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 高中数学人教A版 必修第一册对点专练1

分卷I一、选择题(共8小题,每小题5.0分,共40分) 1.由下列对象组成的集合,其中有限集的个数是(  )(1)不超过2π的正整数;(2)高一数学课本中所有难题;(3)中国的高山;(4)其平方等于自身的数;(5)某班考500分以上的学生.A.

2023-02-23    214    0


1.Explore different kinds of English and understand the diversity of English.2.Figure out the main facts and summarise the main ideas when listening.3.Master effective communication strategies and methods of communicating in English.

2021-03-25    604    0


学习目标1.To know how to get ready for a travel.2.To grasp the tip of listening—listening to the key words.3.To talk about the plans using “be doing”.4.To know how to prepare for a travel.

2021-03-25    1052    0


1.Have a good understanding of the basic sentence structures and basic components of a sentence.2.Identify the basic sentence structures—SV;SVO;SP;SV IO DO;SVOC;SVA;SVOA;There be...3.Master and use the basic sentence structures flexibly.

2021-03-25    898    0


2021-2022学年高一英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 unit 1 习题精选7 一.单词拼写 1.Plainly, a more   (客观的) method of description

2021-07-13    269    0


1.Learn about the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake.2.Identify the language features of literary journalism and the structures of the text.3.Appreciate the figures of speech and writing skills used in the text.4.Grasp and use some words and phrases to describe a natural disaster.课堂探究

2021-03-25    1122    0



2022-09-12    435    0


2021-2022学年高一英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 unit 1 习题精选8 一、用所给词的恰当形式填空 1.To my pride, there come millions of _

2021-07-13    237    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascination Parks 知识清单

Unit 3 Fascination Parks重点单词1.buffet vt.连续猛击;打来打去 n. 自助餐(1)buffet sb./sth.  连续猛击某人/物buffet one's way  打开一条路(尤指在困难条件下);(船)乘风破浪(2)a buffet lunch  自助午餐2.edge n.边;边缘;边线;刀刃 vt.& vi.(使)徐徐移动;给……加边(1

2023-03-19    290    0


1.Haveagoodunderstandingofthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbssuchaswhen,where,whyinattributiveclauses;understandthestructurein/on/atwhichinattributiveclausesisequivalenttowhere/when.  2.Masterthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbsofattributiveclausesintherealsituationthroughself-studyandpractice.3.Describefavouritethingsusingtheproperrelativeadverbsofattributiveclauses.

2021-03-25    711    0


2021-2022学年高一英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 unit 1 习题精选5 一.单词拼写 1. (2020·江苏) Being good at something and having

2021-07-13    290    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第一册期末复习综合练习有答案

高一第一学期英语期末复习综合练习一、阅读理解题:AGeorge Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin. These are some of the historic American men who appear on United States paper money. But where are the women?“Th

2023-03-21    282    0

 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1Teenge Life Language Points学案

M1 Unit 1 Teenage Life Language PointsMotto: Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.年轻时养成的好习惯至关重要。I. Learning aimsMaster the key words, phrases and sentence structures.II. Self- lea

2023-03-22    297    0


1.Identify restrictive relative clauses and explore the structures and the pragmatic function of restrictive relative clauses.2.Sum up the usage of relative pronouns.3.Use restrictive relative clauses to describe pictures of disasters.

2021-03-25    1688    0

 湘教版 高中数学必修第一册5.1.1 角的概念的推广 教案

第五章 三角函数5.1 任意角与弧度制5.1.1 角的概念的推广新课程标准解读核心素养1.了解任意角的概念,区分正角、负角与零角数学抽象2.理解并掌握终边相同的角的概念,能写出终边相同的角所组成的集合数学抽象3.了解象限角的概念数学抽象教学设计 一、目标展示二、情境导入周日早晨,小明起床后,发现自己的闹钟停在5:00这一刻,他立即更换了电池,调整到了正常时间6:3

2023-03-22    447    0


1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as anxious,impress,concentrate,confident,whatif,find+O.+O.C.etc;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study &cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in the class with passion.

2021-03-25    947    0


2021—2022学年(鲁科版2019)化学必修第一册第1章 认识化学科学练习有答案 鲁科版(2019)必修第一册第1章 认识化学科学 一、选择题。 1、新冠肺炎疫情出现以来,一系列举措体现了中国力

2021-07-06    214    0


2020-2021学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册unit 5 习题精选 4 一.单句语法填空 1.New York City officials are the latest to consider

2022-09-01    146    0


1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as reason,unique,otherthan,besides,contact etc;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study & cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in class with passion.课堂探究1.【教材原句】It isfor this reasonthat Spanish is the main official language of Peru. 正因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁主要的官方语言。【句型】这是一个强调句。强调句的结构为“               ”。 【词块】for this reason

2021-03-25    1301    0


1.The city spent over one billion dollars on its museums and    (体育馆),while it failed to look after its schools. 2.It’s been a difficult time,but,on the p     side,I feel physically fine. 3.The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true c    .

2021-06-24    278    0
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