「衡水内部」八年级下册英语期中试卷含答案 (1)


    . 单项选择(20分)
    ( ) 1 I ________ he ________ go there by himself
    A think won’t B don’t think will
    C don’t think is D think isn’t going to
    ( ) 2 Lana said that she wasn't mad _________ Marcia anymore
    A to B at C for D on
    ( ) 3 Do you think _________ an English film tomorrow night
    A is there B there is going to be
    C there is going to have D will there be
    ( ) 4 You are _________ to return the book to the library in two weeks
    A supposed B wanted C shouted D thought
    ( ) 5 I am always _________ to speak in the front of the classroom
    A disappointing B scared C surprised D nervous
    ( ) 6 Do you think it is difficult _________
    A study English well B studies English well
    C studying English well D to study English well
    ( ) 7 I don't think it's good to copy other's homework You should _________ it
    A get over B get on C get up D get off
    ( ) 8 Could you ________ me how to ________ it in Chinese
    A say speak B speak say C tell say D say tell
    ( ) 9 What happened ________ Young Lives last night
    A on B in C to D of
    ( ) 10 I finished my ________ exam last week
    A end of year B end of year’s
    C endof year’s D endofyear
    ( ) 11 ______ talk to friends when you feel sad
    A Why not you B Why don’t C Why not D Why you
    ( ) 12 I hope you are ______ good health
    A in B on C with D for
    ( ) 13——Have you ever ______ to Pairs
    ____ Yes I went there last year
    A.been Bgone C went D got
    ( ) 14They decided ______ at the end of this month
    A going back Bto leave C travel Dnot start out
    ( ) 15They arrived early ______ a Tuesday morning
    A in B on C 填 D at
    ( ) 16 Would you mind ______ your CD so loud
    A not play B not to play Cnot playing D don’t play
    ( ) 17A boy with his parents ______ when the earthquake happened in his city
    A were sleeping B is sleeping Cwas sleeping Dare asleep
    ( ) 18 It ______ us 2 hours to get to the top of the mountains
    Agave B spent C paid D took
    ( ) 19 ___ Did you get on ______ with others
    ___Yes I made a lot of new friends
    A bad B good C well D kind
    ( ) 20I will have a surprise party______ Lana ______ Friday night
    A of in B for on Cfor at Dwithin
    1 I have been skating since two hours ago (划线部分提问)
    _______ _______ have you been skating
    2 Lana said to us I’m happy to see you again(变间接引语)
    Lana told us she _______ happy to see _______ again
    3 Could you buy me a CD (义句转换)
    Could you buy a CD _______ _______
    4 My friend has to go home right now(改否定句)
    My friend ______ ______ to go home right now
    5 He said I was hardworking (划线部分提问)
         What _____ he ______
    1He likes playing the piano but he doesn’t like playing the footall ( )
    A B C D
    2When you arrive in the town please ring up me ( )
    A B C D
    3While we got home our parents were watching TV
    A B C D ( )
    4Li Ping wasn’t come here yesterday he stayed at home
    A B C D ( )
    5Everyone went to the zoo except you and I
    A B C D ( )
    四.完形填空 (10分)
    Mr Smith had a nice brown coat He __1__ it very much __2__ his wife didn’t like it because it was _ 3__ She often said Give it to a __4__ man But Mr Smith always said No I like it One day a cigarette fell on it and made a hole in it _5__ Mrs Smith said Please don’t __6__ it again Mr Smith took it to a small tailor’s and said to the tailor Please make another coat __7__ this one The tailor made the coat very __8_ Then he hit a cigarette and made a __9__ in the __10 _ place
    ( )1 A wore B had C put D loved
    ( )2 A but B so C and D for
    ( )3 A new B big C small D old
    ( )4 A rich B kind C poor D friend
    ( )5 A so B and C but D or
    ( )6 A had B wear C wore D take
    ( )7 A about B with C like D of
    ( )8 A happily B hard C sad D carefully
    ( )9 A picture B hole C map D flower
    ( )10 A same B different C great D important
    One rainy day a woman with a dog got on the bus It was a big dog and its feet were very dirty The woman sat down and the dog stood near her When the conductor came up to her she said Oh conductor I pay for my dog can he have a seat like the other passengers The conductor looked at the dog and its dirty feet and then he said Of course madam He can have a seat like all the other passengers but like all the other passengers he must not put his feet on it
    ( ) 1 One day a woman with her dog got on a bus
    ( ) 2 It wasn’t a small dog and its feet were very dirty
    ( ) 3 The woman wanted to buy a ticket for the dog
    ( ) 4 The woman must put her feet on the seat
    ( ) 5 The dog can sit like all the other passengers

    Long ago there was a man with the name Smith He made a living on making caps One day he went to sell his caps He went through a forest There were many monkeys in it It was very hot and the man wanted to rest a little He came up to a large tree put his caps on the ground took one of them and put it on his head Then he lay down and soon fell asleep
    Where are my caps Smith cried when he woke up He looked up and saw many monkeys in the trees and each monkey had a cap on its head
    Give me back my caps The man shouted at the monkeys But the monkeys didn’t understand him They only laughed The man got very angry took off his own cap threw it on the ground and cried If you want all my caps you may take this one too
    And what do you think happened The little animals did the same Each monkey took off its cap and threw it on the ground The man was very glad He quickly collected all his caps and went on his way
    ( )6 The capmaker was so tired ______
    A to have a rest B that he wanted to sell his caps in the forest
    C that he had to stop for a rest D that he wanted to return home
    ( )7 He ______ and lay down and fell asleep soon
    A put all his caps on his head B put all his caps on the ground
    C put all his caps in the tree D put one of his caps on his head
    ( )8 When the man woke up he found______
    A each monkey had a cap on its head
    B some monkeys were stealing his caps
    C the monkeys were laughing at him
    D a monkey had stolen his cap and tried it on
    ( )9 The man cried and told the monkeys ______
    A to return his caps B not to get away with his caps
    C to buy his caps D not to laugh at him
    ( )10 At last the monkeys threw the caps on the ground because___
    A they took pity on him B the man had got angry
    C they didn’t like the caps D they liked to do the same as men did
    Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America The bears are waiting to meet you and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you
    Children:Over 12 $ 100 Under 12 Free
    Opening time 900 am— 400 pm
    Except Friday 1000 am — 3 00 pm
    Keep the zoo clean
    Do not touchgive food or go near the animals
    ( )11How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage
    A Four B Five C Six D Seven
    ( )12Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons one aged 14 and the other 10 how much are the tickets together?
    A 400 B 200 C 300 D 100
    ( )13Which of the following is the visiting time?
    A 830 am Monday B 930 am Friday
    C300 pm Sunday D 500 pm Tuesday
    ( )14From the passage we can guess the animal giraffe must be very _______
    A fat B long C strong D tall
    ( )15Which of the following can we do in the zoo?
    A To give some food to the dogs
    B To touch the monkey on the head
    C To throw things everywhere
    D To take a few nice photos
    Li Fang Hi Wang Hai It’s a long time since we met last (1)_____
    Wang Hai I’ve been to Kunming with my friends
    Li (2) _____
    Wang Yes of course And we saw many kinds of flowers there
    (3) _____
    Li Did you meet any foreign visitors
    Wang Yes a lot And I talked with some of them
     Li (4) _____
     Wang They said we were very friendly
     Li (5) _____
     Wang The delicious food and the places of interest
      A What did they say about Chinese people
      B You’ve just come back haven’t you
      C Did you have a good journey
      D What did they like best about China
      E Where have you been
      F There were many foreigners too
      G All of them were very beautiful


    .选择:15 BBBAD 610 DACBD
    1115 CAABB 1620 CCDCB
    1 How many 2 was…us 3 for me
    4 doesn’t have 5 did…say
    1 D football 2 D ring me up 3A When
    4 A didn’t 5 D you and me
    15 DADCA 610 BCDBA
    五. 阅读理解:
    15 TFTFF 610 CDAAD 1115 CBCDD




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