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 人教上 对话、句型及语法讲解 Starter unit1-unit2(PPT17张)

1. (上 对话、句型及语法讲解 Starter unit1-unit2) 2. Phonics 3. Phonics 4. PhonicsNew words 5. PhonicsNew words

2019-09-05    1410    0


1. 小学英语课堂教学 竞争机制及游戏分享 Tina Xu 2. 一.英语教学课堂活动 二.竞争机制的应用 3. 众所周知,兴趣是最好的老师。同时,兴趣也是学好语言的关键,在众多教学方法中,游戏教

2019-03-09    3569    0

 六、年级适用there be句型

一、定义:表达某地有某物(某人),基本句型为“there be...+某地”,其中,be动词与后面的主语保持一致。

2020-06-01    1157    0

 第章 净现值和资本预算

1. Chapter Outline7.1 Incremental Cash Flows 7.2 The Baldwin Company: An Example 7.3 Inflation and Capital Budgeting 7.4 Investments of Unequal Lives: The Equivalent Annual Cost Method

2009-01-01    11896    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: prescribing the features of an organization and products 2. Requirement By

2009-05-10    3627    0


1. Unit 14 ShoppingLesson 54 Shopping online2. Revision——translation网上购物 网上订购 进行一次学校旅行 给…照相 决定做…… 作出决定 检查,调查 信用卡 名胜 物美价廉 shopping onlineorder onlinego on a school

2010-10-11    3182    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of a business plan2. Requirement By the end of this lesson, y

2010-12-09    22277    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of a business plan2. Requirement By the end of this lesson,

2012-10-09    26716    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letter of counter-offers2. Requirement By the end of this

2009-05-15    15718    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of letters of enquiry 2. Requirement By the end of

2009-04-03    9470    0


1. Key point: useful sentences for establishing business relationship Difficult points: Letter writing on establishing business relationship2. Requirement B

2009-08-23    12653    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letters of acceptance2. Requirement By the end of this less

2009-04-17    5226    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letter of offers2. Requirement By the end of this lesson,

2011-09-19    10547    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: two different writing methods of ads2. Requirement By the end of this lesso

2009-06-22    3988    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing of agreements2. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to

2011-08-08    8884    0


1. 人教PEP小学英语六年级下册全册教学课件 2. How Tall Are You ? Unit 1 3. Part A 4. 教学重点: ①新词汇的识记与理解; ②句型How tall are you

2020-05-11    1880    0


1. 人教PEP小学英语六年级下册全册教学课件 2. Unit 1 How tall are you Part A Let’s talk 绿色圃中小学教育网绿色圃中小学教育网 3. Look and sayolder

2020-05-11    1932    0


English1 新概念英语1 2. 新概念英语第一册 这里是通过故事、对话的方式,并且加入游戏的练习环节,为学生的英语学习打下坚实的基础。 学好它,你一定是同龄人中的强者! 3. 新概念英语第一册内容一、语音(读音规则,句子的发音技巧)

2018-10-09    3135    0


1. 初中英语语法之 ——代词篇 2. 为了避免重复而用来代替名词的词。 代 词 3. 人称代词和物主代词人称代词: 物主代词:表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”

2020-07-19    1210    0


1. 英语专业四级考试 --考前冲刺指导外 国 语 学 院 2015.3 2. 考试时间: 2015年4月18日(星期六)上午8:30 开始。 报名时间: 每年的11月或12月,具体时间以各高校教务处

2018-12-06    1674    0
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