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1.To know how to make reservations and what to reserve before travelling.2.To practise the tip of listening—listening for the key words.3.To know the formal and polite patterns and expressions in making a reservation.4.To role-play a phone call to make reservations with a partner.

2021-03-25    864    0


1.Get the gist of the text and identify the type and language features of the text.2.Analyse the sample and summarise the key elements in writing a summary.3.Write a summary of the passage“THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP”.

2021-03-25    781    0


1.Learn about the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake.2.Identify the language features of literary journalism and the structures of the text.3.Appreciate the figures of speech and writing skills used in the text.4.Grasp and use some words and phrases to describe a natural disaster.课堂探究

2021-03-25    1202    0


Unit 5 Languages around the world U5P2学案设计一 学习目标 1.To get familiar with the development history of the

2021-03-25    1001    0


1.Have a good understanding of the basic sentence structures and basic components of a sentence.2.Identify the basic sentence structures—SV;SVO;SP;SV IO DO;SVOC;SVA;SVOA;There be...3.Master and use the basic sentence structures flexibly.

2021-03-25    1027    0


学习目标1.To know how to get ready for a travel.2.To grasp the tip of listening—listening to the key words.3.To talk about the plans using “be doing”.4.To know how to prepare for a travel.

2021-03-25    1130    0


1.Explore different kinds of English and understand the diversity of English.2.Figure out the main facts and summarise the main ideas when listening.3.Master effective communication strategies and methods of communicating in English.

2021-03-25    676    0


1.Identify restrictive relative clauses and explore the structures and the pragmatic function of restrictive relative clauses.2.Sum up the usage of relative pronouns.3.Use restrictive relative clauses to describe pictures of disasters.

2021-03-25    1800    0


1.Haveagoodunderstandingofthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbssuchaswhen,where,whyinattributiveclauses;understandthestructurein/on/atwhichinattributiveclausesisequivalenttowhere/when.  2.Masterthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbsofattributiveclausesintherealsituationthroughself-studyandpractice.3.Describefavouritethingsusingtheproperrelativeadverbsofattributiveclauses.

2021-03-25    785    0


第八课 我们享有“上帝”的权利 导学案 学习目标: 1、增强保护自身合法权利的积极性和主动性,树立诚信的道德观,提高对自觉履行义务的重要性的认识,自觉做一个文明的消费者。 2、学会自主地发现问题、分

2019-01-11    866    0


1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as reason,unique,otherthan,besides,contact etc;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study & cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in class with passion.课堂探究1.【教材原句】It isfor this reasonthat Spanish is the main official language of Peru. 正因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁主要的官方语言。【句型】这是一个强调句。强调句的结构为“               ”。 【词块】for this reason

2021-03-25    1385    0


1.Figure out the main structures of the passage by analysing the main idea of each part.2.Identify the useful patterns and expressions about the topic from the reading text.3.Describe the challenges and solutions by using the related vocabulary.

2021-03-25    1111    0


1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as anxious,impress,concentrate,confident,whatif,find+O.+O.C.etc;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study &cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in the class with passion.

2021-03-25    1012    0


1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as ruin,shock,trap,bury,effort,asif,etc.;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study &cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself in English and participate in class with passion.

2021-03-25    843    0


7B Unit 7 Abilities (第3课时) Grammar 问题导学单 【教学目标】 教学目标 a.掌握重点单词 smoke, camera, X-ray. b.掌握重点词组by the way

2021-04-24    478    0

 外研版英语七年级下Module 3 Making plans Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players.学案(1课时无答案)

While-reading:Task 1: 见课本P16 ①Task 2: 见课本P16 ②Task 3: Read Passage A carefully and answer the questions below.1. What is he looking forward to tomorrow?2. What is he going to do?Read Pass

2023-03-22    357    0


人教版地理七年级下册 8.4《澳大利亚》课时练习 一、选择题 1.下列动物属于澳大利亚独有的一组是( ) A.大食蚁兽、巨嘴鸟 B.斑马、长颈鹿 C.大象、金丝猴 D.袋鼠、鸸鹋 2.澳大利亚国徽上的两种动物是(

2021-04-08    573    0


华东师大版数学七年级上册2.10 《有理数的除法》课时练习 一、选择题 1.计算:﹣15÷(﹣5)结果正确的是(   ) A.75 B.﹣75 C.3 D.﹣3 2.算式(- )÷(  )=- 2中的括号内应填(  )

2021-07-05    279    0

 人教版七年级数学上册课时同步练习卷:2.2 整式的加减

2.计算:(2x﹣3y)﹣(5x﹣4y)=   . 3.有这么一个数字游戏: 第一步:取一个自然数n1=5,计算n12+1得a1; 第二步:算出a1的各位数字之和,得n2 , 计算n22+1得a2; 第三步:算出a2的各位数字之和,得n3

2019-07-31    1141    0


部编版七年级下册道德与法治4.1青春的情绪课时练习 一、 选择题 1、人的情绪是多种多样的,其中最常见的情绪有四种,即( ) A.酸甜苦辣 B.喜忧参半 C.喜怒哀乐 D.喜怒哀惧 2.在现实生活中

2023-02-16    270    0
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