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 高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea-Words and expressions 课件ppt

1. Did anyone _____________the car accident?2. We should _______ what we’ve done today before we go to sleep. 3. He looked at his face ________ in the mirror.4.Dont’ _______ at me like that5. The sailors had to ________ the sinking ship6. They all _______from the burning building last night 7. He ___________ his suitcase along the platform(月台). They were too heavy to carry

2019-05-13    1329    0

 高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea-Using Language课件(配套)ppt

1.Learn to pronounce the names of sea creatures mentioned in the text correctly.2.Learn to describe the creatures mentioned in the text properly according to the pictures with the expressions like:...+ , looking,...+shaped,...+spotted,...+like,...+striped.3.Learn to use proper expressions to convey their exact feelings in their past experiences.

2019-05-13    1181    0


 SBA 环境分析 企业分析 比较 一般与特殊规律 机会 / 威胁 风险度 成功关键因素 一般与特殊规律 优势 / 劣势 适应性 成功关键把握能力 战略决策 组织文 化 投资格 局 资源配 制 三个根本转型 l 经验型——科学型 l 生产型——经营型 (封闭、执行

2011-03-05    1557    0


人教版小学生作文习作5篇 人教版三下第二单元习作 请保护“我” 二都小学 301班  张昊  指导老师 章洁芳 亲爱的人们: 我是一条小河,我曾经是一条干干净净的小河,可是我却被你们严重污染。 以

2013-08-19    9478    0


教材模块综合测试题 测试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,64分) 一、单项选择题(本题包括8小题,每小题4分,32分。每小题只有一个选项符合题) 1.废弃的电子产品称为电子垃圾,其中

2014-02-05    611    0


预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。 1.He made wonderful scientific___________(发现). 2.He ___________(使……扬名)himself by his courage at that time. 3.I keep my reference books near my desk for___________(方便). 4.He ate a light lunch in___________(期望)of a good dinner. 5.The manager received twenty ___________(申请书)for the position. 6.Success in money-making is not always a good___________ (标准) of real success in life.

2021-03-18    574    0

 人教版英语选修8unit3 reading the problem of the snakes教案

人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书高二选修8 Unit3 Reading The problem of the snakes Warming Up & Reading Teaching Goals: 1

2020-10-06    989    0


高中数学人教版选修4-4经典测试题 班级: 姓名: 一、选择题(5*12=60) 1.直线 ,(为参数)上与点的距离等于的点的坐标是( ) A. B.或 C. D.或 2.圆的圆心坐标是 A. B.

2020-12-09    771    0

 人教版高中物理选修三 第4章 第2节 光电效应 提升

人教版高中物理选修三 第4章 第2节 光电效应 提升 一、单项选择题(3小题;12分) 1. 如图所示,在研究光电效应的实验中,发现用一定频率的 A 单色光照射光电管时,电流表指针会发生偏转,而用另一频率的

2023-02-27    199    0


词汇梳理   1. discovery n. 发现;发觉 【观察示例】 The country became rich following the discovery of oil. 在发现石油以后,这个国家变得很富有。 The researchers have made a number of important discoveries. 研究人员已有许多重要发现。

2021-03-18    640    0


1.The Taiwan S    seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The m    were against it.3.Now in China, an increasing p    of the population have their own cars.4.—What’s your n   ?—I’m British.5.My father h    three men to help him with the harvest last summer.6.He has twenty heads of ___________(牛) on his farm.7.He has six pieces of ___________ (行李).

2021-03-18    590    0


高二语文《大学》节选(人教版高二选修) 教案教学设计   教学目标 1. 借助工具上古疏通文意,掌握常见的文言词汇及重要意义。 2. 理解文章中的思想,并探讨这些思想的现代意义。 3. 理解《大学》

2023-08-13    228    0



2019-12-31    2430    0


1 The first use is to produce commercial quantities of plants.The second is to research on new plants species and do medical research on animals.2 Cloning plants is straightforward,but the cloning of animals is very complicated.3 The first clone from an adult animal was Dolly the sheep.She died in 2003.4 Cloning is controversial in some countries for moral and religious reasons.

2021-03-18    634    0


 预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。1.He was not__________(觉察到)of her presence until she spoke to him.2.Children must learn not to __________(打断谈话).3.__________(假定)it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?4.Who will learn a language __________(不管)of method, materials, or teacher?5.This dictionary is __________(特别地)intended for foreign learners of English.6.He was tried for theft but got off because there wasn’t sufficient__________ (证据) against him.

2021-03-18    567    0


《选修3·旅游地理》 1、旅游活动的三大要素:(记忆) 旅游者是主体、旅游业的服务对象; 旅游资源是客体,旅游活动的基础; 旅游业是中介体,连接率旅游者和旅游资源的纽带。有三大支柱:旅游饭店、旅行社、旅游交通

2021-05-07    461    0


、无本之木。学生素质的培养就成了镜中花,水中月。 ★教学资料 一维弹性碰撞的普适性结论 新课标人教版选修3-5第15页讨论了一维弹性碰撞中的一种特殊情况(运动的物体撞击静止的物体),本文旨在在此基础之

2019-12-16    481    0


词汇-语法练习 姓名: 得分: (满分 20 分) 一. 单句语法填空 @ 精讲词汇 (每空 1 分, 8 分) 1. In Honolulu, using the phones while crossing

2021-05-14    385    0


1.The _____(改编)of the play for radio was easily done.答案:adaptation2.Two men formed a   阴谋)to rob the bank.答案:plot3.He did not _____(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him.答案:hesitate4. ______(使人心烦的)financial problems depressed him.答案:Troublesome

2021-03-18    619    0


1.The Taiwan S    seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.答案:Strait2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan.The m    were against it.答案:majority3.Now in China,an increasing p    of the population have their own cars.答案:percentage4.—What’s your n   ?—I’m British.

2021-03-18    803    0
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