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1. 英语开学第一课Learning English with me请输入您的内容请输入您的内容请输入您的内容请输入您的内容请输入您的内容请输入您的内容 汇报人:xxx汇报时间:2020.xx.xx小学英语开学第一课

2020-08-31    1983    0


1. 英语教学经验交流 XXX小学 2. 各位老师,大家好:  时光飞逝,转眼间,我任教小学英语已经6年了,回想这些年来的教学生活,可以说是酸甜苦辣,五味俱全。所以我十分珍惜这次难得的和大家一起共同研

2019-10-16    5421    1

 高考英语二轮复习:英语外刊精读食物历史课件-(39张ppt )

这个方法看似出现在科幻作品中,但其实由来已久。因为动物奶类和肉质稀缺且昂贵,数百年来,人们一直在找寻替代品。(文章由公众号:考研英语外刊学习提供) 33. Food history 食物历史【3】During the Tang dynasty

2023-03-05    1813    0


我想成为一名医生。C: I want to de a policeman.我想做一名警察。同学,你想做什么? 能用英语表达吗? 12. (本页无文本内容) 13. drive 驾驶,开动 driver 驾驶员,司机 policeman

2019-11-04    1289    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: prescribing the features of an organization and products 2. Requirement By

2009-05-10    3625    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of a business plan2. Requirement By the end of this lesson, y

2010-12-09    22275    0


1. Unit 14 ShoppingLesson 54 Shopping online2. Revision——translation网上购物 网上订购 进行一次学校旅行 给…照相 决定做…… 作出决定 检查,调查 信用卡 名胜 物美价廉 shopping onlineorder onlinego on a school

2010-10-11    3179    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of a business plan2. Requirement By the end of this lesson,

2012-10-09    26714    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of letters of enquiry 2. Requirement By the end of

2009-04-03    9465    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letter of counter-offers2. Requirement By the end of this

2009-05-15    15717    0


1. Key point: useful sentences for establishing business relationship Difficult points: Letter writing on establishing business relationship2. Requirement B

2009-08-23    12651    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of every sections2. Requirement By the end of this

2011-12-09    6924    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: two different writing methods of ads2. Requirement By the end of this lesso

2009-06-22    3984    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letter of offers2. Requirement By the end of this lesson,

2011-09-19    10545    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skill s of a letters of acceptance2. Requirement By the end of this less

2009-04-17    5225    0


1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing of agreements2. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to

2011-08-08    8882    0


1. 英语开学第一课 2. 目 录 CONTENTSSelf-introduction 自我介绍 Self-introduction自我介绍English in Life 生活中的英语The importance

2020-08-27    2087    0


Spring Festival GalaLunar New Year Lantern Festival,also known as the “Lantern Festival“ is a Chinese folk traditional festivalsas early as the Western Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago.

2019-05-19    2043    0



2020-06-01    1072    0

 英语词汇社团课 第一课ppt

Welcome to the English Vocabulary Club!Calin 2. 1:英语词汇学习导入 2:字根A及词源知识A 3:字根B及词源知识B 4:字根C及词源知识C 5:字根D及词源知识D

2019-09-04    2329    0
1 2 3 4 5 ... 32