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Features Maximum output current is 1.1A Range of operation input voltage: Max 30V Line regulation: 0.03%/V (typ.) Standby current: 1.8mA (typ.) Load regulation: 0.2%/A (typ.) Environment Temperature: -20℃~85℃Applications Power Management for Computer MotherBoard, Graphic Card LCD Monitor and LCD TV DVD Decode Board ADSL Modem Post Regulators For Switching Supplies

2019-03-26    753    0


Features Output Current of 500mA Thermal Overload Protection Short Circuit Protection Output transistor safe area protection No external components Package:TO252 Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±5%

2019-03-26    1022    0


Features Low voltage drop: 0.17V@100mA High input voltage: 15V Low temperature coefficient Large Output Current: >0.35A Low Quiescent Current: 1.0uA Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Built-in current limiter SOT89 and SOT23-3 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Hand-Hold Equipment GRS Receivers Wireless LAN

2019-03-26    832    0


Features External parts: Coil, capacitor Output voltage: Settable to between2.1V to 5.5V in 0.1V steps Maximum Oscillationfrequency :300KHz Accuracy of ±2% High efficiency :95% Package: SOT23 and TO92Applications Digital cameras Electronic notebooks and PDAS Portable CD/MD players Cameras , video equipment Communications equipment Power supply for microcomputers

2019-03-26    702    0


Features Output Current of 100mA Thermal Overload Protection Short Circuit Protection Output transistor safe area protection No external components Package:SOT89-3 and TO92 Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±3%

2019-03-26    953    0


时光 视频工作室 ┓ 边影 时光边影视频工作室 ┓ ┓ 艾梦 l 赵梦瑶 l 欧阳澍华 l 左小涵 l 金禹成 目 录 CONTENTS 工作室概况 核心职员与职责 主营业务及 盈利方式 01 市场分析与调研

2018-11-08    3084    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient Ultra low quiescent current: 2μA(typ.) High input voltage (up to 15V) Maximum output current: 250mA Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89 ,SOT23-3 and SOT23 package

2019-03-26    1216    0


Features Protection of battery cell reverse connection Programmable charge current up to 800mA No MOSFET sense resistor or blocking dioderequired Complete linear Charger for single CellLithium-Ion Batteries CC and CV operation with thermal regulationto maximize Rate without risk of overheating Preset 4.2V charge voltage with ±1%accuracy Automatic Recharge C/10 charge termination 2.9V trickle current charge threshold Soft-Start limits inrush current Available in SOT23-5 package

2019-03-26    700    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 18V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% SOT89, SOT23 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    758    0


Features Hall effect Switch Sensor Wide operating voltagerange :3.5V~35V Open Collector Pre-Driver Maximum output sink current: 50mA Operating Temperature:-40℃~+125℃ Package:SOT23-3L N-pole inductionApplications Rotor Position Sensing Current Switch Brush-less DC Motor Revolution counting Encoder RPM Detection Brush-less DC Fan Speed measurement

2019-03-26    669    0


Features Protection of battery cell reverse connection Programmable charge current up to 1.1A No MOSFET sense resistor or blocking dioderequired Complete linear Charger for single Cell Lithium-IonBatteries CC and CV operation with thermal regulation tomaximize Rate without risk of overheating Preset 4.2V charge voltage with ±1% accuracy Automatic Recharge Two Status Indication for Charge status, no batteryand battery failure indicators C/10 charge termination 55μ A supply current in shutdown 2.9V trickle current charge threshold Soft-Start limits inrush current Battery Temperature Sensing Available in SOP-8 and ESOP-8 package

2019-03-26    791    0


人教五年级语文上册重点必背内容梳理 《窃读记》 林海音 我跨进书店门,暗喜没人注意。我踮起脚尖,从 大人的腋下挤过去。哟,把短发弄乱了,没关系,我 总算挤到里边来了。在一排排花花绿绿的书里,我的 眼睛

2018-12-06    4334    0


部编二年级语文上册重点必背内容梳理 1、《植物妈妈有办法》 孩子如果已经长大,就得告别妈妈,四海为家。 牛马有脚,鸟有翅膀,植物要旅行靠的什么办法? 蒲公英妈妈准备了降落伞,把它送给自己的娃娃。 只要有风轻轻吹过,孩子们就乘着风纷纷出发。

2018-12-06    4115    0


人教六年级语文上册重点必背内容梳理 山中访友 (作者:李汉荣) 走出门,就与风撞个满怀,风中含着露水和栀子 花的气息。早晨,好清爽! 不坐车,不邀游伴,也不带什么礼物,就带着满怀 的好心情,踏一条幽径,独自去访问我的朋友。

2018-12-06    3778    0


​ 部编三年级语文上册重点必背内容梳理 园地一(必背) 所见[清]袁枚 牧童骑黄牛, 歌声振林樾。 意欲捕鸣蝉, 忽然闭口立。 4、古诗三首(必背) 山行 [唐]杜牧 远上寒山石径斜, 白云生处有人家。

2018-12-06    2480    0

 二年级上册必背内容 (资料三)

自言自语 不言不语 只言片语 三言两语 千言万语 豪言壮语 少言寡语 甜言蜜语 云开雾散 云雾缭绕 风习习 寒风刺骨 冰天雪地 鹅毛大雪 风雨交加 电闪雷鸣 狼吞虎咽 龙飞凤舞 鸡鸣狗吠 惊弓之鸟 漏网之鱼

2020-09-07    988    0


项目名称: 日期: 序 分值 评价 项目 评价内容 扣分内容及原 因 得分 1 10 安全 管理 1.专职安全管理人员、特种作业人员未持有效证件上岗或数量不 足,每人扣1分。 2.未对施工班组、作业人员进行安全技术交底,交底针对性不强或

2019-06-17    2315    0


1 附件 2: 政府会计准则第 2 ——投资 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了规范投资的确认、计量和相关信息的披露, 根据《政府会计准则——基本准则》,制定本准则。 第二条 本准则所称投资,是指政府会计主体按规定以

2019-12-06    1970    0

 技能培训 液压符

Training Text 液压符 Editor:funeiien液 压 符 (选自:JIS B 0125) 表 1: 基 本 的 符 含 义 备 注 管路: 主管路 先导管路 漏损管路

2020-04-19    1670    0


Features Output Current of 1.5A Thermal Overload Protection Short Circuit Protection Output transistor safe area protection No external components Package:TO220 Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2%General DescriptionTX78XX is three-terminal positive regulators. Oneof these regulators can deliver up to 1.5A ofoutput current. The internal limiting and thermal-shutdown features of the regulator make themessentially immune to overload. When used as areplacement for a zener diode -resistorCombination, an effective improvement in outputimpedance can be obtained, together with

2019-03-26    1090    0
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