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1.They _________(预测) the bad environmental consequences ten years ago.2.The first mammal to be __________(克隆) successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.3.Our memories and habits are bound up with the_________(构造) of the brain.4.In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial ________(智力)”.

2021-06-24    315    0

 4 Fine Arts—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts单词检测 外研版高中英语必修一 学生版+教师版

(read) a second time. 五.翻译。 1.(2020·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)36岁的刘老师是我的英语老师。 _____________________________________________

2023-03-09    224    0

 人教版 高中英语必修第二册Unit5 Music—Discovering Useful Structures课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 5 Music——Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1. He said that _________ (古典的) music is his favorite. 2. There are some spelling mistakes in your ______ (作文). 3. People think it is unfortunate

2023-02-27    464    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit3Food and Culture重点短语、句式和话题作文

hard.科林是个心不在焉的男孩。上英语课不认真听讲就是个明证。他认为学英语毫无意义。当他正要放弃时,老师指出他不应该这样做。科林认为老师的意见很中肯,所以他保证会努力学习英语。 III. Composition

2023-03-22    423    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册Unit2 Looking into the Future Listening and speaking学案

Unit 2 Listening and speaking hand-out Time travel: a secret missionBefore travel : You are chosen to undertake an unprecedented mission where you should find out the promising technologies and fut

2023-03-19    230    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing—Assessing Your Progress课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 4 Sharing——Assessing Your Progress一、单词拼写1.There was such a ____(堵塞) of people that we couldn't get in.2._____(中学的) school means junior high school and high school.3.The ____(黏土) is very sti

2023-02-24    215    0

 人教版 高中英语必修第二册Unit 5 Music Video Time课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 5 Music——Video Time一、单句语法填空1. Many patients in that country are not getting the medical __________ (treat) they need. 2. He is in love with music, which enables him ________ (contact) many

2023-02-27    289    0

 Unit1ScienceFictionAssessingYourProgress课后检测练 人教版 高中英语选择性必修第四册 含答案

Unit 1 Science Fiction——Assessing Your Progress一、单词拼写1.Every purchaser of a pound of coffee received a box of cookies as a ______(意外收获).2.The old Roman walls may still be seen but not in their __

2023-02-14    191    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future Using Language课后检测练 有答案

Unit 2 Looking into the Future——Using一、根据提示翻译句子1. 从这种意义上看, 大卫就是一切。 (in this sense)2. 人们可以获得有价值的工作经验, 另外, 雇主也能雇得起他们。(in addition)3. 令他吃惊的是, 那一晚就有50多个年轻人响应他的号召。(respond to)4. 汽车一开始漏油, 监控系统就会发出警告。

2023-03-22    275    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第一册:Unit5 Working the Land Reading and Thinking同步检测练有答案

book. 四、书面表达 结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇短文   请你根据图片及提示词, 用英语写一篇短文, 谈谈你所了解的袁隆平。 提示词: overcome, feed, invaluable

2023-04-06    272    0


上海高中英语语法填空专练练及解题技巧 解“语法填空”题的一般步骤是:  一、 浏览全文 把握语篇      浏览全文的目的是把握其大意,为下一步“填空”做好“语义”上的准备,因为“语义”决定着空白处

2021-03-29    635    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions-Listening and Speaking同步检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 4 History and Traditions——Listening and Speaking一、单词拼写1. The shop ______(收费) less if the customers pay in cash. 2. Although he was poor, he was quite ________(慷慨的) to his needy friends. 3.

2023-02-23    251    0


1.I was about to leave when someone t   me on the shoulder. 2.The plane c    into the mountain,but the pilot managed to survive. 3.After finishing my homework,I put away my books,made my bed,washed the socks and s    the floor.

2021-06-24    320    0

 高中英语人教新课标选修八Unit1 A land of diversity Learning about language&Using language教案

Unit 1 A land of diversityLearning about languageTeaching goalsTarget languageUseful words and expressions: luggage, tram, apparently, slip, bakery, ferry, hire, seagull, immigration, team up wit

2023-02-24    157    0


 普通中学高中英语教师专业发展自我诊断研究报告 同开展了一系列的研究活动,制定了自我诊断计划,并对自己的教育教学行为进行实时的记录与诊断,提出对策,进行改进后再进行实践,并对自身的实践情况再次进行诊

2014-11-15    4749    0


Unit 5: Languages Around the WorldThe Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the Present第1课时一、教学内容  理解全文,了解汉字书写体系的发展。  第一课时以汉字的演变为核心,以“预测——提问——阅读——解惑——梳理——概括”为主要流程,整体感知文本内容,重点探究汉字文化体系的历

2022-09-01    147    0


1.Figure out the main structures of the passage by analysing the main idea of each part.2.Judge the writing purpose and intended readers.3.Express your own ideas on the given topics through creative thinking.

2021-03-25    672    0

 人教版 高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit1 People of Achievement学案(有答案)

选择性必修一 Unit 1(一)TEACHERSThink and talkI. Match the following English expressions with the Chinese ones related to their meanings.1. A good teacher is like a candle — it consumes itself to light

2023-02-27    445    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit3 Food and Culture Using language(1)同步检测练有答案

Unit 3 Food and Culture——Using language(1)一、完成句子1. _____________(没有证据) that the price of wheat will go up.  2. ____________________(虽然他爱他的学生), he is very strict with them.  3. _____________ (由你决

2023-03-22    459    0


1.There was a very p   response to our new design—people seemed very pleased with it. 2.The best speed to    (慢跑)was found to be about 5 miles per hour. 3.Men and women ought to be able to    (竞争)for jobs on an equal footing(地位).

2021-06-24    269    0
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