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 人教版 必修第二册Unit5 Music Video Time同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 5 Music——Video Time一、单句语法填空1. As we all know, he is a clever and ________(energy) student. 2. You may have the opportunity ________ (make)your biggest difference when you ’re older.  3. Th

2023-02-27    203    0

 人教版( )选择性必修第二册:Unit5 First Aid知识点学案(无答案)

人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册:Unit5 First Aid知识点学案  technique n.技能;技术;技艺 (教材P50) What first­aid techniques do you

2022-12-08    602    0

 人教版 必修 第二册Unit2 Wildlife Protection语言知识应用篇(word版含答案)

语言知识应用篇阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。For two years, the film-making company Zeitun Films left photo-trapping cameras in a national park 1. ________ (call) Invernadeiro in Galicia, Spain. The comp

2023-02-27    223    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Assessing Your Progress同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Assessing Your Progress一、单词拼写1. Mobile phones can also spread some _____(假的) information to cheat you. 2. Its main ________(功能) include calling, texting, surfing the Internet

2023-02-27    323    0



2024-03-22    683    0


Unit1 2019人教版必修二期末复习之能力提升练习 阅读理解 (A) France has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe.Here are

2021-05-29    387    0

 Unit1CulturalHeritage句型 语法练习- 高中英语人教版 必修第二册

高一英语必修二Unit1 (句型+语法) 一、根据括号内的汉语提示补全下列句子 1.The effects of climate change (可能) be seen across the entire

2023-02-14    162    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Listening and Talking同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Listening and Talking一、完成句子1. David lacked self-confidence because he ________________by others.  由于经常被他人嘲笑, 大卫缺乏自信。2. ___________ we stare at our screens, the less we talk

2023-02-27    229    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit5 Music Reading and Thinking课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 5 Music——Reading and Thinking一、单词拼写1. I can speak quite fluent English, so I am _____(有能力的) of communicating with others well. 2. Most of us middle school students feel ____(不知怎么地) nervous

2023-02-27    385    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and speaking教学设计

Unit 2 Wildlife Protection第一课时Listening and speaking教学设计教学目标1.正确理解并使用本单元单词和短语,并为后面的听力和关于野生动物保护这一话题的口语表达活动及后面的学习做好准备。2.能够利用图片图表等视觉资源预测听力内容,培养学生获取关键信息的能力,并掌握该主题常见表达,并初步感知并运用现在进行时被动式。3.提升学生对野生动物保护必

2023-02-23    207    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit5 Music Reading for Writing同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 5 Music——Reading for Writing一、完成句子1. I felt awkward when I made a speech in public ___________.  当我第一次在公共场合发表演讲时, 我感到很尴尬。2. I work hard day and night ________ finishing my paper ahead of ti

2023-02-27    250    0


高中地理人教版(2019)必修第二册3.2 工业区位因素及其变化 学案 学习目标 1.分析工业的区位因素; 2.说明工业区位因素的变化; 3.理解工业企业的空间分布是多种区位因素综合作用的结果,体会

2021-07-07    242    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading for Writing同步检测练 (有答案)

Unit 1 Cultural Heritage——Reading for Writing一、单句语法填空1. I think he should ______(forgive) for the mistake, which didn ’t cause much loss.  2. It couldn ’t be better if you could offer me some __

2023-02-27    277    0

 英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists词汇语法等 学案

人教版(2019版)高中英语选择性必修 第二册第一单元学案 【词汇语法等】 UNIT ONE 1. have/develop cholera ['kɒlərə]: 染上霍乱 2.severe [sɪ'vɪə(r)]:

2023-03-04    244    0


第一章 人口第一节  人口分布人口分布与自然条件、社会经济条件等有着密切关系。据此完成1~2题。1.亚马孙河流域是世界人口分布稀疏地区,其主要影响因素是(  )A.地形复杂 B.气候湿热C.资源匮乏 D.地处内陆2.巴西高原东部是南美洲人口相对密集地区,其主要影响因素是(  )①气候适宜 ②文化单一 ③地势平坦 ④水力资源丰富A.①② B.②④ C

2022-08-14    383    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Discovering Useful Structures同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 1 Cultural Heritage——Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1. _______(现在) more and more people have come to realize the importance of a balanced diet to their health. 2. The _________(乐队) is ma

2023-02-27    226    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Video Time课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Video Time一、完成句子1. _________________________, you can let them go.  既然孩子们已经完成了作业, 你可以让他们走了。2. They were _____________ their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar w

2023-02-27    280    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3The Internet VideoTime同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Video Time一、完成句子1. His classmates always ___________ (取笑)Jill because of his skin color.  2. It is wrong of you to skip breakfast in order to stay __________(状况良好).  3. We m

2023-02-27    263    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking同步检测练 (有答案)

Unit 1 Cultural Heritage——Reading and Thinking一、单词拼写1. This custom is found in people of all races _____________ (遍及) the world. 2. Some students are not willing to share their __________(看法) wit

2023-02-27    393    0


第一章 人 口第3节 人 口 容 量 下图为我国某地区人口密度图,图中虚线为黑河—腾冲线的一部分,读图,回答1~2题。1.关于图中①地与②地说法正确的是(  )A.①地人口稠密,已经超过了环境人口容量B.②地人口稀少,没有超过人口合理容量C.①自然条件优越,环境人口容量大于②地D.①地人口合理容量小于②地2.导致图中虚线东西两侧人口密度差异的主要因素是(  )A.气温  B

2022-08-14    447    0
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