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 八年级下册英语 Lesson 27 教案

Lesson 27 Business EnglishLearning aims:1. The new words and expressions.2. Know something about “Business Lingo”.Learning important points:The new words and phrasesLearning difficult points:I

2023-04-15    279    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 48 教案

Lesson 48 Garbage Is Interesting!Learning aims: 1. Master the new words and expressions: used, divide, pile, seat, lid, ton, duty2. Call on the students to protect the environment.3. Think about

2023-04-15    383    0

 七年级下册英语 unit7 测试

Unit 7 测试 (限时: 60分钟 满分: 100分) 一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 15分) 1. Don’t spend much time _______ games. A. in B

2022-03-04    501    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 46 教案

Lesson 46 Protect Our EnviromentLearning aims: Know about the pollution in our country.We all should take care of our environment.Learning important points:How do you think the pollution in our

2023-04-15    416    0

 七年级下册英语 unit8 测试

Unit 8测试 (限时: 60分钟 满分: 100分) 一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 15分) 1. It’s a(n)_______ for a young man like you not

2022-03-04    501    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 47 教案

Lesson 47 Connected to NatureLearning aims: Call on the students to take actions to protect our environment.Learn about the pollution problems in our life.Learning important points:Offering help

2023-04-13    288    0


。了解长度单位在日常生活中的广泛应用。激发参与数学活动的积极性。 教具准备:米尺、尺子、线绳、电脑课件、长纸条。 教学重难点:1、知道1分米有多长。认识米与分米、分米与厘米的关系。 2、知道1米=10分米,1米=10分米=100厘米。

2022-03-26    636    0

 lesson 47导学案英语七年级下册

一、自我检测根据提示完成句子(达成目标1)1.Tomorrow is the l_____ day of this term.2. I saw some ________(Germany) on the street. They are from ______3.One of the most famous _________(university)in China is called Qinghua University.4.We took many w_________ pictures.5.It’s a nice e__________ for us to go to other countries.

2021-06-09    264    0


用,发挥学生的创造力、想像力和表演才能,更重要的是让学生积极主动地把所学的语言知识灵活运用到真实的语文环境中。 活动方式:1. 师生之间进行打招呼问候。如: T: Good morning, boys

2022-02-24    675    0


让学生把4块积木搭在一起,并从前面、侧面、上面观察自己搭的立体,与同伴说一说看到的是什么图形。 (2)观察交流。 课件出示教材第4页下半页例3(2)情境图。 师:你们搭的立体和芳芳(第一个女孩)、丽丽(第二个女孩)搭

2022-02-24    811    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 29 教案

Lesson 29 How to Push a ProductLearning aims:1. Master the words and the phrases2. Master “Adverbial Clauses”3. Write about a passage about “Bill Gates”.Learning important and difficult points:

2023-04-13    276    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 42 教案

Lesson 42 North AmericaLearning aims: 1. Will/ Would/ Could you please…?2. Learn about the rhythm of the foreign songs.3. Know more about the world’s geography.Learning important points:1. Trav

2023-04-15    338    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 35 教案

Lesson 35 The Dream TeamLearning aims:Learn the new words and expressions.Learning important points:Grasp the new words and phrases.Learning difficult points:1. The difference between “such” an

2023-04-13    302    0


boy,girl,now,draw,picture 用红笔在 look,draw 后加­ing,读这两个单词并拼写。 2.Play a game. 师发指令,生做动作: draw、sleep、draw

2022-02-24    710    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 26 教案

Lesson 26 Cookies, Please!Learning aims:1. The new words and expressions2. Some sentences about “shopping”Learning important and difficult points:1. The new expressions2. How to make dialogues

2023-04-15    321    0

 七年级下册Unit 3 School Life练习

1. My sister is in Class Four, G Eight.2. The accident h at six o'clock.3. His cousin is playing the g at the party. It sounds beautiful.4. The soldier (士兵) saved five people's l .

2021-08-30    464    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 25 教案

Lesson 25 Raising MoneyLearning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Know something about product.Learning important points:1. The new words and expressions.2. How to retell the dialo

2023-04-15    356    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 31 教案

Unit 6 Be a Champion!Lesson 31 Don’t Fall, Danny!Learning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Know about the Olympic Games.Important points:Grasp the new words and expressions.Diffi

2023-04-15    339    0

 八年级下册英语 Lesson 41 教案

Lesson 41 A Class of the WorldLearning aims: 1. Know more about the world’s geography. 2. Compare the physical features with the Asian physical features.Learning important points:1. Learn about

2023-04-13    297    0

 七年级下册英语 unit6 测试

Unit 6测试 (限时: 60分钟 满分: 100分) 一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 15分) 1. Today is Monday. It’s ______ turn to give a duty

2022-03-04    524    0
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