

    第部分 听力测试 三节 满分20分
    第节 五题 题分 计五分 句子读遍
    1 A The word are easy for Lisa but the test wasn’t
    B The test only had 20 questions
    C Lisa probably failed the test
    D Lisa had a vocabulary test today
    2 A They are of the same length
    B They are of the same size
    C The green one is longer
    D The yellow one is longer
    3 A I don't think Mr Smith has a wife or a daughter
    B I don't think Mr Smith will get the necklaces for his wife and daughter
    C I think Mr Smith already bought the necklaces
    D I don't think I can buy the necklaces
    4 A Paul wrote Mike after he wrote his cousin
    B Paul wrote Mike before he wrote Susan
    C Paul wrote The bank before he wrote to Susan
    D Paul wrote Susan before he wrote the bank
    5 A We saw the girl at the game
    B The girl saw us at the game
    C We saw the girl and her mother at the game
    D The artist attended the game with us
    第二节 10题 计10分 组话问题均读两遍
    6 A In a jewelry store
    B In a post office
    C In an office supply store
    D In a clothing shop
    7 A The man was fired from a job he liked
    B The man is unhappy with his job and is not going to look for a new one
    C The man has stopped his work and is going to move
    D The man has a lot of things to take
    8 A A dinner list
    B A dinner party
    C A shopping list
    D A cooking school
    9 A She’s reading for pleasure
    B She’s reading for a vacation she’s planning
    C She’s researching for a vacation she’s planning
    D She’s revising her schedule
    10 A She’s taking her time
    B She’s going to get stuck in traffic
    C She’s going to be on time
    D She’s going to meet Mary
    Dialogue One
    11 What does the women want to know
    A How to make a million
    B How to study design
    C How to get a job
    D How to travel to the USA
    12 What did his friends decide to do
    A Have a motorcycle
    B Fight against the bad man
    C Drive up to the USA
    D Drive down to Mexico
    13 How long was it before peter got away from the bad men
    A One year
    B Two years
    C Three years
    D Four years
    Dialogue Two
    14 According to the conversation what kind of weather is usual for march
    A Very cold
    B Very hot
    C Drier than the weather on the day of this conversation
    D Cooler than the weather on the day of the conversation
    15Where does this conversation take place
    A Florida
    B New York
    C California
    D Indiana
    Dialogue three
    16 At what age do children start school according to the women
    A Generally five
    B Generally six
    C Generally seven
    D Generally eight
    17 When they finish high school they get
    A a diploma
    B a license
    C Their head teacher’s praises
    D Their headmaster’s signature
    第三节 5题 计5分 篇短文读两遍
    18 The gentleman usually sits down and
    A looks at the dictionary
    B plays a few tunes of Mozart
    C looks at the fireplace
    D looks at his tie
    19 Why did the visitor become angry with the gentleman
    A Because she got no reply when greeting the gentleman
    B Because the gentleman took the place of the gardener
    C Because the gentleman wanted to be the owner of the house
    D Because she hadn’t seen the gentleman before
    20 What is Mrs Martindale’s theory about the gentleman
    A He has a lot of French friends
    B He has a liking for the hostess
    C He used to live here
    D He didn’t like to live here
    第三部分 单项选择 15题 题1分 满分15分
    41 When you come here for your holiday next time don’t go to hotel I can find you bed in my flat
    A the a B the C a the D a
    42 The box is too heavy give me a hand
    A would you mind B will you like to C will you please D will you please to
    43 Over the last hundred years some changes in English grammar
    A were taken place B took place C have taken place D have been taken place
    44 I don’t know what heaven is really like

    A so do I B neither I do C so don’t I D neither do I
    45 The faster the type the documents spelling mistakes you may make
    A the more B many more C much more D more
    46 Peter who had been driving all day suggested at the next town
    A to stop B stopping C to be stopped D stop
    47 You are saying that everyone should go to university and this is I disagree
    A why B where C what D how
    48 From the top of the tower
    A could the whole city be seen B could see the whole city
    C could be seen the whole city D could be the whole city seen
    49 After the first two hundred volunteers started their work in the mountain area came and joined them
    A hundreds of B more hundreds C a hundred more D a hundred of
    50 The proposal on the website a animal shouldn’t be killed in front of other animals aroused a heated discussion
    A where B which C whether D that7
    51 Tom that window because he never came anywhere near here yesterday
    A mustn’t B might have broken C shouldn’t have been D can’t have broken
    52 Little about the statue of liberty before he came to New York
    A did he know B he did know C he knew D didn’t he know
    53 through the field the wild flowers provide a fascinating view
    A While walking B When one has walked C As one walks D Having walked
    54 the man often wore a heavy coat as he was not uses to in such a cold climate
    A living B live C be living D have lived
    55 In fact Mary would rather leave for Beijing in Wuhan
    A instead of staying B than stay C than stay D than to stay
    第四部分 完型填空 15题 题1分 满分15分
    Talking rubbish
    Reduce Reuse Recycle The message hits Canadian customers through all the media As newcomers from Sri Lanka we compare the situation here with the one back home We may not be the most environmentally 56 citizens in the word but compare with this we do not have a rubbish problem yet
    Like many shoppers in Colombo my partner Shahid and I used to have a cane basket we 57 with us to the market every week No environmentalist could have 58 about it There are no supermarket 59 to push around Most items—rice flour vegetable biscuits—are bought 60 or wrapped in newspaper At 61 we would carry one plastic bag and a reusable plastic tray for eggs
    When income 62 are low people need to buy in small quantities It is quite normal to ask for a 63 envelope two eggs or 100 grams of sugar The 64 is that most shoppers in Sri Lanka cannot afford the luxury of waste They reuse whatever they can and don’t want to discard bags jars or boxes that can be 65 to other uses
    But in recent years westernstyle supermarkets have begun to spring up in Colombo They hold out the 66 of a clean efficient service to customer A 67 of imported goods dressed up in layers of attractive colourful 68 beckons from the shelves These are the 69 products that demand your attention on the TV advertisements 70 with them Sri Lanka like so many other developing countries may have imported a problem that once never existed
    56 A qualified B concerned C worried D experience
    57 A took over B took away C took along D took up
    58 A complained B criticised C disapproved D accused
    59 A wheelbarrows B wagons C trolleys D carriages
    60 A free B in pieces C bit by bit D loose
    61 A maximum B most C highest D best
    62 A rates B amounts C sizes D levels
    63 A simple B singular C single D sole
    64 A point B case C example D question
    65 A made B set C given D put
    66 A promise B advantage C evidence D sight
    67 A set B range C store D band
    68 A packets B packs C packaging D padding
    69 A very B just C similar D likely
    70 Ain addition B as well C among D along
    第五部分 阅读理解 10题 题2分 满分20分
    In every school there is a top crowd that sets the pace while the others follow their lead Let’s say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters Pretty soon everybody is wearing is wearing a bright red sweater
    There is nothing wrong with that except the fact that on some people bright and sweater is extremely unbecoming The situation can even become dangerous if the top crowed decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour Then the people who fellow the lead are endangering their lives They are like the sheep being led to the butcher
    Now chances are that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong You may have excused yourself by saying gee the crow does it well let the crowd do it but don’t do it yourself Learn to say no
    Develop you own standards and your own judgment if you know the crowd is planning something you disagree to have the courage to bow out mannerly You’ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet
    71 Which is the best title for this passage
    A Follow the lead
    B Top crowd
    C Being yourself
    D Bright red
    72 The author doesn’t think it good wearing red sweaters if
    A the crowd does it
    B you can’t afford them
    C you don’t look good in red
    D the situation isn’t safe
    73 According to the passage people who follow the crowd
    A something do things against their better judgment
    B make mistake blindly
    C are willing to put their lives in danger
    D will in the end become pacesetters
    Education is not an end but a means to an end In other words we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them Our purpose is to fit them for life
    In some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all—one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation But we can see that free education for all is not enough we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees they refuse to do what they think low work and in fact work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries but we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor we can live without education but we die if we have no food if no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses we should get terrible diseases in our towns
    In fact when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life it means that we must be educated in such a way that firstly each of us can do whatever work suited to his brain and ability and secondly that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society and that is very bad to be ashamed of one’s work Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society
    74 The writer of the passage thinks that
    A education can settle most of the world’s problems
    B free education for all probably leads to a perfect world
    C free education won’t help to solve problems
    D all the social problems can’t be solved by education
    75 The purpose of education is
    A to choose officials for the country
    B to prepare children mainly for their future work
    C to let everyone receive education fit for them
    D to build a perfect world
    76 The passage tells us about of the education
    A the means B the system C the value D the type
    LONDON—Life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent fastforward
    Their full school day and her job as a lawyer’s assistant are busy enough but hanger also has to take the two boys to soccer or basketball while dropping off her daughter at piano lessons or girl scout Club
    Often the exhausted family doesn’t get home until 7 pm Their is just time for a quick supper before homework in today’s world middleclass American and British parents treat their children as if they are competitors racing for some finishing line
    Parents take their children from activity in order to make their future bright it seems that raising a genius has become a more important goal than raising a happy and wellbalanced child
    Doctors across the country are reporting a growing number of children suffering from stomachaches and headaches due to exhaustion and stress says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesota
    Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom It’s a very serious problem many children attend afterschool clubs by necessity But the competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities
    Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom it’s a very serious problem Many children attend afterschool clubs by necessity But competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities They include sports language Music and math classes for children as young as four
    There is a new parenting trend under way which says that you have to tap all you child’s potential at a young age otherwise you will let him down says terry Apter a Cambridgebased child and adolescent psychiatrist
    It isn’t entirely new there have always been pushy parents But what was previously seen as stranger behavor is now well accepted
    77 British parents as the writer described in this passage
    A treat their children as sports players
    B pay no attention to their children’s lessons
    C bring up their children in a simple way
    D give their children little time to develop freely
    78 The writer’s opinion about afterschool clubs is that
    A activities in the country are too competitive
    B children should attend four clubs at a time
    C some club result in competitive pressures
    D clubs should have more subjects for school children
    79 The underlined word tap in the passenger means
    A turn on the tap
    B make as much use as possible
    C choose
    D hit
    80 The last paragraph tells us that in Britain
    A parents used to take their children to every club
    B parents used to be wise on how to raise children
    C parents have all benefited from children’s clubs
    D parents have come to know the standard of education
    第六部分 语言运 20分
    短文改错 10 题1分 满分10分
    Last Sunday morning when I got up to my great surprised 81________
    I found that we had a big snowfall I was very excited because 82________
    It was a long time that I haven’t seen such a snowfall 83________
    So I decided to call my friends out and play snow together 84________
    We made up some snowman and rolled some snowballs 85________
    We enjoyed the fun of playing fighting games just then we 86________
    noticed that the buses and cars move very snow because 87________
    of the heavy snow But we went to clean the snow as 88________
    to help the traffic to go safely After the all morning’s hard work 89________
    the snow on the road were cleaned and we went home happily 90________
    二 填词 10题 题1分 满分10分
    Many English people eat toast or cereal for breakfast For lunch most people have a sandwich and s 91 fruit In the evening for d 92 most English people eat fish or eat fish and meat w 93 vegetables salad rice or pasta
    English people enjoy I 94 how to cook food from other countries Meals from India China France and Italy are all very p 95
    There are many cookery programs on English TV The most famous TV The most famous TV cook is c 96 Delia Smith if she uses a particular food the next day s 97 many people go to the shops to buy that food that there is n 98 left
    Many families are very busy They do not always sit at a table to eat together O 99 people eat quick Small meals I 100 sandwiches or potato crisps





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