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 牛津英语 7AM3U5-6监测试卷 (含答案)

( ) 1. -- You don’t have to be nervous. Our new English teacher is very kind.-- I know, but it is my first time to talk with a foreigner.A. bored B. excited C. worried ( ) 2. -- I can only keep the book for a month, so I have to return the book today.-- Yes, or you will have to pay some money.A. come back B. give back C. get out

2021-11-08    398    0


pressing the keys.) Explanation 介绍书上所出现的音乐形式,引导学生用英语阐释音乐。在此阶段中,可以播放一些相关音乐。 Teaching aims Let the students

2021-07-17    184    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.1.There will be _________ exhibition in our city next Monday. (a, an)2.________ city is the capital of France? (What, Which)3.________ does your sister live in? (Where, Which city)

2021-04-05    446    0


I.学习目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. understand the use of passive voice in the present continuous and present perfect tenses;2. summarize general rules of passive voice in the present continuous and present perfect tenses;3. role-play an interview between a school news reporter and a PE teacher with the right tenses.

2021-06-24    743    0


九年级中考英语单项选择专练 1. Time marches on! Our middle school life will be over a month. I will miss it forever

2021-04-12    605    0


牛津译林版七年级下册英语Unit 4单元练习卷 一.单项选择 ( )1. What a sunny day! Let’s go boating _____ the lake,shall we? A.on

2021-04-12    759    0


牛津4B小学英语教学计划—个人工作计划       本学期我将以提高学生英语素质,以课堂教学为主阵地,以任务型教学方法为主要研究内容,在教学中,注意英语教学与情感教育的结合。小学英语教学的首要任务是

2015-11-09    386    0


一·单项选择1.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D. where they stayed2.This is one of the best films _______.A. that have been shown

2020-02-22    574    0


going to+动词原形”和“will+动词原形”这两种表示将来时态的结构基本没什么区别。但在现代英语中,特别是在口语中,表示将来时多用“be going to+动词原形”这一形式。另外它们的主要区别在于“be

2021-05-28    375    0


起副词作用,前无“the”。 Simon came first in the English exam. 西蒙在英语考试中得了第一名。 5. 表示年、月、日时,年用基数词表示,日用序数词表示。 October the

2021-05-28    355    0


牛津译林版小学英语六年级下册单元测试卷 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 一、看图,写词。 _____________ _____________ _____________

2022-09-07    522    0

 高中牛津译林英语 模块二u2词汇过关(无答案)

高中牛津译林英语 模块二 Unit 2 单词默写训练 1. 冒险,冒险经历__________________ adj.________________爱冒险的 2. 安排________________

2019-08-05    992    0


三年级M4 Unit10 Numbers教学设计 英语组 焦素娟 教学内容 上教版小学英语三年级(上)Module 4 Unit 10 Numbers第一课时 教材简析 此教材以模块为单位,讲述一个

2021-03-17    852    0

 牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 7 Films 课时练习(无答案)

____________________________________________ 5. 在英语学习上她已远远超过其他任何一个学生。 ______________________________

2023-03-22    375    0


一、认识一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。基本结构:①be going to + do; ②will+ do.(一)be going to主要用于: 1. 表示安排好打算要做的事情。E.g. What are you going to do today? 今天你们打算做什么?

2021-04-12    602    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1.I will buy several silk ________ as presents for my friends. (scarf, scarves)2.Have you got ________ for everyone in the hall? (enough chairs, chairs enough)3.They arrived ________ the station before the train left. (at, in)4.This book is ________ to read twice. (good enough, enough good)

2021-04-05    617    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1. Harbours________ (provide,project) shelters for boats and ships.2. People take away the shelter and food,________ (because,so) animals die .3. Many animals die ________(because,so) people take away the shelter and food .4. Many years ago, people in the countryslde cooked food with__________. (wood,wooden)

2021-04-05    561    0


Teaching Aims1.Interview a doctor to find out more ways to protect eyesight.2.Write a radio script for the school radio station.Teaching Important PointsUse the word certain.Teaching Difficult Points

2021-07-17    201    0


初中牛津7A 综合测试卷(Starter Unit 1—Unit5) 总分值:150分 时间:100分钟 卷I〔80分〕 一、 听力〔15题,共30分〕 (A) 听!七年级一班的同学正在教室里闲聊,

2022-08-24    373    0


1. Why ________ you so __________ ______ trees, Doctor Ray? 您为什么 对树木 这么感兴趣呢?对……感兴趣 _____ __________ _________, 近义词组为 ________ ____________ ______She _______ very __________ _______popular songs.=She _______ very __________ _______ popular songs.

2021-04-12    441    0
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