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1. 自学1a 并回答下面问题:(1) What is Jane doing? ____________________________________________________ (2) What is Michael doing? __________________________________________________

2021-04-30    402    0

 仁爱九年级英语上册 unit1-4知识点

仁爱九年级英语上册unit1-4知识点 九年级英语重点词组与句型Unit 1 Topic1 1.     have a good summer holiday                        暑假过得愉快

2020-09-21    578    0


一位一班的学生______________ 3. 在学校______________________ 4. 和某人讲英语________________ 5. 户外活动____________________ 6. 告

2021-04-30    427    0


/would like to…的用法。 学习谈论假日计划. 二 预习检测 1、自读1a,找出重要的短语。 谈论他们的假期计划_________________ 想要做某事____________ 计划

2021-05-24    640    0


仁爱七年级第一学期英语教学计划   一、本学期教学时间安排: 本学期我校从9月1号开学,预计到1月20号左右进行期末测试,教育教学时间大约只有20周,在这期间还要进行多次月考和期中测试。时间相对紧张。所以我对本

2012-03-07    461    0


 仁爱英语七年级上册期末考试知识点归纳 Unit 1 1、     Good morning/ afternoon / evening    早上/下午/晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚上告别)

2019-11-07    993    0


________ basketball in the gym now. 6. 打扰一下,我可以借几本英语练习册么?(完成译句) Excuse me, ____________I____________some

2021-04-30    431    0


七年级英语学科 新课探究案 课型:新课探究案 (Section C) 使用时间:第___ 周 第____课时时使用 本方案共需__2__课时使用 主备人:张留所 审核人:_______ 课题:Unit

2021-04-30    440    0


were you doing at this time yesterday? 2. 我打电话叫你去英语角,但没人接。 I called you to go to the English Corner but

2021-04-08    1027    0


初二第一学期期末总复习根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我们这个星期天准备举行篮球比赛。We ___________________________________a basketball game this Sunday.2. 你准备加入学校的划船俱乐部吗?Are you going to______________________________________________?3. 你

2021-04-08    787    0

 人教版英语八年级下册Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?单词短语知识点

2022年人教英语八年级下预习内容 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 一、 重点单词 allow 允许 wrong 错误的 guess 猜 relation

2023-03-17    232    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 39 教案

Lesson 39 Ring Up or Call?Learning aims: 1. Master words and expressions: ring, ring up, What does…mean? 2. Learn to make a telephone call in English.3. Know about the following culture.Learnin

2023-04-15    332    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 43 教案

Unit 8 Save Our World!Lesson 43 Let’s Clean Up!Learning aims: 1. Let the students understand to protect our environment is our duty.2. We should keep our school yard clean.Learning important poi

2023-04-15    360    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 37 教案

Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 37 Let’s Learn Geography!Learning aims: 1. Talk about the countries.2. Be proud of one’s country.Learning important points:1. Talk about the geography.2. Learn some

2023-04-15    435    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 30 教案

Lesson 30 A Cookie SaleLearning aims:1. Master the new words and phrases2. Revise the Simple Past Tense3. Write a short passage to describe the past eventLearning important points:1. Words and

2023-04-15    377    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 32 教案

Lesson 32 My Favourite RecordLearning aims: 1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Revise the tenses.Learning important points:Grasp how to use the words and the phrases.Learning difficult p

2023-04-13    346    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 38 教案

Lesson 38 The World Is a Big Place!Learning aims:1. Master the new words and expressions: planet; billion; total; increase; Indian; Atlantic; Arctic2. Learn more about the world’s geography.3. Ma

2023-04-15    336    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 27 教案

Lesson 27 Business EnglishLearning aims:1. The new words and expressions.2. Know something about “Business Lingo”.Learning important points:The new words and phrasesLearning difficult points:I

2023-04-15    279    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 46 教案

Lesson 46 Protect Our EnviromentLearning aims: Know about the pollution in our country.We all should take care of our environment.Learning important points:How do you think the pollution in our

2023-04-15    416    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 47 教案

Lesson 47 Connected to NatureLearning aims: Call on the students to take actions to protect our environment.Learn about the pollution problems in our life.Learning important points:Offering help

2023-04-13    288    0
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