
    (考试时间 60 分钟)
    听力部分(40 分)
    听录音选出听单词短语序号填入题前括号(听两遍10 题
    题1 分计10 分)
    ( ) 1 A cake B bike C like
    ( ) 2 A fruit B fat C fine
    ( ) 3 A thirty B thin C thirteen
    ( ) 4 A dog B door C doll
    ( ) 5 A try B eye C fly
    ( ) 6 A pie B my C by
    ( ) 7 A cat B car C cap
    ( ) 8 A six B box C fox
    ( ) 9 A these socks B this box C those socks
    ( ) 10 A big eyes B big ears C small eyes
    二听录音列图片标序号 (听两遍 8 题题 15 分计 12 分)
    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    三听录音选择正确答句(听三遍 5 题题 2 分计 10 分)
    ( ) 1 A Yes I like B Yes please C YesI do
    ( ) 2 A I have three B I have some cars C Yes I have cars
    题 号 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十


    15( ) 3 A Yes I have B I have seventeen C No I don’t
    ( ) 4 A I like oranges B I’d like some oranges C We have some grapes
    ( ) 5 A It's ten yuan B I'm ten C They’re ten yuan
    四听录音填入缺单词(听三遍 8 空空 1 分计 8 分)
    1 Look at our robot nose is_______
    2 Let’s ____ a fruit salad I have ______ grapes
    3 I am _____ a snack bar I’d like a cup of ______
    4 He can ________ but he can’t __________
    笔试部分(60 分)
    五找出类单词( 6 题题 1 分计 6 分)
    ( ) 1 A kitchen B bedroom C fridge D bathroom
    ( ) 2 A rice B milk C tea D cakes
    ( ) 3 A dog B monkey C animal D lion
    ( ) 4 A me B his C her D our
    ( ) 5 Anose B mouth C tail D tall
    ( ) 6 Anine B new C nice D cute
    六单项选择( 12 题题 1 分计 12 分)
    ( ) 1 — Do you like purple grapes —________
    A Yes I like B No I don’t C Great
    ( ) 2 — How many ______can you see — I can see three
    A car B a car C cars
    ( ) 3 I ______ swim but I can skate
    A can B like C can’t
    ( ) 4 — _______ are they — They're fifty yuan
    A How many B How old C How much
    ( ) 5 — Can you play _______ — Yes I can
    A basketball B a football C the basketball
    ( ) 6 — Do you have _______ apples— No I have _______ pineapples
    A some any B any some C some some
    ( ) 7 — Where _______ the stickers — They _______ in the box
    A is are B are are C are is
    ( ) 8 The bird isn’t in the desk It isn’t under the chair _________
    A too B either C and( ) 9 ________ says My Queen you are the most beautiful
    A The snow white B The magic sticker C The magic mirror
    ( ) 10 Why is Pinocchio’s nose growing
    A Because he is sad B Because he lies C Because he is happy
    ( ) 11 The last duckling is big and ________
    A pretty B ugly C nice
    ( ) 12 The Ugly Duckling is a beautiful ________
    A duck B swan C goose
    七会话匹配序号写前面括号( 8 题题 1 分计 8 分)
    Ⅰ Ⅱ
    ( ) 1What would you like A I like oranges
    ( ) 2 Come and look Su Hai B Thirteen yuan
    ( ) 3 I’m hungry C It’s under the tree
    ( ) 4 What do you like D I have some stickers
    ( ) 5 How much is it E Me too
    ( ) 6 What do you have F Here’s a hot dog for you
    ( ) 7 I don’t like tigers G OK
    ( ) 8Where is the dog H I’d like some noodles
    八选择括号中适单词完成句子( 6 题题 1 分计 6 分)
    1 How many________(mangosmangoes) do you have
    2 Mike can swim _______ (goodwell)
    3 — How _____ (manymuch) are the umbrellas — Eighteen yuan
    4 Would you like______( someany)juice
    5 Here _______ (is are) some tea for you
    6 Do you like_______ (pandapandas)
    1 his is tall snowman

    2 umbrella nice your is very

    3 haveayoucatdotoy

    4 do many how pencils have you
    十根中文提示句子补充完整( 5 题空 1 分计 10 分)
    Can you play ________
    No I ________ But I can ________
    ________ are my ________ They’re on the ______
    _______ ______ are the ________
    They are ______ yuan
    This is a photo of my bedroom It’s small but it’s clean and nice You can see a bed a desk
    a chair and a sofa On the desk you can see an English book a pencil box and some dolls
    My basketball is under the bed I like it I often play basketball with my friends
    ( ) 1 My bedroom is big
    ( ) 2 You can see some dolls on the bed
    ( ) 3 The English book is on the desk
    ( ) 4 I have a basketball
    ( ) 5 I play basketball with my brother
    Look at the boy His name is Wang Bing He’s a Chinese boy He is in the kitchen He likes
    apples Su Yang is at home too She is in her bedroom She likes drawing Is Gao Shan at
    home No he is at the snack bar He is thirsty He would like some grape juice Miss Li is in
    the study She is reading an English book
    ( ) 1 Wang Bing is in the ________
    A kitchen B living room C bedroom
    ( ) 2 _______ likes drawing
    A Gao Shan B Wang Bing C Su Yang
    ( ) 3 ______ is not at home
    A Su Yang B Wang Bing C Gao Shan
    ( ) 4 Miss Li is reading _____________________
    A a Chinese book B an English book C a math book
    ( ) 5 He is thirsty ( thirsty 意思_________)
    A 饥饿 B口渴 C 头晕四年级英语()听力材料
    听录音选出听单词短语序号填入题前括号(听两遍 10
    题题1 分计10 分)
    1 I like apples
    2 The panda is fat and cute
    3 I have thirty stickers
    4 The dog is lovely
    5 I can fly a kite
    6 Would you like a pie
    7 My cat is under the table
    8 This is a big box
    9 How much are those socks
    10 The snowman has small eyes
    二.听录音列图片标序号(听两遍 8 题题 15 分计 12 分)
    1 How much is your doll It’s 15 yuan
    2 I can play football well
    3 My bathroom is big and clean
    4 The elephant has a long nose
    5 Can I help you I’d like some noodles some milk and a hamburger
    6 Look at my snowman It’s cool
    7 Where is my fan It’s on the table
    8 This is my sister Her hair is long Her eyes are big
    三听录音选择正确答句(听三遍 5 题题 2 分计 10 分)
    1 Do you like tigers
    2 How many toy cars do you have
    3 Do you have any grapes
    4 What would you like
    5 How much is the fan
    四听录音填入缺单词(听三遍 8 空空 1 分计 8 分)
    1 Look at our robot His nose is small
    2 Let’s make a fruit salad I have many grapes
    3 I am at a snack bar I’d like a cup of coffee
    4 He can swim but he can’t skate四年级英语()参考答案
    1C 2B 3A 4A 5C 6A 7A 8B 9C 10C
    2 5 7 1 8 4 3 6
    1C 2A 3C 4B 5 A
    1 His small
    2 make many
    3 at coffee
    4 swim skate
    1 C 2D 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 A
    1B 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 B
    11 B 12B
    1 H 2G 3 F 4 A 5B 6 D 7 E 8 C
    八选择括号中适单词完成句子(6 分)
    1 mangoes 2 well 3 much 4some 5 is 6 pandas
    1football can’t jump 2Where bananas table 3How much shoes fifty
    (1)1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5F
    (2)1A 2C 3C 4B 5B




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