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 牛津上海版(试用本)英语三年级上册 Module4 Unit3 Plants 练习(含解析)

三年级上册Module4 Unit3 Plants 练习 一、单选题(共10题)1.选出下列单词中在意义上属于不同类的单词(   ) A.leafB.rootsC.trunks2.Look, the       are tall.A.treeB.two treeC.trees3.  tall tree A.B.4.sunfl

2022-01-24    692    0


2020学年牛津上海版英语六年级第二学期期末基础复习题三 I. Choose the best answer ( )1. Sometimes ________ typhoon is dangerous

2021-05-29    353    0

 牛津深圳版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports.Reading 导学案(无答案)

七年级上学期Unit 2 Daily lifeReading A A day at school导学案班别:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:___________【Learning Goals知识目标】(一) 知识目标1. 掌握本课的高频词及短语:daily, article, never, table tennis, ride, usual

2022-07-09    428    0

 Unit1Grammarandusage同步练习- 高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册

2021--2022学年度第二学期高一英语译林牛津版必修三Unit 1 Period 3 Grammar and usage 课堂闯关(15分钟) I.根据汉语提示完成句子(用省略形式) 1.When___

2023-02-14    172    0

 六年级英语下册- Module 2 Unit4 Art 教案 沪教牛津

牛津深圳版英语六年级下Unit4第三课时教学设计 课题 Art (3) 单元 4 学科 英语 年级 六年级下 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握单词及短语: on the left, on the right

2021-03-23    1216    0


知识目标:扩大学生的阅读量和知识面,了解英国有关狗的一些公共规章制度能力目标:1.提高阅读理解能力 2.学会按照字母顺序和提示词,快速在词典中查找单词或短语

2021-05-28    415    0

 (6)Unit 3 The art of painting 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

(6)Unit 3 The art of painting第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A    Later this month, Tate Britain will host its first Van Gogh exhibition since 19

2023-03-08    301    0


Oxford English 3A M 2 U 1 第七周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) who is your friend she’s jill

2020-12-31    634    0


( )28. He made ____ excuse and did not come to the party this evening.A. / B. the C. an D. a( )29. ____ visitors throughout the world visited Brazil during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil.A. Million B. Millions C. Millions of D. Million of( )30. — Which of the two T-shirts will you take? — I’ll take ____. One is for my brother, and the other is for myself. A. both B. neither C. either D. all ( )31. — How many English words do you think I should know?— As many as you ____. Then you will find reading quite easy.A. will B. must C. can D. might

2021-04-05    511    0


牛津深圳版小学英语三年级上册 Module 3 Places and activities Unit 9 In my room Listen and say Play a game导学案[来源:Zxxk

2021-05-27    335    0


2021年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6单元检测卷 一、 单项选择 1. It's my first time to see_______ an interesting film_______ that

2021-05-14    399    0


2021年沪教牛津英语初二八年级(下册):完形填空做题技巧及练习题(含答案) 做完型填空的六个技巧: 1. 情境适当 你选入的词不光词形要正确,意思要准确,还要符合该场合的情境,如文章讲述的特定的文化,习俗传统和礼貌等等。

2021-05-14    382    0


pleasant 形容词 “令人愉快的”pleased 形容词 表示主观上“感到高兴或愉快的”be pleased with “对……感到满意/高兴”pleasing 形容词 表示客观上“令人高兴或愉快的”,指被修饰名词给别人的感觉;用法与pleasant接近,有时可以互换

2021-05-16    438    0

 牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 8 Detective storiesGrammar 校本练习(无答案)

 9A Unit 8 Grammar 校本练习一、词汇运用 1. The film had been on for fifteen minutes when we got to the cinema in a ______. (匆忙)2.If you are in a hurry to do things, you will ____________ make mistak

2023-03-17    436    0


1. Out _____, with a stick in his hand.A. did he rush B. rushed he C. he rushed D. he did rush2. —He ought to have been warned of the danger. —____, but he wouldn’t listen to me.A. yes, he ought to B. So he was C. So was he D. So it was with him3. Only then _________that he hurt her feeling. A. did he realize B. had he realized C. he realized D. he had realized

2021-03-19    402    0

 英语五年级下册-Module 3 Unit 7 Open Day 教案 沪教牛津

牛津深圳版英语五年级下册Unit 7第2课时教学设计 课题 Open Day 单元 Unit 7 学科 英语 年级 五(下) 学习 目标 1. 能听懂,会说show, project, board.等单词。

2021-03-23    820    0


牛津深圳版英语八年级下册课时教学设计 Module1 Unit1 Helping those in needReading1 课题 Unit1 Period 1 单元 Module1 学科 English

2021-05-28    369    0

 牛津深圳版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports.Writing 导学案(无答案)

1)在文章中划出你认为有用的短语或句子。 2)补充完整“My mother’s daily schedule”部分。 三、翻开《英语 七年级 上册B》的28页,看Martin的日程表,完成短文。 【课堂检测】 作文仿写:你的德国朋

2022-07-09    409    0


(  )Asthestory _________ , thesecretofthecastleisdiscovered(发现) littlebylittle.A. ends B. beginsC. develops D. happens(  )- Whatcanwedoforthedisabledchildreninourschool, Rodger?- Whatabout _________ aHelpingGrouptosupportthem?A. takingup B. settingup C. lookingup D. puttingup

2021-05-24    488    0

 三年级上册英语试题-第二周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M1U1 第二周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________一、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号)how are you today Mrs Wang I’m fine thank yo

2020-12-31    778    0
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