人教版 高中英语必修第二册Unit 5 Music Listening and Talking课后检测练 (有答案)

    Unit 5 Music——Listening and Talking

    1 ________() I have a golden chance to tour around China to enjoy the wonderful scenery
    2 I ’m more than glad to have been invited to attend the ______(钢琴)concert with you
    3 The book describes in ________(概) the main findings of the research
    4 The _______(目标) of this contest is to improve students ’ English spelling level
    5 Walking to the bookshelf Grandma pulled down a big photo ______(相册)
    Some animals live in families Some live in great big groups And others live mostly by themselves Animals have to find the right  1  of living so they can stay safe take  2 of their babies and find food  
    A giant panda 3 eats bamboo and it takes lots of bamboo to fill up a pandaTo make sure there’s enough bamboo for everyone each panda has a territory where it lives alone except during mating(交配) time or when a mother is  4  her baby  
    Lions are hunters  5  they live in groups On the African plains finding enough animals to eat is no problem But  6  them is Lions have better luck when they hunt  7   
    Eagles live and hunt together in lifelong 8  A male and a female both help to  9  a nest of sticks and twigs(枝条) lined with  10  grasses When the eggs hatch one parent  11  at home to protect the young eagles while the other searches for mice or fish to eat  
      Tigers are stealthy hunters who sneak up on prey such as deer or wild pigs—then pounceBut hunting is 12  It can take 10 tries before a tiger gets a meal Living  13  means there’s enough prey to eat and makes quiet hunting easier  
    Herds of musk oxen crowd together for 14  If a wolf comes too close cousins aunts and uncles form a tight  15  with their sharp horns(角) facing outward and their young safe inside  
    What brings ladybugs(瓢虫) togetherIt’s time to hibernate for the winter by bunching together and then the ladybugs keep each other warm
    1 A road    B place   C way   D season
    2 A notice B hold C sight D care
    3 A mainly B originally
    C finally D hardly
    4 A searching B following
    C raising D fighting
    5 A Therefore B However
    C Otherwise D Besides
    6 A catching B bringing
    C taking D cheating
    7 A alone B lonely
    C together D separately
    8 A pairs B groups
    C numbers D quantities
    9 A live B move C find D build
    10 A hard B soft C cold D green
    11 A stays B leaves C reaches D hides
    12 A easy B hard
    C impossible D necessary
    13 A together B in groups
    C alone D nearby
    14 A food B fun C sale D protection
    15 A circle B square C line D wall
    ACDC have postponed their US tour after singer Brian Johnson was warned by doctors that he was at the risk of total hearing loss This is unsurprising given the hard rock decibel(分贝) But deafness isn’t only a concern for rock musicians In recent years it has become clear that anyone around music a lot has reason to be equally worried
      When exposed to music risk to hearing arises from a combination of how loud the sound is and how long you’re exposed to it If you visit a nightclub that is thumping out (响亮奏出) music on the dance floor at 100 dB then after only 1015 minutes the exposure is potentially damaging In a quieter part of the club but where the music is still loud enough that you have to shout at your friends then you could be there for a couple of hours before having to worry about your hearing Of course music frequently exceeds(超)8085 dB but what counts most in assessing the risk to hearing is the average exposure
      Exposure to high noise levels often causes temporary deafness—something many people have experienced after going to a nightclub While hearing usually recovers after a few hours or days repeated loud exposure leads to permanent hearing damage Initially this damage is unlikely to be noticed by the listener Problems only become significant in middle age when the noisecaused hearing loss combines with the natural loss of hearing due to ageing
      Improved technology means that the number of musicians having to give up performing could decrease but student musicians need to be educated about the dangers of noisecaused hearing loss The increasing use of headphones will also work against this—for musicians and everyone else Unless people are careful with the volume(音量) level on their portable music players hearing loss caused by music will increase
    1 What does Paragraph 1 mainly aim to tell us
    A Musicians tend to be victims of music
    B It is helpful to check hearing regularly
    C Being with music isn’t necessarily beneficial
    D Deafness has become musicians’ major concern
    2 What’s the most important factor considered in the assessment of the risk to hearing
    A Its decibel
    B The average exposure
    C Its playing environment
    D The listener’s sensitivity to sound
    3 People who go to nightclubs frequently tend to _______  
    A suffer from temporary headache
    B have their hearing damaged forever
    C experience natural hearing loss earlier
    D have a clear sense of their hearing damage
    4 Which of the following best reflects the author’s opinion
    A Improved technology can prevent hearing damage
    B Student musicians are main sufferers of hearing loss
    C Using headphones helps reduce hearing loss to a degree
    D We can never be too careful with the volume level of music

    1C根文保证安全顾幼崽寻找食物判断 处生活正确方式
    2D根文babies知 处应take care of 意顾
    3A根文and it takes lots of bamboo to fill up a panda知 熊猫竹子食
    4C根前面mother知 处应填raise 意抚养
    5B文语义处含转折意思 However
    6Acatch逮住 前面finding相呼应
    7C根文更运气判断 狮子集体狩猎 together
    8A根文A malea female判断 处 pairs
    9D文sticks and twigs知 处搭建巢穴
    10B鹰建巢穴 穴里面铺草应该柔软
    11A根面保护判断 鹰家里
    12B根It can take 10 tries before a tiger gets a meal 知 老虎说猎取食物容易
    13C根there’s enough prey to eat and makes quiet hunting easier知 想足够食物 必须独居
    14D根文If a wolf comes too close cousins aunts and uncles form a tight _______ 知 处for protection保护 
    15A形成圈 保证角外 幼崽里面
    1C推理判断题根第段两句But deafness isn’t only a concern for rock musicians In recent years it has become clear that anyone around music a lot has reason to be equally worried 第段理解推断出 第段旨告诉读者听音乐定益
    2B细节理解题根第二段句Of course music frequently exceeds 8085 dB but what counts most in assessing the risk to hearing is the average exposure 知 均接触时间评定听力损伤程度重素
    3B细节理解题根第三段第二句While hearing usually recovers after a few hours or days repeated loud exposure leads to permanent hearing damage 第三段理解知 常夜总会会导致永久性听力损伤
    4D细节理解题根段句Unless people are careful with the volume level on their portable music players hearing loss caused by music will increase 知 作者认音乐音量越心越D项中can never be too 意越……越 ……





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