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with爱上 ☞即学活用 翻译句子 (1)地震中很多楼房倒塌了。 (2)成功的第一要素就是热爱你的事业。 5.【教材原句】One of the best players had been injured,and

2021-03-25    875    0


1.To figure out the organisation and language features of a page in a wellness book.2.To raise your health awareness and develop healthy life habits.3.To write a page in a wellness book.

2021-03-25    706    0


Unit 3 Sports and fitness U3P2(学案设计一) 学习目标 1.To learn about famous athletes at home and abroad—Lang

2021-03-25    671    0


is it;Why dont you join us Activity 3 1. 2.20;five;5 6000 dollars. Part Ⅲ Activity 1  What/How about..

2021-03-25    597    0


sentence? (2)How did Adam deal with his challenge? 5.Read Para.3 and answer two questions. (1)What is the

2021-03-25    673    0


Unit 3 Sports and fitness U3P2(学案设计二) 学习目标 1.To predict the content and the type of the text by looking

2021-03-25    816    0


 Book 3 Unit 5 1. apologise(=apologize) vi. 道歉; 谢罪 *Once again, I apologise to you for any inconvenience

2021-05-28    493    0

 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1Teenage Life Using language学案

three of us who took the _________ (advance) course. 5. Don’t be shy. You’ll quickly _________________ (习惯于)

2023-03-21    266    0

 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1 Teenage Life Reading学案

_______________ (fluent) when he graduate. his adviser 5. ________________ (recommend) him to sign up for advanced

2023-03-21    280    0

 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1Teenge Life Language Points学案

糊涂的;迷惑的 adj.难以理解的;不清楚的 4. adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的 adv.流利地;熟练地 5. vi.&vt. 毕业;获得学位 n.毕业 6. n.前进;发展 _________________vi

2023-03-22    297    0


Unit 5: Languages Around the World The Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the Present 第2课时

2022-09-01    104    0


Unit 5: Languages Around the World The Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the Present 第1课时

2022-09-01    148    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册:Unit5 Working the Land Reading and Thinking同步检测练有答案

Unit 5 Working the Land ——Reading and Thinking 一、单词拼写 1.The country’s present difficulties arise out

2023-04-06    273    0


5 离骚 【知识链接】 1.题解:《离骚》是《楚辞》篇名,是中国古代最长的抒情诗。在文学史上,常以“风”(代表《诗经》),“骚”(代表《楚辞》)并称,成为我国传统诗歌两大源头。   “离骚”就是“罹

2022-08-13    513    0


Unit 2 Healthy eating 导学案 Wang Peng and Yong Hui serve different _____ in their restaurants. The foods

2021-05-17    399    0


think that this will lead the ancestors to earth. P2 5. The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event

2021-05-17    420    0


Healthy Eating Writing about Health 执教者 课时 1课时 所属教材目录 人教新课标英语必修三 教学内容 分析 本单元以Healthy eating为话题,通过谈论人们最

2021-05-17    429    0


didn’t feel nervous at all when I faced the    (观众).  5.It’s one thing being able to run fast,but quite another

2021-06-24    282    0

 of Achievement ReadingandThinking学案2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

高中英语人教版(2019)必修 选修一 Unit1 People of Achievement (Reading and Thinking)学案 【学习目标】 1.掌握本节生词及句型表达与运用。 2

2023-01-25    365    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册Unit2 Looking into the Future Listening and speaking学案

What means of transportation will they use? Why? 5. How will the city change in the future? After travel

2023-03-19    230    0
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