浙江省温州市 高二上学期期末教学质量统ー检测英语试题(Word版无答案,无听力部分)

    1 答第I卷前考生务必姓名准考证号填写答题卷
    2 选出题答案铅笔答题卷应题目答案标号涂黑需改动橡皮擦干净选涂答案标号答试题卷否效
    例:How much is the shirt
    A £1915 B £918 C £915
    1 When will the football program begin
    A At 7:00 B At 8:25 C At 9:30
    2 Where does the conversation take place
    A At the airport B In the museum C In the amusement park
    3 What is the woman advised to give Mary
    A Flowers B A book C A cat
    4 How many blocks will the man have to walk
    A Five blocks B Three blocks C Two blocks
    5 Why is the man here
    A To return a form B To buy a computer C To find a parttime job
    6 What are the speakers mainly talking about
    A A red planet B A special village C A theme park
    7 What does the man think of the project
    A It's worthwhile B It's inexpensive C It's huge
    8 What is the man complaining about
    A Bad road conditions B Long hours' drive C More traffic accidents
    9 How does the woman go to work now
    A On foot B By bike C By car
    10 What's the man's view about selfdriving cars
    A They are much faster B They are much safer C They are much cheaper
    11 What is the probable relationship between the speakers
    A Colleagues B Coach and athlete C Husband and wife
    12 What is true about the woman's weight
    A The same as before B Lighter than before C Heavier than before
    13 What will the man do next
    A Go running B Book a place C Buy the bike
    14 Where does the conversation probably take place
    A In a studio B At home C In a restaurant
    15 How many courses do special Italian meals have
    A One or two B Three or four C Seven to nine
    16 How does the woman feel about Italian food
    A Special B Wonderful C Just soso
    17 What is George
    A A guide B A teacher C A writer
    18 What does the speaker talk about at the beginning
    A Problems B Rules C Activities
    19 Which book was written in 1884
    A Life on the Mississippi
    B The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    C The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    20 What did most Americans think of Mark Twain as a writer
    A Rude B Humorous C Critical
    In 1868 sixyearold Laura and her family set sail from New Bedford The little girl was taken to share the adventure and the danger of life at sea by his father Captain Jernegan who was unwilling to be separated from his family when he was going to hunt the mightiest animal on earth Laura was a keen observer and writer whose diary offers a look into her unusual childhood
    Laura was fascinated by her father's job When the ship's lookout spotted a whale I hope we shall get him she wrote She watched as the men rushed to their whaleboats and chased the whale to within harpooning(鱼叉)distance Once they harpooned a whale so huge that his head was as big as four whole rooms and his body as long as one ship Laura wrote
    Hunting whales was only one part of a whaleman's job As soon as a whale was caught the crew began the hard and dirty work of processing it The whale body smelled dreadfully noted Laura The processing of the whale was finally finished when the cooled oil was spooned into barrels One huge whale produced enough oil to fill seventyfive barrels she noted in disbelief When the Jernegans returned home the oil would be sold for the best price possible Whale oil was important during the nineteenth century when it was used to light lamps and to make candles
    Whaling was both exciting and exhausting Yet it also had its slow moments Weeks could go by without so much as a glimpse of a whale Then Laura filled her days with school lessons and sewing
    When Laura was grown she never went whaling again By then petrol had already replaced whale oil This era called the golden age of whaling was over So was the era of entire families going to sea Yet Laura's diary has helped to ensure that this chapter in America's seafaring history won't be forgotten
    21 Why did Laura set sail with her father
    A She was a keen observer and writer
    B She was fascinated by his father's job
    C His father would hunt the mightiest animal
    D Her father wanted the family to stay together
    22 What do we know from the underlined sentence in paragraph 4
    A Laura was tired of school lessons B It took weeks to hunt a huge whale
    C No whales could be spotted for weeks D The processing of the whale was slow
    23 Which of the following words best describes Laura's diary
    A Significant B Dreadful C Conventional D Practical
    Since the 1970s body mass index(BMI)has been widely used as vital data to monitor our health condition BMI is calculated from your height and weight used as an estimate of body fat and a good evaluation of your risk for diseases that can occur with more body fat The higher your BMI the higher your risk for certain diseases such as heart disease high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and breathing problems Even a small weight loss between 5 and 10 percent of your current weight will help lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity
    However many researchers argue that we've been overlooking the limitations of BMI since BMI alone isn't always a good indicator of cardiovascular(心血)risk For example an athletic muscular person could have a high BMI but a healthy heart Conversely many people lose muscle with age which could lower their BMI despite high body fat levels A group of worldwide experts released a statement in early 2020 suggesting that measuring patients' waists also helps screen for possible health risks that come with overweight and obesity
    If most of your fat is around your waist rather than at your hips you're at a higher risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes This risk goes up with a waist size that is greater than 35 inches for women or greater than 40 inches for men To correctly measure your waist stand and place a tape measure around your middle just above your hipbones Measure your waist just after you breathe out So although BMI can be useful adding waist circumference(腰围)to the picture clarifies your risk profile Fortunately waist size tends to go down even if your weight doesn't
    24 What is the first paragraph mainly about
    A Weight loss B Body mass index C Health problems D Risks for diseases
    25 What can be learned from the passage
    A Waist size tends to go down easily B A lower BMI indicates a healthy heart
    C High body fat level builds up our muscle D BMI has limitations in health assessment
    26 What is likely to be talked about next
    A Advice on a healthy diet B Ways to measure waist
    C Tips for reducing waistline D Methods of losing weight
    Some people can't wait for the lovely colors cooler weather and cozy sweaters of autumn In fact fall is Americans' favorite time but for a minority of others the transition from summer creates worry fear and worse According to Carrie Landin a psychologist from the University of Colorado Health Integrative Medicine Center a significant number of people actually experience autumn anxiety
    For some people stress is triggered(触发)by environmental factors Decreases in daylight cause chemical changes in the brain Less daylight leads to lower levels of chemicals like serotonin and dopamine that control our emotions says Kimberly Asnerself associate professor at Touro Colleges` School of Health Sciences As these chemicals drop the body responds by increasing levels of cortisol the hormone released in situations where we face threat The result can be an increased anxiety difficulty sleeping and depression
    But it's not just increasing darkness that can trigger these symptoms For people who feel this way every year some of the reaction is mental When we know there's the potential for stress ahead we tend to anticipate the problems feeling anxious before they even happen Landin says
    The fall features more than its fair share of impending(迫眉睫)events back to school at the beginning of the season and family gettogethers toward the end Mayra Mendez a psychologist from Providence Saint Johns Health Center suggests identifying your personal triggers and making a plan to manage them before they feel overwhelming For instance if you're concerned about family issues and holiday parties decide in advance that it's perfectly OK to say no to some of them If fall's stricter work and school schedules make you anxious plan regular breaks and vacations to look forward to
    Finally you should also find ways to embrace the present moment Remember while autumn may throw you a few tricks there are plenty of treats to be found too
    27 What may be the cause of autumn anxiety
    A Cooler weather B Less daylight C Sleep difficulties D Vacation plans
    28 Landin's words are mentioned in paragraph 3 to show__________
    A potential stress can be predictable B stress can be triggered by chemicals
    C depression is related to family issues D anxiety can be caused by mental factors
    29 What does the author probably think of autumn stress
    A Manageable B Overwhelming C Troublesome D Beneficial
    30 What can be the best title for the text
    A Seasonal Anxiety B Tricks or Treats
    C The Autumn Blues D Characteristics of Fall
    At 11:50 the bell rings We students rush to the canteen at an amazing speed to enjoy our lunch Have we ever stopped to see what happens after the meal The ideal picture would be this the chef sees his hard work being rewarded when piles of empty used plates are returned to the kitchen after the meal Sadly this is not a common sight We will find instead a mountain of leftovers in the waste bins 31
    This irresponsible food waste deed can never be tolerated It reflects poorly on our hygiene(卫生)practice 32 Let's learn from a Michelinstar Japanese chef who says that he will always respect the fish he cooks Why 33 He can fully understand the dangers which the fisherman constantly faces in order to supply the fish to him Therefore by not wasting any part of the fish and by cooking excellently every time the chef is appreciating the fisherman's efforts
    34 Just think of the poor and homeless who have not eaten for days due to a war or a natural disaster that may have wiped out homes and families Think Wouldn't it be good if we shared our food instead of throwing away what we can't finish
    Now the Environmental Club would like us students to help the needy Instead of buying large quantities of food we might not be able to finish buy a small amount we can also pack food from home or buy canned food or biscuits to give to the needy
    35 Let's respect our food and share the joy of living well through giving food to those in need
    A It's time to play our part to stop food wastage
    B You can try your best to share food with the needy
    C Some unfinished food is taken away to the dormitory
    D Simply he recognizes the sacrifices the fisherman makes
    E Similarly we should respect and appreciate our food more
    F And some of these foods have not even touched the diner's lips
    G It also shows that little thought has been put in preventing food wastage
    第节 完形填空(20题题15分满分30分)
    Six years ago I was a comic actress One day I was asked to be a(n) 36 for Avon a company that does remarkable things for women worldwide The role 37 travel and a series of speaking engagements alongside some 38 and accomplished women The mission seemed like an amazing 39 and it could not have been closer to my heart However 40 leaning in I found myself leaning back The idea of speaking in front of a crowd 41 me I considered letting the opportunity pass me 42 But an inner voice in my ear kept 43 Really You're going to let this go Because you're afraid
    I discussed my 44 with my family and my team and they came back to me with the 45 You can do anything Just jump I was 46 by how supportive everyone was and how much they 47 me In the end I listened to my heart 48 I knew I needed to face my fears and 49 the challenge So I jumped
    I can still remember when I gave my first 50 at the UN of all places In my role as Avon's new global ambassador I was 51 nervous I could barely speak as I walked up to the stage My speech paper rattled audibly in my hand because I was 52 so hard I was not sure how I made it to the end but I felt 53 as I walked away from the stage The 54 is that my paper shook for almost two years 55 I eventually got used to speaking in front of a crowd
    36 A actress B ambassador C celebrity D clerk
    37 A recognized B recommended C required D revealed
    38 A crazy B powerful C gentle D hardworking
    39 A opportunity B practice C adventure D challenge
    40 A regardless of B because of C in spite of D instead of
    41 A terrified B shocked C excited D disappointed
    42 A on B through C away D by
    43 A jumping B shouting C laughing D whispering
    44 A missions B beliefs C fears D hopes
    45 A advice B offer C favor D alternative
    46 A touched B shocked C bothered D puzzled
    47 A looked after B depended on C believed in D turned to
    48 A Above all B Deep down C In return D Over time
    49 A ignore B abandon C accept D switch
    50 A speech B chance C task D choice
    51 A slightly B barely C hardly D extremely
    52 A digging B trying C shaking D striking
    53 A exhausted B relieved C embarrassed D amused
    54 A idea B story C truth D lesson
    55 A before B after C unless D when
    Birds are highly intelligent creatures with complex and specialized forms of communication Each species has 56 unique way of using body language and vocalizations(发声)to communicate However there are some things 57 birds do in general that you can understand If you pay attention to your 58 (bird)regular mannerisms you will be able to identify when they have changed Also you need to look at their movements or behaviors in context 59 (understand)them If you can do this you 60 (be)closer to understanding what your feathered friend is trying to communicate to you
    Birds are 61 (typical)very clean creatures and they spend a lot of time cleaning preening and grooming their feathers This is natural selfcare behavior that is important for birds to do Bathing is an important part of feather maintenance for birds If your bird stops 62 (bathe)itself that is a sign that it is no longer taking care of 63 (it) This could signal depression body pain or lack of mobility A bird that is singing or whistling a lot is likely very happy A bird that is 64 (satisfy)is likely to chatter or talk a lot In fact if you spend time 65 them they are likely to increase this chatter when you come around
    1 游玩
    2 感受
    1 词数80左右
    2 适增加细节行文连贯
    Michelle finished playing the last note then bowed to the stuffed animals(填充玩偶)on her bed There three times in a row with no mistakes she said I just hope I can play it that well at the recital(演奏会)
    In just an hour she would be playing her first solo(独奏) and the thought was giving her butterflies You're lucky you don't have to play by yourself in front of everybody she said smoothing Lea the Leopard's spotted fur and patting Seemore Giraffe on the head Then gazing down at the smiling face of Zoey the Zebra Michelle scolded You're a big help How can you be so happy at a time like this Looking at the animals she sighed I wish you could all come with me She gave them one last glance and went to join her parents in the car
    On the way to school Michelle kept quiet Is my favorite firstgrader getting nervous her dad asked smiling Michelle didn't answer She was trying to picture what it would be like to play in front of all those audience You'll do fine said Mom The first time is always the hardest
    When they arrived at the auditorium Michelle headed backstage She handed her violin to her teacher for tuning Looking out she saw all the seats were filled Now her stomach was really doing flipflops Nervously she took her violin from Mrs Allen and sat with the other students onstage She gulped as her teacher picked up the microphone to begin the program One by one the students played their pieces Finally Michelle heard Mrs Allen announce Our last student tonight will be Michelle Merrick who will play Bach's Minuet in G Major
    1 续写短文词数应150左右
    2 应5短文中标划线关键词语
    3 续写部分分两段段开头语已写
    4 续写完成请划线标出关键词语
    Paragraph 1
    Michelle's heart pounded as she walked toward the front of the stage ___________________________________
    Paragraph 2
    More relaxed now she remembered her piece ______________________________________________________




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