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 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 四 Module 2 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读

create good atmosphere for students to learn. 在语文课堂教学中, 教师要努力为学生创设良好的学习环境。 2. She had a beautiful view

2019-10-31    1113    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 五 Module 2 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 用 although/but/however/while 填空1. John is more hard-working than his sister, ________ he failed in theexam.2. ____________ he is an experienced dancer, he still needs a lot ofluck in performing.3. There is not much time left. ____________ , we must get there ontime anyway.4. She went out, ____________ I stayed at home.5. She was tired, ____________ she still went on working.6. You will be lucky if you can go into the exhibition for a visit without aticket. ____________ , this does not always happen.7. You like playing tennis, ____________ I like reading.

2019-10-31    1899    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 二 Module 1 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

【解析】选 B。词语辨析题。explain“解释”; tell“告诉”; ask“询问”; advise“建议”。根据句意和结构可知选 B 项。 7. A. so     B. though C. thus    

2019-10-31    1655    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 十一 Module 4 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He does nothing but __________ (talk).2. The man could do nothing but __________ (wait).3. We have no choice but __________ (leave).4. —How did you spend your weekend, Joe?—I didn’t find anything interesting for me but __________ (do)somewashing instead of my mother.5. She wished that he was as easy __________ (please)as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume.6. The work needs __________________________ (complete)by the endof the week.7. Tom pretended __________ (write)something when his mother camein.8. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __________ (tell)thefilm stars had left.

2019-10-31    1988    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 十六 Module 6 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

suggested that I 3 __________ a book. 经常给我讲故事的那位老人建议我写一本书。 7. I plan to make more friends __________ the

2019-10-31    1149    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 十七 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 单句改错1. People often talk about Hangzhou, that is famous for the West Lake.2. He reached London in 1996, when, some time later, he became afamous actor.3. I have never been to Dalian, where is said to be an attractive city.4. The sun gives off light and warmth, who makes it possible for plants togrow.5. In an open boat, there were four men, one of who was a doctor.

2019-10-31    2411    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 七 Module 3 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语释义或首字母写出单词的正确形式1. Although he is young, he is an __________ (有经验的)architect.2. As a matter of fact, drunken driving is as harmful as __________ (暴力的)crimes to people’s life and safety.3. What __________ (引起)the accident yesterday?4. A sudden storm __________ (发生)when we were having our pleasantvoyage in the Yellow River.5. One million and five hundred thousand people died in natural dbetween 1980 and 2000.

2019-10-31    1096    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三时提升作业: 六 Module 2 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 选词并用其适当形式填空crowded, exchange, household, industrial, inhabitant, location, pollute,similarity, vast, transport1. Many European countries are developed ____________ nations.2. The ____________ air and water can explain the main reason why thepeople here are getting ill one by one.3. We have only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each____________ .4. There was a wonderful ____________ between the twins.5. The experts didn’t agree on the ____________ of the new chemicalplant.6. The earth is so tiny compared with the ____________ universe.7. The old town square was ____________ with people.8. Cars, buses, trains and ships are means of ____________ .9. Many poor ____________ are experiencing real hardship.10. They ____________ travellers’ cheques at a different rate fromnotes

2019-10-31    1057    0


《武术——五步拳》教学设计 一、指导思想: 本课以依据新课标的要求,通过教师引导,学生体验,在教育方式,教学内 容,教学评价等方面都有了新的发展和侧重点, 以促进学生身心全面发展为目标, 以健康第一为指导思想。

2018-10-26    2780    0


本科教学质量报告 (2017-2018 学年) 二〇一八年十二月 目 录 前 言 ......................................................... -

2019-06-10    2835    0



2019-02-15    2909    0


致贫原因及家庭人口情况 主要致贫原因 其他致贫原因 年初家庭人口数 年底家庭人口数 生产生活条件 耕地面积(亩) 有效灌溉面积(亩) 林地面积(亩) 退耕还林面积 (亩) 林果面积(亩) 水面面积(亩) 牧草地面积(亩)

2018-12-07    3023    0


2018.5 课堂教学应以“学的活动”为基点展开 ——以教学《梦回繁华》为例谈 ◎姜 涛 (乌鲁木齐市第十六中学,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000) ◆教学例谈 本版编辑/张志刚 堂 摘要:课堂教学是一个由教师的教和学生的学相互促进构成的对话系统

2018-11-26    4036    0


统编语文五(下)期末复习课内阅读专项 一、 读《古诗三首》,回答问题。 (一)四时田园杂兴 (二)稚子弄冰 ( )出耘田..夜绩麻,村庄儿女各当家。 稚子..金盆脱晓冰,彩丝穿取当银铮。 童孙未解供..耕织,也傍.桑阴.学种瓜。

2020-06-17    1764    0


PEP 六年级上册英语复习资料 Unit 1 一、四会单词及短语。 how(怎样) go to school (上学) by bus( 坐公车) on foot ( 步行) by bike( 骑自行车

2021-01-18    1757    0


1 高考英语总复习——书面表达应用文范文必备 一、感恩信 假如你是小华,上个月刚刚过了 18 岁生日,觉得自己已经是大人了,于是你想就父母对你的关怀和你 今后的打算,以书信形式同父母谈谈。信的主要内容如下:

2020-03-16    1992    0


统编语文二(下)期末复习课内阅读专项 找春天 春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。我们仔细地找哇,找哇。 小草从地下探出头来,那是春天的 吧? 早开的野花一朵两朵,那是春天的 吧? 树木吐出点点嫩芽,那是春天的

2020-06-17    1404    0

 建筑结构抗震设计题库复习题(含答案最全面的) 1

】云南省大理市某中学拟建一 6 层教学楼,采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,平面及竖向 均规则。各层层高为 3.4m,首层室内外地面高差为 0.45m,建筑场地类别为Ⅱ类。下列关于 对该教学楼抗震设计的要求,其中何项正确?(

2018-10-28    3328    0


统编语文一(下)期末复习课内阅读专项 一、阅读古诗,回答问题 (一) 池 上 小娃撑小艇,偷采白莲回。 不解藏踪迹,浮萍一道开。 1.这首诗的作者是唐代诗人( )。 A.白居易 B.杜甫 2.连连看。

2020-06-17    3082    0



2019-04-03    2566    0
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