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 Unit 1 What's the matter_ Section B(3a-SelfCheck)练习题(含答案)

can we do to keep ourselves healthy? Here is some advice: Enough healthy food. Some students don’t like

2023-02-08    172    0

 人教版新高考英语二轮复习习题训练-阅读理解 词句猜测题——词语猜测类(含答案)

have an important role to play in maintaining healthy diets. Offering a school menu packed with fresh

2023-03-01    381    0


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Having a healthy family life can lower risk of heart attack and boost

2019-04-10    1189    0


A.Yes, but as far as I am concerned, building healthy relationships may help. B.Oh, I think they are

2023-08-01    1215    0


raise us, i felt his absence. and i wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence

2017-01-23    411    0


how to love life;   learn how to live a meaningful life;   learn how to create your life.   学校的目标应当是

2013-11-01    519    0


A Do you want to live a happier, less stressful life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how thousands

2020-02-26    807    0


get,turn) be 动词、系动词后 +形容词 实义动词 +副词23.have a healthy life 有一个健康的生活方式 what time 和 when 引导的特殊疑问句 1. 询问钟点时用

2021-01-18    2749    0


development, while realizing the value of my own life. today's world, the information age has come, the

2014-09-02    584    0


lich,not too poor,just happy.everyone will be healthy and happy.that is my dream.not big,but what i real

2012-03-15    797    0


love thick, five one is coming, i wish you a happy life!   快乐在飞舞,合着轻松的节拍,邀你来共舞。趁着阳光明媚的时节,郊游踏青舒缓心情。朋友相思浓浓,五一来到,祝你快乐幸福

2017-08-27    443    0


happy and healthy for as long as possible.[2017年7月试题] Fnodie Keeping your pet's diet healthy and nutritious(有营养的)

2021-12-28    842    0


them happy and healthy for as long as possible. Fnodie Keeping your pet's diet healthy and nutritious(有营养的)

2023-02-13    966    0


happy and healthy for as long as possible.[2017年7月试题] Fnodie Keeping your pet's diet healthy and nutritious(有营养的)

2022-05-12    775    0


go t _______5__ many changes during our teenage life. Many of the problems faced during this age cannot

2023-01-24    185    0


Instructions and inspirations in the early time of one’s life can bequeath one the advanced personality and practical

2013-10-15    613    0


Learn to write emails to others. 情感目标: 1. To love life, cherish the time, and develop good habits; To be

2022-09-07    318    0


job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, and give you a recommendation. my name is

2013-05-21    473    0


quickened pace of life .statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life. financial problems

2014-02-05    631    0


07 Unit7 Will people have robots? 【题目要求】 以“The life in the future”为题写一篇文章,按下列提示完成。 1. 想象一下未来生活会是什么样子;

2021-11-03    423    0
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