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( )1. What a sunny day! Let’s go boating _____ the lake,shall we? A.on B.in C.to D.at( )2、Look! The post office is right on ____ side of the street.A. the other B. the others C. another D. the others( )3、The nearest hotel is 800 metres ______.

2021-04-12    765    0

 人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit4 Journey Across A Vast Land Reading and Thinking学案

Unit 4 Journey Across A Vast LandReading and ThinkingImportant points of this unitQuotations:1. Travel far, you meet yourself. ----David Mitchell2. You can either travel or read, but either yo

2023-02-27    418    0


Recycle Language D. Why to Learn Vocabulary 【课外巩固】 Unit4 Cartoons and Comic strips ( Grammar) 一,单项选择 1. —

2023-03-19    362    0


7A unit4错题巩固 1. ( ) ----What do you think we can do for our aged parents? —--You _______do anything

2023-01-11    386    0


( )1.Shanghai is ________China.A.on east of B.to the east of C.to east D.in the east of( )2.--- Do you know ______ man standing under the tree ?---Yes , he is ______ popular singer in China .A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a ( )3.I ________sixteen years old next year. A.is going to be B.will going to be C.are going to be D.will be

2021-04-12    687    0

 高中英语人教版 选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing Reading and Thinking课后检测练(有答案)

Unit 4 Sharing——Reading and Thinking一、单词拼写1.The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board ____(黑板擦).2.The College had not wanted to be too ____(死板的) in imposing teaching methods.3.He slapp

2023-02-24    206    0

 PEP四年级下册第四单元《at the farm》Unit4 B Let’s talk教学设计 反思 评课稿

PE册第四单元《at the farm》Unit4 B Let’s talk教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 能够听、说、认读单词cow, hen, sheep, horse及其复数形式。 2. 能够those

2021-07-05    962    0

 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册:Unit4 Body language 重点词汇复习学案

选必一Unit 4 Reading & Thinking 重点词汇复习:1. The athlete was so exhausted that he gave no ______ (utter) to his excitement after the race.2. The ______ (interact) between the singer and his fans is live

2022-02-02    573    0


Unit 4 Wildlife protection一.课本单词 1.____________ vi.& vt. 减少;(使)变小;或变少 ____________ 增加2. ____________ n. 保护区;储藏(量)vt.预留;保留3.____________ vt. 检查;视察 investigate ____________4.incident n.

2022-09-01    129    0


教学目标1. 能够掌握字母组合oo的发音规则,即oo在单词中常见的两种发音:/u/和/u:/.2. 能够拼读符合oo发音规则的单词,并能根据读音拼写符合oo发音规则的单词。3.能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范。

2021-04-27    738    0


译林版必修第二册unit4延伸阅读预习 Ⅰ.Read the passage on P53-54 quickly and fill in the following blanks with suitable

2022-09-01    140    0


Unit4 《I have a pen pal》教案 第二课时 (Part A Let’s learn & Do a survey) 教学目的: 1. 通过本课的学习,使学生掌握四会单词:dancing

2021-04-22    873    0


1.When learning to drive,we’re told to obey the traffic rules and not to drive our vehicles too fast.1. surprises us is that some young people just enjoy the feeling of driving cars or motorcycles at a very high speed.Jack,an 18- ¬year-¬old boy,is no 2. (except).

2021-07-03    223    0


牛津译林版8B Unit4拓展提优练习卷 一、 根据中文或英文释义写出单词 1.Sometimes life is like a travelling__________(舞台). 2.—Where

2021-04-03    569    0


 Unit4检测 一、单项填空(20分) ( ) 1.---Do you know which book doesn’t belong to the four great classical Chinese

2021-04-03    522    0


Unit4 《I have a pen pal》教案 第三课时 (Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk) 教学目的: 1.通过本课的学习,使学生掌握四会单词:Canberra,

2021-04-22    608    0


1. 这位学生突然灵感枯竭, 但设法在最后时刻交了读书报告。The student suddenly didn’t get any ideas, but he __________________ his book report in the last minute. 2. 别忘了准时还书。Don’t forget __________________ .

2021-04-04    951    0


Unit 4 单元试卷及参考答案(一)一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词或短语。(10分)1.做饭__________    2.浇花__________3.扫地__________ 4.打扫卧室__________5.铺床__________ 6.摆餐具__________7.洗衣服________

2021-09-27    437    0


Unit 4 Body language一.课本单词1.__________ n.宿舍 2.__________adj. 主要的3.__________ vt.& vi. 接近;走近;靠近n. 接近;方法;途径4.__________ adj. 可能的5.__________adv. 真实地;真诚地;真正地 6.__________ n. 作用;功能;职能vi.

2022-09-01    188    0

 译林版英语六年级上册素材-Unit4 then and now 补充材料

6AU4 补充材料一、拓展词句a military training 一次军训during the three days 在那三天里learn to march / fold the quilt / make the bed 学习行进/叠被子/铺床set the table / clean up the table 布置餐桌/收拾餐桌win (won) the special / f

2020-11-16    635    0
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