五年级英语上册 奥赛英语测试

    (时间 60分钟 总分 100分)
    听力部分(四题 40)
    I 听辨单词 (Words) (10题 计10分)
    A) 听音 选出听单词单词读遍(答案涂答题纸)
    1 A good B food C foot D goose
    2 A light B night C fruit D blue
    3 A football B basketball C baseball D volleyball
    4 A home B game C plane D listen
    5 A behind B stand C stamp D side
    B) 听音图选出听单词属类项单词读遍(答案涂答题纸)

    II 句子理解 (Sentences) (10题计10分)
    A) 听句子根问句选出恰答句句子读遍(答案涂答题纸)
    11 A It’s 6 B It’s 12
    C It’s 80 D It’s 20
    12 A He’s very well
    B He’s 35 years old
    C He plays pingpong well
    D He’s in the library now
    13 A Only two
    B They are for my birthday
    C They are red
    D I like them very much
    14 A It’s my pleasure
    B Yes I do
    C Yes it is
    D Don’t read in the sun
    15 A Yes it’s big
    B Yes it’s a bus
    C No it’s a big box
    D No it isn’t a taxi
    B) 听句子判断听句子图片(Y)否(N)相符句子读遍(答案涂答题纸)

    III 话理解 (Dialogues) (10题计10分)
    A) 听话组物选择合适情景图片组话读两遍(答案写答题纸)


    IV 短文理解 (Passages) (10题计10分)
    A) 根听短文容选择佳答案回答列问题短文读两遍(答案涂答题纸)
    31 Where does May study
    A No 12 Primary School B No 2 Primary School
    C No 8 Primary School D No 7 Primary School
    32 What’s May’s favourite room
    A The bedroom B The sitting room
    C The classroom D The dining room
    33 What’s next to the bed

    A A big door B A small table

    C A white chair D A cupboard

    34 What is NOT in the bedroom

    35 What colour are the walls of the room
    A Green B Orange
    C Yellow D Blue
    B) 听短文填空补全面简历短文读两遍(答案写答题纸)
    Name 36
    Date Of Birth 37
    Age 38
    Nationality 39
    School Millbury Primary School
    Club (this year) 40

    笔试部分 (六题 计60分)
    I 单词短语 (Words and phrases) (5题计5分)
    1 Andy ________ (go) home at six yesterday
    2 Today it is ________ (warm) than yesterday
    3 James ________ (do one’s homework) at a quarter to eight every night
    4 Can you ________ (ride a horse)
    5 —What are you doing
    —I’m ________ (have breakfast)
    II 句子 (Sentences) (10题计10分)
    A) 连词成句(注意写)(答案写答题纸)

    B) A B C D四选项中选择恰项完成句子(答案涂答题纸)
    11 I can see one ________ and two ________ on the floor
    A watch knife B watches knives
    C watch knives D watches knife
    12 What is your brother ________ now
    A do B does C did D doing
    13 Mary is a ________ girl She is ________ this year
    A good twenty three B fine twenty and two
    C nice twentytwo D well 23
    14 Let’s go out for lunch ________
    A will you B won’t you C shall we D aren’t you
    15 What’s your favourite colour blue ________ white
    A but B and C D or
    III 情景会话 (Dialogues) (10题计10分)
    A) ABCD四选项中选出符合列情景佳答案(答案涂答题纸)

    A Where’s Danny now
    B Where’re your uncle and aunt
    C Is Beijing far from here
    D Is Beijing a big city
    17 —________
    —They are 50 yuan
    A How much is it
    B How old are they
    C How long is it
    D How much are they
    18—Is this your school bag
    —Yes it is
    —Thank you
    A It’s black B I have one too
    C Here you are D Sorry
    A Yes I don’t know about him too much
    B No I know about him very well
    C Yes I know about him
    D No I know him
    20 老师课堂表扬作业写时应该说
    A Excuse me
    B You did a good job
    C Not at all
    D Please say it again
    B) 选项中选择恰句子补全话(题两余选项)(答案涂答题纸)
    John Can I help you
    Grace Oh yes please 21
    John What are they
    Grace 22
    John What are they
    Grace They are our homework notebooks
    John 23
    Grace To teachers’ office
    John 24
    Grace No it isn’t It’s just over there
    John OK Let’s go
    Grace 25
    John It’s my pleasure
    A Really
    B Where should we take them
    C Thank you very much
    D They are very heavy
    E Pardon
    F Is it far from here
    G It’s so small
    V 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension) (15题计15分)
    A) 根短文容回答列问题(答案涂答题纸)
    Alice has a pet It’s a lovely dog She likes playing with it at home But she’s eight and her parents tell her to go to school The teacher doesn’t let her take the dog into the classroom She has to leave it at home but she isn’t happy She doesn’t want to go to school and listen to the teacher
    Class Four is studying math Miss Brown sees Alice looking out of the window She asks AliceWhat’s two and two Alice
    Alice stands up but she doesn’t know the answer
    If your father gives you two pencils Miss Brown saysand your mother gives you another two how many pencils do you have
    Five Miss Brown
    You are wrong Miss Brown says You have four
    I don’t think so Alice says I already have one in my pencil case
    26 What’s Alice’s pet
    A A cat B A rabbit
    C A goat D A dog
    27 How old is Alice
    A Eight B Seven
    C Six D Nine
    28 Is Alice happy to go to school
    A Yes she is
    B She likes to go to school
    C No she isn’t
    D She goes to school happily
    29 What does Miss Brown ask Alice
    A What is two plus two
    B What’s red and yellow
    C What’s two and three
    D What time is it now
    30 How many pencils are there in Alice’s pencil case
    A Five B One
    C Four D Three
    B) 根短文容 判断列句子(Y)否(N)正确(答案写答题纸)
    Tim was seven years old and his sister was five One day their mother wanted to go shopping so she asked their aunt to look after them
    The two children played for a long time At four o’clock in the afternoon their aunt gave Tim an apple and a knife She said to him Now here’s a knife Tim Cut this apple into two pieces And then please give one piece to your sister but remember(记住) to do it like a gentleman
    Like a gentleman Tim asked How does a gentleman do it
    He always gives the big piece to another person their aunt answers
    Oh I see Then he gave his sister the apple and said to her Please cut it into two pieces like a gentleman Joan
    31 Tim was two years older than his sister
    32 Joan was Tim’s little sister
    33 Tim’s mum wanted to go swimming with her friends
    34 At four o’clock in the afternoon the children’s aunt gave them two apples and a knife
    35 Tim wanted the big piece of the apple
    C) 根短文容回答列问题(答案写答题纸)
    My name’s Anna I live in a big city The people in my city want to bury(埋藏) a message for the future It will be a metal (金属) box with things about our life today that people can discover(发现) in the future The box isn’t very big so it is important to choose small things These things will tell people a lot about our lives now There is a competition (赛) at school to choose things for the box
    My friend Mona chooses a computer and a video but I think she has the wrong idea Perhaps() electricity (电) will be different in one or two hundred years Lily has three things a picture of her cat Mimi a hamburger and a pencil I want to choose things about me my family and our house I have got eight things a photo of my family my old English homework book a tennis ball a Tshirt with Mickey a can of cola a picture of my house a piece of my art work and a cinema ticket The English homework book and the art work will show what I study at school
    What do you want to choose for the box
    36 What do people in Anna’s city want to bury
    37 Is the box very big
    38 Mona chooses a computer and a video doesn’t she
    39 How many things does Anna choose
    40 Which things will show what Anna studies at school
    V 智力测试 (IQ test) (5题计5分)
    41 135146 is the code (密码) for word SEASON What’s the code of word NOSE
    42 Betty got 100 in her exam She is over the moon about it
    Read the sentence and guess the meaning of
    over the moon
    (You may answer it in English or Chinese)

    43 Each picture is a view of the same cube (方块方块三角度图示) What are the two missing numbers

    44 Mr Smith is a hardworking person He works from 7 am to 8 pm every day
    How many hours does he work every day

    45 Look at the picture please Each of the Crazy Rabbit brothers has a sister Altogether how many rabbits are there in the rabbit family

    VI 作文 (Composition) (计15分)
    This is Lucy’s file (档案) Please write a short composition about her using the facts in the diagram (表格)
    求1 表中容全部体现话中作适发挥
    2 条理清晰意思明确连贯句子通标点正确书写工整规范
    3 少60单词
    4 作文写答题纸





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