
    Each of us has goals (目标) for life Some of these may be longterm (长期) or  41  lifetime ones and other dreams or wishes for more immediate satisfaction
    Just as you  42  great pleasure when you’re trying to  43  shortterm goals there’s also power in having longterm and lifetime goals Both  44  are valuable and serve each other In order to be  45  in achieving a short or longterm wish or goal you must place your focus on the  46  result and train your mind on either a momenttomoment daytoday monthtomonth or yeartoyear level
    For example  47  a farmer is to plow (耕) a straight line he must keep his eye on a faraway point If his attention is  48  just a few feet in front of him he will not plow straight So in order for his field to be plowed straight he must  49  and focus on his longterm goal
    Focusing on a longterm goal can  50  the energy to get things done in the  51 For instance when a runner sets a(n)  52  to run a mile he’ll  53  be tired when he  54  the onemile mark  55  if this same runner sets a goal to run ten miles he probably won’t even be sweating (出汗) upon  56  this same onemile mark If this very same runner was to set a goal to run 26 miles and keep his mind on the completion of this long  57 not only wouldn’t he be sweating but most likely he wouldn’t even be out of breath as he ran by the  58  mark
    Longterm goals  59 can’t be achieved without first achieving  60  goals We may have a goal to climb a ladder (梯子) but we have to take one step at a time in order to reach the top
    41 A even                   B just     C also                         D rather
    42 A understand          B experience         C explain                     D welcome
    43 A set                      B keep    C prevent                    D achieve
    44 A terms                  B dreams       C types                       D thoughts
    45 A successful           B special               C interested                 D different
    46 A important            B certain               C final                         D happy
    47 A if                        B when  C although                   D because
    48 A received              B attracted     C directed                   D paid
    49 A correct               B forget  C believe                    D know
    50 A choose                B influence    C report                      D provide
    51 A dark                   B present       C end                          D future
    52 A date                    B story   C goal                         D example
    53 A probably             B personally   C partly                       D quietly
    54 A remembers          B reaches      C discovers                 D records
    55 A And                    B But     C So                           D Or
    56 A waiting for         B searching for     C preparing                  D passing
    57 A race                    B game    C drive                        D flight
    58 A twentysixmile    B thirteenmile     C tenmile                    D onemile
    59 A however             B besides C instead                 D therefore
    60 A lifetime               B shortterm  C common                  D big
    4145 ABDCA 4650 CACDD     5155 BCABB     5660 DADAB
    There are three important things to be considered when choosing a job
    First you have to  41  that you will probably be doing this job for many years So you need to decide whether it is something you are  42  to do for a long period of time  43  if you don't like children you shouldn't choose a job in  44  But if you love children and are  45  enough to be around them all day long then being a teacher is a good choice
    The second important thing is the  46  of work If you  47  to live in Southern USA you will have to choose a job that is offered there Similarly an icewater fishing job would not be a(n)  48  choice if you don't like cold weather  49  what countries cities or states will you have to travel to Are you able to live in these places without problems such as foods that don't  50  you or any other kind of problem Some jobs require you to  51  so you should take these things into consideration when choosing the right  52 
     53  the advantages you will receive are another important thing to be considered Needless to say any employee (员工) is in need of good  54  And you should be clear about the insurance  (保险) policy of the company you want to  55  This is especially  56 
    All these above things are of great importance  57  you decide to take a new job If they are carefully considered during the  58  period you will probably have a great  59  So it is necessary to  60  your long term happiness based (基) on your job's place and advantages
    41 A remember                  B tell      C doubt                       D regret
    42 A sorry                  B tired           C ready              D afraid
    43 A At first                 B As usual     C In fact            D For example
    44 A singing                 B writing      C acting                      D teaching
    45 A lucky                 B healthy      C patient               D proud
    46 A art                    B level          C place                  D time  
    47 A refuse                       B want         C happen              D fail  
    48 A good                        B natural C easy                   D real  
    49 A Yet                          B Instead      C Later                   D Also
    50 A agree with          B play with       C stay with             D go with
    51 A stay                         B travel        C sit                        D stand
    52 A job                           B person C house                   D word
    53 A Slowly                B Nearly C Finally                D Recently
    54 A advice               B pay    C business                    D education
    55 A create                      B find        C manage                        D join
    56 A important            B difficult    C exciting                  D interesting
    57 A though                B before C unless                          D until
    58 A test                   B success C decision                     D practice
    59 A plan                   B future  C dream                          D joy
    60 A turn to                  B go through  C put off                           D think about 
    4145 ACDDC 4650 CBADA        5155 BACBD         5660 ABCBD
    The wagon train (马车队) had been traveling for weeks now Emily was getting tired — tired of not having a comfortable bed to sleep in or a  41  home She was also  42  because there was never anything fun for a girl her age to do Mama promised it wouldn’t be too much longer  43  the trip seemed to take forever
    Then one day a rabbit caught Emily’s eye Maybe she could  44  it and then she’d have a pet Emily ran after the rabbit into the woods behind the wagons but it  45 Emily looked for it and at last she  46 She turned to go back but  47  looked familiar (熟悉) She started in one direction but it was the wrong  48 Emily tried another direction but soon found that that was  49 too
    Emily was  50 What if she couldn’t  51  the wagons What if they didn’t realize she was  52  and just kept moving farther and farther away from her What if some dangerous animal attacked (攻击) her
    Emily sat on the ground and started to cry but wait did she hear  53 She stood up and ran toward them As she got  54 she recognized Mama’s voice and the voices of some of the men from the  55 Then she could see them Emily ran as  56  as she could right into Mama’s  57  arms
    Mama carried Emily back to their wagon and put her to bed Emily was  58  that she was home  59  was wherever Mama was She’d never  60  about being bored again
    41 A big               B new           C real                       D special
    42 A afraid            B nervous      C lazy                       D bored
    43 A and                     B so              C but                         D or
    44 A dress            B kill             C buy                        D catch
    45 A waited           B arrived      C stopped             D disappeared
    46 A calmed down   B gave up      C set off                     D came in
    47 A everything        B nothing      C something            D anything
    48 A gate               B answer              C way                         D plan
    49 A dangerous         B strange       C impolite             D wrong
    50 A frightened         B excited       C moved               D surprised
    51 A afford              B remember   C mend                D find
    52 A asleep              B busy          C tired                 D missing
    53 A songs                      B shouts            C cheers                       D noises
    54 A farther                    B away          C closer               D inside
    55 A forest                      B train               C station                       D zoo
    56 A safely             B easily         C quickly                      D slowly
    57 A falling                      B welcoming  C crossed                       D broken
    58 A glad                         B sad            C angry                 D proud
    59 A Promise                  B Trip    C Home                         D Love
    60 A hear                        B complain         C care                 D know
     4145 CDCDD 4650 BBCDA      5155 DDBCB          5660 CBACB
    The whole school was talking about the coming trip at a winter camp And everyone was  41  except me
    I'll hate it I told my parents I'll get homesick (想家) I'll look stupid at winter sports and everyone will  42  me
    You might be surprised Bree said Mom The only way to find out is to  43 
    It's what growing up is all about Dad added
    When  44  the camp we were asked to share one  45 
     I'm afraid I'll be homesick someone said
    I wasn't the only one I began to  46  After lunch we were asked to ski (滑雪) down to the field I skied  47  but I still hit a piece of ice and  48 
     Ha Ha Behind me somebody started laughing I  49  to see who was making fun of me
    To my  50  I saw a girl in the same awkward (尴尬) position I was in I thought I'd be bad at this  51  I'm worse than I expected she said
     52  I started laughing too After being so  53  of falling it was a comfort not to fear it anymore
    At dinnertime I was so happy to be talking about interesting things that I  54  to feel homesick
    The next day I was  55  to try ski jumping first even though I didn't want to But when my feet left the ground I felt I was  56  and it was wonderful
    Maybe Dad was right when he said You might  57  it if you give it a chance
    Maybe the kind of   58  Mom and Dad were talking about had more to do with my outlook (态度) than my looks We all  59  fitting in and failing when we try  60 things Sometimes you've got to fall on your face to discover how much you've got in common
    41 A strange                   B excited  C nervous                  D sad
    42 A laugh at            B wait for C speak to             D talk about
    43 A change                   B dream   C try                   D move
    44 A searching for      B arriving at C making up         D returning to
    45 A story             B fact       C purpose              D fear
    46 A relax                      B ask     C eat                       D sleep
    47 A finally                   B interestingly     C carefully                    D quickly
    48 A went out                B fell down    C ran away                    D gave up
    49 A looked back       B stood up     C walked around       D stepped over
    50 A shame             B regret  C pleasure              D surprise
    51 A because            B so             C but                              D or
    52 A Quietly                 B Suddenly    C Unhappily               D Hopefully
    53 A tired                      B afraid    C certain               D proud
    54 A forgot                     B refused C failed                         D stopped
    55 A prepared               B allowed            C protected                D chosen
    56 A learning           B crying   C flying                        D dying
    57 A prevent            B enjoy     C discover             D trust
    58 A growing up          B showing off        C winning back       D working out
    59 A catch up               B point out          C believe in           D worry about
    60 A right               B easy     C new                         D popular
     4145 BACBD 4650 ACBAD        5155 CBBAD        5660 CBADC





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