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 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Listening and Speaking课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Listening and Speaking一、单词拼写1. Here are some ____(诀窍) which I hope will be of some help to you. 2. The _____ (慈善机构) is calling for volunteers to make use of their free time t

2023-02-27    300    0


牛津译林版8年级英语下册unit3单元小练3 一、词汇、 1.Sydney is on the south-eastern _____________(海岸)of Australia. 2.I need

2021-04-12    773    0

 人教版 选择性必修第一册Unit3 FascinatingParks Using Language学案(有答案)

Unit3 Using language Review Translation theme theme park roller coaster incredible appeal appeal to

2023-02-27    324    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Assessing Your Progress同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Assessing Your Progress一、单词拼写1. Mobile phones can also spread some _____(假的) information to cheat you. 2. Its main ________(功能) include calling, texting, surfing the Internet

2023-02-27    324    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1.My father’s job is ________ make Shanghai a safe place. (to help, helping)2.Joe and Jessica ________ bore in 1976. (was, were)3.What’s wrong with you? You look ________ today. (happy, sad)4.The king always took _________ advice. (his, him)

2021-04-05    561    0


牛津译林版8年级英语下册unit3单元小练2 一、词汇、 1.Linda, how many copies shall I _____________(打印)for you. 2.Several weeks

2021-04-12    767    0


 Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 短语归纳 1. do the dishes 洗餐具 2.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 3. go

2020-03-23    943    0


牛津译林版8年级英语下册unit3单元小练4 一、词汇、 1. The teacher chalked out a map of ________ (亚洲)on the blackboard in class

2021-04-12    792    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Listening and Talking同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Listening and Talking一、完成句子1. David lacked self-confidence because he ________________by others.  由于经常被他人嘲笑, 大卫缺乏自信。2. ___________ we stare at our screens, the less we talk

2023-02-27    233    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Video Time课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Video Time一、完成句子1. _________________________, you can let them go.  既然孩子们已经完成了作业, 你可以让他们走了。2. They were _____________ their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar w

2023-02-27    280    0


Unit 31. 你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?2. 你知道我哪里可以买到一本字典吗?Do you know where I can get a dictionary?3. 你知道去邮局的路吗?Do you know the way to the post office?4. 你能告诉我如何到达

2023-03-16    239    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Reading for Writing课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Reading for Writing一、语法填空1. Nowadays, _____(surf) the Internet is very common and popular. 2. The purpose of this activity is _____(show) our rich campus culture and the stud

2023-02-27    320    0


冀教版 六年级上册Lesson 13: Seasons教学分析 1、教材分析: 本单元的话题是四季。本课需要学习有关四季的四个名词winter, spring, summer, autumn和四季的不同特征以及put on, take off 两个动词短语。本课的特点是通过描述四季的不同特征,讨论在不同季节所穿戴不同的服装,本课可以与本单元及四年级曾经学过的12个月份和表示天

2020-11-19    615    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Reading for Writing同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Reading for Writing一、用现在完成时的被动语态完成句型转换1. Though we don ’t know what was discussed, yet we can feel that we have changed the topic. →Though we don ’t know what was discussed,

2023-02-27    276    0


1.The city spent over one billion dollars on its museums and    (体育馆),while it failed to look after its schools. 2.It’s been a difficult time,but,on the p     side,I feel physically fine. 3.The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true c    .

2021-06-24    279    0

 人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Listening and Talking课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Listening and Talking一、单词拼写1. The concert will raise money for several local _____(慈善机构). 2. She had a really ____(艰难的) time the last year and a half. 3. The activity will t

2023-02-27    284    0

 人教版七年级下Unit3 How do you get to school测试题及答案

Unit 3 姓名________ 班级________ 得分________一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )31. — How do you usually go to school? — By _________ bike, but someti

2021-03-14    903    0

 译林版小学英语三上Unit3 第1课时story time

1. Unit3 My friends (1)译林版小学英语三年级上册 2. Let's talk!Hello, xxx! Hi, I’m xxx. Good morning/afternoon, xxx

2020-02-05    1706    0

 四年级下学期Unit3 Weather.B Let's talk教学设计及教学反思

weather like in…? It’s … 年 级 三 学 科 英语 教师姓名 执教内容 Unit3 Weather. B Let’s talk.Let’s play. 自我评价 1.设计了最贴近学生生活的话题,并开发了课程资源。

2023-06-06    406    0


___ 1 Wendy went to Shanghai by air on 18 February.___ 2 Wendy and her parents felt very tired after they arrived in Shanghai.___ 3 Wendy ate a lot for breakfast on 18 February.___ 4 Their first stop in Shanghai was Nanjing Road which they travelled to by taxi.

2021-04-05    456    0
1 2 3 4 5 ... 18