• 1. Unit 3 Look at me!Part BLet’s learn & Let’s do人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册
    • 2. Warm upRiddles.( )1. I’m yellow. I have a big mouth. ( )2. I’m black and white. I have big eyes. ( )3. I’m brown. I have small eyes and big ears. ( )4. I’m white. I have a big head.CAEBA.B.C.D.E.
    • 3. Do as I say.Blue teamYellow teamGreen teamRed team
    • 4. Lead inWhat’ this? It’s a puppet.This is the …
    • 5. PresentationSarah and Mike are making a puppet. Let’s listen.This is the arm.This is the leg.Let’s learnhandheadbodylegfootarm
    • 6. What do we need to make a puppet?This is the head.your head.Touch
    • 7. What do we need to make a puppet?This is the body.your body.Shake
    • 8. What do we need to make a puppet?This is the arm.your arms.Wave
    • 9. What do we need to make a puppet?This is the hand.your hands.Clap
    • 10. Hand or Head?
    • 11. What do we need to make a puppet?This is the leg.your legs.Shake
    • 12. What do we need to make a puppet?This is the foot.your foot.Stamp
    • 13. legarmhandbodyfootfeetThis is the …
    • 14. PracticemouthfacearmlegsnosefootearhandheadbodyfeetlegPlay a game “我指你说”eye
    • 15. Play a game “我指你说”
    • 16. headPlay a game “我说你指”
    • 17. Let’s doWatch the video and follow.点击画面 播放视频
    • 18. Stamp your foot. Shake your body.Shake your legs. Wave your arms.Clap your hands.Touch your head.Listen to the tape, read and then do the actions.
    • 19. Pair work两人一组,一名同学发出指令,另一名同学快速做出动作。
    • 20. Group work小组内一名同学发出指令,其他同学快速做出动作。做错的同学被淘汰。坚持到最后的一名同学是获胜者。
    • 21. Class work全班进行比赛,由一名同学发出指令。全班同学快速做出动作。出错的同学将被淘汰,坚持到最后的同学是获胜者。
    • 22. Draw a puppet then introduce it.This is my puppet. This is the …
    • 23. Exercises( ) 1. A. hand B. head C. arm ( ) 2. A. foot B. feet C. leg ( ) 3. A. head B. arm C. leg ( ) 4. A. head B. leg C. body A一、看图片,选出正确的单词。ABC
    • 24. 1.Clap your hands. 2.wave your arms. 3.Shake you body. 4.Touch your head. 5.Stamp your foot.( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )43152二、读句子, 写序号。
    • 25. 1. 学习了下列单词:head, body, hand, arm, leg, foot。 2.学习了介绍身体部位的句型: This is the … 3.学习了指令:Clap your hands. Touch your head. Wave your arms. Shake your legs. Stamp your foot.Summary
    • 26. 七彩课堂 伴你成长Homework听录音跟读Let’s learn 和Let’s do。做一个木偶,并介绍给你的家人。onetwo
