
    品質員手冊〔QC Handbook)

    說做品質理須具備複雜技錯果理解書描述品理論根概念少解決 80 品質問題現讓們與讀者逐章來認識謂理想品質

    24 90達成度計畫制訂
    27防止問題犯 4 步驟


    1 謂品質者「應顧客需求提供令滿意商品」這「企業生命」
    2 品質理必須從全體員確實意識「品質企業生命」
    3 品質理基於事實現場實物推行 P D C A 理循環〔戴明圈 Deming Circle〕
    1 品質理先從正確掌握認識現狀開始
    2 從確實掌握〔部門〕壞狀況做起
    3 「選取 12捨棄 34」非兼顧取重點
    4 並非顧事物「結果」重視「過程」
    5 現場現物數據確認證實「事實」
    6 品質數據中重視「變異數分佈」勝過「均值」
    7 檢查並製造品質工程階段中製造
    8 工作指示步驟口頭清清楚楚標準書進行
    9 旦發現異常馬行動找出真正原做出應策
    10 沒樣失敗發生更糟必須徹底預防發生
    11 正崴公司根經營理念職責
    12 優良產品
    受全世界們歡迎優良產品 …
    (1) 品質優良
    △ 性良
    △ 簡單舒適操作
    △ 良期限
    △ 安
    △ 外型美觀產品合格
    △ 快速滿意服務
    △ 引為豪信譽度
    (2) 價格合理
    △ 給客戶滿意價格時認識產品價值
    △ 維護合理價格增加們銷售額
    (3) 交貨迅速
    △ 新產品領先
    △ 充分滿足客戶需求
    △ 穩定交貨數量沒過剩產品
    13 滿足社會需求
    说明對品質嚴格求前們來想想當買合格品時 會產生樣印象
    14 品質理全員責
    △ 企劃部調整市場需求計劃滿足市場需求商品
    △ 設計處員研究達理想產品技術方法材料
    △ 採購課合理價格充分時間採購保證產品品質需零件材料
    △ 生產課們帶品質屬性手法生產件產品
    △ 銷售課則這樣優良產品通過良服務介紹給客戶
    15 個應對工作負責
    第二章 實現目標:
    21 理循環〔PlanDoCheckAction〕
    (1) 們必須明確目標確立實現目標手段〔計劃〕
    (2) 實施計劃〔執行〕
    (3) 觀察形勢結果們否著目標前進〔確認〕
    (4) 當們沒著目標發展時進行必矯正〔改善行動〕
    22 現況分析與握
    23 目標明確設定
    24 90達成度計畫制訂
    △ 制定計劃確實成功目標實現嗎?
    △ 與工作相關士緊密合作嗎?
    △ 考慮過具體對策沒?
    △ 否周密製作記錄制體系足知制結果採取措施?
    時間(When〕 整個時程表完成日設定
    物(Who) 誰負責部份工作
    內容(What) 們算作甚麼
    點(Where) 裡部份優先執行
    原(Why) 為必須這樣做
    方式(How) 們實現
    25 計畫執行
    △ 實現目標堅強意志積極行動
    △ 密切合作熱情
    △ 完成工作內容強烈責感〔命感〕
    △ 統計方法應
    △ 數據收集整理完全標準化系統化
    △ 個知識技發揮
    26 結果確認與評估
    27 防止問題犯四步驟
    (1) 首先們必須消包括庫內合格品
    (2) 分析消良〔修理模具〕
    (3) 為發生樣問題需建立規則來觀察良變化情形〔週檢查次模具〕
    (4) 建立檢測記錄機制確保對於良監控持續性執行

    第三章 品根態度據事實資料科學深入
    31 觀察事實蒐集數據
    32 蒐集數據
    (1) 記錄查檢表 記錄實際數據合格品數根據項目來分類
    (2) 點檢查檢表 為生產優良產品製程素氣壓焊錫溫度等需檢查
    這相關素表單完成後定期檢查時表單註明 OK 〞還 NG 〞相關數據
    33 重點性效果性分析法〔柏拉圖〕
    們發現周圍問題相當限時間力物力時解決這問題幾為獲效益們必須知道問題重進優先順序來全力解決們柏拉圖對點相當幫助柏拉圖將較項目排左側柏拉圖認為 80 品質問題從 20 項目產生
    假針對2 3 個問題點來解決建立優先順序原則忽略次項目必
    34 特性分析研究〔特性圖〕
    分枝影響終結果直接原中間分枝分枝原分枝中間分枝原個分枝形成個原 結果相互關係格式
    35 品質總分佈性
    極產品品質分散程度少然們戶會感方便方說規格講這個電燈泡壽命為 2000 時〞這中間值測試 100 個燈泡壽命超過 2500 時低壽命缺乏 1500 時
    們這種分散現象直方圖表現出來這樣們知道值為 1600 時標準值良百分
    36 分析資料〔〕層別法
    然後們找出 AB 兩台機器處果 A 機矯正方法正確們容易矯正過來這分層〞範例並果們從方面來分層數據話們會找出效原
    (1) 分層基原 特性圖
    (2) 從角度分層取數據
    (3) 分層後檢查分散點〔散佈圖〕
    37 分析資料〔二〕散佈圖制圖
    (1) 散佈圖
    (2) 制圖
    第四章 品質保證根步驟
    41 產品品質與們工作間關係
    42 作業標準化〔作業規範〕
    43 充分教育訓練
    事情做完美需三個步驟知道(To know)〞懂(To understand)〞做(To be able to)〞達第三個步驟成為個專業作業員嚴格訓練確實必性根從工作職場操作開始們應接受訓練直生產出優良產品為止
    現們來思考品 ~
    44 製程中建立品質
    45 瞭解檢查根功
    1 建立明確判定標準
    2 藉檢測來評估品質
    3 將檢測結果與標準作較判定允收還拒收
    △ 果保證件產品品質
    △ 納入批合格品
    △ 檢驗钱低全檢產品
    △ 為減少檢驗钱從部份樣品中評估品質水準進判定否會給客戶製程帶來重風險
    46 模治具設備與檢驗儀器理
    47 防呆〞(Fool Proof)觀念提昇
    們總盡力做們全事事完美總時會出錯假设 100 個個犯 1100 錯意味著總將 100 錯必須考慮設計假设干裝置便們發生錯誤時立警示暫停機械操作
    例:產品包裝中附屬零件說明書保證書遺忘為預防這類事情發生個零件外箱安裝鍵開關(Touch Switch)假设當作業員起這零件沒序觸動個開關忘觸動開關時擋板會掀開 阻止紙箱繼續流動
    48 對異常現象應快速反映
    事實真正原模具 PIN 斷裂導致塑膠孔變淺然幾個月後於螺絲殘留應力〔〕 導致塑膠破裂這產品變成合格品
    △ 果發現異常現象應馬司報告
    △ 果發現異常現象追溯並找出真正原
    △ 果問題較嚴重通知相關部門採取措施直作出重檢暫停出貨決定
    △ 對改善對策採取行動速度反映出貴單位品水準
    第五章 品圈活動展開
    51 建立性化工作職場
    52 QC手法與品圈關係
    53 組織編成與領導者選
    54 設定目標與活動展開
    55 歸納與發表

    Chapter 1 Let's proceed Quality Control
    11Basic principle of Matsushita Electric and our responsibility
    Our company policy and also our responsibility are to provide an abundance of excellent electrical appliances to enrich people's life everywhere
    When our products that are made by each one of us are welcomed and pleased by the people of whole world it represents that our company policy is achieved it is great pleasure of ourselves
    Objectivesbasic business principles
    To recognize our responsibilities as industrialists to foster progress to promote the general welfare of society and to devote ourselves to the further development of world culture
    12 Excellent Merchandise
    Excellent Merchandise that is welcomed and by the people of whole world is
    (1) Excellent Quality
    ⊙Excellent performance
    ⊙Easy and comfortable operation
    ⊙Excellent durability
    ⊙Reliable safety
    ⊙Attractive appearance and good finish
    ⊙Quick and satisfactory maintenance service
    ⊙High prestige that can be proud of
    (2) Reasonable Price
    ⊙Satisfactory price being recognized the value of the produces by the customer
    ⊙Attractive price for the retailer to increase their sales amount
    ⊙The price that brings profit for us from the created value of the products by our hand
    (3) Quick Delivery
    ⊙Always the leader of new products
    ⊙Abundant production to fulfill demand of the customer
    ⊙Stabilized inventory control without excessive merchandise
    13We should meet the demand of society
    The standard of living and the way of thinking of world people vary with the times
    In the market alwaysnew excellent products are being born
    Level of the requirement of people will vary according to those circumstances so one excellent product might become worthless tomorrow
    Small defects might have been allowed before but once better product appears customer will shun the lower level products a
    Before claiming severe demand of your supervisor about quality lets imagine the impression when we might buy such a defective products
    14 Everybody is responsible for Quality Control Who makes excellent products
    That is everybody in the company from to each worker including whole section
    ⊙Top management They are
    ⊙People in the planning section investigate demand of the market and plan the merchandises that satisfy the demand
    ⊙People in the designing section study the technical method material to realize the ideal merchandise
    ⊙People in the purchasing section purchase parts and materials of adequate quality with adequate price and timing
    ⊙People in the production section assemble them one by one with their qualityminded hand
    ⊙People in the sales section introduce these excellent products to make good service to the customers
    These sections play each part like an orchestra conducted by top management and beautiful harmony of them produce excellent product and service
    15 everyone is responsible for hisher own job
    How are the defective products produced
    In conclusion they are produced by the hand of man It means in other words even highly automated machine that produces products without help of hands of man it is basically operated and maintained by man
    Of course we do not intend to produce defective products but the cause is that We don't know which point of our job is defective
    Anyway we have to observe our own job with modesty and find the weak points
    To solve these problems QC philosophy is fully available Let's make an effort to assure the results of our own job
    For example
    When we ask to somebody in production section What is the problem in your section Usually he will reply ''We have many problems of defective parts and difficult assembling by difficult design
    Do you think these problems are really the problems of the production section
    In short the amount of correct answer for that question represent the degree of understanding regarding
    Quality Control
    Chapter 2 How to achieve our target
    21Control Circle (PDCA)
    In order to achieve our target (for example to reduce the percentage of defects to certain level) we have to proceed following four steps
    1) First we have to make the objective clear and set up the means to achieve the objective (Plan)
    2) Put the plan into practice (Do)
    3) Observe the situation or results to see if they are progressing towards the objective or not (Check)
    4) When they are not progressing towards the objective adjustment should be made (Action)
    We call these 4 steps Control Circle or Deming Circle
    An arrow cannot always get to the target because of wind incorrect aiming etc
    New control system is like a moon rocket Aim the moon shoot and check the control points of direction and speed on the way and if they are incorrect correct them and then it is assured to get to the target
    Now what is your control points to achieve your job
    22 Recognition and analysis of the situation
    Often we do something without thinking deeply and later regret about lack of investigation and preparation
    When somebody get sick it is very dangerous to take medicine without checking real situation
    We have to check temperature of the body pulsation or sometimes analyze the blood and we have to know the cause clearly
    It is same in the factory Before we decide the countermeasure we have to know the percentage of defective products type of defects etc clearly by the data and look for the biggest problem and its causes by the cooperation of everybody
    23 Let's make the target clear
    Secondly it is very important to set up the target clearly To make the ideal situation that we want to or have to realize clear is very helpful to concentrate the mental power of everybody
    The target is set up relating to the company policy or target or sometimes set up independently in order to improve our own workshop
    Independent target is like a target of sports comparing our situation to the record of the competitor and in order to approach or clear the record of others we set up the higher target Properly
    So let's widely observe the level of your competitor or better workshop to set up the target properly
    24Let's set up the achievable plan
    We set up the plan to achieve our target but often the plan is left as a plan
    Most part of good result is produced by the good planning and preparation
    It is said that a housewife who cooks well prepares well before cooking
    Before setting up the plan let's think about following points
    ⊙Does the plan really lead to the success in realizing the target
    ⊙Can you get full cooperation of all people related to your job
    ⊙Is the concrete countermeasure considered
    ⊙Is the system of record and report of the control well planned to know the results and take action
    Now again let's check the plan from the following points
    When Whole schedule and target of
    Who Who takes what part
    What What are we going to do
    Where Where is most advantageous to
    Why Why is it necessary to do
    How How can we realize
    25To carry out the plan
    Vital will and Good method is necessary
    To carry out the plan everybody have to maintain vital will and choose the Good method' utilizing the latest technology
    Vital will
    ⊙Strong willingness to achieve the target and positive action
    ⊙Enthusiasms to get full cooperation of other people
    ⊙Strong sense of responsibility to fulfill what is decided
    Good method
    ⊙Application of statistical method
    ⊙Adequate standardization systematization of data collection
    ⊙Utilization of knowledge and skill of each individual
    Basically developing vital mind and capability of each person is indispensable
    To carry out the program it is important to confirm whether everybody is fully aware of the final objective
    When certain change of circumstances or severe difficulty is found it's better not to hesitate to change the plan in order to achieve the objective without foil
    26 Checking the result and revaluation
    At the beginning of the process everybody starts with full enthusiasm but in the course of time it sometimes happens that the enthusiasm fade away and nobody care about the results
    One of the most important steps of control circle is Checking We always have to watch and check the process and results
    As described before we have to decide the control points when setting up the plan
    Then check the results according to the control points and analyze the process to know why we got such results
    QC people lay more stress on process than results
    For example when we won a football game we have to analyze the process whether it was lead by good performance of players other team or by lucky occasion like a mistake of the other team
    Revaluation of QC should not be an abstract one like Pardon me I will be more careful but should lead to reasonable countermeasures to eliminate bad causes
    27 Four steps of countermeasures in order not to repeat same problem
    Most of the problems are experienced before by somebody in our section
    We have to take permanent countermeasures in order not to repeat same problem For this the following 4 steps of countermeasures are all necessary
    (1) First we have to eliminate defective products included in the stock
    (2) Analyze and eliminate the cause of the defects (For example repair the mold)
    (3) In order not to repeat the same problem set up the rule to watch variation of the cause (For example check the mold once a week)
    (4) Set up the check and record system to confirm that the check of the cause is constantly
    One example
    A president got very angry finding the clock of the guestroom stopped What if the guest read wrong time His secretary found the battery worn out and replaced it
    Now it is all for her to do Several months later what will happen What should we do more
    Chapter 3 Fundamental attitude of Quality Control is scientific approach based on the fact and data
    31Let's observe the fact and collect the data
    In our daily activities there are many cases where we talk and discuss without confirming the fact Moreover sometimes it happens that something to be believed as the tact is found that it was not the fact but an opinion of somebody
    In such a way we cannot proceed quality control scientifically and it is difficult to improve quality of products or quality control system
    First we have to watch and observe the workshop and actual defective products by our own eyes
    When we get an information of trouble immediate visit to the workshop is necessary
    This action is called Onthespot confirmation
    The scientific approach begins by data and numbers
    Let's not talk the fact by literary expression like I think it is about…
    32 How to collect data
    In order to analyze quality it is indispensable collect data that represents the fact
    Before starting new job it is necessary to prepare the system to collect data because initial data is more important to analyze
    We have to prepare check sheet to collect data which is classified into two types as follows
    (1) Data recording check sheet To record actual data or number of defective products or the like classifying them according to each category
    (2) Confirmation check sheetIn order to produce excellent products there are many elements of production like air pressure or temperature of soldering iron to be checked
    After preparing a list of this element periodically check them and mark OK or NOT OK on this list
    These record are fully informative to know the' actual situation of our workshop or quality level of products and we can use this to find out actual causes
    33 Priority policy for maximum effectiveness (Pareto diagram)
    We find many kinds of problems around
    It is almost impossible to attack all these problems by limited time and person and cost
    In order to get maximum effectiveness we have to know which problems are the major ones and attack them with strong priority policy
    For this purpose Pareto diagram is fully helpful This diagram is such arranged that bigger item comes left Pareto principle says 80 of problems come from only 20 of major items
    So for example in order to attack 2 or 3 major items only it is important to set up strong priority policy neglecting all other items
    34 Let's study cause of problems (Causeandeffect diagram)
    To solve the problem it is very important to know the real causes and interrelations among causes
    For example when we have loose brake of the car there might be many causes How many causes do you remember Wornout tire lack of brake fluid etc
    Then we arrange these causes in a fishbone chart shown here
    Big branches are direct causes to effect the final effect Medium branches are causes of big branches Small branches are causes of medium branches
    So every branch is connected in a form of causeeffect causeeffect
    If branches have no causeeffect relationship the diagram has no meaning so this Fishbone is not attractive even for cat
    A causeandeffect diagram is useful to help us sort out the causes of problems and organize the mutual relationship
    35Quality data always have dispersion
    We are producing large quantity of products witty
    Great numbers of parts and materials So the quality of these products always have some amount of dispersion
    Excellent products should have less dispersion of quality and if not customers will suffer inconvenience
    For example when the specification says This electric bulb has 2000 hours life it means only mean value
    When 100 bulbs are tested some bulbs have maximum life more than 2500 hours and some have minimum life less than 1500 hours
    We can show this dispersion as Histogram shown here and with this histogram we can know the percentage of defective bulb when the given standard is minimum 1600and hours
    QC people lay more stress on dispersion than mean value
    Dispersion comes from dispersion of materials operations and machines etc
    Let's start analyzing the cause of dispersion from this Histogram
    36 Analysis of the data part 1 (Stratification)
    Any products that we produce have dispersion in performance or dimensions Our theme is to minimize this dispersion and we have to know the cause of dispersion but final data itself usually tells nothing about causes
    One of the practical ways to find out causes is stratification When the diameter of the shaft of certain machine has excess dispersion and if they are made by two machines we have to stratify the data corresponding to each machine
    Then we can find difference between machine 4 and B and if adjustment of machine A is incorrect we can easily adjust it
    This is one example of '1stratification't1 and if we stratify the data from various points of view we will be able to find out the most effective causes
    Important points are
    (1) Stratification is based on causeandeffect diagram
    (2) Stratify the data from various points of view
    (3) After the stratification check the difference of dispersion
    37Analysis of the data Part 2 (Scatter diagram Control chart)
    (1) Scatter diagram
    To know the relationship between cause and effect (for example relationship between torque of air driver and air pressure) it is convenient to draw a scatter
    Diagram plotting data of the cause on the horizontal axe data of the effect on the vertical axe We can see the relationship clearly and it is helpful to solve the problem
    (2) Control chart
    Dispersion includes types of causes One is inevitable cause (like dispersion caused by ordinary machine) and another is unusual cause (Like dispersion caused by different quality of the material)
    We have to control the latter and find the variation of these causes by control chart
    Let's study control chart because it is Very helpful when we are accustomed to use it
    Chapter 4 Basic steps of Quality assurance
    41Let's study relationship between Product Quality and your job
    Each process of operation is responsible for final product Quality
    For example even a small operation like picking up the parts could cause defective products because of rusting mg by grease of finger or deformation when it is pinched Before producing defective products let's study the causes of possible defects in your job by actual samp1es or experiments If we know these concrete causes well we can avoid unnecessary causes of defects
    It is also helpful to study causes of defects in the past and listen to the lecture of technical engineer about important point of Quality
    42Let's standardize operation of the job (Operation standard)
    To produce the products with minimum dispersion each process of operation and procedure should be kept same as constant as possible no matter when and who' will do it
    Oral explanation or memory of each people is not always reliable therefore we have to standardize them as Operation standard
    It is important not to describe them by imagination
    We have to try the job actually to find out essential points of the job and describe them as the operation standard
    Quality control in workshop begins from describing the Operation standard
    Operation standard should be corrected when ever better methods are found or circumstances are changed
    Let's make the operation standard easy to understand with necessary drawing and keep it in certain place for easy reference
    43Enough training of the job is necessary
    Do you know how to solder
    Do you understand when and how poor soldering happens
    Can you solder perfectly without any defectives'1 There are three steps until we can do something perfectly To know To understand and To be able to do To reach the third step or to be a professional worker hard training is necessary So basically before working in the workshop we have to be well trained until we can produce excellent lent products
    Now let's consider about Quality Control
    Do you know what is Quality Control
    Do you understand which points are more difficult to carry out Quality Control
    Are you carrying out Quality Control successfully''
    44Let's build the quality in the process
    Some says Our products are very reliable because of severe inspection Is it correct
    It is a great loss to select defective products by severe inspection after producing certain number of defective products First we have to make an effort to establish a system not to produce defective products
    Moreover there are some products whose characteristics will not allow to be selected by total inspection like explosive power of the bomb
    Basically the quality of the products must be assured in each process
    We have to assure the quality of products that we produce by total inspection if it allows but we should realize that the inspection is only to select but not to build the quality
    45 Let's study the function of the inspection
    To assure the quality inspection plays important part when defectives are inevitable
    Inspection is not a test but it should have three factors
    1To decide the criterion of judgment appropriately clearly
    2To evaluate the quality by testing
    3To compare the test results to the criterion and to judge whether acceptance or rejection
    We sometimes have problems with lack of definite criterion
    The results and data of the inspection should be utilized for improvement of original processes There are two types of inspection total inspection and sampling inspection The former is usually for the outgoing inspection and the latter is mainly for the incoming inspection of the parts
    Total inspection
    ⊙In the case where the quality of each product should be assured
    ⊙Large number of defects is included
    ⊙The cost of inspection is cheap enough to inspect all the products
    Sampling inspection
    ⊙In order to reduce the cost of inspection estimate the quality level from partial sample and judge if they might bring bigger risk to the next process or not
    46Maintenance of tools machines and measuring instruments
    We are utilizing many kinds of tools machines and measuring instruments in our workshop
    Today machines are widely operated automatically by electronic devices
    But if these machines are operated in wrong condition bunch of defective products will be massproduced Simple tools also possibly massproduce defective products if it is worn out
    And if measuring instruments were wrong whole system of quality assurance is meaningless
    We have to set up the checking system deciding important checkpoints for each tool and machine and preparing checksheet to check them periodically
    Before having problems by wrong machine let's set up the system to prevent these
    47Let's promote Foolproof
    We are always trying to do our best but natura1ly we are not the almighty and unable to everything perfect sometimes make mistakes
    But if 100 persons make 1 mistakes each it means almost 100 defects in total So we have to consider the countermeasures as some devices to alarm or unable to operate the machine when we make mistake
    This is called Foolproof and if all employees try to improve their job we can make great progress in reducing defectives caused by careless mistakes and as a matter of fact this activity is achieving success in many companies
    When packing the product small attachment parts instruction book or guarantee card are apt to be forgotten To prevent this case touch switches are attached to each parts box and if operator doesn't touch the every touch switches when picking up the parts and if he missed to touch of these switches the stopper does not allow to proceed the carton box
    48 Quick response against abnormal phenomenon
    In our daily operations we can easily notice something abnormal when it happens But usually they are neglected if they do not disturb the operation directly and these neglect if not reported to their boss often cause the greater damage
    For example when tightening a screw to the plastic parts the operator felt some difficulty and he adjusted air pressure of the torque driver to continue his job
    But actually the cause was that the pin of the mold was broken and the hole of the plastic parts became shallower
    Several months later all of the products became defective because of cracking caused by excess stress of the screw
    ⊙If any abnormal situation is found inform it to your boss immediately
    ⊙If any abnormal situation is found trace it until you can get the real cause
    ⊙If the problem seems serious take action to the relating sections until the decision of recheck or suspension of shipment is made
    ⊙The speed of taking action for countermeasures represents the level of Quality Control

    Chapter 5 Let's promote QC Circle activities
    51 Let's build up the workshop filled with humanity
    A female worker who presented an achieved result of her QC Circle activities at QC Circle conference inner company told us When I get a child in the future I would like to tell my deep impression to himher Why was she impressed so deeply It might not be easy to understand without such an experience but when we imagine she might have felt great satisfaction by achievement of the subject by participating with her whole capability and by being recognized the results by all people in the company
    The essence of QC Circle activity is not mere offer of physical labor but the participation of each individual with their wisdom and good idea to make their own workshop better
    Through this activity everyone comes to feel that heshe can feel worth working through QC Circle activity
    52Lets study about QC and QC Circle
    Then how is the QC Circle being carried out
    It begins from studying
    We have to study the basic knowledge about improvement workshop statistical ineth6ds etc This booklet is hoped to be helpful to study the base And it is also very helpful to study some examples of actual activities in other companies in or outside your country since QC activities are actively conducted in Japan USA Europe and south East Asia
    And the leaders of QC Circle should study about the role of leadership responsibility and activities leaders
    53 Organization of the group and selection of the leader
    The basic idea of QC Circle activity lies in independent voluntary activity by the people in workshop
    So it is desirable that somebody strongly motivated will take leadership to organize the group with full support of his section
    Of course adequate support and advice of supervisor or staff will expedite the activities
    Several members or about ten members are adequate to activate the group and it is easier to promote the activities if all members belong to the same section with the same target If all members of the section willingly participate in that means leadership of the leader is excellent and the activity will become positive
    Of course the interest and support of top management have great power to promote QC Circle activities
    54 Setting up a target and promotion of the activity
    It is a usual case to start the activity from studying QC and when it get to certain level decide the target of activity In the beginning it's better to choose the target from daily familiar problems ex To prevent parts from falling in order to get cooperation of everybody easier
    It is recommended that the meeting be held once a week or every few weeks depending upon the situation of thc group but better not have longer interval to the next meeting in order to continue the activity smoothly
    It's better to hold the meeting in their workshop where they have the subject to discuss
    Activity should be such arranged that every member has a role assigned so that all members' idea is adopted Throughout the activity support of supervisor and staff is fully useful
    55 Summarizing and reporting
    When an improvement activity comes to the end confirm the effect comparing to the initial situation If it is necessary to increase the effect continue the activity If sufficient effects are obtained summarize the process of the activity This is important for leaving on record the story of everyone's effort
    The result will be reported to their supervisor and when QC Circle conference is held prepare for it and participate For preparation everyone will play each part preparing the chart actual sample and practice the way of presentation in order to obtain better understanding of their effort
    It can be said that nobody can get deep impression after the presentation without such an experience
    It is hoped that vivid QC circle activity of your workshop will be conducted





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