
    Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now
    题Warmingup Look and circle Let’s learn
    1 听说读写词汇:feel happy feel sad feel tired feel angry go out to play make a snowman(重点)
    2 学运I’m feeling 表达情感(难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分图片猫手偶
    2 课时相关课件
    3 Let’s learn部分教学音频
    4 干写Let’s learn部分词汇纸条
    1 课程导入(Leading In)
    (1) 课前问答
    T Good morning everyone Nice to see you again in English class I am feeling happy now Are you happy(教师做出高兴表情)
    Ss Yes
    T So we are feeling happy to be together again And I hope we’ll feel happy all the time in our class
    (2) 新课导入 Part A Warmingup Look and circle
    T Now look at the girl in the pictures How is she feeling Which is happy Can you circle it
    T What about you How are you feeling now
    2 课程:展示活动程设计建议(presentation)
    (1) 新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    T I have a new friend Look Who is he
    教师出示Let’s learn部分猫图片学生介绍:
    T He is a cat and his name is Tom He likes to eat fish
    处建议教师准备猫手偶然模仿猫声音学生介绍:Hello boys and girls My name is Tom I like to eat fish
    1) 教授词组feel happy
    T What can you see
    S1 I can see a fish
    T Yes It’s a fish Tom likes fish so he is feeling happy
    教师板书feel happy学生着教师书写进行拼读
    教师教授feel发音时学生初步渗透字母组合ee单词中发音通已学单词引导纳字母组合ee读音[iː]:green tree sheep sleep see street等
    T Look at me I’m feeling happy Are you feeling happy too
    Ss Yes
    T Show me a happy look please
    T&Ss I’m feeling happy
    2) 教授词组feel sad
    T What can you see
    S2 I can see a plate
    T Yes It’s an empty plate Tom is hungry now Where is the fish It is lost
    (教师出示Tom猫伤心图片) Tom is feeling sad
    教师板书领读feel sad做出伤心表情说:
    T I’m not feeling happy Now I’m feeling sad Look a sad look Show me a sad look please (学生做出伤心表情起重复句子)
    T&Ss I’m not feeling happy now I’m feeling sad
    3) 教授词组feel angry
    T Look it’s a mouse He gets the fish from the plate Tom is feeling angry now
    教师出示猫生气图片板书领读feel angry
    T I’m not feeling happy Now I’m very angry I’m feeling angry Show me an angry look please (学生做出生气表情起重复句子 )
    T&Ss I’m not feeling happy now I’m feeling angry I’m angry
    4) 教授词组feel tired
    T Tom wants to catch the mouse so he runs after him for a long time Now he is feeling tired
    教师出示猫累图片板书领读feel tired然做出累样子说:
    T I’m feeling tired I’m very tired I want to have a rest I want to sleep Are you tired
    Ss Yes I’m feeling tired too No I’m not feeling tired
    5) 教授词组go out to playmake a snowman
    T The weather is fine Tom’s friends are playing in the garden But Tom is in the living loom he wants to go out to play
    教师出示户外图片板书领读go out to play
    T Oh It’s snowing Let’s go out to play What can we do
    然引出短语make a snowman
    T Yes We can make a snowman (边说边板书该短语)
    处教师添加两句子 学生解snowman复数形式:
    We can make two snowmen We can make some snowmen
    教师播放录音学生听读Let’s learn部分词汇间注意纠正学生错误读音学生容易读错单词(tried angry等)教师注意进行针性示范训练
    3 操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1) 教师先名学生做示范教师说词组学生面全班做出相应表情动作时重复词组
    2) 桌间相互说词组做动作

    Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now 第2课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Think and match Let’s talk Let’s play Listen and tick or cross
    1 听懂Let’s talk话中表示情感词汇
    2 列句型结构情感进行表述回答:
    (1) You look sad
    (2) — How are you feeling now
    —I’m feeling very
    (3) —Are you happy
    —Yes I am very happy (重点)
    3 听说熟读话语音语调准确然(难点)
    4 通话学培养学生会话力增加学生学兴趣
    1 Let’s learn部分图片Let’s talk部分教学图片
    2 Let’s talkListen and tick or cross部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T Look out of the window boys and girls It’s snowing Do you want to go out to play
    Ss Yes
    T Can you make a snowman now
    T It’s a very interesting game
    (2)新课导Part A Warmingup Think and match
    T How is he she feeling now Is he she scared happy sad angry tired
    Ss Yes he she is No He She is
    T Why
    引导学生先观察A B C D E五幅图片理解中包含信息然教师引导学生根物表情进行连线学词汇句型尝试回答说说什
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 助游戏猜表情呈现功句:
    教师先feel happy feel sad feel tired feel angry四张词汇卡片放讲桌然学生台意抽出张根词意做表情学生猜:教师里提前渗入新句型
    T Is he she feeling happy
    T You look sad How are you feeling now
    S1 I’m feeling very sad
    T He She looks sad How is he she feeling now
    T&Ss He She is feeling sad
    T How are you feeling now
    S1 I’m feeling sad
    T Why
    教师出示词卡go out to play 继续该学生会话:
    T Do you want to go out to play
    S1 Yes
    T Can you go out to play now
    S1 No I can’t I must have class now
    T Oh I see You can’t go out to play now So you look sad You are feeling sad
    2 功句讲解:You look sad起高兴难
    You look tired What did you do just now
    He looks very angry What’s the matter
    句中look系动词形容词连表示起……look+表示情感形容词:look happy angry sad tired等表示起高兴生气难累等
    3 听力理解
    (1) 教师板书领读功句听力部分做铺垫:
    You look sad
    How are you feeling now
    I’m feeling
    Are you happy
    Yes I’m very happy
    (2) 教师播放录音学生听Let’s talk部分第1段话回答问题问题参考:
    a Is Kitty happy Why
    b What can Kitty and her dad do
    (3) 听Let’s talk部分第2段话回答问题:
    c What are they doing
    d How is Kitty feeling now
    4 图说话
    (1)助Let’s talk第部分课件挂图师生图说话:
    T What is the weather like today
    Ss It is snowy
    T Do you like snow Look at the picture It’s snowing Kitty is sad Do you know why
    Ss Because she can’t go out to play
    T What does her dad say
    Ss He says that they can make a snowman
    (2) 助Let’s talk第二部分课件挂图师生图说话:
    T Look What are they doing
    Ss They are making a snowman
    T How are they feeling now Are they happy
    Ss Yes They are very happy
    教师教校新句型How are you feeling now I’m feeling 时告诉学生里谈方刻感受现进行时态进行提问回答
    1 教师播放录音学生听模仿语音语调读Let’s talk部分话
    2 学生分角色朗读话教师予积极评价
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师Let’s talk部分插图展示学生位学生进行示范练
    2 学生分组进行话练
    3 Show time 两组台表演话
    (2)Part B Let’s play
    1 教师相应单词句型写黑板然请位学生台教师背该学生该学生做表情教师问学生:Is S1 根学生回答确定否继续提问:Is heshe How is heshe feeling now 引导学生踊跃作答
    2 教师请两位学生台位做表情—位电话课句型提问该生学生(背做表情学)样做组问答学生充分练课时学新句型
    (3)Part C Listen and tick or cross
    1 教师先引导学生仔细观察部分图片中物表情进行简单描述:She looks happy She is feeling happy He looks angry He is feeling angry
    2 教师播放录音学生根听容判断图片√错×
    3 次播放录音求学生复述听句子核答案
    1 Kitty can make a snowman She is very happy
    2 Su Nan can’t go to the cinema with us He is feeling sad
    3 Mr Zhao works in his garden He is tired
    4 The boy is late again His teacher is very angry
    参考答案:1 √ 2 × 3 × 4 ×

    Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now 第3课时教学设计
    题Let’s learn more Talk in groups
    1 听懂Let’s learn more话中表示情感词汇句型
    2 运Are you tired Yes a little This makes her very angry功句型进步情感进行表述问答(重点)
    3 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    4 通话学学生进行情感教育明白父母工作辛苦懂学迟坏惯(难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Let’s learn more部分教学挂图
    3 Let’s learn more部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    教师出准备Let’s learn部分词汇卡片请位学生台教师背全班学生该学生机出示卡片求该生卡片做表情动作请台学生猜词汇
    T Is he she
    Ss Yes No
    T How is he she feeling now
    Ss He She is very ( Because she can can’t)
    T What is your mother
    S1 She is a an
    T Is she happy sad angry tired at home
    S1 Yes she is No she isn’t She is
    T What about your father
    T Are you helpful at home
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 教师承接环节出示Su NanColin图片学生作介绍:
    T Look This is Su Nan He is a good boy He is helpful at home And this is Colin He is late for class so Miss White is very angry Now let’s talk about the two pictures
    (1)教师出示Let’s learn more第部分挂图:
    T What can you see in the picture
    Ss I can see Su Nan and his mom
    T Yes Su Nan’s mom is very tired and thirsty after work So what is Su Nan doing
    引导学生说出:Su Nan is giving his mother a glass of water
    T He is helpful to his mom He is really a good boy
    (2)教师出示Let’s learn more第二部分挂图:
    T Look at the picture Where are Colin and Miss White
    S1 They are in the classroom
    T How is Colin feeling now
    S2 He is feeling sad
    T Is Miss White sad too
    S3 No She is very angry
    2 听力理解
    (1) 教师分段播放录音学生听话理解话意
    (2) 分两段话设置问题学生带着问题听录音问题参考:
    a Is Su Nan’s mom tired (Yes a little)
    b Is Su Nan a good boy Why
    (Yes he is Because he cares for his mom He gives his mom a glass of water)
    c Why is Miss White angry
    (Colin is late again This makes her very angry)
    d What is Miss White doing
    (She is telling Colin to come to school on time and not to be late again)
    (3) 教师次播放录音机挑选学生回答问题
    3 教师板书讲解话中词汇句型:
    (1) a little
    —Are you tired
    —Yes a little
    教学提示:a little 少许点修饰数名词形容词:a little time a little water a little angrytried a little hungrythirsty等举例鼓励学生练运:
    The boy doesn’t do his homework His dad is a little angry
    Kitty can’t find her cat She feels a little sad
    (2) on time
    教学提示:on time准时意思五年级册Unit1中已接触里复现时扩充词组in time时适解析两者区
    (3) This makes her very angry
    教学提示:make里意思……sth makes sb+形容词结构表示某事某感……举例鼓励学生练运:
    The football game makes the students excited
    The pictures make the story book very interesting
    1 教师播放录音学生听模仿语音语调读部分话
    2 学生两组分角色朗读话请组台做话表演
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师准备关情感单词卡片全班学生分成两组
    2 教师发指令第组学生传卡片教师停卡片学分做相应动作第二组 学生集体描述: is feeling is feeling and is feeling类推 描述出现错误第组重新传递卡片描述全部正确两组交换第二组传递卡片 第组学生集体说句子
    (2)Part C Talk in groups
    1 教师先两位学通会话介绍活动中功句:
    T I like making a snowman It makes me happy I don’t like playing computer games It makes me tired What about you S1
    S1 I like It makes me …I don’t like …It makes me
    2 教师学生分成四组组选话题参考部分句型提示进行会话会话话题文体活动天气季节等
    3 请组学班展示 师生起评价

    Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now 第4课时教学设计
    题Read the words Read a story Look and write Read and answer
    1 听懂理解Read a story部分中情节简单事流利读录音求模仿正确语音语调然(重点)
    2 解字母组合arer单词中读音变化学发音规
    3 通完成Part C部分活动单元学关情感词汇句型进行全面复检测(难点)
    1 Read the wordsRead a story部分教学音频
    2 单元词汇卡片Read the words部分单词卡片
    3 Read a story部分挂图
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T Hi boys and girls Look out of the window please What’s the weather like today
    Ss It’s
    T Do you like the weather
    Ss Yes No
    T So how are you feeling now
    Ss I’m feeling
    T Why
    Ss It’s today It makes me
    (1)Part B Read the words
    1 教师播放Read the words部分录音求学生读然机展示部分单词卡片全班学生认读注意单词中红色字母组合arer板书音标示范发音
    2 学生认读引领学生找出规律加总结:字母组合ar单词中读[ɑː]字母组合er单词中通常读长元音[ɜː]词尾er常读短元音[ə]
    3 教师学生找发音规律尝试运读音规拼读Try to read more部分生词播放该部分录音学生核查拼读否正确
    4 教师视学生掌握情况出更含arer字母组合单词学生尝试拼读通拼读总结记忆单词方法鼓励学生说出更含学字母组合单词进行拼读练
    (2)Part B Read a story
    1 教师出示事挂图请学幵课翻P6图理解事教师图片进行提问问题供参考:
    (1) What can you see in Picture 1
    (2) Is Alice happy in Picture 1
    (3) What can you see in Picture 2 and Picture 3
    How is Alice feeling in these pictures
    2 教师引导学生结合图片容作答
    3 教师继续提出问题学生默读事容注意启发学生思考 完整作答问题供参考:
    (1) Why is Alice feeling a little sad at the beginning
    (2) Are Alice’s mom and dad at home
    (3) Does Kitty send a gift to Alice
    (4) How is Alice feeling finally
    (5) Why is Alice happy
    教师翻译概讲解问题中生词:send a gift 送礼物finally第5问题较难教师学生分组进行讨鼓励学生学句型回答果学生程度够教师引导学生作答
    4 引导学生参考述问题答案尝试复述事
    (3)Part C Look and write
    1 教师引导学生仔细观察部分图片中物神情进行简单描述
    2 指导学生结合图片方语提示学功结构写出相应句子
    3 机选出名学生读读完整句子带领学生核答案
    参考答案:1 is (feeling) angry 2 are (feeling) tired
    3 makes Kevin him happy 4 is (feeling) sad
    (4)Part C Read and answer
    1 教师引导学生先读问题解解决什问题
    2 求学生带着问题读短文遇会单词结合文推测理解
    3 机挑选学生回答问题核答案教师根学生短文理解程度适进行引导补充
    4 教师鼓励学生桌间合作部分短文改编成话进行表演组改编然流畅
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    教师全班分成四组然快速说出单元学词汇请学生听Start举手抢答拼读词汇拼读正确组加1分拼错抢答时犯规组减1分:教师说:Feel sad Start根门令第举手学生组起立拼读词汇果教师没 说start举手学生犯规
    教师选出六名学生台站成排逐提问:How are you feeling now 请六位学生分回答:I am feeling 然乱序站成排请台学生结合刚记忆提问:Are you 台学生回答:Yes I ama little No I’m not feeling 台猜学生组加1分
    Unit 2 Spring Is Coming 第1课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Think and group Let’s learn Let’s chant
    1 听说读写词汇:spring summer autumn winter season plant trees ride a bike(重点)
    2 熟练说唱Let’s chant部分歌谣(难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分教学卡片
    2 课时课件
    3 春天夏天图片:春天图片绿色草坪树木正放风筝朋友夏天图片满头汗(准备游泳)男孩
    4 Let’s learn部分Let’s chant部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T How many days are there in a week
    Ss Seven
    T How many months are there in a year then
    Ss Twelve
    T And how many seasons are there in a year Do you know
    (2)新课导入Part A Warmingup Think and group
    (1) T What can you see in the first picture
    T&Ss The trees are green The grass is green There is a kite in the sky
    T What is the time in the year Do you know
    (2) Look at the second picture The farmer feels very hot He is selling watermelons What is the time in the year
    (3) The weather is fine Look at the farmland The crops are ripe (庄稼成熟) What’s the time in the year
    (4) It’s snowing It’s very cold outside What’s the time in the year
    2 引导学生相应季节图片符号年历做标记年历月份分组桌交流讨否统意见
    课程展示活动程设计建议 (presentation)
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    1 教授词汇springplant trees
    T Look at the picture boys and girls What can you see
    S1 I can see green grass some trees and some children
    T What are they doing
    S2 They are flying kites
    T Yes The weather is warm The grass is green The trees are green and the birds are back It’s spring Spring is warm We can fly kites in spring
    教师继续提问引出新授短语plant trees:
    T What can we do in spring (然边做植树动作边说) We can plant trees
    教师板书plant trees引导学生拼读短语纠正错误发音
    教师里扩充讲解:plant作名词时意思植物草木作动词时意思种植拓展应:We can plant flowers in spring too We can plant many plants in spring
    2 教授单词summer
    T Hi boys and girls What can you see in the picture
    Ss A boy
    T How is he feeling(引导学生作答)
    T&Ss He is feeling very hot
    T Yes It is very hot It is summer The weather is very hot in summer
    T What can we do in summer
    Ss We can swim
    3 教授词汇autumnride a bike
    教师出示秋天图片边指着图片景色边介绍 :
    T Look the trees are yellow The leaves are falling down It’s autumn The weather is cool in autumn
    T What can we do in autumn (教师展示图片做骑行车动作边做动作边说) I can ride a bike in autumn
    教师板书ride a bike学生拼读反复引导学生练运:
    T Who can ride a bike Can you ride a bike
    T Look Is it snowing
    Ss Yes it is
    T Well It’s winter now It often snows in winter Is it cold
    Ss Yes it is
    T It’s cold in winter Do you like to make a snowman in winter
    Ss Yes I do
    T We can make a snowman in winter
    5 教授单词season
    T Spring is a season Summer is a season Autumn is a season and winter is also a season How many seasons are there in a year
    Ss Four
    T&Ss There are four seasons in a year
    1 教师播放录音学生听读Let’s learn部分词汇
    2 助前学句型学生进行问答巩固课时学词汇:
    Do you like spring summer autumn winter
    What can you do in spring summer autumn winter
    What’s your favorite season Which season do you like best Why
    操练活动设计实施建议 (Practice Activities)
    (1)Part B Let’s chant
    1 教师求学生先试着读读部分句子会单词铅笔圈出
    2 播放Let’s chant读词部分求学生模仿语音语调读歌词
    3 播放Let’s chant说唱部分学生着节奏边拍子边说唱
    4 教师领读学生分组读四组组练读
    5 机选取学生表演歌谣教师时予鼓励积极评价
    1 教师先名学生做示范教师做动作表现出季节特点学生说出季节名称:教师做冷状引导学生猜单词winter
    2 学生分成干组进行限时赛组选进行表演全组学猜30秒猜出单词组获胜组教师适奖励

    Unit 2 Spring Is Coming 第2课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Look tick and say Let’s talk Tick then ask and answer
    1 听懂Let’s talk话中表示季节词汇
    2 运 What do you do in I often with my friends Sometimes we 谈季节相应活动(重点)
    3 听说熟读话语音 语调准确然(难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Let’s talk部分教学挂图课件(放风筝植树分开展示)
    3 Let’s talk部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 闪卡
    教师快速出示Let’s learn部分词汇卡片请学生分组抢说抢说正确学组分
    2 Part A Warmingup Look tick and say
    (1) T What is your favorite season S1
    S1 Spring
    T Why
    S1 (做放风箏动作) Because I can fly a kite in spring
    (2) T What is your favorite season S2
    S2 Summer
    T Why
    S2 (做游泳动作) Because I can swim in summer
    T What do you often do on Sunday S3
    S3 I often
    T What do you often do on Monday S3
    S3 I often
    T What do you do in spring S4
    S4 I often
    T What about you S5
    S5 I often
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 教师出示放风筝图片 提问学生:
    T Look What are they doing
    Ss They are flying kites
    T Do you fly kites in spring
    Ss Yes I do
    T Look What are they doing
    Ss They are planting trees
    T Do you plant trees in spring
    Ss Yes I do
    T Which is your favorite season S1
    S1 Spring Summer Autumn Winter
    T So what do you do in
    S1 I often
    T What about you S2
    S2 My favorite season is And I often in this season
    T Well My favorite season is winter I often make a snowman with my friends Sometimes we throw snowballs
    What do you do in
    I often with my friends Sometimes we
    旧带新学英语教师常种教学方式学循序渐进程学生掌握较低层次知识前提理解掌握联系较高层次知识学生学知识新认识需原知识铺垫学生四年级册Unit 4 What Do You Do on Saturday 中已学What do you do on I often 句型课时新授What do you do in I often Sometimes句型时助已旧知识导入新知识达旧促新目教师里需提醒学生:星期前介词on季节前介词inoftensometimes频度副词often意思常sometimes意思时候
    2 教师播放录音学生听整体感知Let’s talk部分话教师听录音时出示部分教学挂图求学生结合图片录音理 解话
    3 引领学生通读话讲解疑难点:
    (1)Tree Planting Day意思植树节学生解复节日词汇格式(单词首字母写等)注意节日前介词on
    (2) How happy we are
    How interesting
    两句how引导感叹句句子结构How+形容词副词+句子语+谓语动词+表示感叹语气强烈时候省略语谓语动词:How beautiful she is (真漂亮) 省略:How beautiful
    4 教师提出问题然次播放录音学生带着问题听求听时课文中勾画出问题答案问题参考:
    (1) Is spring coming
    (2) Are they happy
    (3) What does Li Shan do in spring
    (4) What does Su Nan do in spring
    1 教师播放录音求学生模仿语音语调读Let’s talk部分话
    2 桌间分角色演练话
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师出示Let’s talk部分放风筝植树图片先教师扮演Li Shan学生扮演Su Nan分角色着图片进行话教师求表演程中加动作增加话趣味性
    2 学生两组进行排练鼓励学生Let’s talk部分spring 话题改成季节创编新话:教师教室里巡视予指导
    3 机挑选组台表演
    (2)Part B Tick then ask and answer
    1 教师引导学生仔细观察部分活动图片引领说出活动名称
    2 教师位学生进行问答示范请学生注意听:
    T What do you do in spring
    S1 In spring I often fly kites Sometimes I plant trees
    T What do you do in winter
    S1 In winter I often make a snowman with my friends Sometimes I draw pictures at home

    3 学生两组勾出相应季节两幅图片相互问答教师学生强凋相互问答时注意句子完整性然教室里进行巡视学生进行指导注意纠正学生恰语音语调

    Unit 2 Spring Is Coming 第3课时教学设计
    题Let’s learn more Listen and number
    1 听说读写单词:March April May warm hot cool cold
    2 听懂Let’s learn more部分描述季节词汇句型
    3 理解运It’s warm and trees are green We like to Summer is hot but we can 谈某季节特征
    4 听说熟读课文语音语调准确然
    1 季节卡片张年历
    2 Let’s learn moreListen and number部分教学音频
    3 课时课件教学挂图
    4 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 猜猜
    T (教师露出冬天图片部分)What season is it Can you guess
    Sl It’s Is it
    T Yes it is No it isn’t
    2 图问答
    教师出示活动图片学生运句型What do you do in I often Sometimes I 图片容进行问答:
    T (教师出示放风筝植树图片)Spring is coming What do you do in spring
    S1 I often fly kites with my friends Sometimes I plant trees
    T (教师出示游泳吃西瓜图片)Summer is coming What do you do in summer
    S2 I often eat watermelons Sometimes I swim
    T Hello boys and girls How many seasons are there in a year Do you know
    Ss Four There are four seasons in a year
    T What are they
    Ss (They are) Spring summer autumn and winter
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 教授单词March AprilMay
    (1) 教师屏幕出示春天景色
    T Look What season is it
    Ss Spring
    T Yes It’s spring The trees and grass are green and the flowers are beautiful But which months are in spring Who can tell us
    展示年历鼓励学生进行讨年历圈出相应月份教师指着年历圈出3月4月5月逐介绍单词March AprilMay
    (2) 教师出示3月4月5月卡片领读注意纠正学生错误读音
    (3) 教师板书三单词请学生进行拼读提醒注意月份单词书写格式:首字母写拼读时教师注意引导学生关注单词中字母组合发音学会读音规拼读拼写单词:
    April中字母a读[eɪ] i读短音[ə]
    May中字母组合ay读[ eɪ]
    板书朗读句子:March April and May are in spring
    2 教授句型
    (1) 教师承接环节指着屏幕继续提问学生:
    T What can you see in March April and May (引导学生作答)
    T&Ss We can see green trees green grass and beautiful flowers
    T (教师做温暖动作) Is it warm in spring
    Ss Yes it is
    T In March April and May it’s warm and trees are green Do you like to go out to play
    Ss Yes we do
    板书句型:In March April and May it’s warm and trees are green We like to
    (2) 教师屏幕出示夏天非常炎热景象指着图片做擦汗动作学生介绍:
    T Oh summer is coming It is hot
    T Look at the children What do they do in summer
    Ss They often swim and eat icecreams
    板书句型:Summer is hot but we can
    (3) 教师屏幕出示秋天丰收景象
    T Look What can you see in autumn
    SS:(教师根学生回答情况适进行补充)We can see many fruits and vegetables
    T Yes Autumn is coming It’s cool but rich We have many fruits in this season
    Part B Let’s chant部分已接触rich单词建议教师里简单解释rich意思
    (4) 教师屏幕出示冬天朋友雪天堆雪景象
    T Look It is snowing What season is it
    Ss Winter
    T (教师作发抖状) Is it cold
    Ss Yes it is
    T What can you see in the picture
    Ss We can see some children and a snowman
    T What are the children doing
    Ss They are making a snowman
    T Are they happy
    Ss Yes they are
    3 听力理解
    教师分播放Let’s learn more部分五段录音学生认真听五段话听完段话时回答问题:
    (1) What are the four seasons in a year
    (2) What’s the weather like in spring summer autumn winter
    (3) What do can you do have in spring summer autumn winter
    教师完整播放录音学生听注意模仿语音语调读Let’s learn more部分容
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (1)Read again and answer the questions
    1 先学生读读部分四问题难点教师适进行提示:特殊疑问词when意思什时候snowmen单词 snowman复数形式等
    2 务型阅读:学生带着问题读Let’s learn more部分课文勾画出四问题关信息
    3 教师提问求学生回答时量句子回答完整果学生回答够完整教师适补充重复遍鼓励学生胆开口踊跃作答表扬积极参字生
    1 They are spring summer autumn and winter
    2 Because it is warm and trees are green
    3 We can swim and eat icecreams
    4 We can make snowmen in winter
    4 述问题处理完毕教师视学生理解表达情况提出拓展性问题供讨:
    (1) Which season do you like best Why
    (2) Why is autumn rich
    (3) Do you like winter Why or why not
    (2)Part C Listen and number
    1 教师引导学生仔细观察部分四幅图片做简单描述
    2 播放部分录音学生根录音描述先序图片标序号
    3 请学生尝试听序详细描述幅图片请位学班展示核答案参考描述:
    1 It’s warm in spring The trees are green and there are flowers here and there
    2 I like autumn It is cool And the trees are yellow But we have nice apples and pears
    3 It is hot in summer The children like to go swimming in the river
    4 It is cold in winter Sometimes it snows So we can make a snowman
    1 It is cold Sometimes it snows And we can make a snowman
    2 It is warm The trees are green and we can see flowers here and there
    3 It is cool And the trees are yellow But we can have nice apples and pears So I like it
    4 It is hot Children like to go swimming in the river They should be careful
    参考答案:3 2 4 1

    Unit 2 Spring Is Coming 第4课时教学设计
    题Read the words Look and answer Read and find the right clothes for each season Look and write
    1 解字母组合ir orur单词中读音变化学发音规
    2 通完成Part C部分活动单元学关季节词汇功句进行全面复检测(重点)
    3 通项复巩固活动提高语言运力(难点)
    1 Let’s chantRead the words部分教学音频
    2 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    3 服饰类单词卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    (1)Let’s chant
    教师播放Part B Let’s chant部分录音请学生着节奏拍子说唱歌谣通朗朗口歌谣带领学生进英语学氛围中复关季节词汇
    T I often plant trees
    Ss(学生立手spring)In spring
    T I often swim
    Ss(学生立手summer)In summer
    T I often pick apples
    Ss (学生立手autumn)In autumn
    T I often make a snowman
    Ss(学生立手winter)In winter
    (1)Part B Read the words
    1 教师播放Read the words部分录音学生仔细听单词初步感知子母组合ir orur部分单词中读音
    2 学生读单词次感知字母组合汉ir orur部分单词中读音
    3 教师带领学生总结ir [ɜː] or[ɔː] ur [ɜː]部分单词中读音
    字母组合 读音
    ar [aː]
    er [ɜː]
    ir [ɜː]
    or [ɔː]
    ur [ɜː]
    4 引导学生运总结出规尝试独拼读Try to read more部分生词然播放部分录音学生核查读音否正确读部分生词
    (2)Part C Look and answer
    1 学生仔细观察部分图片教师说问题选取学生作答增加难度教师乱序机抽取图片发问检测学生观察效果
    They often eat apples have fruits
    They often sing songs
    They often swim go swimming
    They often sleep
    2 学生四组相互问答教师教室里巡视指导提醒学生回答完整
    3 教师机挑选组学生进行问答展示进步学生提出表扬
    (3)Part C Read and find the right clothes for each season
    1 教师出示部分关衣服图片请学生图说单词复服饰类词汇
    2 引导学生读部分段落理解意
    3 教师领读部分段落注意纠正学生错误发音
    4 学生部分容中提服饰类词汇写相应季节图框中
    5 选取学生根填写结果说说:I wear and in
    (4)Part C Look and write
    1 is green flowers are beautiful plant trees
    2 hot in summer We can swim
    3 many fruits climb the mountains
    4 is cold make a snowman snowmen
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    组织全班学起听写词汇采请位两位学黑板写学书空形式进行复巩固单元学词汇:season spring summer autumn winter plant trees ride a bike March April May warm hot cool cold go swimming
    1 学生离开位置意寻找学运句型What do you do in 进行问答调查家季节做活动
    2 学生两组谈调查结果鼓励运单元接触句型: often does in spring In summer he she likes to Sometimes he she in autumn In winter
    3 机选取组学生做展示评出佳调查员
    Unit 3 Spring Begins from March 第1课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Read and answer Let’s learn Let’s play
    1 听说读写单词:January February June July August September October November December(重点)
    2 复巩固数字112学应12月份
    1 教师准备:
    (1) 课时涉数字月份季节节日词汇卡片
    (2) Part B Let’s play部分数字转盘张年历
    (3) 课时课件
    (4) Let’s learn部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:Part B Let’s play部分月份转盘
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 引导学生复关季节词汇季节引出相应天气状况课件出示句子指定学生补充完整朗读:
    I like spring The weather is_______ I can_______
    I like summer The weather is_______ I can_______
    I like autumn The weather is_______ I can_______
    I like winter The weather is_______ I can_______
    2 Part A Warmingup Read and answer
    (1) 学生读部分三问题圈出认识单词教师进行讲解:问句中monthsmonth 月复数形式强调th发音[θ]which特殊疑问词意思
    (2) 学生四组讨部分三问题
    (3) 教师提问问题12提醒学生There be句型抢答
    (4) 教师继续提问问题3鼓励学生助第2单元学知识作答
    T (出示数字卡片) Look I have many number cards Please say the numbers quickly
    Ss One Two
    T (出示数字卡片12) What is it
    Ss Twelve
    T Good This is twelve And there are twelve months in a year Do you know the names of the months Today we’ll learn them
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    1 教授单词December JanuaryFebruary
    (1) 教师承接新课导入部分出示春天图片提问学生:
    T Look What season is it
    Ss It’s spring
    T Which months are in spring
    Ss March April and May
    教师三月份单词板书黑板数词three four five旁边
    (2) 教师接出示冬天图片继续提问:
    T Look What season is it
    Ss It’s winter
    T Yes You’re right Which months are in winter Do you know
    Ss(果学生会 允许学生中文进行回答)12月1月2月
    T(教师出示圣诞节图片)Yes Look Christmas Day is coming Do you know which month it is in
    Ss 12月
    T Yes It’s in December Christmas Day is in December
    (3) T(教师出示元旦图片) New Year’s Day is coming Do you know which month it is in
    Ss l月
    T Yes It’s in January New Year’s Day is in January
    (4) T (教师出示春节图片)Then comes the Chinese New Year Do you know which month it is in
    Ss January or 2月
    T Yes It’s in January or February Sometimes the Chinese New Year is in January Sometimes it is in February
    2 教授单词June JulyAugust
    (1) 师生会话学新单词:
    T Which season is after winter
    Ss It’s spring
    T Which season comes after spring then
    Ss It’s summer
    T Which months are in summer Do you know
    T(教师出示童节图片)Look This is Children’s Day Do you know the month
    Ss 6月
    T Yes It’s June Children’s Day is in June
    (2) T Summer is hot so we don’t go to school in July or August
    教师板书JulyAugust学生拼读教师领读引导学生注意July 重音第二音节y读音[aɪ]单词August中字母组合au读[ɔː]音u读短元音[ə]
    3 教授单词September OctoberNovember
    教学提示:教师样方法教授新单词建议助Teachers’Day (教师节) National Day (国庆节) 引入SeptemberOctober教授November时教师提问学生:What is the month after October引起学生思考导新单词November
    三单非常符合读音规重音 第二音节词尾音节ber非常记
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    January February (手指表示12) one and two (拍手)
    March April (手指表示34) three and four (拍手)
    May June (手指表示56) five and six (拍手)
    July August (手指表示78) seven and eight (拍手)
    September October (手指表示910) nine and ten (拍手)
    November December (手指表示1112) the year is done (拍手)
    (2)Part B Let’s play
    1 教师出示部分转盘转动等停止提问学生:
    T What’s the month
    S1 It’s
    2 教师请位学生台转动转盘提问学:
    S2 What’s the month
    S3 It’s
    3 教师请学生出准备月份转盘桌两组参考部分句型示例进行问答

    Unit 3 Spring Begins from March 第2课时教学设计
    题Learn to say Let’s talk Think and answer
    1 听懂Let’s talk话中表示月份日期词汇掌握英文日期表达方式
    2 运Which is your favorite season Spring Summer Autumn Winter Why Because It is The trees The flowers The mountains I can Because we have on 谈喜爱季节原(重难点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1) 麦克风幅春天图片
    (2) Learn to say部分教学卡片
    (3) Let’s talk部分教学卡片PPT课件
    (4) Let’s talk部分话中物头饰
    (5 ) Learn to sayLet’s talk部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:日期卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    January February (手指表示12) one and two (拍手)
    March April (手指表示34) three and four(拍手)
    May June (手指表示56) five and six (拍手)
    July August (手指表示78) seven and eight(拍手)
    September October (手指表示910) nine and ten(拍手)
    November December (手指表示 1112) the year is done(拍手)
    T Hello everyone I am a reporter Now please answer my question Which month is after (月份)
    Ss It’s (月份)
    T Which month is before (月份) S1
    S1 It’s (月份)
    T Now do you know which season is after (季节)
    Ss It’s (季节)
    Part B Learn to say
    (1) T January is the first month of the year And spring is the first season in a year Can you guess what first means
    T Which season is after spring
    Ss Summer
    T So summer is the second season in a year
    T What is the next season
    Ss Autumn
    T Autumn is the third season And the fourth season is winter What is the first month in a year then
    Ss January
    T What about the first day of January (引导学生作答)
    Ss It’s January the first
    教师板书January 1st展示Learn to say部分日期卡片领读
    (3)播放Learn to say部分录音学生听读部分容
    2 Part A Let’s talk
    (1) T I like to fly kites and my favorite season is spring Which is your favorite season
    S1 My favorite season is
    教师板书句型:Which is your favorite season 次讲解特殊疑问词which意思
    教师继续出麦克风逐提问学生:Which is your favorite season
    教师请学生充记者麦克风提问家:Which is your favorite season 教师出示春天图片进行描述:
    T My favorite season is spring because spring begins from March It is warm The trees are green The flowers are beautiful The mountains are green too I can fly kites and plant trees
    教师板书课重点句型:Because It is The trees The flowers The mountains I can
    T I also like autumn Because we have Teachers’ Day on September the tenth And I can receive many wishes
    板书句型:I like better Because we have on
    T Which is your favorite season S2
    S2 is my favorite season
    T Why
    S2 Because
    教学提示:里教师求学生运黑板句型进行回答 定非全部句型选择性回答什喜欢某季节教师学生回答进行适补充
    (2) 听录音理解话
    教师提出问题然播放Let’s talk部分录音学生合书听部分话然回答问题问题参考:
    a Which is Li Shan’s favorite season
    b When does autumn begin
    c Is it cool in autumn
    d Does Alice like winter Why
    e When are Christmas and New Year
    9月28日September the twentyeighth September 28th
    the twentyeighth September 28th September
    12月5日December the fifth December 5th
    the fifth December 5th December
    Christmas is on December 25th
    New Year is on January 1st
    1 教师次播放录音学生注意模仿录音中物语音语调读话
    2 学生分成两组分角色读话
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师先学生桌两组练话35分钟间教师教室里巡视指导果学生落单教师搭档排练话
    2 教师秋天冬天图片贴黑板两边鼓励学生助黑板句型图片提示创编话Let’s talk部分话进行改编然学生两戴Li ShanAlice头饰表演话
    3 教师学生表演进行点评表扬适奖励勇台表演学生
    1 采开火车读Learn to say部分日期教师纠正错误发音提醒学生注意th读音
    2 教师出示日期卡片学生分组抢答
    3 学生出准备日期卡片两组互相读日期
    (3)Part C Think and answer
    1 教师学生分成四组互相提问回答部分六问题
    2 抢答:教师快速发问请学生抢答抢答学生组加分教师回答错误学生进行纠正引导根实际情况说出正确答案

    Unit 3 Spring Begins from March 第3课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Circle your birthday and the birthdays of your family Let’s learn more Think and discuss
    1 运There are four seasons in a year Each season 谈四季月份划分(重点)
    2 听说熟读课文语音语调准确然
    3 实际生活中灵活运学词汇句型描述季节月份划分达学致目(难点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1) 课时课件
    (2) 112序数词卡片
    (3) Let’s learn more部分图片
    (4) Let’s learn more部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:112序数词卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 闪卡
    2 听音辨单词
    Part A Warming up Circle your birthday and the birthdays of your family
    1 学生幵课翻17页家生日圈出
    2 教师提问学生根实际情况回答:
    T When is your birthday S1
    S1 It’s on October 2nd
    T When is your father’s birthday
    S1 It’s on
    T What about your mother’s birthday
    S3 It’s on
    教学建议 :教师请学生互相提问分组提问开火车形式进行提问通丰富彩形式反复练巩固月份日期英文表达新授环节做铺垫
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 建议教师通设计师生问答完成课文新授参考设计:
    T How many seasons are there in a year
    Ss Four
    T How many months are there in a year
    Ss Twelve
    T How many months are there in each season
    Ss Three
    T Great There are four seasons in a year And there are twelve months in a year So each season has three months Which is the first season then
    Ss It’s spring
    T Which months are in spring
    Ss March April and May
    T You are right Spring begins from March It is from March to May
    板书句子:Spring begins from March It is from March to May
    红色粉笔标出begins from from to
    T What about summer(引导学生作答)
    T&Ss Summer begins from June It is from June to August
    T When does autumn begin
    T&Ss Autumn begins from September It is from September to November
    T What about winter
    Ss Winter begins from December It is from December to February
    T And which month is New Year in
    T&Ss New Year is in the first month It’s in January
    T It’s on January 1st
    2 听录音整体感知短文
    3 教师提出问题学生带着问题通读课文回答问题问题参考:
    (1) How many seasons are there in a year
    (2) Does each season have three months
    (3) Is summer from July to September
    (4) When does winter begin
    (5) Which month is New Year in
    4 教师次播放录音学生读Let’s learn more部分容学短文引导学生话情景中猜猜新单词eachbegin什意 思通复学含字母组合ea中单词(teacher)旧带新学生牢记each读音
    1 教师播放Let’s learn more部分录音学生模仿语音语凋读课文
    2 学生分成四组朗读课文前两句三句集体朗读关四季节句子组读句
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师学生分干四组组学生集体读课文前两句三句然座位前序四学分读短文中关四季节句子组学生轮流读读通组1分
    2 教师分组中挑选位学生台样方式朗读课文读准确读错学生淘汰坚持位学生获胜者组加1分
    (2)Part B Think and discuss
    1 学生开课翻22页先独观察部分幅图片尝试简单描述
    2 学生分成四组运句型When is Women’s Day Children’s Day Women’s Day Children’s Day is on 相互问答讨部分节日具体日期填空
    3 教师巡视检查学生完成情况注意纠正英文日期错误表达
    4 总结:教师节日分发问机选择学生作答核答案
    参考答案:March 8th June 1st September 10th October 1st December 25th January 1st

    Unit 3 Spring Begins from March 第4课时教学设计
    题Let’s chant Listen and tick Think and write Read and answer
    1 通完成Part C部分活动单元学关季节词汇功句型进行全面复检测(重点)
    2 熟练说唱Let’s chant部分歌谣
    1 教师准备:
    (1) 单元月份日期词汇卡片
    (2) Let’s chantListen and tick部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:卡纸水彩笔
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师提问 学生抢答
    T Which month begins with F
    Which month begins with O
    Which month begins with D
    2 Pair work
    S1 Which is your favorite season S2
    S2 Summer
    S1 Why
    S2 Because summer is hot I like swimming eating icecreams
    What about you S1
    S3 Which is your favorite month S4
    S4 June
    S3 Why
    S4 Because we have Children’s Day on June 1st Because my birthday is on June 16th Because
    What about you S3
    (1)Part B Let’s chant
    1 教师播放部分录音学生提前感知该歌谣节奏
    2 教师启发学生理解歌谣中生词:merry gay far away等
    3 教师播放录音中读词部分学生读Let’s chant部分歌词教师逐句播放便学生更读懂句
    4 教师播放录音中说唱部分学生节奏起说唱歌谣采男生句女生句方式节奏说唱歌谣
    5 学生翻课22页教师播放录音学生边说唱歌谣边拍子
    (2)Part C Think and write
    参考答案:2829 days February
    30 days April June September November
    31 days January March May July August October December
    (3)Part C Listen and tick
    教师引导学生观察部分图片 说出节日名称日期
    2 教师播放Listen and tick部分录音学生先解部分容意
    3 教师次播放录音引导学生根录音容找相应图片图片勾
    部分录音 容:
    Women’s Day is on March 8th May Day is on May 1st On June 1st we have Children’s Day And on September 10th we have Teachers’ Day Christmas Day is on December 25th
    (4)Part C Read and answer
    1 学生先读部分文四问题然带着问题阅读短文会单词画出
    2 学生读遍短文尝试结合文推测生词意思
    3 教师处理疑难点机挑选学生回答文问题错误教师时纠正 核答案
    教学建议: 建议教师处理阅读题时求学生带着问题短文中找答案学结合文意猜测生词意思回答问题时短文中原句进行回答
    参考案:1 It begins from March
    2 They are red yellow and orange
    3 They plant trees
    4 Yes they are
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师学生子画—张3×3表格
    2 学生学季节月份单词选9意写表格中注意格写单词
    3 教师意说12月份四季单词学生听果教师说词学生写词相学生划掉该词直划掉词中三词连成条直线(三单位横三竖三斜三均)学生马举手喊:Bingo表示胜利喊Bingo数量者赢者
    Look My favorite season is spring Because it is warm It is from March to May The trees are green and the flowers are beautiful I often fly kites and plant trees in spring
    Unit 4 He Lives in a Village 第1课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Look and tick Let’s learn Listen and circle
    1 听说读写单词:bird snake potato tomato village lake river
    2 实际情景中熟练运单词(重点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1) Let’s learn部分教学卡片课时课件
    (2) Old MacDonald歌曲视频
    (3) Let’s learnListen and circle部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:张白纸水彩笔
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师播放歌曲视频Old MacDonald求学生认真听歌曲回答问题:
    Does Old MacDonald have a farm Are there many animals on his farm
    What are they
    2 鼓励学生边听歌曲边根歌曲中出现动物做相应动作活跃课堂气氛激发学生学新课兴趣
    1 Part A Warmingup Look and tick
    T Old MacDonald’s home is on the farm Where is your home Please tick the picture
    2 教师课件出示位老奶奶位老爷爷片学生介绍:
    T These are my grandpa and grandma Where is their home Can you guess
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    1 教授单词village
    T Look My grandpa and grandma live in a village Look at the trees the grass and the houses This is a village
    2 教授单词birdsnake
    (1) 教师课件出示棵树阁片:
    T In the village there is a tree(教师指着树面)Can you guess what is in the tree
    教学建议:果学生里回答果实类:apples pears教师注意强调on the treein the tree区:on the tree表示树身长东西(叶子果实等)in the tree表亲树外物(鸟猫等)学生理 解次提问:Can you guess what is in the tree
    (2) T(教师指着树面模仿蛇发出声音:嘶嘶)Can you guess what is under the tree
    T Oh no Look It’s a snake
    教师板书领读单词 snake引领学生起做动作说唱歌谣:
    One long snake(左手条长蛇移动)
    One short snake(右手条短蛇移动)
    One green snake(左手条长蛇移动)
    One yellow snake(右手条短蛇移动)
    3 教授单词potatotomato
    T(出示土豆西红柿图片)There is a farm near the village On the farm there are many potatoes and tomatoes
    教师板书领读单词potatotomato两单词方分板书potatoestomatoes注意颜色粉笔板书 es强调复数结尾
    4 教授单词lakeriver
    T (引导学生猜猜) Near the village there are two places There is a lot of water and many fishes in them Can you guess what they are
    T&Ss River and lake 河流湖泊
    T (出示河湖泊图片) Yes There is a river and a lake near the village
    教师教授时riverlake时采取旧带新方式:通已学单词driver(司机)引出新词river通snake (蛇)引出lake新旧单词间建立拼写联系加深学生新单词印象减轻记单词负担
    1 教师播放Let’s learn部分录音学生听读单词
    2 教师意抽取单词卡片求学生全体接着快速拼读单词
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 Listen and draw
    There is a small village In the village there is a big tree Look there is a blue bird in the tree Oh there is an orange snake under the tree On the right of the village there are many potatoes and tomatoes on the farm On the left of the village there are many fishes in the river and the lake
    2 Show time
    3 Listen and point
    (2)Part C Listen and circle
    1 教师引导学生先仔细观察组图片尝试说出相应点名称
    2 时间允许话教师引领学生幅图片挑选幅图片进行简单描述
    3 教师播放Listen and circle部分录音学生仔细听录音解意
    4 教师次播放录音学生根听容圈出相符图片
    5 机选出位学生根圈图片做陈述核答案
    1 It’s Sunday Many people come here Some are going around the lake Children are playing games happily
    2 People here plant many things in spring summer and autumn They have fruits and vegetables
    3 People here get up early in the morning from Monday to Friday Some go to work by bus Some go by car And some ride their bikes
    4 In spring trees become green again People like to climb and play there

    Unit 4 He Lives in a Village 第2课时教学设计
    题Let’s talk Ask and answer then report
    1 运Do you live in a city No I live in a village far from the city Is your village big It is small but very beautiful In 谈居住环境(重点难点)
    2 助学词汇句型日常生活中进行简单交流
    1 教师准备:
    (1) Let’s learn部分单词卡片
    (2) Let’s talk部分教学挂图物头饰
    (3) 课时课件
    (4) Let’s talk部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:Let’s learn部分单词卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师学生出准备单词卡片然教师说单词学生迅速找出相应卡片举起声读出该单词快学生组加分
    2 教师快速出示单词卡片学生抢答组学生快
    3 教师单词卡片放讲桌选出两位学生台教师说单词请两位学生讲桌卡片中快速找该单词卡片谁快该生组加分时教师注意鼓励较慢学生击掌加油
    T Hello boys and girls Nice to meet you
    Ss Nice to meet you too
    Is this your pencil box
    S1 No it isn’t
    T Do you have a pencil box then
    S1 Yes I do
    T Is it big
    S1 No it isn’t
    T Is it beautiful
    S1 Yes it is
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 教师出示Let’s talk部分物头饰学生交流:
    T (教师出示Liu Zhaoyang头饰) Do you know who he is
    Ss He is Liu Zhaoyang
    T (教师出示游客头饰) Do you know who he is
    Ss No who is he
    T I don’t know his name either But I know he is a tourist
    然教师假定学生Liu Zhaoyang话:
    T I live in a village far from the city Do you live in a city
    Ss Yes I do I live in Xi’an
    T Is it big
    Ss Yes it is
    T Is it beautiful
    Ss Yes it is
    T Xi’an is really a beautiful city
    板书领读功句:Do you live in a city is really a beautiful city引导学生加运假定学生位游客继续问答:
    T Do you live in the city
    Ss No I live in a village
    T Is it near the city
    Ss No it isn’t
    T It is not near the city It is far from the city Is your village big
    Ss No it isn’t
    T Is it beautiful
    Ss Yes it is
    T It is small but very beautiful
    板书领读功句:I live in a village far from the city It is small but very beautiful引导学生练运be far from It is but
    Beijing is far from Xi’an
    My home isn’t far from our school
    Our school isn’t big but very beautiful
    My pencil box isn’t beautiful but very helpful
    T (教师指着名学生问学) Does he she live in the village
    Ss Yes heshe does No he she doesn’t
    2 听力理解:教师播放Let’s talk部分录音学生听录音整体感知话听时候教师出示部分挂图提醒学生结合图片听力容起理解话
    3 教师处理疑难点:many kinds of表示种接数名词复数接数名词 引导学生练运:many kinds of fruits many kinds of animals many kinds of juice等
    4 教师提出问题次播放录音学生听录音作答检测学生话理解程度问题参考:
    (1) Where does Liu Zhaoyang live
    (2) Does the tourist live in the city
    (3) Where does the tourist live Is it far from the city
    (4) Is the village big
    (5) What does the tourist have in September and October
    1 教师播放录音求学生模仿录音中物语音语调读话2 学生分两组分角色朗读话
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师出准备头饰先扮演游客学生扮演Liu Zhaoyang分角色话话程中教师注意表情夸张适时候边说边做动作:说Xi’an is really a beautiful city时伸出拇指表示赞扬说No时挥手否定说but very beautiful时语气夸张表示豪接表演学生做示范求表演时声音洪亮动作方然量表演出真实情景
    2 学生两组排练话教师鼓励学生脱离课参考教师出示部分教学挂图黑板句型编演活
    3 Show time
    (2)Part C Ask and answer then report
    1 教师引导学生参考部分问题分组回答讨居住环境
    2 组讨结果组织成篇简介短文
    3 组选举代表班做报告节课短文新授基础

    Unit 4 He Lives in a Village 第3课时教学设计
    题 Warmingup Circle the animals you love Let’s learn more Read and complete
    1 Lele and his parents live in They In they They live happily together year by year 详细描述居住环境
    2 听说熟读课文语音语调准确然
    3 灵活运掌握词汇句型结构居住环境进行描述进行相应换练达学致目
    4 通Part B Let’s learn more学激发家然热爱情
    1 单元单间卡片Let’s learn more部分教学挂图
    2 课时课件
    3 Old MacDonald歌曲视频
    4 Let’s learn more部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师运媒休播放Old MacDonald视频学生起节奏表演歌曲复动物单词
    2 Part A Warmingup Circle the animals you love
    建议教师采问答形式引导学生观察图中动物圈出喜爱动物:Do you love animals Look at these animals What is the first second animal Is the lovely Do you love
    I love It’s really beautiful lovely helpful
    T Hello boys and girls I have a new friend His name is Lele He is a good boy and he lives in a village with his parents Let’s go to visit his village today
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 通引导学生观察课文挂图解关课文倍息
    T What can you see in the picture
    Ss We can see some vegetables some tomatoes a river a lake a man and a woman
    T Do you like vegetables tomatoes
    Ss Yes I do No I don’t
    T What do you like
    Ss I like
    (2) 教师出示部分第二幅图片引导学中观察图片进行师生问答:
    T What can you see in this picture
    Ss Rabbits monkeys birds and snakes
    T Where do they live
    Ss In the trees near the mountains
    T Do you like animals
    2 听录音理解课文
    (1) 教师播放课文第段录音出问题求学生听录音回答:
    a Where do Lele and his parents live
    b Do they have a big house
    (2) 疑难讲解
    a A river runs by条河旁边流
    This is a big city And Huanghe River runs by
    b They grow tomatoes potatoes and other vegetables
    My grandpa likes to grow vegetables beside our house
    The trees grow very quickly
    (3) 教师播放课文第二段录音出问题:
    a What can Lele see in spring summer and autumn
    b Does Lele love his home
    (4) 疑难讲解
    a The trees are homes for birds and some wild animals
    b They live happily together year after year
    laugh happily talk happily
    live together study together play together
    year after year年复年:
    The farmers work on the farm year after year
    The friends played happily together year after year
    教师短语适拓展启发学生说出更类似短语 day after day week after week month after month等
    3 学生读短文教师提醒学生注意中具特殊变形词汇:
    tomatoes potatoes loves happily
    1 教师播放录音求学生模仿录音中物语气语调读短文
    2 学生集体朗读课文请学生分组先段段句句朗读课文
    建议条件教师提前做课件引导学生观 Part B Let’s learn more句图片根图片提示回忆课文容 句句进行复述达彻底掌握课文目:教师出示村庄旁边湖泊图片引导学生说出:Lele and his parents live in a village near a lake教师接出示房子引导学生说出课文第二句:They have a big house there等方法仅供参考目学生助幅幅图片课文容复述旨加深学生课文容句型结构印象
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (1)Read again and answer the questions
    参考答案:1 He lives in a village
    2 They grow tomatoes potatoes and other vegetables
    3 He can see rabbits snakes and even monkeys
    4 Yes he does
    (2)Part C Read and complete
    1 处理练时教师求学生先跳横线助图片通读短文解意提醒学生做类题时某生词新句型结合文揣摩推测意实理解时影响阅读情况略
    2 学生填空教师提醒学生根句意确认填写词汇正确形式
    3 教师点出排学生序句声朗读出完整句子核答案
    参考答案:farm river tomatoes potatoes flowers birds spring autumn snakes monkeys river

    Unit 4 He Lives in a Village 第4课时教学设计
    题Let’s chant Look at the pictures and order the story Read and number
    1 熟练说唱Let’s chant部分歌瑶
    2 通完成事单元Part C部分余练活动复巩固单元学新知达彻底掌握目(重难点)
    3 养成热爱动物乐助美品德
    1 教师准备:
    (1) 单元单词卡片
    (2) Look at the pictures and order the story部分教学挂图课件相应动物头饰
    (3) Let’s chant部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:张白纸水彩笔
    课程导入(Leading In)
    学生列组分组进行竞赛教师先出示写单词图片然收起中抽出张放身组第行位学生抢猜问Is it a bird lake river 回答Yes it isNo it isn’t 组猜该组记10分然接着行剩余卡片中外抽取张第二行学生猜类推分组优胜组做游戏时找位学生持 适锻炼学生组织力
    (1)Part B Let’s chant
    1 教师编谜语引导学生猜:
    T It is a warm place You can live with your parents there Everyone has it and loves it
    2 教师播放部分录音学生提前感知歌谣节奏
    3 教师注解歌谣中较难词汇句子学生彻底理解歌谣思思:Home is a place full of love(家充满爱方)
    grow up (长) storm (风暴) care (关心)
    4 教师播放录音中读词部分学生读Let’s chant部分歌词
    5 教师播放录音中说唱部分采男生句女生句方式节奏说唱歌谣
    6 教师全体学生起立伴着歌谣节奏边拍手轻拍桌子边说唱歌谣鼓励学生边说唱歌谣边做动作(教师鼓励学生编动作)
    7 Show time:教师学生分成干组组成员起合作设计动作然组选位代表台边说唱歌谣边做动作组做
    (2)Part B Look at the pictures and order the story
    1 教师引导学生先序仔细观察部分图片通图片容致解事梗概
    2 教师学生读图片方五组文字提醒学生跳生词结合文推测生词意
    3 学生三 组参考图片序分组讨五组文字排序成完整事
    4 教师机挑选学生序分別读读组文字核答案
    参考答案3 1 2 5 4
    5 组间分角色表演事旁白外两分模仿事中老鼠老虎
    6 教师机选择组学生戴准备头饰表演事果时间允许学生投票选出表演出色组教师适进行精神表扬物质奖励鼓励学生积极参
    7 学生分组表演完毕教师启发学生想想果遇困难应该做会帮助方?告诉学生动物类朋友求学生定爱护动物伤害
    1 动词词尾直接加s:play—plays want—wants work—works know—knows help—helps get—gets
    2 字母s x ch sho结尾动词加es:teach—teaches brush—brushes go—goes do—does watch—watches catch—catches
    3 辅音字母+ y结尾动词先变yi加es:study—studies cry—cries fly—flies worry—worries
    (3)Part C Read and number
    1 教师引领学生仔细观察部分图片问学生:What can you see in Picture 引导学生根图片容回答:I can see
    2 教师领读部分三组文字容
    3 学生结合文字容图片标序号完成部分容
    4 教师机选择名学生图片序读读文字正确序描述图片核答案
    参考答案:2 3 1
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    I live in It is but my parents work I love my home I love too
    Unit 5 What’s the Weather like Today 第1课时教学设计
    题Let’s learn
    1 听说读写词汇:sunny windy cloudy rainy snowy moon star weather report
    2 句型放入简单句型中进行灵活运(重难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分教学卡片
    2 根实际情况准备相关物品实物图片 雨衣墨镜外套等
    3 Let’s learn部分教学音频
    4 课时课件段天气预报视频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    Rain rain go away
    Come again another day
    Little Kitty wants to play
    Rain rain go away (边做动作边说唱)
    T What’s the date today
    Ss It’s May
    T What season is it
    Ss It’s spring
    T How do you feel Do you feel warm
    Ss Yes we do
    T Look out of the window Can you see the sun It’s a fine day It’s sunny today It’s raining It’ s a rainy day
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    1 教授单词rainy snowy windycloudy
    T Look out of the window boys and girls What can you see(教师注意定结合真实天气状况设计课堂活动什天气状况什天气相应词汇引入学)
    Ss It’s raining
    T Yes It’s raining It’s a rainy day (注音强调raining rainy发音)
    (2) 教师出示rainy图片学生问答引导学生理解rainy描述雨天:
    T Look at the picture What can you see
    Ss It’s raining
    T Yes It’s raining It’s a rainy day It’s rainy
    T Oh Today is a rainy day I should take out my raincoat We should take an umbrella on a rainy day(教师边说边取出相应实物图片帮助学生理解)
    (3) 参考述会话结合单词卡片添加魔法字母y构词法助已学单词snow windcloud引出教授新单词snowy windycloudy(教师教授snowy单词时做发抖状出准备外套穿身)
    :It is snowing raining天正雪雨
    2 教授单词sunny
    (1) 教师通学单词sun引出新单词sunny教授单词sunny时教师注意提醒学生:魔法字母y遇见单词sun 特殊 闭音节单词应该双写该单词字母加魔法字母y
    (2) 引导学生加运教师手包里出准备太阳镜戴手遮住脸表示太阳晒眼睛:Oh It’s sunny
    3 教授单词starmoon
    (1) 教师出示天空图片PPT发问:
    T What’s this
    Ss Sky
    T Look at the sky What’s in the sky
    Ss The sun
    T That’s right There is the sun in the day time But what can you see at night
    (2) 教师出示晚天空PPT图片:
    T Yes We can see many stars
    教学提示:单词star表示颗星星复数形式直接单词末尾加字母s构成stars许星星教师助歌曲Little Star加深学生单词star记忆
    T We can see the moon too
    1 教师学生解释什月亮前面定冠词the特指表示月亮:the earth the sun等
    2 教师拓展补充单词mooncake月饼学生助节课学单词moon前学单词cake难猜出单词mooncake意思样拓展学时学生加深单词moon印象
    5 教授短语weather report
    T Do you often watch TV Do you often watch this program(节目) Do
    you know what program it is
    Ss 天气预报
    T Yes That’s weather report
    板书领读短语weather report该短语稍作讲解:
    T weather 名词天气report名词报告
    T Please watch the weather report on TV(教师指着天气预报图中学生引导观察运刚刚学单词描述天天气情况)
    T&Ss It’s cloudy windy sunny rainy snowy
    1 教师播放录音学生模仿语音语调读Let’s learn部分词汇
    2 教师出示Let’s learn部分词汇卡片学生抢读分组读谁反应快
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师说词语引导全班学生做相应动作:
    T rainy
    T snowy
    T cloudy
    T windy
    T sunny
    T star
    T moon
    T weather report
    Ss(学生扮演天气播报员播天气预报)It’s in

    Unit 5 What’s the Weather like Today 第2课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Look and circle Let’s talk Match and say
    1 听懂Let’s talk话中表示天气词汇
    2 运What’s the weather like today It’s cloudy windy sunny rainy snowy 天气情况进行问答(重难点)
    3 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    4 通实际练提高听说读写综合语言运力
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Let’s talk部分教学挂图物头饰
    3 课时课件雨伞
    4 Let’s talk部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师出示Let’s learn部分词汇卡片学生齐读做动作起复节课学词汇
    2 教师快速闪动卡片学生举手抢答词汇
    温馨提示:提高学生参积极性教师提前出示卡片求学生听指令Begin Start Action举手抢答反犯规谁反应快教师拟定趣奖惩规
    (2)新课导入Part A Warmingup Look and circle
    T Look out of the window boys and girls What’s the weather like today Is it rainy snowy cloudy
    Ss Yes it is No It’s
    T Well It’s …outside Please circle the picture
    提高学生 参活动积极性教师定非家圈课天天气学生圈圈喜欢天气学生圈完喜欢天气教师势导入新课告诉学生天学容
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 通师生问答学天气进行问答:
    T(教师指着窗外注意根天实际天气情况举例)Look out of the window There are many clouds in the sky What’s the weather like today Is it rainy Is it sunny
    Ss No It’s cloudy
    T Good job Yes It’s cloudy
    板书朗读功句:What’s the weather like today It’s cloudy
    2 教师呈现Let’s talk部分教学挂图
    T Look at this picture Look out of the window Is it snowing
    Ss No it isn’t It’s raining
    T Oh It is raining What’s the weather like today
    Ss It’s rainy
    温馨提示:教师注意讲解单词like法前接触like动词喜欢 然What’s the weather like today 句 话里like介词……:The cloud is like a horse
    3 教师做出遮挡雨动作继续引话题:
    T Oh It is raining now What should I take (出准备雨伞学生提示引导学生说出面句子)
    Ss Take your umbrella please
    T Yes Take my umbrella with me Thanks
    want to go to school with you想起学校
    教师讲解祈句型Take with 引导学生练运:
    T Today is sunny(教师做出手遮阳光动作)
    Ss Take your sunglasses with you
    T It is snowing now I am very cold(教师做出发抖动作)
    Ss Take your coat with you
    4 教师继续引入讲授see you:
    T Oh Class is over I should go now See you boys and girls
    Ss See you Mr Miss
    温馨提示:教师里稍介绍looksee区look强调动作:Look at me 说句话想方注意see见强调结果:What can you see in this
    book 书里什?
    5 教师播放Let’s talk部分录音求学生边图边听整体感知话容
    1 教师次播放录音学生读求模仿准确语音语调然
    2 学生齐读话教师纠正单词句子错误发音注意纠正错误语音语调尤注意感叹句
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (2)Part C Match and say
    1 教师引导学生仔细浏览部分图片说出相应天气衣物词汇单词:snowy rainy sunny glasses coatumbrella
    2 启发学生思考三天气单词相应天气图片进行连线相应天气需配备物品连起
    3 教师引领学生运学句型进行问答机选取组学生根连线结果话 核答案:
    —What’s the weather like today
    —It’s snowy Take your coat with you
    4 部分How is the weather You’d better 句型稍作说明学生运两句型进行问答节课容作铺垫:
    —How is the weather today
    —It’s sunny You’d better take your glasses
    5 桌间运述两组句型练问答
    6 请学生台表演话适表扬奖励表现突出学生
    温馨提示:里教师指引学生take换成wear:wear your coat wear your glasses学生加深单词wear理解

    Unit 5 What’s the Weather like Today 第3课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Discuss and fill with Let’s learn more Let’s play Listen and tick
    1 熟练掌握词汇:moon star weather report
    2 运How is the weather tomorrow It will be sunny rainy snowy windy cloudy warm cool 天气状况进行问答(重点)
    3 实际生活中灵活描述天气运You’d better wear your句型根天气状况提出合理衣着建议(难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Let’s learn more部分教学挂图
    3 课时课件雨伞件衣
    4 Let’s learn moreListen and tick部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T What can you see in the sky at night
    S1 I can see stars (教师注意确认里复数stars)
    T How many stars can you see
    SI I can see many stars
    T What else can you see
    S2 I can see the moon (注意确认单词moon前面加定冠词the )
    T Yes You can see the moon in the sky And there are millions of stars too But can you see any clouds in the sky at night
    T Did you look at the sky yesterday evening (引导学生作答)
    T&Ss Yes I saw No
    (2)新课导入Part A Warmingup Discuss and fill with
    T Did you watch the weather report last night Please show me your records
    T The weather report says today is a sunny day here It’s fine You should take your glasses with you And what’s the weather like in these five cities today Please fill in the form with the marks
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 教师承接环节助Warmingup Discuss and fill with 活动中填充表格进行新功句展示:
    (1) 教师时实际天气状况问答:
    T Oh I’m in Xi’an I feel warm today Look out of the window please What’s the weather like in Xi’an today (紧接着问) How is the weather in Xi’an today
    启发学生思考解句子How is the weather (in ) What’s the weather like (in) 具相意思天气状况提问引导学生逐说出五城市天气状况:
    T&Ss It’s …in … It’s …in … And it’s …in …
    (2) 教师引导学生讨五城市天气状况交What’s the weather like in How is the weather in 学生问答:
    T What’s the weather like How is the weather in Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou Lanzhou Chengdu
    Ss It’s snowy rainy cloudy windy sunny
    2 情景教学
    (1)教师助课件展示前天搜集全国城市天气预报(中央台48时天气预报)选择点代表性:北京 海拉萨兰州广州成海门沈阳等然根城市天气状况进行会话引出新功句:How is the weather tomorrow It will be
    T What’s the weather like in Guangzhou today
    Ss It’s rainy
    T You should take an umbrella a raincoat with you
    T How is the weather in Guangzhou tomorrow (引导学生作答)
    T&Ss It will be cloudy
    板书领读功句 How is the weather (in Guangzhou) tomorrow
    It will be cloudy
    (2) 根城市预报继续会话:
    T How is the weather in Haikou today
    Ss It’s windy
    T How is the weather tomorrow
    Ss It will be sunny
    T The Weather report says it will be sunny tomorrow You’d better take your glasses with you
    板书领读:The weather report says it will be sunny tomorrow You’d better take your glasses with you
    (3) 教师扮演天气预报员播报天气情况:
    T Tomorrow will be rainy and cool You’d better take your umbrella
    T Tomorrow I am going to the park with my friends But the weather report says it will be rainy and cool
    T&Ss You’d better take your umbrella
    T Where is my umbrella (边说边出雨伞)
    Ss Oh Here it is
    3 重难点讲解
    (1) How is the weather in Guangzhou tomorrow It will be sunny
    Tomorrow will be rainy and cool It will be rainy and cool
    明天天气状况提问般现时态天气状况预期时态描述will be:
    Tomorrow will be sunny It will be warm next week
    (2) You’d better
    表示建议性句子You’d better面须接动词原形意……:
    You have a cold You’d better go to bed and have a rest
    It is very dangerous You’d better be careful
    It will be snowy tomorrow You’d better wear your coat
    (3) 语境中讲授wear (动词)穿纠音学生解该单词意思
    4 教师出示Let’s learn more部分教学挂图教学软件
    T Look at this picture What can you see in the sky
    S1 I can see stars (注意单复数运)
    S21 can see the moon (注意定冠词the运)
    S3 I can see clouds (注意单数运)
    5 教师提出问题然播放Let’s learn more部分录音课件学生带着问题听录音回答问题检测学生课文掌握情况问题参考:
    (1) What’s the weather like now
    (2) What can you see in the sky
    (3) How is the weather tomorrow
    (4) What is Liu going to do tomorrow
    (5) What’s the weather like tomorrow
    1 教师次播放Let’s learn more部分录音学生整体感知话模仿
    2 学生齐读话教师纠正错误语音语调
    3 学生分成两组分角色齐读话
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 学生两组分角色表演话求语音语调量做流畅然教师重放单句录音学生模仿录音中语音语调找出说学生家示范
    2 学生组排练话
    3 抽取组学生台助教师准备衣模拟表演课文中话
    4 组表演完请学做点评教师进行肯定评价选出演组进行奖励
    5 鼓励学生创编话:教师引导学生根已话框架做换稍加修改变成学生话进行表演
    (2)Part B Let’s play
    1 教师引导学生仔细观察课P41中闻城市天气顶报图
    2 学生结合相应天气图标做话示范:
    T What’s the weather like in Haikou How’s the weather in Haikou
    S1 It’s cloudy
    3 学生桌间灵活运What’s the weather like in How is the weather in 句型互相进行话练 求城市重复What’s 句型反问时必须How’s 句型反然:
    S1 What’s the weather like in Lhasa
    S2 It’s rainy How’s the weather in Harbin
    S1 It’s snowy
    4 学生熟练教师学生68组进行接力练求组学生表演配合默契
    (3)Part C Listen and tick
    1 学生先浏览表格解中涉天气城市
    2 教师播放录音学生根听容表格相应位置勾
    3 教师次播放录音学生核完成情况
    4 教师抽取学生描述城市天气核答案:
    It will be in will be
    Good evening Here is the weather report
    It will be sunny and warm in Chongqing In Fuzhou it will be rainy and cool You’d better take an umbrella It will be windy in Dalian tomorrow It will be cloudy in Hong Kong Harbin will be snowy and cold You’d better wear your coat
    教 师提醒学生做类题时急求成听力般会播放两三遍做题时采取三步法:
    1 播放录音前先观察表格根文字信息推测概容
    2 播放第遍录音时注意抓关键词结合前观察信息完成题目果没时完成信息较模糊纠结该部分录音继续进行
    3 听第二遍录音时查漏补缺

    Unit 5 What’s the Weather like Today 第4课时教学设计
    题Read the words Let’s sing Look think and write Read and answer
    1 解宁母组合chsh单词中读音变化学发音规
    2 通完成Part C部分活动单元学关天气词汇功句型进行全面复检测(重难点)
    3 通Read and answer部分Mr Rabbit遇突发紧急天气状况时应措施解时生活中应注意身安全学会躲避危险(重难点)
    4 熟练演唱Let’s sing部分歌曲
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Part C Read and answer部分挂图课件
    3 Read the wordsLet’s sing部分教学音频
    4 兔子手偶兔子绒毛玩具
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师出示Let’s learn部分词汇卡片通闪卡形式词汇进行系统复
    2 师生会话复单元重点功句型:
    T What’s the weather like today
    S1 It’s (根天实际天气情况回答)
    T How is the weather (出示雨天气图片)
    S2 It’s rainy
    T The weather report says it will be snowy and cold tomorrow
    S3 You’d better wear your coat
    3 播报员
    Tomorrow will be sunny It’s very hot You’d better wear your sunglasses
    教师学生翻开课41页通Let’s play部分已学句型进行巩固复
    T What’s weather like in Beijing
    S1 It’s cloudy
    T It s cool How is the weather in Tianjin
    S2 It’s sunny
    T It’s fine It’s warm What is the weather like in Harbin
    S3 It s snowy
    T Oh It’s cold How is
    教师两义句型进行穿插练达巩固句型目时复巩固句子时学生语境中复fine cool warmcold等词汇
    (1)Part B Read the words
    1 学生读Read the words部分两行单词初步感知字母组合chsh部分单词中读音
    2 教师播放Read the words部分录音学生仔细听单词次感知字母组合chsh部分单词中读音
    3 教师引领学生总结ch[tʃ] sh[ʃ] 单词中常见读音
    1 辅音字母组合ch读音较复杂种:
    (1) 读音[tʃ]汉语拼音中ch读音接:chair椅子
    (2) 读音[k]:Christmas 圣诞节
    (3) 读单音[dʒ]:sandwich三明治
    (4) 辅音字母sh[ʃ]读音相:machine机器
    2 辅音字母组合sh种读音该字母组合单词开头单词结尾种读音sh[ʃ]:shop商店brush刷子
    4 部分字母组合发音知识教师根学生接受程度浅入深逐渐渗透讲太深免学生混淆
    5 教师鼓励学生胆开口尝试运总结出读音规试着读读Try to read more部分生词然播放部分录音学生检查读音否正确读部分生词
    (2)Part B Let’s sing
    1 教师出示天气图片学生图说单词复词汇
    2 师生话复第单元已学句型:
    T How are you feeling now boys and girls
    Ss We are feeling happy
    3 教师播放Let’s sing读词部分学生感知部分歌词然学生翻开课42页仔细观察图片:
    T Look at this picture carefully What can you see
    Ss I can see a girl boy snowman an umbrella I can see the rain snow
    T Yes There is a light rain and there is a heavy snow
    提示:light (形容词)轻:a light snow雪heavy (形容词)重量:a heavy rain雨
    T How is the girl feeling now
    Ss She is very happy
    T Yes She is smiling She is so happy
    提示:smile (动词)微笑smiling (现分词)正笑
    T How about the boy The boy is very excited He is shouting
    提示:shout (动词)喊shouting (现分词)正喊
    excited (形容词) 兴奇激动:I was excited about the football match
    4 教师播放Let’s sing演唱部分师生起学唱歌曲
    (3)Part C Look think and write
    1 教师引导学生先通览题目容解意
    2 指引学生仔细观察说出图片中五城市天气气温状况结合城市天气气温情况出穿着建议
    Harbin—snowy cold
    Beijing—windy cool
    Xi’an—cloudy cool
    Guangzhou—rainy warm
    Sanya—sunny hot
    3 学生结合述两环节结果进行填空
    4 教师机挑选抽取学生读读填写句子核答案:
    It s windy in Beijing Jack wears a sweater
    参考答案:1 windy a sweater 2 sunny a Tshirt 3 snowy a coat
    4 cloudy a jacket 5 rainy a raincoat
    (4)Part C Read and answer
    1 教师播放Read and answer部分课件学生感知部分事背景
    2 出示事挂图请学生开书翻44页图理解事然图片进行提问引导学生作答问题供 参考:
    (1) What can you see in these pictures
    (2) How is the weather in Picture 1
    (3) How is the weather in Picture 3
    3 教师提出问题然学生带着问题读短文帮助学生进步理解短文容问题参考:
    (1) Why does Mr Rabbit go out
    (2) What does he see
    (3) Is the rabbit all right
    4 教师启发学生思考鼓励桌间互问互答注意回答完整性
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    教师指导学生表演Part C Read and answer部分事
    1 教师准备兔子手偶兔子绒毛玩具出分发表演学生鼓励配相应表情动作分板块排练表演部分事求表演方生动语音语调准确然
    2 学生台表演事台学生进行点评教师予总结性评价表扬奖励表现出色学生
    3 学生表演完毕教师鼓励学生想想样编创事指导根理解量加入已学句型进行表演
    Unit 6 My Holiday 第1课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Think and answer Let’s learn
    1 听说读写词汇:travel enjoy the visit place of interest the Palace Museum the Great Wall the West Lake(重点)
    2 实际情景中灵活运词汇(难点)
    3 通趣课堂活动激发学生学英语兴趣促乐学会学
    1 教师准备:
    (1) Let’s learn部分教学卡片课时课件
    (2) 课时课件
    (3) Let’s learn部分教学音频
    (4) 旅行背包教师旅游片
    2 学生准备:家旅游片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 采教师做动作学生猜词汇图卡说词汇等方法复前学by bus by train by ship by taxi go to school go home jump rope swim play basketball play football sing songs fly a kite do exercise see a film do some washing climb the mountains等关交通通日常活动词汇:
    T Hello boys and girls Look at me Guess what I do
    Ss OK
    T 教师做爬山动作
    S1 Climb the mountains
    教师请答学生台做动作台学生猜 提高学生参积极性教师答学生拥抱出掌示鼓励
    2 接教师助Part A Warmingup Think and answer部分四问题复前学表示般时态be going to结构学生结合面词汇复应该快回答出问题充分调动课堂积极性教师根课堂学生问题回答情况适添加相关问题
    温馨提示:教师提醒学生回答问题时注意be动词形式变化3 桌间互相问答进行练
    教师继续助Warmingup中Think and answer话题导入新课:
    T (教师意走学生面前) What are you going to do this weekend
    S1 I am going to fly a kite
    T Guess What am I going to do on the weekend
    S2 Are you going to go shopping
    T No I’m not going to go shopping
    S3 Are you going to
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    1 教授单词travel
    T I’m not going to this weekend I’m going to travel
    T I like to travel
    2 教授词组the West Lake
    T I’m going to travel to Hangzhou I am going to visit the West Lake
    温馨提示:教师告诉学生:the West Lake中国西湖坐落杭州非常美丽景点专名词前面定冠词the表示名胜古迹名词专名词表达中实词首字母须写
    3 教授词组the Great Wall
    T I want to visit the Great Wall too It’s in Beijing
    师生会话复be going to结构法:
    T Are you going to visit the Great Wall on the weekend
    S1 Yes I am No I’m not I’m going to travel to Beijing this summer
    板书领读词汇the Great Wall提醒学生注意the Great Wall(长城)the West Lake—样专名词注意实词首字母定写
    4 教授词组the Palace Museum
    教师样方式教授词汇the Palace Museum陈述:
    T The Palace Museum is a famous place It’s in Beijing too
    板书领读词汇告诉学生the Palace Museum然专名词注意实词首字母写
    温馨提示:the West Lakethe Great Wallthe Palace Museum三名胜中单词实学生已学接触教师趁热铁引导课堂记住词汇:lake湖泊great非常伟wall墙记忆新单词palace时教师palace拆开先学生记忆place然字母p面加字母a构成palace方便学生记忆museum记忆非常简单首先记忆muum中间加入se记忆样学生记忆词汇方便许外名胜前加定冠词the表示世界独二
    5 教授词组place of interest
    T I am going to visit the West Lake the Great Wall and the Palace Museum
    I’m going to visit these three places of interest
    教师板书领读短语place of interest带领学生拼读拼写然place面颜色粉笔加s提醒学生注意复数形式成places of interest引导学生说说家乡名胜加运
    T Can you name some places of interest in Beijing Chengdu Xi’an Shanghai
    6 教授词组enjoy the visit
    T Look I like to travel I enjoy the visit Do you like to travel Do you enjoy the visit
    Ss Yes I We enjoy the visit too
    教师讲授enjoy the visit板书领读学生拼读拼写
    温馨提示:enjoy(动词)欣赏享受短语enjoy sth常指享受某事(乐趣):They enjoy the music visit(动词&名词)访问参观:She wants to visit the Great Wall I have a wonderful visit to the West Lake
    1 教师播放Let’s learn部分录音学生模仿语音语调读词汇
    2 教师展示词汇图片学生图拼读词汇
    3 教师采闪卡形式学生抢说卡片词汇谁反应快
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    T Let’s travel together
    教师助课件次出示图片the West Lake the Great Wallthe Palace Museum学生认认读出词汇教师出示名胜图片引导学生说说:
    T Do you enjoy the visit
    Ss Yes we do We enjoy the visit very much
    T Where are you going to travel(引导学生回答)
    Ss We are going to travel to many places of interest the West Lake the Great Wall and the Palace Museum(引导学生伴课件图片次说出词汇)
    T (请学生S1台耳语) S1 come here please
    The West Lake
    S2 The Great Wall
    S1 No it isn’t
    S3 The Palace Museum
    S1 No it isn’t
    S 4 The West Lake
    S1 Yes it is Yes You are right
    教师规定台学生猜次数Let’s learn部分六词汇教师规定台学生猜四次猜中学生接台学生继续游戏果四次没猜出台学生公布答案继续参游戏

    Unit 6 My Holiday 第2课时教学设计
    题Let’s talk Look and complete
    1 听懂Let’s talk部分中旅行相关词汇
    2 运May Day is coming Where will you go on the holiday I will go to with We can visit many places of interest there I will enjoy my visit there谈某假期旅行计划(重难点)
    3 运What is the like It is There are many in it谈名胜特点
    4 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    1 教师准备:
    (1 ) Let’s learn部分单词卡片
    (2) Let’s talk部分物头饰
    (3) Let’s talk部分教学挂图课时课件
    (4) Let’s talk部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    ( 2)新课导入
    1 师生会话引导学生复前学月份单词:
    T How many months are there in a year
    Ss There are twelve months in a year
    T What are they Do you know
    Ss Yes They are January February March April May June July August September October November and December
    T So what’s the date today
    Ss It’s
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 进行单元时应该接五假期教师承接环节学生日期回答五长假展开会话引出节课新授容:
    T May Day is coming Are you going to travel
    Ss Yes No What about you Mr Miss
    T I’m going to travel on the holiday I will go to Hangzhou with my parents We can visit many places of interest there The West Lake is wonderful
    T Where will you go on the holiday S1(引导学生尝试说说)
    T&S1 I will go to
    Where will you go on the holiday
    I will go to Hangzhou with my parents
    We can visit many places of interest there
    教师教授般时态意义结构:语+助动词+动词原形+will do结构be going to结构样表示某时间发生动作会出现情况:
    I will visit the West Lake (陈述句)
    Where will you go on the holiday (特殊疑问句提醒学生注意般时特殊疑问句助动词will提语前)
    2 讲解疑难点
    (1) May Day (名词)五劳动节May Day专名词单词首字母写
    (2) holiday (名词)假期:summer holiday 暑假winter holiday寒假
    (3) May Day is coming
    The bus is coming公汽车快
    3 话理解
    (1) 教师出示部分教学挂图引导学生观察图片:
    T What can you see in the picture
    Ss I can see the Palace Museum
    T What is the Palace Museum like (引导学生回答)
    Ss It is large
    (2) 板书新授句型What is like
    —What is your school like
    —It is large and very beautiful
    里like前学like含义前学动词喜欢意思常搭配:like to dolike doing 喜欢做某事:
    I like to dance I like dancing
    He looks like his father
    教师讲授单词large (形容词) 巨宏作:
    This is a large building
    4 教师播放Let’s talk部分录音课件学生认真听录音整体感知话容教师设计问题引导学生结合挂图听力容理解话问题参考:
    (1) Where will Alice go on May Day
    (2) Who will go to Beijing with Alice
    (3) What can Alice visit in Beijing
    (4) What is the Palace Museum like
    (5) Will Alice enjoy her visit in Beijing
    1 教师播放录音引导学生模仿录音中物语音语调读Let’s talk部分话
    2 学生齐读话教师注意纠正错误语音语调
    3 学生分成两组分角色齐读话
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师出准备头饰先扮演Kitty学生扮演Alice分角色话话程中教师注意加入定表情动作量夸张模仿Kitty声音话加趣味性引起学生表演欲
    2 学生两组排练话教师组间进行巡视指导
    3 鼓励学生加更句子创编话请部分组台表演
    (2) 游戏:滚雪球
    1 教师黑板出句子:Where will you go on the holiday I will go to Beijing with my parents What is the Palace Museum like 等等
    2 请第位学生说第单词Where第二位学生接着说Where will第三位学生说Where will you类推雪球越滚越直黑板句子说完整增加游戏趣味性建议教师规定:果谁说错游戏第学生处重新开始
    温馨提示:教师Beijingthe Palace Museum更换名称
    (3) Part C Look and complete
    1 教师先通问答引导学生复出行方式on foot by ship train :
    T How do you come to school
    S1 I come to school by bus
    T What about you S2
    S2I come to school by bus
    T Can you go to Beijing by bus
    S2 Yes No
    T How can we go to Beijing boys and girls
    Ss By plane train car bus
    T Can we go to London by plane train car bus(引导学生回答)
    Ss We can go to London by plane But we can’t go there by train by car or by bus
    2 学生仔细观察部分两幅图说说图中点交通工具名称
    3 学生填写完成话
    4 教师机抽取组学生进行问答核答案
    参考答案:1 Beijing by train 2 London by plane

    Unit 6 My Holiday 第3课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Tick and talk Let’s learn more Look and talk Read and report
    1 运What will you do this summer I will travel to How will you go I will go by Will your parents go with you No they won’t谈未假期旅行计划(重难点)
    2 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    3 实际生活中灵活运般时态种句型谈假期计划达学致目(重难点)
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Let’s learn more部分教学挂图物头饰
    3 课时课件
    4 Let’s learn more部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T Where will you go on the weekend
    S1 I will go to the park (注意will读音)
    T Where will you go on the holiday
    S2 I will go to Mount Tai
    T What is Mount Tai like
    S2 It is very high There are many trees and flowers
    T Really Will you enjoy your visit there
    S2 Yes we will
    (2)新课导入Part A Warmingup Tick and talk
    1 引导学生仔细观察部分八幅图片分说出相应点交通方式面四幅图分公园金门桥代表美国天安门代表北京商场面四幅图分表示飞机坐火车开车步行四种交通方式
    2 教师引导学生讨什方式四点较合理相应点交通方式连起
    3 学生勾出算(想)点相应交通方式组合结合部分话句型示范进行问答:
    T Where will you go on your holiday S1
    S1 I will go to the USA
    T How will you go
    S1 I will go by plane(引导学生量说出完整句子)
    4 学生间参考范例互相练问答
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 教师承接环节继续运般时态学生进行问答逐步引导学生解般时态更特殊疑问句型般疑问句回答
    (1) T Summer holiday is coming What will you do this summer Will you travel this summer
    T&Ss Yes I will I will visit the West Lake
    温馨提示:教师讲授新句型What will you do this summer学生说明该句型句型Where will you go this summer
    Where will go 指里强调点
    What will do 指做什强调活动
    Will you travel this summer
    Yes I will
    What will you do this summer
    I will visit the West Lake
    (2) 继续师生问答:
    T Do you want to know what I will do this summer
    T&Ss Will you visit the Great Wall
    T No I won’t I will travel to Hangzhou I will go by train Do you know Hangzhou Do you know the places of interest in Hangzhou
    环节板书般疑问句添加否定回答No I won’t 领读:教师引领学生做组练加深记忆:
    T Will you visit the Great Wall
    Ss Yes I will No I won’t I will travel to
    提示:travel to ……旅行to面应接点名词
    (3) 师生继续会话练应travel to继续引入更新授容:
    T What will you do this summer S1
    S1 I will travel to Xi’an
    T How will you go
    S1 I will go by plane train
    T It is fast
    T Why not go by car The car is slow but you can enjoy the beautiful places along the way
    along the way 途
    They will travel to Tibet by train and enjoy the beautiful places along the way
    2 教师出示Let’s learn more部分教学挂图 学生仔细观察图片播放部分录音课件学生整体感知话播放录音前教师提出问题启发学生思考问题参考:
    (1) What will Miss White do this summer
    (2) How will she go
    (3) Will Miss White visit the West Lake by plane Why
    (4) Who will go with Miss White
    教师播放录音抽选位学生 回答述问题提醒学生注意运完整句子作答必时予补充
    1 教师次播放录音求学生模仿录音中物语音语调读Let’s leam more部分话
    2 教师全班分两组进行话练集体练学生两两组次进行练教师巡视指导
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师先名学生Let’s learn more部分话进行示范表演表演时注意加入相应动作语音语调生动然
    2 学生戴相应物头饰鼓励脱离课参考黑板重点句型表演话教师必时候予提醒时加表扬学程度较弱学生教师允许带书进行表演加鼓励句子朗读完整
    (2)Part B Look and talk
    1 教师学生翻课49贞仔细观察部分四组图片读读图片方组提示说说相应点交通方式
    2 教师带领学生起读话引导学生关注话中单词字体变化提醒话中斜体部分换组图片中点交通方式
    3 教师先出示范然学生两组分组图片进行话练
    4 教师根课堂情况选取组学生进行展示注意肯定学生表现学程度较差学生教师适进行引导鼓励句子说完整 免挫伤学积极性
    (3)Part B Read and report
    1 学生读表格解公谁
    2 教师引导学生仔细观察表格里疑问词:where里when 什时候what做什how样with whom谁起
    3 教师引领学生结合表格容表格方示范做报告:
    Colin will go to the City Park tomorrow He will plant trees He will go with his sister They will go by bike
    4 教师学生分钟时间学生先说说
    5 学生桌间相互说说
    6 机抽取学生台作报告时予评价适奖励表现较学生

    Unit 6 My Holiday 第4课时教学设计
    题Let’s sing Listen and write Talk about Kitty’s travel plan in groups Read and tick
    1 熟练说唱Let’s chant部分歌曲
    2 通完成Part C部分余练活动复巩固单元学知识容彻底掌握学致(重难点)
    3 学合理安排假期时间愉悦生活
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 课时课件
    3 Let’s singListen and write部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 口型说词汇
    (教师口型定夸张学生够通教师夸张 口型猜出短语通练词汇天进行容做铺垫)
    2 Simon says
    教师说词汇前指令Simon says学生读词汇果指令中没Simon says学生读读错学生淘汰谁坚持反应快读准确教师选出读较学生担 Simon角色指令改相应学生名字:says提高学生参积极性
    (1)Part B Let’s sing
    1 教师先引导学生仔细观察图片问问问题参考:
    (1) What can you see in the picture
    (2) Where will the boy go
    (3) Where will the girl go
    (4) How will they go
    T Now Let’s listen to the tape
    2 教师播放Let’s sing读词部分学生认真听歌解歌曲意
    3 读熟歌词教师播放Let’s sing演唱部分师生起学唱歌曲
    4 教师次播放Let’s sing演唱部分学生唱教师鼓励书写改编歌词中点交通方式进行换唱出属歌曲
    (2)Part C Listen and write
    1 教师先引导学生仔细观察四幅图分代表什点
    2 引领学生猜测四幅图片代表点采交通方式
    3 教师播放录音学生根听容填写相应交通方式
    4 教师次播放录音学生读核查答案
    5 教师机抽取学生进行陈述核答案: will go to by
    1 A What will you do on May Day
    B I will travel to Guangzhou
    A How will you go
    B By plane
    2 Boy Hi Mary Are you going home
    Mary No I’m going to the supermarket
    Boy Are you going by bus
    Mary No By taxi
    3 A My father will go to Chongqing tomorrow
    B Really How will he go
    A By ship
    4 A Where is Mount Huang
    B It’s in Anhui
    A Will you go there
    B Yes
    A How will you go
    B By train
    参考答案1 by plane 2 by taxi 3 by ship 4 by train
    (3)Part C Talk about Kitty’s travel plan in groups
    1 教师先引导学生仔细观察图确认Kitty中国城市旅行:Where will Kitty go
    2 学生仔细观察Kitty城市间旅行时坐交通工具:How will she go
    3 教师引领学生助部分句型提示Kitty旅行计划进行问答学生参考示范分组问答计划汇编成报告: Kitty will
    4 教师鼓励学生胆台做报告予积极评价激发表现积极性
    (4)Part C Read and tick
    1 师生会话复will 引导般时态相关句型:
    T Tomorrow is Saturday Saturday is coming What will you do
    Ss I will go shopping with my parents (里答案变化句型正确)
    T Sounds great What will Tom and his family do Do you know Let’s read
    2 引导学生读读文题目仔细观察相应图片说说相应图片代表活动提出问题学生带着问题阅读短文文中画出相关句子问题参考:
    (1) What will Tom do tomorrow
    (2) Will Tom’s sisters play with him together
    (3) What about Tom’s parents What will they do
    1 教师通预设问题启发学生思考问题时理解事意引导学生事里男孩汤姆家样合理安排假期生活
    2 教师里适学生渗透will引导般时态be going to结构区
    3 学生阅读短文勾出相应图片
    4 教师带领学生朗读短文短文中汤姆家周末合理安排活动乐融融教师里适引入情感教育告诉学生周末家里应该出走走开阔视野愉悦心情
    5 教师选取名学生结合勾选图片说出完整句子核答案
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    练处理完毕教师组织安排学 生单元学知识做回顾总结方法供教师参考:
    1 教师带领学生单元学四会词汇重点句型逐进行复采时学生喜欢游戏形式:赛拼单词提问抢答等
    2 教师学生制作张类似单元Part B Read and report部分表格运单元学时态种句型位学假期计划进行访问调查调查完毕学生分四组位学组调查情况进行汇报组推选出代表班汇报
    Unit 7 I Have a Headache 第1课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Think and tick Let’s learn
    1 听说读写词汇:have a cold have a cough have a fever have a headache have a toothache have a stomachache see a doctor
    2 熟练运词汇(重难点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1)Let’s learn部分教学卡片
    (3)Let’s learn部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T Hello boys and girls Nice to see you again How are you today
    Ss Very well Thank you I’m fine How are you
    T I’m not very well today I need go to see a doctor
    (2)新课导入Part A Warmingup Think and tick
    教师承接环节学生翻课53页Think and tick部分容继续问答:
    T Do you often go to see a doctor
    Ss Yes I do No I don’t
    T When do you go to see a doctor Please look at the pictures carefully and tick out
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    教师继续表现出身体舒服样子纸擤鼻涕说:Oh I feel very bad now I have a cold I will see a doctor after school
    1 教授词组have a cold
    教师出示have a cold教学卡片板书领读遍教师稍作解释说明:里动词have实义动词表示患cold里Unit 2学形容寒冷名词感 教师里帮助学生区分cold两含义确认含义搭配:have a cold表示感(病)感冷说I feel cold 天气冷说It’s cold
    2 教授词组have a cough
    教师作咳嗽状引出词组have a cough
    T I have a cold and I have a cough too
    教师板书领读词组引领学生拼读单词cough:字母c读[k]字母组合ou读[au]字母组合gh读[f] 引导学生助读音规记忆单词教师举例说明学生练运:
    T When you have a cold you often have a cough too
    3 教授词组have a fever
    教师摸摸额头引出词组have a fever板书领读该词组教师重点解释单词fever:名词发烧感发烧生病发烧样助动词have构成动词词组have a fever教师展示教学卡片男孩发烧样子举例练运:
    T Look The boy is in bed He has a fever
    4 教授词组have a headache
    教师手支头作出疼痛表情引出词组have a headache
    T Look at this boy He also has a headache
    里headache合成词中ache(名词疼痛)独立单词作缀身体部位起构成新单词表示相应身体部位疼痛解ache特点教师势引出单词toothache 牙疼 stomachache 肚子疼教 师鼓励学生说出更样单词:backache earache等
    5 教授词组have a toothache
    教师捂着边嘴巴作疼痛状引出词组have a toothache带领学生朗读遍板书引导学生拼读教师进行解说:tooth名词牙齿teeth复数形式toothache样合成词表示牙疼老师展示教学卡片中牙疼孩:This boy has a toothache He feels bad
    6 教授词组have a stomachache
    教师摸着胃作疼痛状引出词组have a stomachache板书领读遍该词组教师讲解引领学生拼读记忆单词stomachache合成词中stomach名词胃字母o发[ʌ]字母a发[ə]字母组合ch发[k]音教师样展示教学卡片中 男孩:He has a bad stomachache
    7 教授短语see a doctor
    然生病应该医生教师述病症入手出示教学卡片引入短语see a doctor板书领读引导学生加运:
    T&Ss He has a cold He’d better see a doctor (教师展示感图片)
    She has a cough She’d better see a doctor (展示咳嗽图片)
    教师播放录音学生听模仿语音语调读Let’s talk部分词汇间注意纠正学生错误读音学生容易读错单词(cough stomachache等)教师注意进行针性示范训练
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (1) 说指
    教师Let’s learn部分词汇卡片乱序贴黑板
    1 教师说汇学生指相应图片声读出该词汇
    2 学生分成四组组采说指指说形式练词汇推选出反成快组员学生代表组参加组组间赛组学生指快准
    3 教师难度加说词汇中某关键性单词学生指相应图片说出完整词组短语
    1 教师说明规:说词汇做相应动作者做动作说出相应词汇
    2 学生分组练谁反应快
    3 教师选出68位学生台教师背台学展词汇卡片台学卡片起发指令台学做动作做错做慢淘汰谁坚持

    Unit 7 I Have a Headache 第2课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Think and answer Let’s talk Ask and answer
    1 运Do you live in a city No I live in a village far from the city Is your village big It is small but very beautiful In 谈居住环境(重点)
    2 助学词汇句型日常生活中进行简单交流(难点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1 )Let’s learn部分单词卡片
    (2)Let’s talk部分教学挂图物头饰
    (3)Let’s talk部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:Let’s learn部分单词卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    教师做相应动作演示种病痛学生仔细观察动作快速说出相应词组说出建议:You’d better see a doctor 谁反应快说教师时表扬说 快准学生鼓励动作稍慢学生击掌说:Come on
    1 猜猜
    T What’s wrong with this boy Do you know
    S1 He has a fever
    T No He has a headache
    2 Part A Warmingup Think and answer
    教师承接环节通Think and answer部分热身活动引入节课容
    T The boy has a headache He feels very bad Can you help him Are you a doctor (引导学生回答)
    Ss I’m sorry I can’t I am not a doctor
    T Do you want to be a doctor Why
    T I want to be a doctor Because I can help the ill (生病)
    Colin is ill too What’s wrong with him Let’s have a look
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 图理解
    (1) 教师出示部分教学挂图学生进行交流:
    T What can you see in this picture
    Ss We can see
    T We can see Colin and his mother in the picture Colin looks ill His mother looks worried She worries about Colin
    板书领读:Colin looks ill
    She worries about Colin
    (2) 难点讲解
    a look ill起病look里系动词面须接形容词表示起样:
    You look happy
    The lady looks very sad
    b worry about sth sb某某事担心:
    The old man looks ill We all worry about him
    Don’t worry about me I’m all right担心挺
    2 听读练
    播放录音前教师先提出问题 学生带着问题听录音做放矢问题参考:
    (1) How does Colin feel today
    (2) What’s wrong with Colin Does Colin have a fever
    (3) What does Colin worry about
    (4) What will his mother do
    3 听力理解
    (1) 教师播放第句录音帮助学生完整回答第问题:
    T How does Colin feel today
    T&Ss He feels very bad
    板书讲授句型I feel very bad today
    feel bad感觉糟糕表示身体舒适舒服
    T I feel very bad today I have a headache
    (2) 教师播放第二三句录音帮助学生完整回答第二问题:
    T What’s wrong with Colin Does Colin have a fever
    T&Ss He has a headache No he doesn’t
    板书讲授句型:What’s wrong with
    句话常舒服时关切询问 :
    Doctor What’s wrong with you
    Patient I feel very bad I have a headache fever cough
    (3) 教师继续播放话录音帮助学生完整回答问题逐步讲解
    T What does Colin worry about
    Ss He worries about his lessons
    T What will his mother do
    Ss She will call his teacher and tell her about it
    a Just stay in bed躺床(起)
    b Don’t worry about them 担心功课事(里them指代文中lessons)
    Just stay in bedDon’t worry about them两祈句祈句常表示听话建议命令求安慰等语气常动词原形开头没称数时态变化表示否定时直接动词前加Don’t意…… 许……:
    Stand up and answer my question please
    It’s windy today Don’t open the windows
    1 教师次播放Let’s talk部分录音求学生模仿录音中物语音语调读话
    2 教师学生分成男生女生两组分角色朗渎话第遍女生读Mom男生读Colin第二遍角色互换男生女生反串朗读增加活动趣味性
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    教师学生分两组鼓励脱离课结合准备Let’s learn部分词汇卡片黑板句型表演话教师鼓励善台表演学生积极参时发现表扬进步处树立信心积极参表演中
    (2)Part C Ask and answer
    1 部分检测活动目学生通观察图片练病痛进行问答通练look第三称单数形式lookshave第三称单数形式has学生掌握熟练运What’s wrong with 句型第三称单数形式课时Let’s learn more部分新授做铺垫
    2 教师先引导学生说说图片中相应病痛名字连起说说简单句子第幅阁例病痛have a cough句子Peter has a cough
    3 教师举例示范:
    T Kelly looks ill What’s wrong with her (引导学生回答)
    Ss She has a headache
    温馨提示:教师里适讲称代词宾格样学生更明白What’s wrong with him 里面单词him
    4 学生根四物选择话容台表演说出两组问答适增加难度中先点出公名字根名字找相应图片开启会话:
    S1 Bob
    S2 Bob looks ill What’s wrong with him
    S1 He has a fever
    S1 Bob
    S2 Bob looks ill Does he have a cold
    S1 No he doesn’t He has a fever

    Unit 7 I Have a Headache 第3课时教学设计
    题Let’s learn more Play a game Look and complete
    1 Colin doesn’t feel well What’s wrong with him He has a fever and a bad headache I’m sorry to hear that You’d better take him to see a doctor Please tell him not to worry about his lessons and have a good rest 谈病痛情况出相应建议(重难点)
    2 初步解电话语Hello This is
    3 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    1Let’s learn部分词汇卡片tell feelwell单词卡片
    2Let’s learn more部分教学挂图物头饰
    3 课时课件
    4 实物电话Let’s learn more部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    教师出Let’s learn部分词汇卡片站讲台面学生次选位学生 单词卡片中机抽取张做相应动作:学生抽have a cold该学做出发抖擤鼻涕动作然教师指着该生问学生:
    T What’s wrong with him her
    Ss He She has a cold
    温馨提示:教师时35学生台抽取卡片表演动作然指着中位台学生回答出What’s wrong with him her 增加活动难度
    1 教师承接环节活动学生会话导入新课:
    T How are you today boys and girls Are you feeling very well
    Ss Yes we are
    T Everybody looks very well today That’s good What about Colin Is he very well
    Ss No he isn’t
    T What’s wrong with him
    Ss He is ill He has a headache
    T Can he go to school today
    Ss No he can’t
    T What will his mother do
    Ss She will call the teacher and tell her about it
    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 教师展示部分教学挂图通问答引导学生观察解话背景:
    T Who are talking on the phone
    Ss Colin’s mother and his teacher Miss White
    T What are they talking about Let’s listen to the tape
    2 教师先课件展示问题然播放录音学生带着问题完整听遍话解少活容问题参考:
    (1) Can Colin go to school today
    (2) What’s wrong with Colin
    (3) Will they go to the hospital
    (4) What does Miss White say to Colin’s mother
    3 分段播放录音帮助学生完整回答问题讲解疑难点:
    (1) T What’s wrong with Colin
    Ss He has a fever and a bad headache
    She has a little cold And she has a little headache点感点头痛
    Bob has a bad fever And he has a bad cough鲍勃发高烧咳嗽厉害
    (2) I’m sorry to hear that 听病遇什幸闲难时通常会说样话表示情:
    a —I lost my money
    —I’m sorry to hear that
    b —I feel very bad today I have a bad toothache
    —I’m sorry to hear that
    c — Tom can’t go to school today He has a stomachache
    —I’m sorry to hear that
    (3) You’d better take him to see a doctor We’ll go to the hospital take sb to see a doctor意思带某医生
    go to the hospital意思医院
    (4) Please tell him not to worry about his lessons and have a good rest
    a tell sb not to do sth告诉某做某事:
    Please tell the students not to be late for class
    tell sb to do sth告诉某做某事:
    Tell Alice to come on time
    b have a good rest意思休息:
    Go to bed early and have a good rest
    1 教师次播放录音求学生翻开书读提醒学生注意正确模仿录音中物语音语调
    2 学生齐读话教师注意纠正错误语音语调
    3 学生分成两组分角色朗读话
    4 学生戴物头饰助教师准备实物电话两组表演话教师求学生话加入前学日常语话容更加丰富完整培养学生良英语话惯思维
    温馨提示:教师里告诉学生英语中电话方时首先定先方介绍介绍时句型I am This is 更形象帮助学生现解教师起电话做示范:
    T Hello This is Mr Miss …
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (1)Part B Play a game
    1 教师相应信息写黑板然请两位学生运课时学句型进行示范问答:
    教师板书Jack has a fever
    S1 Jack doesn’t feel well What’s wrong with him
    S2 He has a fever
    T Does Jack have a headache (教师出示发烧图片)
    Ss No he doesn’t He has a fever
    T Does Jack have a fever
    Ss Yes he does
    T Jack doesn’t feel well Does he have a headache
    Ss No he doesn’t
    T What’s wrong with him
    Ss He has a fever
    2 教师学生分三组表演动作外两话三相互交换表演问答选出组台表演组表演形象生动准确然作程中教师表扬踊跃表现学生时鼓励胆学生台表演予肯定
    (2)Part C Look and complete
    1 教师引导学生仔细观察部分三幅图片中物状态AB两话描述中推断三物分:日常生活太注意饮食合理性导致生病
    2 学生讨填写答案教师里提醒学生注意写时have变成第三称单数形式has
    3 教师机挑选组学生表演话核答案
    参考答案:1 he has a bad cold
    2 she has a toothache
    3 she has a stomachache
    4 教师里助三朋友日常生活中太注意饮食合理性导致生病例子告诫学生应养成良生活惯
    温馨提示:处理活动时教师鼓励学生发挥想象样形式拓展练have a fever have a headachehave a cough三词组表扬奖励拓展较学生

    Unit 7 I Have a Headache 第4课时教学设计
    题Read the words Let’s chant Listen and number Read and tick or cross
    1 解字母组合th单词中读音变化学发音规
    2 熟练说唱Let’s chant部分歌谣
    3 通完成Part C部分练活动单元学关健康病痛词汇功句型进行全面复检测(重难点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1)Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    (2) 课时课件
    (3) Read the words Let’s chantListen and number部分教学音频
    2 学生准备:Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师出示单元学动词词组词汇卡片求学生读出卡片词汇
    2 教师卡片放讲桌中张藏背然做相应动作学生猜:教师藏起have a fever词汇卡片作出摸摸额头动作
    T What’s wrong with me
    Ss Do you have a fever
    T Yes I have a fever
    T What’s wrong with him her
    Ss Does he she have a cold
    T No he she doesn’t
    Ss Does he she have a
    T No he she doesn’t Yes he she does
    (1)Part B Read the words
    1 学生读Read the words部分单词初步感知字母组合th部分单词中两种读音
    2 教师播放部分录音学生仔细听单词次感知字母组合th部分单词中两种读音
    3 教师引导学生总结字母组合th单词中发音规律
    l th位词首时词性判断读音
    (1) 名词动词形容词数词中发清辅音: think thirsty thirty
    (2) 代词功词中发浊辅音: them these though then
    2 th位词尾(音节尾)时读音数清辅音bath breath tooth少数单词中读浊辅音with smooth
    3 th面接er时通常发浊辅音:father mother
    1 字母组合th发清辅音[θ]时牙齿轻咬舌尖声带振动气流牙齿舌面产生摩擦发声
    2 字母组合th发浊辅音[ð]时牙齿轻咬舌尖声带振动
    4 教师引导学生总结出字母组合th单词中读音鼓励学生胆开口尝试读出Try to read more部分列举生词然播放部分录音学生核查读音否正确读部分生词
    (2)Part B Let’s chant
    1 教师引导学生先观察部分图片说出相应词汇句子
    2 教师播放歌谣读词部分学生边听边读理解歌词意里词汇句型单元已学朗朗门韵律性强学生快理解
    3 教师播放歌谣说唱部分学生边听边着说唱感知节奏
    4 教师次播放歌谣中说唱部分里播放配乐学生伴音乐说唱歌谣鼓励胆加入相应动作唱He has a rest this morning时两手合拢放脸旁做出睡觉样子
    (3)Part C Listen and number
    1 教师先引导学生观察部分五幅图片学生英语分说出相应词组:第幅图说have a toothache
    2 教师鼓励学生—完整句子描图片:The boyHe has a toothache
    3 教师播放录音学生根听序图片排序
    4 教师次播放录音学生读部分容查答案
    5 教师机抽取学生标示序描述图片核答案
    1 A What’s wrong with the girl
    B She has a fever
    2 She doesn’t feel well today She has a headache
    3 A Does he have a cough
    B Yes he does
    4 A What’s wrong with him Does he have a fever
    B No he doesn’t He has a toothache
    5 The little boy has too many icecreams He has a stomachache
    参考答案:4 2 1 3 5
    (4)Part C Read and tick or cross
    1 教师鼓励学生先读遍短文然课件出示问题学生带着问题细读短文 画出相关句子学生分两组两组分选出回答问题完整正确回答出问题学生组分
    2 教师设问题参考 :
    (1) What day is it
    (2) How is the weather
    (3) What does Su Nan eat and drink
    (4) Does Su Nan go to see a doctor
    3 教师结合文陈述学生进行提问引导学生判断错:
    (1) Is it in winter Why
    (2) What do Su Nan and Liu Zhaoyang do
    (3) What’s wrong with Su Nan Does he have a bad headache
    (4) Who takes Su Nan to see a doctor
    参考答案:1× 2√ 3× 4×
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (1) 词汇复
    1 have a h _ _da _ _ e
    2 have _ f _v _ _
    3 s_ _ a d _ ct _
    4 have a c _ l _
    5 have a c _ _ _ _
    6 have a s _ o _ a _ _ _ ch _
    7 _ _ _ _ a t _ _ _ _ ache
    教师学生分四组出准备词汇卡片组学词汇卡片中意抽取张根词义进行表演第二学问第三学:What’s wrong with him her 第三学根第学表演猜舒服第四学出建议四角色互相转换直词汇练遍::
    S1 (抽取卡片have a cold) 作发冷擤鼻涕状
    S2 What’s wrong with him her
    S3 He has a cold
    S4 I’m sorry to hear that He’d better see a doctor Don’t worry Just stay in bed and have a good rest
    Unit 8 Have a Good Habit 第1课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Think and tick or cross Let’s learn
    1 听说读写词汇:litter on the floor talk loudly in class speak with mouth full make a noise keep quiet wait in line
    2 熟练运词汇(重难点)
    1 教师准备:
    (1) Let’s learn部分教学卡片
    (2) 课时课件
    (3) Let’s learn部分教学音频
    (4) 关日常行视频PPT图片(须包括乱扔纸屑班级声说话嘴里吃着东西说话制造噪音保持安静排队等候场景)
    课程导入(Leading In)
    T How do you feel boys and girls
    Ss We feel very happy
    T Are you feeling happy now
    Ss No we aren’t
    T Why
    Ss It makes our classroom dirty
    T Do you often do that
    Ss No we don’t
    T Is it good
    Ss No It is not good
    T You’re right It’s a bad habit We should have a good habit
    教师出示单元标题Have a Good Habit讲解habit名词惯性继续询问引起讨:
    T What are good habits What arc bad habits What bad habits do you have
    教师学生联想 时生活中常做出杵行惯行惯激发兴趣引导快速进入学状态
    (2)新课导入Part A Warmingup Think and tick or cross
    T Turn to Page 61 and look at the pictures Are they good habits
    T Do you often do that
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
    1 教师出示准备关日常行视频PPT图片引出课时新授环节
    1 教师出示视频PPT图片学生先浏览遍观察学生种行态度反应
    2 教师出示遍视频图片出示扔纸屑行时讲授:
    T What’s she doing
    Ss She is
    T She is littering on the floor Is it a good habit
    Ss No it isn’t It’s a bad habit
    教师板书领读词组litter on the floor稍作讲解:litter动词乱丢名词垃圾意思:If you see litter on the floor pick it up
    T Do you often litter on the floor Is it right
    3 教师播放学生课时声讲话视频学生更直观学词组talk loudly in class讲解单词loudly(副词)声教师通问答引导学生练运该词组
    T Can you talk loudly in the library
    Ss No We can’t talk loudly in the library
    T Can you talk loudly at the cinema
    Ss No We can’t talk loudly at the cinema
    T Can you talk loudly in class
    Ss No We can’t talk loudly in class
    T Why
    Ss It’s a bad habit
    教师注意解释in class意思课堂class前冠词
    板书领读词组talk loudly in class
    4 教师旧视频出示嘴里含着满满食物说话场景学生形象感知词组speak with mouth full讲解单词full(形容词)全满:I’m full饱
    教师板书领读词组speak with mouth full引导学生运:
    We can’t speak with mouth full It’s a bad habit too
    5 教师样方式讲授make a noise解释单词noise(名词)噪音杂音:
    There are too many noises in the room
    Don’t make a noise in class
    板书领读词组make a noise教师里补充词组make noises
    6 教师突然手指竖起放嘴巴示意学生安静引出词组keep quiet:
    T Please keep quiet in class Is it a good habit
    Ss Yes it is
    1 quiet形容词安静:She is a quiet girl Please keep quiet in the library
    2 quite 副词完全:He feels quite well now
    7 教师视频出示接排队候车超市结账视频引出动词短语wait in line讲解单词line (名词)路线排:Draw a line
    教师板书领读词组wait in line询问:Is it a good habit or a bad habit
    8 全部完成教师引领学生回头复说出生活惯中惯坏惯
    1 教师播放录音学生模仿语音语调读Let’s learn more部分词汇
    2 教师带领学生起边声朗读边书写部分词汇帮助学生记忆
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    ( 1)说做
    1 litter on the floor教师假装扔纸屑
    2 talk loudly in class教师教室里声说话
    3 speak with mouth fill教师假装嘴里面食物说话
    4 make a noise教师东西敲击某物意发出噪音
    5 keep quiet教师手放嘴发出嘘声音
    6 wait in line教师学生台排队教师站身
    教师全班分成干组然逐出示Let’s learn部分学词汇加前面单元词汇卡片学生举手抢答教师先举手学生声读出拼出该词语读拼学生组10分分组优胜组

    Unit 8 Have a Good Habit 第2课时教学设计
    题Warmingup Talk in pairs and group the pictures Let’s talk Let’s sing
    1 听懂Let’s talk部分行惯相关词汇
    2 运Don’t litter on the floor You shouldn’t tell lies It’s a bad habit I’m sorry I won’t We shouldn’t We’d better and we should have a good habit谈评价惯坏(重难点)
    3 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    1 教师准备:
    (1 ) Let’s learn部分单词卡片
    (2) 课时课件传句子活动中需写句子纸条
    (3) Let’s talk部分教学挂图物头饰
    (4) Let’s talkLet’s sing部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 说指
    教师Let’s learn部分词汇卡片乱序贴黑板然意说单词短语学生重复遍快速指黑板相应卡片谁做快轮赛教师学生代教师角色发令
    2 指说
    教师意指黑板某词汇卡片学生快速读出卡片词汇谁读快准 轮赛样学生指卡片
    (2)新课导Part A Warmingup Talk in pairs and group the pictures
    1 教师学生仔细观察部分图片引导讨图片中惯坏惯
    2 教师引领学生梳理部分图片中容
    (1) 第幅图片教师样引导:
    T Look at the sign Can he park his car here(学生理解park意思教师里单词stop进行启发)
    (2) Where is the man (In the hospital) Look at the sign on the wall Can he smoke there
    (3) What’s the time for (It’s time for dinner) What is the boy doing (He is washing his hands That’s a good habit)
    (4) What is the girl doing (She is littering in the trash can It’s a good habit)
    (5) There is an empty seat on the bus What are the boys doing Is that right
    (6) These boys are getting on the bus Are they in line Is that right
    3 接学生根教师引导幅图片序号写相应位置:
    Good habit Bad habit
    ③④⑥ ①②⑤
    (1)新课展示Part A Let’s talk
    1 图讲解话
    (1)教师承接环节继续问学生觉惯学生说出行惯教师出示Let’s talk部分教学挂图首先出示第幅图:
    T Look at this picture What’s on the floor
    Ss Litter
    T Don’t litter on the floor It’s a bad habit
    (2) 教师出示第二幅图学生猜猜男孩妈妈说什:
    T Look at this picture What is the mother telling speaking to the boy
    T Yes He tells lies And his mother tells him not to do that
    解释tell lies意思撒谎告诉学生应该撒谎样行惯然反问学生加深印象:
    T Should he tell lies
    Ss No he shouldn’t
    T He shouldn’t tell lies
    (3) 教师出示第三幅图学生说说图片里三孩子分別做什:
    T What are the girls doing
    Ss They are making a noise in the library
    T Should we make a noise in the library
    Ss No
    T We shouldn’t make a noise in the library It’s a bad habit We should have a good habit We’d better keep quiet in the library
    (4) 教师出示幅图引导学生描述:
    T What’s the boy doing
    T&Ss He is writing on the tree
    T Is it a good habit or a bad habit
    Ss It’s a bad habit
    T Yes It’s a bad habit We shouldn’t write on the tree Trees are very useful for us We should take care of trees and have a good habit
    教师里讲解情态动词should法should意思应该否定形式shouldn’t (should not)常表示提出建议接动词原形:I should do exercise more You shouldn’t talk loudly in class
    2 Listen and answer
    教师提出问题然播放Let’s talk部分录音学生听录音回答问题问题参考:
    (1) Does Su Nan (the boy in the first picture) have a good habit
    (2) Should the girl litter on the floor
    (3) Does the boy in the second picture have a good habit
    (4) Should he tell lies
    (5) Do the girls in the third picture have a good habit
    (6) What is Li Shan telling to them Should they make a noise in the library
    (7) Does the boy in the last picture have a good habit
    (8) Should he write on the tree
    1 教师播放录音学生开课模仿录音中语音语凋逐句读话
    2 教师指导学生分角色朗读话
    3 学生两组排练话
    4 教师请组学生戴头饰台表演话
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (2)Part B Let’s sing
    1 教师播放Let’s sing读词部分学生感知部分歌词然学生开课65页读读歌词
    2 教师中生词稍作解说
    (1) brush your teeth刷牙中your根语变换换形容词性物代词:He brushes his teeth She brushes her teeth They brush their teeth
    (2) tidy your room 扫房间中your根语变换换 形容词性物代词:We tidy our rooms They tidy their rooms
    3 教师播放Let’s sing演唱部分师生起学唱歌曲
    4 教师播放配乐学生伴音乐唱唱歌曲教师鼓励学生加入相应动作边唱边表演请位学台做动作配合全班学演唱

    Unit 8 Have a Good Habit 第3课时教学设计
    题Let’s learn more Let’s play Look and write your advice
    1 Don’t read in bed It’s bad for your eyes You’d better read at the desk You shouldn’t have the book so close to your eyes You should take care of your eyes 继续谈惯问题提出建议(重难点 )
    2 听说熟读话语音语调准确然
    3 通话学养成正确阅读惯形成关爱眼睛意识
    4 通组活动培养合作意识
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡 片Let’s play部分短句卡片
    2 Let’s learn more部分教学挂图物头饰
    3 课时课件
    4 Let’s singLet’s learn more部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 Part B Let’s sing
    教师播放节课学Let’s sing部分歌曲学生起边做动作边演唱活跃课堂气氛激发学生学兴趣
    2 教师快速闪动卡片请学生快速读出带领学生复Let’s learn部分词汇谁读快
    T Do you often litter on the floor S1
    S1 No I don’t
    T Do you often wait in line when the light is red S2
    S2 Yes I do
    T Tom has a stomachache What shouldn’t he do S3
    S3 He shouldn’t eat too many icecreams
    T Amy has a toothache What shouldn’t she do
    S4 She shouldn’t eat too many candies

    (1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more
    1 通观察教学挂图呈现语言点
    (1) 教师出示Let’s learn more部分教学挂图引导学生仔细观察引入新授容:
    T Look at this picture Where is Kevin
    T&Ss He is in bed
    T What is he doing
    Ss He is reading a book
    T Yes He is reading in bed Is it a good habit
    Ss No It’s a bad habit
    T That’s true It’s a bad habit He shouldn’t do that He’d better read at the desk
    T Look He shouldn’t have the book so close to his eyes It’s bad for his eyes He should take care of his eyes We should take care of our eyes too
    (2) 重难点讲解
    T Don’t red in bed It’s bad for your eyes
    板书领读句型Don’t red in bed It’s bad for your eyes讲解难点:
    a Don’t red in bed
    Don’t 祈句否定式表示听话建议求教师继续举例引导学生练运:
    Don’t write on the tree wall It’s a bad habit
    Don’t talk loudly in the library You should be quiet
    b It’s bad for your eyes
    It’s bad for 某种行……坏处教师里拓展相关句式It’s good for某种行……处:
    Don’t write on the tree It’s bad for the tree
    Have some milk every day It’s good for your health
    Fruit is good for your health
    c He shouldn’t do that He’d better read at the desk
    sb shouldn’t do sth常表示说话建议某事法:
    You shouldn’t make a loud noise in class
    He shouldn’t tell lies
    You’d betterYou had better缩略形式better面接动词原形常表示某提出建议意见意…………:
    You’d better wear your coat It’s cold outside
    We’d better not be late for school
    d You shouldn’t have the book so close to your eyes You should take care of your eyes
    have sth close to 某物距……have里意思take care of sth 顾……:
    Don’t have the fire so close to the tree
    The man have the paper very close to his eyes But he still can’t see anything
    He should take care of his children
    We should take care of the young trees
    2 Listen and answer
    教师提出问题然播放Let’s learn more部分录音学生听录音感知完整话根听容回答问题:
    (1) What is Kevin doing
    (2) Should he read in bed Why
    (3) Should Kevin read at the desk
    (4) What does his mother tell him
    教师启发学生思考:什Kevin会戴眼镜没养成良书姿势惯反问学生:Do you often do that 教导时学生活中保持良读书惯教师建议学生互相监督谁做谁直惯保持教师How to Take Care of Your Eyes引发学生思考出结:保持良书学惯保护已视力保护眼睛
    1 教师次播放录音学生模仿录音中物语音语调读话
    2 学生两组练话教师选出组学生戴物头饰台表演话求体态然表演方语音语调准确
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    (1) Part B Let’s play
    1 教师出示准备Let’s play部分短句卡片学生声朗读出
    2 部分表达前面基已学教师学生读出短句启发学生思考仔细分辨出中行惯(Good habit)行惯(Bad habit)
    3 教师短句卡片乱扣放讲桌黑板分左右两部分分写Good HabitBad Habit选取学生台讲桌抽取卡片结合部分句子示范说说
    抽卡片惯套说句型:We should We should have a good habit 卡片贴黑板Good Habit方
    抽卡片坏惯套说句型:We shouldn’t We’d better not It’s a bad habit卡片贴黑板Bad Habit方
    4 教师学生两组课练句型惯相应短句勾坏惯短句叉
    (2)Part C Look and write your advice
    1 教师引导学生仔细观察部分图片说说相应词组句子
    2 引导学生读读题中已句子判断横线部分应写容然助句型You’d better (not) You should shouldn’t Don’t 写句完整表示建议句子
    3 教师先说句子作示范学生独完成部分练容
    4 教师机挑选学生分说说完整句子核答案
    1 You’d better see a doctor
    2 You shouldn’t litter on the floor
    3 You should come to school on time
    4 You’d better take a bus there

    Unit 8 Have a Good Ha bit 第4课时教学设计
    题Read and think Listen and tick or cross Discuss in groups and give some advice Read and complete
    1 听懂理解Read and think中情节简单事流利读录音求模仿正确语音语调然(重难点)
    2 鼓励学生够运学知识独立完成Read and complete部分容
    3 教育学生生活学中养成良行惯杜绝良行惯
    1 Let’s learn部分词汇卡片
    2 Read and think部分物头 饰教学挂图
    3 课时课件
    4 Read and thinkListen and tick or cross部分教学音频
    课程导入(Leading In)
    1 教师出示Let’s learn部分词汇卡片学生快速抢答进行热身
    2 教师学生分成两组赛拼读词汇教师说词汇请两组学生序拼读词汇组拼错换组继续拼读直拼止教师注意鼓励学生字母发音进行拼读复词汇时学更记忆
    3 师生会话进行口语练复单元学句型:
    T (教师出示litter on the floor图片学生进行引导)Do you often litter on the floor
    S1 No I don’t often litter on the floor
    T (教师出示talk loudly in class图片) Should we talk loudly in class
    S2 No We shouldn’t talk loudly in class We’d better We should keep quiet in class
    T (教师出示speak with mouth full图片) Is it a good habit
    S3 No It’s not a good habit It’s a bad habit We shouldn’t We’d better not speak with mouth full

    T Great You’re all good boys and girls
    (1)Part B Read and think
    1 教师出示部分第幅图片提出问题:
    What’s the weather like in summer
    What’s the weather like in the picture
    What does Mom ask Alice to take
    2 教师出示部分第二幅图片提出问题:
    How is the weather in this picture
    Does Alice have an umbrella
    3 教师出示第三幅图片继续提问:
    Look What’s wrong with Alice
    What does Mr Zhao say to Alice
    4 教师出示第四幅图片提问:
    Does Alice go to see a doctor
    What does the doctor tell her
    5 教师出示幅图片提问学生:
    Where is Alice now
    What does she think
    Do you often listen to your parents
    1 You’d better面接动词原形表示方肯定建议意见意思做某事:You’d better keep quiet
    You’d better not面接动词原形表示方否定意见建议意思做某事:You’d better not wear your coat It’s hot
    2 often表示常sometimes表示时两者频度副词:I often listen to music on the weekend Sometimes I watch TV
    6 教师次播放Read and think部分录音学生模仿录音中物语音语调读话
    7 Show time:学生四组排练话教师鼓励学生加入更相关句型充实事容选出组学生戴部分物头饰台进行表演学生排练前教师先名学生参考部分教学挂图课件中图片展开讨进行示范表演
    (2)Part C Listen and tick or cross
    1 教师首先学生观察部分四幅图片引导说说图片孩子做什:
    T How many picture s can you see
    Ss We can see four pictures
    T Look at that girl What is she doing
    Ss She is eating an icecream
    T Look at the first boy
    2 教师引导学生判断四幅图中物惯坏出建议
    3 教师播放录音学生根听容做判断:录音中建议做勾建议做叉
    1 It’s very hot You’d better eat some icecreams now
    2 He has a fever He’d better drink more water
    3 Don’t play too many computer games You’d better do your homework now
    4 You’d better not eat too much meat Have some vegetables
    参考答案:l√ 2√ 3× 4×
    (3)Part C Discuss in groups and give some advice
    1 教师学生声朗读方框动词词组
    2 教师学生读读方框面句提示引导方框中动词语代相应省略号
    3 学生分组说说完整句子检答案
    4 教师选出名学生读读完整句子里教师定非求学生答案参考答案完全致句子合理通
    1 cross the street wait in line
    2 eat many icecreams see a doctor
    3 play games have a rest
    4 make a noise keep quiet
    5 read in bed take care of her eyes
    (4)Part C Read and complete
    1 T (教师装着饿样子) Oh I am hungry I didn’t have breakfast What do you often have for breakfast S1
    S1 I often have milk and bread for breakfast
    T What about you S2
    S2 I have eggs and porridge for breakfast

    2 教师学生话引出部分容
    T Do you want to know Liu Zhaoyang’s breakfast
    Ss Yes we do
    T Now Let’s turn to Page 68 and read about it
    3 教师引领学生读读Su NanLiu Zhaoyang话解释疑难点:
    (1) anythingsomething某事某物事意思anything常否定句疑问句中something通常肯定句中:
    I can’t do anything now
    There is something wrong
    (2) be good for某事某物处否定形式be bad for某事某物坏处:
    Drinking water is good for your health
    Eating too many candies is bad for your teeth
    4 Show time:学生次通读两组练话教师选组学生台进行展示表扬表现出色组
    5 鼓励学生结合述环节中获信息独立完成填空
    6 教师学生逐句朗读完成短文核答案
    参考答案:doesn’t have breakfast a bad habit some milk bread and eggs
    7 教师机告诉学生应该养成天吃早餐良惯保持身体健康
    操练活动设计实施建议(Practice Activities)
    1 教师带领学生单元学重点词汇重点句型逐进行复口头表达书面做简单游戏测试等
    2 教师学生起纳总结单元提行惯行惯告诫学生应该养成良行惯摒弃良行惯
    3 求学生现开始严格求监督养成良行惯鼓励学生互相监督谁做
    Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now
    (1) 单词:feel感觉感 happy高兴快乐
    sad悲伤难 tired劳累疲倦
    angry生气愤怒 snowman雪
    why什 because
    make so
    (2) 短语:go out to play出玩 make a snowman堆雪
    come on加油吧 a little点少许
    feel happy 感高兴 feel sad 感难
    feel tired 感疲倦 feel angry 感生气
    a good idea 意 beautiful music美妙音乐
    with little money少钱
    move away 离开搬处住
    1 You look sad 起伤心
    2 —How are you feeling now 现感觉样?
    —I’m feeling sad 现感觉难
    3 —Are you tired 累?
    —Yes a little 点
    4 —Miss White is angry Why is she angry
    —Colin is late again This makes her very angry
    5 So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not to be late again
    Unit 2 Spring Is Coming
    (1) 单词:spring春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天
    winter冬天 season季节 plant种植
    ride骑 interesting趣 year 年
    March 3月 April 4月 May 5月
    warm暖 hot热炎热 cool凉爽
    rich富丰富 cold寒冷
    (2) 短语:plant trees植树 ride a bike骑行车
    Tree Planting Day植树节 go swimming 游泳
    1 Which is your favorite season 喜欢季节?
    2 —What do you do in spring 春天做什?
    —I often fly kites with my friends Sometimes we climb the mountains
    3 It’s warm and trees are green 天气暖树绿
    4 Summer is hot but we can go swimming and eat icecreams
    5 We have many fruits in this season 季节收获水果

    Unit 3 Spring Begins from March
    (1) 单词:begin开始 from……起 January 1月
    February 2月 June 6月 July 7月
    August 8月 September 9月 October 10月
    November 11月 December 12月
    which become变成变
    better更加更 Christmas圣诞节
    each month月份 first第初
    second第二 third第三 fourth第四
    fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九
    twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 twentyfifth第二十五
    (2) 短语:New Year新年元旦 on December 25th12月25日
    on January 1st 1月1日 much good time 许美时光
    National Day国庆节 pretty flowers 美丽花朵
    Merry May 快乐五月 come back 回
    come out 出
    the first month of the year 年中第月份
    1 —Which is your favorite season Li Shan
    —Autumn 秋天
    2 Because autumn begins from September here In September and October it is cool and the mountains become very beautiful
    3 But I like winter better Because we have Christmas on December 25th and New Year on January 1st
    4 There are four seasons in a year Each season has three months

    Unit 4 He Lives in a Village
    (1) 单词:live 生活居住 village村庄乡村 bird鸟
    snake蛇 potato土豆 tomato西红柿
    river河流 lake湖泊 kind种类
    around处围绕 sound听起
    by……旁边() grow种植生长
    other wild野生 even甚
    (2) 短语:the Bell Tower 钟楼 go with me 起
    many kinds of flowers许种花 on the farm 农场
    wild animals 野生动物 year after year年复年
    full of love 充满爱 grow up成长长
    catch fish 捉鱼
    1 —Do you live in the city too 住城市里?
    —No I live in a village far from the city
    2 —Is your village big ()村庄?
    —No It is small but very beautiful 非常美丽
    3 In April and May there are many kinds of flowers around
    4 It sounds very nice 听起非常棒
    5 Lele and his parents live in a village near a lake They have a big house there

    Unit 5 What’s the Weather like Today
    (1) 单词:weather天气 sunny晴朗 windy风
    cloudy云 rainy雨 snowy雪
    moon月亮 star星星
    fine (天气)晴朗 say说
    will愿意 wear穿戴
    (2) 短语:weather report天气预报 see you见
    a light rain场雨 a heavy snow场雪
    look for 寻找
    1 —What’s the weather like today How is the weather today
    —It’s cloudy 天云
    2 We are going to climb the mountains with our teachers
    3 It will be sunny It will be hot 会晴天会热
    4 You’d better wear your coat 穿外套
    Unit 6 My Holiday
    (1) 单词:holiday假日假期 travel旅行 enjoy享受
    large巨 all全部
    wonderful精彩极 slow慢慢
    (2) 短语:place of interest名胜 the Palace Museum宫博物院
    the Great Wall长城 the West Lake西湖
    May Day五国际劳动节 enjoy the visit 享受旅行
    on the holiday 假期 along the way 途
    City Park 城市公园 by air 飞机
    1 —May Day is coming Where will you go on the holiday
    —I will go to Beijing with my parents 父母北京
    2 —What is the Palace Museum like 宫博物院什样?
    —It is large There are many big houses in it
    3 I will enjoy my visit there 会享受旅行
    4 —What will you do this summer 夏天做什?
    —I will travel to Hangzhou 杭州旅行
    5 —How will you go ?
    —I will go by train 坐火车
    6 —Will your parents go with you 父母起?
    —No they won’t
    Unit 7 I Have a Headache
    (1) 单词:headache头痛 cold感 cough咳嗽 fever发烧 toothache牙疼 stomachache胃疼肚子疼
    wrong适 ill生病 bad坏严重
    just仅仅 stay停留保持 call电话
    lesson课程 worry担心担忧 well健康良 rest休息
    (2) 短语:see a doctor医生 have a cough咳嗽
    have a fever发烧 have a headache头痛
    have a toothache牙痛 have a stomachache胃痛
    have a cold 感 stay in bed床
    call the doctor 医生 have a good rest 休息
    1 —What’s wrong with you ?
    —I have a headache 头痛
    —Just stay in bed I will call the doctor
    2 Don’t worry about them I will call your teacher and tell her about it
    3 Hello Miss White This is Helen Colin’s mother
    4 —What’s wrong with him ?
    —He has a headache 头痛
    —I’m sorry to hear that You’d better take him to see a doctor
    5 Please tell him not to worry about his lessons and have a good rest

    Unit 8 Have a Good Habit
    (1) 单词:habit惯 litter扔垃圾 loudly声 full满
    noise噪音 keep保持 quiet安静
    lie谎言说谎 should应该 care关心顾
    so close
    (2) 短语:litter on the floor板扔垃圾
    talk loudly in class课堂声说话
    speak with mouth full嘴里填满东西讲话
    make a noise制造噪音 keep quiet保持安静
    wait in line排队等候 take care of 料顾
    read in bed卧床书
    1 —You shouldn’t tell lies It’s a bad habit
    —I’m sorry I won’t 起会
    2 We shouldn’t do that We’d better keep quiet and we should have a good habit
    3 Don’t read in bed It’s bad for your eyes You’d better read at the desk卧床书眼睛书桌前书





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