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 高考英语二轮复习:英语外刊精读食物历史课件-(39张ppt )

这个方法看似出现在科幻作品中,但其实由来已久。因为动物奶类和肉质稀缺且昂贵,数百年来,人们一直在找寻替代品。(文章由公众号:考研英语外刊学习提供) 33. Food history 食物历史【3】During the Tang dynasty

2023-03-05    1830    0


1. 培训师的百宝箱(一)123课堂游戏实战精选本资料选自国内最具含金量,最全面的《人力资源顶级方法与实操大全-2010最新经典版》 资料每年升级,全国各地免费送货,货到付款,详情咨询qq:514457731(加qq无需验证)

2009-12-01    23422    0


故事中人物的欢喜而欢喜,悲伤而悲伤,于喜和悲中我们感悟:人生就是这样充满了各色滋味。 很多作家作品讲述了成长的故事,这些故事的主人公有的是和我们同龄的孩子,但因所处时代不同,却有着大不一样的生活。课余

2020-08-13    898    0


了,他们会想些什么? 52. 第一次是桑娜与渔夫同时沉默。渔夫回家了,渔网也撕破了,面对刚刚从死亡线上挣扎回来的丈夫,桑娜不知道如何告诉丈夫自己收养孤儿的事,所以选择了沉默。而渔夫还沉浸在与海浪搏斗的

2020-08-12    1615    0


我想成为一名医生。C: I want to de a policeman.我想做一名警察。同学,你想做什么? 能用英语表达吗? 12. (本页无文本内容) 13. drive 驾驶,开动 driver 驾驶员,司机 policeman

2019-11-04    1301    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: prescribing the features of an organization and products 2. Requirement By

2009-05-10    3632    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of a business plan2. Requirement By the end of this lesson, y

2010-12-09    22281    0


1. Unit 14 ShoppingLesson 54 Shopping online2. Revision——translation网上购物 网上订购 进行一次学校旅行 给…照相 决定做…… 作出决定 检查,调查 信用卡 名胜 物美价廉 shopping onlineorder onlinego on a school

2010-10-11    3187    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of a business plan2. Requirement By the end of this lesson,

2012-10-09    26731    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of letters of enquiry 2. Requirement By the end of

2009-04-03    9482    0


1. Key point: useful sentences for establishing business relationship Difficult points: Letter writing on establishing business relationship2. Requirement B

2009-08-23    12661    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letter of counter-offers2. Requirement By the end of this

2009-05-15    15730    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of every sections2. Requirement By the end of this

2011-12-09    6939    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing of agreements2. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to

2011-08-08    8896    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letter of offers2. Requirement By the end of this lesson,

2011-09-19    10552    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letters of acceptance2. Requirement By the end of this less

2009-04-17    5238    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: two different writing methods of ads2. Requirement By the end of this lesso

2009-06-22    3997    0


的角度介绍了地球的有关知识,阐明了人类生存“只有一个地球”的事实,呼吁人类应该珍惜资源,保护地球。课堂小结>>>> 39. 保护环境,人人有责。 拯救地球,从生活中的细节做起。 地球是万物生灵共同的家园,共生共荣来自万物的和谐。

2020-08-16    927    0


福感,土地就是农民的命,甚至比命还重要。表现了农民对土地的感情,这是一种相互依存、相互交融的状态。课堂小结>>>> 38. 我爱这土地 艾青 假如我是一只鸟, 我也应该用嘶哑的喉咙歌唱: 这被暴风雨

2020-08-16    1609    0


让我们非常真切地感受到洪水的肆无忌惮,洪水就是魔鬼猛兽,突出了情况危急,渲染了紧张气氛。 25. 课堂小结 本节课我们通过多种方式的读,学习了8个生字和12个词语,感受了洪水的凶猛、疯狂,面对这样可怕

2020-08-12    1402    0
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