
    ( )1Long long ago there _______ a king
    Aam Bis Cwas
    ( )2Where_______ you two days ago I _______ in Beijing
    Awas was Bwas were Cwerewas
    ( )3The two men wanted to make new clothes _______ the king
    Ato Bfor Cwith
    ( )4The king walked through the city _______ his new clothes
    Awear Bput on Cin
    ( )5I got a card_______ my good friend Mark
    Afrom Bto Cwith
    ( )6The old man _______ a flower for his daughter
    Apick Bpicking Cpicked
    ( )7People looked at the king and shouted _______ beautiful clothes
    AHow BWhat C What a
    ( )8A little boy laughed Ha Ha The king isn’t wearing_______ clothes
    A a Bsome Cany
    ( )9The lion was nice _______ the girl
    Ato Bon Cfor
    ( )10The lion turned _______ a prince
    Ain Binto Cat
    ( )11It was windy We _______ kites
    Acan fly Bcould fly Ccould flew
    ( )12Liu Tao was ill He _______some medicine
    Atakes Btake Ctook
    ( )13We usually eat _______ at the Dragon Boat Festival
    Aturkey Brice dumplings Cmoon cakes
    ( )14Don’g laugh_______ the old man He was ill and hungry
    Awith Bin Cat
    ( )15 _______ the kite Don’t let it fly away
    AHold onto BTry on CGet on
    ( )16Jack you look cool in the red Tshirt ____________
    ANo I’m not cool BYes I am C Thank you
    ( )17Would you like _______ mango juice
    No thanks There’s _______ in my glass
    Asome some Bany some Csome any
    ( )18It rained all day_______ 12th April
    Aat Bin Con
    ( )19Where did Miss Li go_______ the holiday
    Afor Bwith Cto
    ( )21He wanted _________ some fruit for the picnic
    Abuying Bto buy Cbought
    ( )22 _________ did you get up this morning At six thirty
    AHow BWhat CWhen
    ( )23Liu Tao’s grandparents live_________ the farm
    Ain Bon Cat
    ( )24How was the weather yesterday It was_________
    Arain Brained Crainy
    ( )25Would you like _________ juice
    Asome Bmany Cany
    ( )26In the _________ people call the metro subway
    AUK BJapan CUS
    ( )27Please _________ takes photos here
    Acan’t Bshouldn’t Cdon’t
    ( )28Bobby _________ a banana _________ Sam
    Agive to Bgave to Cgave for
    ( )29He _________ a bus to the supermarket yesterday
    Atake Btakes Ctook
    ( )30Nancy and Yang Ling _________after school every day
    Awalk to home Bwalk to the home Cwalk home
    ( )31Who likes living in a big city Jim_________
    Ais Bwas Cdoes
    ( )32We shouldn’t eat _________ in the evening It’s bad for us
    Atoo many Btoo much Cso many
    ( )33The watch on the desk is _________ Please give it to _________
    ATina’s him BMike’s her CLucy’s her
    ( )34They often play football _________ Tuesday afternoon
    Aon Bin Cfor
    ( )35There is a map _________ our city _________ the wall
    Ain on Bof on Cof in
    ( )36My mother _________ tangyuan this morning
    Amakes Bmade C is making
    ( )37What are you going to make for dinner I _________ some dumplings
    Aam making Bam going to make Cmade
    ( )38How was your Chinese New Year It was _________
    Aa great fun Bexcited Cgreat fun
    ( )39 I am _________ my hamburger I_________ it for lunch
    Alook for bring Blooking for brings Clooking for brought
    ( )40We use plastic to make bags but too_________ plastic is bad for the Earth
    Amany Bmuch Clittle
    ( )41My family and I _________ tomorrow
    Abought a lot of things Bare buying a lot of things
    Care going to buy a lot of things
    ( )42The floor is wet We shouldn’t _________ here
    Arun Bbe careful Ceat or drink
    ( )43Did Nancy olay the piano at the party No she_______
    Ashe can’t Bshe doesn’t Cshe didn’t
    ( )44 This is David speaking Who’s that _______
    AI’m John BI’m John speaking C This is John
    ( )45Can I have _______ orange juice
    Sorry there isn’t _______ juice in the fridge
    Aany any Bany some Csome any
    ( )46My father is _______ holiday
    Ain Bat Con
    ( )47Who invented the train The_______
    ACanadians BAustralians C British
    ( )48My aunt often calls her friend She _______ writes emails to them
    Aalso Btoo Ceither
    ( )49Don’t _______ Tim Helen is doing her homework
    Ashouted Bshout Cshouting
    ( )50My trousers are on the floor _______ for me please
    A Pick up them BPick it up C Pick them up
    (     )52 Keep off the grass means we ______ walk on the grass
    A can B shouldn’t  C must  D should
    (    )53 To keep healthy we should _________
    A do more exercise B eat many food
    C sleep early and get up late
    (   )54 He _______ a banana skins on the ground
    A give B puts C throws D litter
    (     )55 Mr Green usually _______ to his friends when he was young
    A write B is writing C wrote D write  
    (    )56 Does the sign_______ No_______’——Yes it does
    A say writing B says write C says writing D say write
    (     )57 —— Why we_______ swim in the river
    —— Can’t you see the sign No swimming’ there
    A can B should C can’t D shouldn’t
    (     )58 Where were my shoes ________________________
    A It’s on the desk B They are under the desk    
    C They were under the desk
    (     )59 We should ________ the floor every day
    A clean B wash C sweep
    (     )60 I called_______ yesterday afternoon But she_______ in
    A she isn’t B her wasn’t C her isn’t
    (     )61 What’s the first day of the week It’s_______
    A Monday B Tuesday C Sunday
    (     )62 I read __________ about animals
    A a lot of B lot of C lots of
    (     )63 We can’t eat______ drink in the library
    A or B and C but
    (     )64 Someone______ singing in the room Can you______it
    A is hear B are hear C are listen
    (     )65 You can’t take your juice________ the supermarket
    A in B into C on
    (     )66 What________ our city messy
    A make B making C makes
    (     )67 Look at these signs They ________we shouldn’t _______the tree
    A means climb B mean climbing C mean climb
    (     )68 The_______ near the window are funny
    A signs B sign C sign’s
    (     )69 Helen always_______ home
    A walk B walks C walks to
    (     )70 Mary can’t _______her bag Now she_______
    A find is looking for B look for is finding C find look for
    (     )71 He _______ at school yesterday
    A isn’t B wasn’t C doesn’t D didn’t
    (     )72 He wrote a letter ________ his mother last week
    A for B to C of D from
    (     )73 Can you make a sentence _______have
    A in B on C with D by
    (     )74 _________ is it It’s Friday
    A What date B What day C What colour D What about
    (     )75 What’s Helen________ Her new bag
    A looking B looking for C look D look for
    (     )76 The football match is very ________
    A excite B excites C excited D exciting
    (     )77 ______ your mother see a film yesterday evening
    A Are B Did C Was D Is
    (     )78 I usually ________ to school by bike when I was ten years old
    A go B goes C went D going
    (     )79 I _______ you but you _______ at home
    A call weren’t B called aren’t C called were D called weren’t
    (     )80 Everything ________
    A go well B go good C goes well D goes good
    (     )81 Each student ____________one picture
    A draw B draws C drawing D to drawing
    ( )82 She usually _______ new clothes___________his doll
    A makes…with B make…for C makes…for D make…with
    ( )83 Were there ________ people in the street
    A some B any C much D a
    ( )84 What ________ beautiful girl
    A B an C a D the
    ( )85 The shoes are very cool but they__________me
    A are fitting B fit C don’t fit D fitted
    ( )86________ it often __________ in winter in Kunming
    ADoes windy BDoes winds CIswindy DDoes wind
    ( )87Yesterday I __________some flowers __________ the shop
    Abought to Bbought from Cbought about
    ( )88Would you like__________ orange juice No __________
    Aany I wouldn’t Banythanks Csome thanks
    ( )89Can I __________ a film No you must __________ the books
    Alooklook Bwatch read Cwatch reading
    ( )90Please don’t litter here __________
    ANot at all BI’m sorry CYou’re welcome
    ( )91Do you want __________juice No thank you
    Aany Ba lot Csome
    ( ) 92 They went there ____________bus last Sunday
    A by B took C take
    ( ) 93 The_______ near the window are funny
    A signs B sign C sign’s
    ( ) 94 ________ the river dirty No it _________
    A Is is B Does doesn’t C Is isn’t
    ( ) 95Mary can’t _______her bag Now she_______ it
    A find is looking for B look for is finding C find look for
    ( ) 96 There are a lot of ____________in the river
    A fish B air C water
    ( ) 97 Sometimes he _______ pictures but now he_______
    A draws sings B drawing singing C draws is singing
    ( ) 98 Bobby is sick He goes ___________hospital
    A to B to the C
    ( )99 What can we do ___________ our room clean
    A keep B to keep C keeping
    ( )100 Many people like ____________ the city
    A living B live C living in




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