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( )1. --This machine works with the power of wind.--Wow, that’s amazing.A.dream B. energy C. practice( )2. --Why didn’t you attend the meeting yesterday, Linda?--Because I was ill and I had to see a doctor.A.think of B. look for C. take part in

2021-11-08    469    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1. Miss Guo is asking some questions about________weather. (wind, windy)2. I can see people windsurfing in the sea when there is________. (a strong wind,a typhoon)3. Do you know the __________ kinds of windy weather. (different,difference)

2021-04-05    554    0


7B英语期末复习Unit 1-2错题集 一、单词拼写 1. The Bank of China is about half a _________ (英里) down the street. 2. My

2021-04-05    1074    0


牛津译林版小学英语五年级下册单元测试卷 Unit 2 How do you come to school? 一、看图,写词。 ______________________ ______________________

2022-09-08    600    0


I.学习目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. acquire expressions of giving suggestions;2. discuss various exercises which can be fitted into a tight schedule.

2021-06-24    554    0


( ) 1. Riding a bike is good for health, and it doesn’tpollute the air.A. make the air clean B. make the air dirty C. make the air cool( ) 2. --Those buildings are traditional.--Yes. People built them about a hundred years ago.A. not bright B. not beautiful C. not modern( ) 3. -- Will the clubprovide us with food?--Of course it will.A. enjoy B. show C. give

2021-11-08    383    0

 英语五年级下册-Module 2 Unit 6 Holidays 教案 沪教牛津

牛津深圳版英语五年级下册Unit 6第3课时教学设计 课题 Holidays 单元 Unit 6 学科 英语 年级 五(下) 学习 目标 1. 复习巩固上节课的重点单词. 2. 复习巩固一般将来时态结构:will

2021-03-23    793    0


牛津译林版8年级英语下册unit3单元小练3 一、词汇、 1.Sydney is on the south-eastern _____________(海岸)of Australia. 2.I need

2021-04-12    778    0


many fishes in the river last year. 4. They go shopping last weekend. 5. Ann don’t go outside last Sunday

2021-04-12    561    0


and how to use an inversion. Teaching procedures 英语的正常语序是“主语 + 谓语”。即主语在前,谓语在后。有时有于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采去倒

2021-07-17    186    0



2021-04-12    476    0


牛津译林版8年级英语下册unit3单元小练4 一、词汇、 1. The teacher chalked out a map of ________ (亚洲)on the blackboard in class

2021-04-12    793    0


参加广东省牛津上海版初中英语单元教学展示活动心得总结   10月9日,我们一行四人到广州参加了为期一天半的广东省牛津上海版初中英语单元教学展示活动。来自广州不同区的五位老师分别给我们展示了阅读、听力

2012-06-07    645    0


required 1. Chris did some shopping last week. (否定句) Chris _______ _______ some shopping last week. 2. The secretary

2021-04-05    562    0


牛津译林版小学英语四年级下册单元测试卷 Unit 2 After school 一、看图,选词,填字母编号。 A.Sunday B.Friday C.Saturday ( ) ( ) ( ) D.Thursday

2022-09-08    646    0


Teaching ContentAdvance with English, Module 8, Unit 2, Word Power “Parts of an orchestra”.Teaching AimsAfter learning Word Power, the students are expected to:1.pronounce the new words correctly and understand the meanings with the help of the pictures.

2021-07-17    204    0


7B英语期末复习Unit3 ---4错题集 一、单词拼写 1.English people often go to the_______(剧院)to watch plays and shows. 2

2021-04-05    859    0


牛津英语1B期末试卷 听音判断下列图片,正确的在括号中打“√”,错误的在括号中打“×”。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听一听,给下列单词标号。 1. jelly juice rice

2020-10-12    608    0


 8B unit2 Travelling语法讲解 一、专题精讲 知识点1:have/ has been to, have/ has gone to, have/ has been in的区别 (1)have/

2021-05-24    681    0


牛津译林版8年级英语下册unit3单元小练2 一、词汇、 1.Linda, how many copies shall I _____________(打印)for you. 2.Several weeks

2021-04-12    770    0
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