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这两种开头选合适的一个,写完之后,在后面加一句 To better illustrate my point of view, I list several reasons as follows. 6.2 中间段落 支持段落1:First

2015-07-19    443    0


in this area?●_______B.It’s rainy. ★What’s your view on our questionnaire?●________C.First of all.We’d

2024-08-23    108    0


majority of people say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently. [2]. When it comes to .... ,

2012-09-06    708    0


that……(我趋向于同意……)否定:Personally, however, I disagree upon this view for some obvious reasons:( 但是,我不同意是由于以下几个明显的原因。)

2012-05-02    435    0


because they are considered unnecessary/useless. In my view, however, English literature 4. English and 5. a

2022-12-03    169    0


people with irreplaceable experiences,points of view,and knowledge to contribute. [答案]viewed [题目]The

2024-05-18    427    0

 高二上学期英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit 4 Journey across a vast land 重点短语句式作文

there, we were greatly impressed by its beautiful view. All kinds of butterflies were flying freely in

2023-02-19    265    0


His watch only registered 1.30.  看看表才指到1点半。 16. To view or exhibit in advance.  预看预先观看或展览 17. May I look

2021-03-17    488    0


what you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. on this day i honour you sincerely.   亲爱的老师,向您

2014-12-10    875    0


After the Jiaying Gate the sixth row comes into view-Tower of Imperial Study. Which is the storehouse

2014-10-27    561    0

 译林版(2020)选择性必修第一册:Unit 1 Food matters Revision单元复习题(无答案)

of Tower 88, the restaurant gives you an amazing view of the bay. 21. Since it takes about an hour ________

2023-02-09    463    0


independent   thinking and action, however they should view serving the society as their   ullimate goal in

2018-09-03    468    0


music teaching such courses. however, since the view that the inexperienced, lack of practical experience

2015-10-08    792    0


statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3.An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills

2021-04-01    2405    0


(无意地) placed behind the screen,which was out of our view. When life throws id some troubles like this,it

2023-11-24    1237    0


shows people’s identification with this point of view.   wealthy men also have a lot of worries: afraid

2018-03-02    476    0

 英语专业毕业论文: 任务型教学法

Zhang Shubo. (2004). A lesson Analysis from the View of The task-Based Approach. 3.        (Go for it

2013-05-15    11271    0


transportation 2 class of students ,i am of the view that work is also a practice.,at the metropolitan

2015-12-14    884    0

 四六级作文常见结构 作文怎么写能出彩

空间的线索去发挥了。 在这里我们举几个比较难的例子,先谈谈涉及自己(整体——个体)的情形:My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements 1

2013-01-26    586    0

 The Great Philosophy

honors depend upon heaven”. I also agree with this view. Some people hold this opinion, think this idea

2019-05-09    678    0
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