)执许证准许许
    (5) stretch (v)拉长延伸~ing back 回溯…
    (6) in doubt准确定注意doubt suspect区:doubt事物真伪事成功等怀疑:I doubt his honesty 动词doubtbutbutthat意义相:I do not doubt but(that)he is ill怀疑病Suspect猜疑设想某欺诈私通犯罪嫌疑时通常suspect表示:I suspect some falsehood in what he says怀疑话中虚假
    (7) subject(n)题科目语(v)~(to)遭受服(a)易遭…受…支配
    (8) charter(n)契约特许证特许权常常合约正式文书形式授权成立某种机构营某种业务规定权限目标royal charter(皇家特许权)常常指国王女王签订契约取营某种业务特许权
    (9) subscriptions(n)订阅订购subscribe(v)
    Passage 3
    19It’s true of the old family firms that        
    [A] they were spoiled by the younger generations
    [A] 年轻代毁
    [B] they failed for lack of individual initiative
    [B] 缺乏独创性失败
    [C] they lacked efficiency compared with modern companies
    [C] 现代公司相缺乏效率
    [D] they could supply adequate services to the taxpayers
    [D] 够纳税提供足够服务
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    A选项属度推理文中提decline in efficiency commonly spoiled the fourtunes of family firms见家族企业败坏晚辈手中根原效率低该段第四句表明(家族企业限责公司)变化独创集体创业迈出步推知家族企业缺乏独创精神B选项原文符D选项属张冠李戴该段句提市政局开始纳税提供种服务旧式家族企业关
    20The growth of limited liability companies resulted in        
    [A] the separation of capital from management
    [A] 资理分离
    [B] the ownership of capital by managers
    [B] 资权理掌握
    [C] the emergence of capital and labour as two classes
    [C] 劳资两阶级出现
    [D] the participation of shareholders in municipal business
    [D] 股东参市政企业
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    21According to the passage all of the following are true except that        
    [A] the shareholders were unaware of the needs of the workers
    [A] 股东解工需
    [B] the old firm owners had a better understanding of their workers
    [B] 旧式家族企业业更解工
    [C] the limited liability companies were too large to run smoothly
    [C] 限责公司太运转艰难
    [D] the trade unions seemed to play a positive role
    [D] 工会似起着积极作
    [精解] 题考核知识点:事实细节题
    22The author is most critical of        
    [A] family firm owners
    [A] 家族企业业
    [B] landowners
    [B] 土者
    [C] managers
    [C] 理
    [D] shareholders
    [D] 股东

    [精解] 题考核知识点:作者态度题
    通观全文发现文章花许笔墨描述股东阶层第二段第四句中说comfortable class关系仅仅限抽取红利偶尔参加股东会议企业理指手画脚shareholding 意味着悠闲第三段首句提股东解工生活思想需求引号次表示作者称号否定推知作者股东阶层持强烈批评态度D选项正确答案作者选项中群没明显批评
    ①The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders
    该句子干The change met requirementsand prevented the decline中and连接met prevent两列动词前动词metby引导介词词组做方式状语the decline in efficiency that引导定语句注意the second and third generation 定语句时间状语中spoiled 动作实施者真正实施者the decline in efficiency
    ②Such large impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business
    句子语Such large impersonal manipulation of capital and industry谓语increased宾语the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class句中an element in national life 位语指持股阶层shareholders as a class进行进步解释中representing现分词做置定语两detached分词均修饰irresponsible wealth
    ③ Towns like Bournemouth and Eastbourne sprang up to house large comfortable classes who had retired on their incomes and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders’ meeting to dictate their orders to the management
    句中干Towns … sprang up to …语like引导介词短语语举例解释to house large comfortable classes 表示目接着两who引导列定语句修饰classes
    知识点补充:句中house动词意思供…居住:We house the immigrants (移民提供住房收留移民)
    ④ The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away
    该句干The paid manager …was in … relation with … but …he had … knowledge …but连接转折关系两分句前分句语The paid manager 现分词结构进行解释but 分句干he had knowledgewhich引导定语句knowledge进行修饰now passing away the old family business修饰成分
    知识点补充:pass away意思停止消逝:Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom pass away with them(许智老杀害量智慧财富起消失)
    ① The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other’s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation
    仿句话表达方式表达某客观素促分歧两派物坐协商解:The common enemy brought the two used to be rival countries to respect each other’s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation
    (1) bureaucracy(n)行政系统官僚政治官僚体制
    (2) collectivism(n) 集体义(制度)collective(n)集体(a)集体collect (n)收集
    (3) discipline(n)训练磨炼纪律学科
    (4) engage(v)(in)()事忙着订婚雇佣
    (5) initiative(n)创始第步动精神(a)创始起始initiate(v)
    (6) liability(n)责义务(pl)债务
    (7) on modern lines根现代求现代方式注意line关短语:1)in line:成直线排成行:The boys were standing in line 2)in line with:…成直线…致:He is in line with our previous policy意先前办法3)do sthalong on sound correct lines use good methods 良正确方法处理事务:He is studying the subject on sound lines
    (8) patriarchal(a)家长族长父权制patriarch(n)
    (9) rendered(v)致~ sth (a):~ such personal relations impossible
    (10) term(n)学期期限期间(pl)on equal ~s 等位in ~s of …措辞
    Passage 4
    23According to the author the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large part due to        
    [A] elementary schools
    [A] 初等教育
    [B] enthusiastic workers
    [B] 充满热情工
    [C] the attractive premium system
    [C] 吸引奖励制度
    [D] a special way of thinking
    [D] 特殊思维方式
    [精解] 题考核知识点:事实细节题
    文章首句设问句题干改写中due toaccount for义短语第二段设问予回答出原:优秀初等教育欢迎新技术劳动力发明者奖励制度重美国技术性事物进行非语言空间思维前面三原间分号表明种列关系说明分号前等重原分号above all(重)词题干中in a large part义显示面容前面列原相更具重性D选项正确答案选项次原 技巧:文章首句出现问句般设问句问必答回答文章中心句表明作者态度句子
    24It is implied that adaptiveness and inventiveness of the early American mechanics        
    [A] benefited a lot from their mathematical knowledge
    [A] 程度益数学知识
    [B] shed light on disciplined school management
    [B] 解释严格学校理
    [C] was brought about by privileged home training
    [C] 产生优越家庭训练
    [D] owed a lot to the technological development
    [D] 程度功技术发展
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    根题干中关键词adaptiveness and inventiveness定位文章第四段首句该句指出:敏锐外国观察家美国适应力创新力教育优势(this educational advantage)联系起解题关键找教育优势指什This作代词般回复指前述容第三段末句谈早期技工文化熟知算术(arithmetic)通晓学(geometry)三角学(trigonometry)知种教育优势熟练掌握数学A选项正确答案
    B选项干扰第四段末句该句提彻底学校训练(school discipline)美国伙子迅速成长技术员里学校训练指文中数学教育优势非选项中学校理C选项中home training 第三段at home in(熟知)进行断章取义D选项文中未提
    25A technologist can be compared to an artist because        
    [A] they are both winners of awards
    [A] 获奖者
    [B] they are both experts in spatial thinking
    [B] 空间思维专家
    [C] they both abandon verbal description
    [C] 放弃语言描述
    [D] they both use various instruments
    [D] 种工具
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    第七段中引Eugene Ferguson话说明技术专家非语言方式进行思考第八段首句指出:种非语言空间思维创造力绘画写作相接着文章引Robert Fulton话说明a mechanica poet空间思维方面相通处B选项正确答案
    26The best title for this passage might be        
    [A] Inventive Mind
    [A] 发明创造精神
    [B] Effective Schooling
    [B] 效教育
    [C] Ways of Thinking
    [C] 思维方式
    [D] Outpouring of Inventions
    [D] 发明热
    [精解] 题考核知识点:文章旨题
    ①Because thanks to these schools our early mechanics especially in the New England and Middle Atlantic states were generally literate and at home in arithmetic and in some aspects of geometry and trigonometry
    句子干 … our early mechanics … were generally literate and at home in …语前because引导原状语句句中两逗号间容especially in插入成分our early mechanics进行点补充说明表语in短语表示…方面
    知识点补充:Thanks to意幸亏:Thanks to a good teachershe passed the examination
    ②A further stimulus to invention came from the premium system which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it
    句中which引导非限制定语句修饰premium system句干which preceded… and … ran parallel with…
    知识点补充:precede物动词意思…前例:Thick black clouds always precede a heavy rain(雨前总乌云密布)run parallel with意…驾齐驱:His words always run parallel with his action(说做)
    ③Americans flocked to these fairs to admire the new machines and thus to renew their faith in the beneficence of technological advance
    该句语Americans谓语flocked to面接动词定式to admireand thus to renew做谓语目状语
    知识点补充:flock to意涌 :Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology(学生正量事诸遗传学分子生物等领域研究)fairs指博览会
    ④Given this optimistic approach to technological innovation the American workers took readily to that special kind of nonverbal thinking required in mechanical technology
    句子干… the American workers took readily to that special kind of nonverbal thinking…Given…分词作条件状语结构required分词做置定语修饰that special kind of nonverbal thinking
    知识点补充:Given 介词意思考虑…take to意适应…做出反应:He took to Latin as a duck takes to water(学拉丁文鸭子嬉水样毫费力)
    ⑤As Eugene Ferguson has pointed out A technologist thinks about objects that cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions they are dealt with in his mind by a visual nonverbal processThe designer and the inventorare able to assemble and manipulate in their minds devices that as yet do not exist
    该句体部分直接引语部分两句子组成第句子分号连接两列句:a technologist thinks about objects that they are dealt withby前分句中that引导定语句修饰objects分句动语态中they指代前面objects第二句子较简单干中The designer and the inventorare able to…中that引导定语句修饰devices
    ① Among I would single out a labor force that the practice of and above all the American genius for
    ② Robert Fulton once wrote The mechanic should sit down among levers screws wedges wheels etc like a poet among the letters of the alphabet considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts in which a new arrangement transmits a new idea
    (1) outburst(n)(情感力量等)爆发迸发暴乱
    (2) shaping factors 成shaping(a)成型塑造
    (3) single out挑出single(v)挑出突出
    (4) premium(n)酬金额外费奖赏保险费
    (5) nonverbal(a)非言辞语言non前缀表示非:nonsensenonfiction
    (6) discipline(n)训练纪律学科惩戒(v)训练锻炼惩罚惩戒
    (7) incentive(n)鼓励奖励刺激动机
    (8) flock(n)群(禽畜群)量众(v)群集成群
    (9) beneficence(n)行善馈赠beneficial(a)~(to)利益
    (10) emulation(n)仿效竞争竞赛emulate(v)仿效努力赶超
    Passage 5
    27Creationism in the passage refers to        
    [A] evolution in its true sense as to the origin of the universe
    [B] a notion of the creation of religion
    [C] the scientific explanation of the earth formation
    [D] the deceptive theory about the origin of the universe
    [精解] 题考核知识点:词义题
    28Kitcher’s book is intended to        
    [A] recommend the views of the evolutionists
    [B] expose the true features of creationists
    [C] curse bitterly at his opponents
    [D] launch a surprise attack on creationists
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    文章第二段提该书前四章简介绍进化适方作者引入创世非难提供回答书三章毫手软创世者进行猛烈抨击(a good beating)揭露行动计划骗手段欺骗事实扭曲说明书目A选项B选项
    作者创世进行批评时提供批评者回应全书印象理智代表毫漫骂嫌C选项错curse词D选项该段第四句中an unpleasant surprise解释a surprise attack述象发生偏差原文指熟悉创世创世者欺骗歪曲事实程度感吃惊D选项中surprise创世者
    29From the passage we can infer that        
    [A] reasoning has played a decisive role in the debate
    [B] creationists do not base their argument on reasoning
    [C] evolutionary theory is too difficult for nonspecialists
    [D] creationism is supported by scientific findings
    [精解] 题考核知识点:推理引申题
    文章句带倒装结构表虚拟语气句子正常语序all would be well if reason were the only judge in the creationismevolution debate该句指出果理性创世进化争惟裁判者问题容易解决句子虚拟语气表明creationism 未讲理性理性尚未争中起决定性作排A选项出B选项正确外第二段知金切尔站进化边反创世文章倒数第二句指出书代表理性身推批判象creationists 代表理性出B选项正确
    30This passage appears to be a digest of        
    [A] a book review
    [B] a scientific paper
    [C] a magazine feature
    [D] a newspaper editorial
    [精解] 题考核知识点:引申推理题(文章类型)
    ①The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life
    该句干The goal will be to try to explainexplain接双宾语explain to sb sth直接宾语that引导句该句干there are not two theories for中originevolutionuniverselifeand连接列名词
    ②scientific creationism which is being pushed by some for equal time in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given is based on religion not science
    该句干:scientific creationism … is based on religion not science谓间which引导非限定性定语句creationism进步说明该定语句动语态句中whenever引导时间状语句该句动语态
    ③On the dust jacket of this fine book Stephen Jay Gould says This book stands for reason itself And so it does—and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationism evolution debate
    第句较简单直接引语第二句前半句And so it does表示前面讲情况表示感:That’s Tom look So it is( 瞧汤姆?)半句虚拟语气句all would be well句省略if必须进行倒装正常语序and all would be well if reason were the only judge in the creationism evolution debate
    知识点补充:stand for意代表代:In many cultures white stands for purity(文化中白色代表纯洁)
    ①In the last three chapters he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating
    take off one’s gloves and give sb a good beating字面意思脱手套狠狠揍某顿拳击运动发展短语里生动描述作者抨击创造者时毫手软态度仿造类似句子:At the beginning of the debate he just expressed his ideas calmly But later he took off his gloves and criticized his opponents’ idea violently (辩开始时静表达观点话锋犀利起开始强烈抨击手观点)
    (1) account(n)报告叙述byfrom all ~s 说根报道give a goodpoor etc~ of oneself 表现账目账单账户户头
    (2) citizenry(n)(总称)老百姓公民市民
    (3) cosmology(n)宇宙宇宙哲学cosmic(a)宇宙
    (4) dust jacket(n)(精装书)护封包书外起保护装饰作纸封面jacket (n)衣夹克(锅炉等)保温套(发动机)冷套(精装书)护封(马铃薯)皮
    (5) motivation(n)动力诱刺激提供动机motive (n)动机目
    (6) nonfundamentalist(n)非原教旨义者fundamentalist(n)原教旨义者fundamental(a)基础基(n)(pl)基原基原理基部分
    (7) nonspecialist(n)非专家specialist(n)专家specialize (v)专攻专门研究专业化~ in
    (8) notion(n)概念想法意念法观点
    (9) pipeline(n)供应线道线
    (10) unenlightened(a)未受启蒙愚昧知落enlightened (a)开明知识文明enlightening(a)启迪作enlightenment(n)
    Part Ⅲ English—Chinese Translation
    31[精解] 题考核知识点:分词结构列结构翻译
    该句两简单句组成包含someothers列结构诸not onlybut also eitheror等等列结构固定译法列句子结构相似常互相参理解句中some of these causes知others指other causesconsequences意思results基相第二简单句中介宾短语in science being to some extent selfaccelerating修饰advances中分词结构being selfaccelerating现分词做定语修饰particular advances in science仅仅science翻译时原分词结构动词化处理译成科学某特定发展加速
    词汇: to some extent固定词组意定程度completely reasonable(results)直译完全合理意译然然纯属
    32[精解] 题考核知识点:位语句翻译非限定性定语句翻译动句译法
    该句干This trend began during the Second World War when…中when引导时间状语句先行词the Second World War非限定性定语句考生误译成政府出…结时导致二战爆发没通读全文分析句子结构结果非限定定语句先行词联系紧密翻译时般外成句译时时conclusion接位语句汉语中表示位样词号破折号样标点句干:the demandscannotbe foreseen动语态注意译成字句demandsthat引导定语句a governmentestablishment
    词汇:许考生scientific establishment译成科学基establishment词掌握缘应该科研机构Make demands of 指…提出求of表示象
    33[精解] 题考核知识点:this代词指代定语修饰成分状语位置
    简单句句子干This seemsdone by语this实际指前文problem根汉语搭配惯done 句中应指问题解决mostly effectively进行修饰research 接related toof possible两but连接列修饰语译成前置定语某情况(定语太长)根汉语惯科研代research定语单独成句by +Ving结构里表示方式:通…做状语中文翻译时般前置
    词汇:of+名词表示事物性质of possible consequences意作
    34[精解] 题考核知识点:词义选择
    句子干:the world is so made thatthat引导结果状语句be made意构成干意思世界样创建…
    词汇:elegant 面第5题中elegancesystemsthoughtsubjects关显然译成优雅里elegant systems应该译完美体系外作者口气推断想说种表面起理实际法解决世界某问题aspects意思指世界方面种种问题in principle意原说般言deal with意处理解决
    35[精解] 题考核知识点:省略句译法as well asmust译法
    句子干New formsas well as new subjectsmust arise句中as they have完整省略句前文相应谓结构补全处补成as they have arisen句中做方式状语句they 指代复数名词应该指句子语new forms of thought as well as new subjects for thoughtgiving rise to new standards of elegance句分开现分词做结果状语
    词汇:注意句中must 译成必须表示推测as they have in the past指样出现must里意思必然必定arise指出现兴起give rise to意引起导致
    Section Ⅳ Writing
    文命题形式提纲式控制性写作提纲三点求:健康重性保持健康身体方法实践出起始句The desire for good health is universal
    The desire for good health is universal Wherever you are and whatever you dostaying healthy precedes a successful career and a happy life People with good health can do work with full energy and confidence and their progress in turn contributes to their health and happiness On the contrary a sick one usually lacks the vigor and interest to fulfill his or her role in life which deprives him or her of many opportunities to become successful and happy
    Realizing the importance of good health is far from being enough We must do something effective to keep fit The best place to begin is at the dinner table Eating less junk food and having a balanced diet is the first step for most people The next step is to exercise regularly Vigorous exercise can benefit not only the muscles but also the organs Last but not the least don
    ’t damage the body with drugsincluding cigarettes and too much alcohol
    As far as I am is concernedI am neither indulged in food nor in such harmful substances as cigarettes or alcohol Moreover doing exercises is part of my routine life Therefore I am in good shape and always energetic
    文章结构:结构该范文提纲求分三段述第段采先总分写作方法段首题目中出题句接正反写法进行证印象深刻第二段段首题句The best place to beginThe next stepLast but not the least分引导保持身体健康提出三点建议段落部层次分明第三段采先分总写作方法呼应段建议谈实际情况段尾进行总结
    1 universal:普遍例:It is a universally accepted idea that …(…普遍接受观点)
    2 precede:…前代表达:is the basis ofis the foundation of
    3 in turn:反类似法词consequently()
    4 On the contrary:相反类似表示短语:unlike in contrast whereas rather than conversely instead by contrast等
    5 deprive sb of sth:剥夺某某物(某种权利)例:Many children are deprived of their rights to receive education because of poverty(孩子贫穷剥夺受教育权利)
    6 is far from:原…远非…例:The present situation is far from being satisfying(目前情况远非令满意)
    7 junk food:垃圾食品(指没营养食物)考生注意收集关食物词汇:take out(外卖) fast food(快餐)
    8 a balanced diet:均衡饮食
    9 Last but not the least:点重点
    10 As far as I am is concerned:as far as … be concerned谈……提起话题
    11 indulge:be indulged in …沉湎…
    12 routine life:日常生活routineregular义词
    ①词义冗余:In my opinion I think a good diet is the most important thing (In my opinion I think a good diet is the most important thing)
    ②词义错误:Practice is very important to health (Exercise is very important to health)
    ③句子结构混乱:So careful the health not just think medicine can care for all the illness(So pay attention to your health and do not just think medicine can cure all the illness)
    ④累赘:Eating no food shouldn’t be considered as the only way to solve the problem of keeping health(Eating little is not the only way to keep health)
    ⑤句子结构行:We should try our best to keep healthy by taking exercises and don’t eat too much or too little(We should try our best to keep healthy by taking exercises and having a balanced diet)
    ⑥间断句子:People’s living standard improved more and more people began to worry about their health (As people’s living standard improved more and more people began to care about their health)
    ⑦残句:I think to have both physical and mental health to succeed in the competitive society(Both physical and mental health are the key to success in the competitive society)





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