



    ( )1 A let B letter C late
    ( )2 A nine B ninety C nineteen
    ( )3 A man B men C ten
    ( )4 A near B hair C here
    ( )5 A seat Bsit C sat
    二 ABC三选项中选出听选项标号填入题前括号题读两遍(题1分5分)
    ( )1 A Are you going to leave middle school in September
    B Are you going to leave primary school in September
    ( )2 A They planned to play a baseball game
    B They will plan to play a baseball game
    ( )3 A Later Helen learnt to read write and speak
    B Later Helen learnt to write and speak
    ( )4 A The apples are falling down the stairs
    B The apples fell down the stairs
    ( )5 A It will be cold and windy in Beijing
    B It will be warm and sunny in Sanya
    三 听容选择正确译文标号填入题前括号题读两遍(题2分10分)
    ( )1A学什? B算学什?
    ( )2A现十点十分 B现十点差十分
    ( )3A蓝色猫? B蓝色猫
    ( )4A写关熊猫书
    ( )5A昨天汤姆生日
    四 听录音填写缺单词题读两遍(题2分20分)
    1 They very little Chinese
    2 You’re a friend forever
    3 I often make lots of mistakes
    Chinese words
    4 My father into space in Shenzhou V
    5 Simon is in the book about animals
    6 He is the suona but the phone rings
    7 Am I going to have a birthday
    8 In the photo the cows are water
    9 Look There are some on the pond
    10 I want a hamburger milk and a cola please
    ( )1 A camera B spaceship C bicycle
    ( )2 A tomato B pear C potato
    ( )3 A thirty B third C twenty
    ( )4 A June B Thursday CSeptember
    ( )5 A thousand B kilometre C million
    ( )6 A spell B seed C enjoy
    ( )7 A flute B baseball C football
    ( )8 A chemistry B butterfly C physics
    ( )9 A laugh B live C dollar
    ( )10 A brought B made C get
    1 Tom (buy) Joy a white cat last week
    2 She often (go) fishing with me in summer
    3 Mary (spend) two hours in the park yesterday
    4 The little dog is (run) under the pear tree
    5 Lingling likes riding (she) bike
    6 Joy (do) his homework on Sundays
    7 Eve (make) a beautiful kite yesterday
    8 Why are you (laugh)
    9 How many (child)
    10It will (be) sunny in Luoyang
    1 going to another in my room Dad is put bed

    2 to the watch games football to Come UK with me

    3 asked him Amy bring caps the games to some for

    4 my father about travel space Now still tells me his

    5 a picnic park have in Are the we going to

    八选择佳答案标号填入题前括号(题2 分10分)
    ( )1 Let’s to the hospital
    A goes B going C go
    ( )2 What Sam learn to do
    A was B did C do
    ( )3 The rabbits eating grass
    A is B like C was
    ( )4 is walking in the park
    A They B Her C He
    ( )5 Daming goes to school half past seven
    A at B on C in
    九开心阅读判断正(T)误(F)(题2 分10分)
    A foolish dog
    A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth When he is walking on a small bridge he looks down and sees himself in the water He thinks it is another dog That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth He says to himselfI want to get his meat then I have got two pieces of meat He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water and his meat falls into water
    ( )1 A dog has a small piece of meat in his mouth
    ( )2 He wants to get two pieces of meat
    ( )3 He finds another dog in the water
    ( )4 The dog is standing on the grass
    ( )5 The dog has no meat at last


    1C 2C 3B 4B 5A
    二1B 2A 3A 4B 5A
    三1B 2A 3B 4B 5A
    四1spoke 2wonderful 3with 4flew 5interested 6playing 7party 8drinking 9ducks 10noodles

    五1A 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7A 8B 9C 10C
    六1bought 2goes 3spent 4running 5her 6does 7made 8laughing 9children 10be
    1 Dad is going to put another bed in my room
    2 Come to UK to watch the football games with me
    3 Amy asked him to bring some caps for the games
    4 Now my father still tells me about his space travel
    5 Are we going to have a picnic in the park
    八1C 2B 3B 4C 5A
    九1F 2T 3T 4F 5T

    1late 2nineteen 3men 4hair 5seat
    二 1Are you going to leave primary school in September
    2 They planned to play a baseball game
    3 Later Helen learnt to read write and speak
    4 The apples fell down the stairs
    5 It will be cold and windy in Beijing
    三 1What is she going to learn
    2 It’s ten ten now
    3 Is that a blue cat
    4 He bought a book about pandas
    5 Yesterday is Tom’s birthday
    四 1 They spoke very little Chinese
    2 You’re a wonderful friend forever
    3 I often make lots of mistakes with
    Chinese words
    4 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V
    5 Simon is interested in the book about animals
    6 He is playing the suona but the phone rings
    7 Am I going to have a birthday party
    8 In the photo the cows are drinking water
    9 Look There are some ducks on the pond
    10 I want a hamburger noodles milk and a cola please





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