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 年级下册语文期末素质测试卷 -附答案

1 期末素质测试卷 (时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分) 题号 一 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总分 得分 一、将下列汉字与其对应的音节连起来。(5 分) 堤 绦 熬 荆 陀 颈 譬 灌 蔽 厨

2020-07-09    1144    0


2014 年全国职业院校信息化教学设计大赛 《无人机航空摄影正射影像制作》教案 第 1 页 共 13 页 目 录 一、教学基本情况………………………………………………………………………1 (一)教学背

2020-02-13    1604    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十一 Module 6 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读课

D. you can visit the Eastlefield 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第段“Another place to visit is the historical Eastlefield

2019-11-01    1451    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课堂10分钟达标: Module 1 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 单词拼写1. My neighbor is a famous _________ (建筑师).2. China is well-known for her five thousand years of _________ (文明).3. The roof of this _________ (古代的)temple would cave in if not givencareful maintenance.

2019-10-31    837    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 十七 Module 5 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读课

nature C. the world D. the sun 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第段的后半部分“. . . helped many people learn about nature

2019-10-31    1127    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 九 Module 3 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读课

best. D. Technology is power. 【解析】选 A。主旨大意题。根据倒数第段的最后一句可知, Natalie 的助人行为得到了社会的认可和赞扬, 说明小人物也可以有 大作为。

2019-11-01    1408    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 十四 Module 4 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 完形填空In the morning, Slim got up and prepared breakfastfor his wife as usual. Nicole, his wife was listening tomusic in the bedroom. 1 , he felt that his body wasshaking. Slim had the 2 response that there was anearthquake! He 3 quickly, “Dear, earthquake! Go to thetoilet! ”Nicole heard the shouting, 4 the first aid box quickly and raninto the toilet. The house was 5 even more dramatically.

2019-10-31    991    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 五 Module 2 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读课

reproduction, ”says Martine. 【语篇概述】本文主要描述了巴西偶然降低了人口增长的经过。 1. The underlined phrase “puts it down to”

2019-10-31    1170    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十三 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

Americans D. the Europeans 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。从文章第一段的第句可知, 在 3 000 多年前希腊建立了洗澡的水系统。 2. In the 18th century

2019-11-01    1609    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十二 Module 6 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

Certainly 【解析】选 B。每次“我”组织小组时都叫上 Gibby, 在这过程中 Gibby 逐渐地发生了变化。 11. A. wanted B. managed C. began D. decided 【解析】选

2019-11-01    864    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十二 Module 6 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

Certainly 【解析】选 B。每次“我”组织小组时都叫上 Gibby, 在这过程中 Gibby 逐渐地发生了变化。 11. A. wanted B. managed C. began D. decided 【解析】选

2019-10-31    847    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十一 Module 6 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读课

D. you can visit the Eastlefield 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第段“Another place to visit is the historical Eastlefield

2019-10-31    1133    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十四 Module 6 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解课

job C. life D. mind 【解析】选 C。逻辑推理题。最后一段说的都是 cowboy 的变化, 通5 读后知道都是生活方面的。 16. A. changed B. developed C. improved

2019-10-31    889    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 八 Module 2 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解课_8008

Ⅰ. 完形填空Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of theDeveloping World. But the 1 is that homelessness is everywhere. Forexample, how many of us would expect to see people living on thestreets of a 2 country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 3for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first 4 one longhot summer when most Germans were 5 on holiday. Kurt and hiswife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 6 a table in the street andgave food to the homeless.

2019-10-31    879    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 六 Module 2 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

proud C. tiny D. popular 【解析】选 C。词汇复现题。对于小女孩的描述在文章第句话就有 “She was really small for her age of 12. ”因此选

2019-11-01    946    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 十 Module 3 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

held 【解析】选 B。词语辨析题。固定短语: come second 获得第名, 句 意: 最后我获得班级第名。选 B。 11. A. but B. as C. or D. so 【解析】选

2019-11-01    1124    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 六 Module 2 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

proud C. tiny D. popular 【解析】选 C。词汇复现题。对于小女孩的描述在文章第句话就有 “She was really small for her age of 12. ”因此选

2019-10-31    1168    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十 Module 5 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 完形填空From age eight to eleven, I attended a small school in our village. Itwas made up of four 1 with about 25 children in each class accordingto age. Most of the time, one teacher was responsible for 2 allsubjects. However, the headmaster would 3 come into the onlyclassroom and gave lessons 4 the teacher if he had asked for leave. Itseemed that there was no subject he was not good at 5 he could giveus lessons on all the subjects.

2019-10-31    725    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十三 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

Americans D. the Europeans 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。从文章第一段的第句可知, 在 3 000 多年前希腊建立了洗澡的水系统。 2. In the 18th century

2019-10-31    1632    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 四 Module 1 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 完形填空In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Mostpeople generally 1 them and the job they do—although there arecertain people who do not believe that the police 2 have the powerthat they do.What does a policeman actually do? It is not 3 job to describe.After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in 4 . A policeman oftenhas to control traffic, either 5 foot in the centre of a town, or in apolice car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the traffic

2019-10-31    908    0
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