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 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 43 教案

Unit 8 Save Our World!Lesson 43 Let’s Clean Up!Learning aims: 1. Let the students understand to protect our environment is our duty.2. We should keep our school yard clean.Learning important poi

2023-04-15    362    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 38 教案

Lesson 38 The World Is a Big Place!Learning aims:1. Master the new words and expressions: planet; billion; total; increase; Indian; Atlantic; Arctic2. Learn more about the world’s geography.3. Ma

2023-04-15    340    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 30 教案

Lesson 30 A Cookie SaleLearning aims:1. Master the new words and phrases2. Revise the Simple Past Tense3. Write a short passage to describe the past eventLearning important points:1. Words and

2023-04-15    379    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 32 教案

Lesson 32 My Favourite RecordLearning aims: 1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Revise the tenses.Learning important points:Grasp how to use the words and the phrases.Learning difficult p

2023-04-13    348    0


人教版八年级英语下册unit6导学案 学科 英语 课题unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 第一课时 授课老师 学习水平 知识目标细化 识 记 领

2021-05-13    783    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 47 教案

Lesson 47 Connected to NatureLearning aims: Call on the students to take actions to protect our environment.Learn about the pollution problems in our life.Learning important points:Offering help

2023-04-13    291    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 27 教案

Lesson 27 Business EnglishLearning aims:1. The new words and expressions.2. Know something about “Business Lingo”.Learning important points:The new words and phrasesLearning difficult points:I

2023-04-15    283    0

 英语八年级下册Unit 1 What's the matter?知识总结

重点短语1. have a stomachache 胃痛2. have a cold 感冒3. lie down 躺倒4. take one’s temperature 给某人量体温5. have a fever 发烧6. go to a doctor 看医生7. get off 离开,出发8. to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是9.

2023-02-09    170    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 48 教案

Lesson 48 Garbage Is Interesting!Learning aims: 1. Master the new words and expressions: used, divide, pile, seat, lid, ton, duty2. Call on the students to protect the environment.3. Think about

2023-04-15    385    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 46 教案

Lesson 46 Protect Our EnviromentLearning aims: Know about the pollution in our country.We all should take care of our environment.Learning important points:How do you think the pollution in our

2023-04-15    418    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 42 教案

Lesson 42 North AmericaLearning aims: 1. Will/ Would/ Could you please…?2. Learn about the rhythm of the foreign songs.3. Know more about the world’s geography.Learning important points:1. Trav

2023-04-15    342    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 29 教案

Lesson 29 How to Push a ProductLearning aims:1. Master the words and the phrases2. Master “Adverbial Clauses”3. Write about a passage about “Bill Gates”.Learning important and difficult points:

2023-04-13    278    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 25 教案

Lesson 25 Raising MoneyLearning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Know something about product.Learning important points:1. The new words and expressions.2. How to retell the dialo

2023-04-15    357    0

 八年级下册英语短语 part-time job

八年级下册英语短语 part-time job   (be) different from ….. 与……不同.   (be) the same as…与……相同.   a women’s dress

2015-06-21    651    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 31 教案

Unit 6 Be a Champion!Lesson 31 Don’t Fall, Danny!Learning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Know about the Olympic Games.Important points:Grasp the new words and expressions.Diffi

2023-04-15    344    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 35 教案

Lesson 35 The Dream TeamLearning aims:Learn the new words and expressions.Learning important points:Grasp the new words and phrases.Learning difficult points:1. The difference between “such” an

2023-04-13    304    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 26 教案

Lesson 26 Cookies, Please!Learning aims:1. The new words and expressions2. Some sentences about “shopping”Learning important and difficult points:1. The new expressions2. How to make dialogues

2023-04-15    326    0

 冀教版八年级下册英语 Lesson 41 教案

Lesson 41 A Class of the WorldLearning aims: 1. Know more about the world’s geography. 2. Compare the physical features with the Asian physical features.Learning important points:1. Learn about

2023-04-13    302    0


探究2、老师在计算学期总平均分的时候按如下标准:作业占100%、测验占30%、期中占35%、期末考试占35%,小关和小兵的成绩如下表:求两人的平均成绩个是多少? 学生 作业 测验 期中考试 期末考试 小关 80

2021-04-24    502    0


教学设计 学 科 物理 年 级 八年级 教学形式 讲授 教 师 单 位 课题名称 功率 学情分析 1.学生来自农村,基础较为薄弱,在学习了压强和浮力等知识后,部分学生对物理有了畏难情绪。 2.对于功和功率有着丰富的生活知识和生活经验。

2021-04-27    557    0
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