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The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans on mobile andlandline phone services from 2001 to 2010.It is clear that spending on landline phones fell steadily over the 10-year period,while mobile phone expenditure rose quickly. The year 2006 marks the point atwhich expenditure on mobile services overtook that for residential phone services.In 2001, US consumers spent an average of nearly $700 on residential phone services,compared to only around $200 on cell phone services. Over the following five years,average yearly spending on landlines dropped by nearly $200. By contrast,expenditure on mobiles rose by approximately $300.

2019-05-24    1996    0


DCCI Data Center of China Internet 2016年中国90后人群移动购物 研究报告 研究定义:  90后人群:报告中未做特殊说明的90后人群是指出生亍 1990年以后(包括1990年),年龄在26岁以下的人群。

2019-02-21    927    0


整数(整除)性问题 解决整数(整除)性问题,一般将所求参数求出,尽量出现分式、根式等形式,再根据整数性质加以 研究、求解. 类型一 根式型 典例 1. 已知数列 是等差数列, ,数列 是等比数列, .

2020-03-15    2046    0


子数列问题 中学研究的特殊数列只有等差数列与等比数列,一个是线性数列,一个是类指数数列,但数列性质却 远远不止这些,因此新数列的考查方向是多样的、不定的,不仅可考查函数性质,而且常对整数的性质进 行考查

2020-03-15    2486    0


医疗报销能否计入在内?(4)ƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺ 11.如何看待 2014、2015 年脱贫户的识别问题? (5)ƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺƺ 二、精准帮扶 12.村组干部可否担任帮扶责任人?(5)ƺƺƺ

2019-03-08    2782    0


后,我收到了成堆的读者邮件,都是关于书中我制定的锻炼方法不同侧面的问题。通常我需要 针对同一个问题一遍一遍地重复回复不同的读者。而在绝大多数情况下,我手把手教出来的徒 弟是不会问我这些问题的。那么事情就很明显了

2019-01-10    3107    0


 Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient Low Quiescent Current: 1.5uA at 6V Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2%Applications Battery-powered equipment Reference voltage sources Cameras,video cameras Portable AV systems Mobile phones Portable games

2019-03-26    1427    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 18V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89 ,SOT23-3and SOT23 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    1344    0


Features Low voltage drop: 0.17V@100mA High input voltage: 15V Low temperature coefficient Large Output Current: >0.35A Low Quiescent Current: 1.0uA Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Built-in current limiter SOT89 and SOT23-3 package

2019-03-26    1717    0


.1673 -5013 .2012 .04 .017 柱 凝胶 法交 叉配 血不 合原 因分 析 宋雪珍1   宋雪梅2   孙凌云1   任宁1   宋旗悦2 1(威海市立医院输血科 ,山东威海

2018-12-03    2105    0


Features Low power consumption:25uA (Typ.) Low voltage drop:0.2V@100mA(Typ.) Low output noise(27uVRMS) Standby Mode: 0.1uA Low temperature coefficient Output Voltage Range: 0.9V~5V Good line Regulation:0.05%/V High Ripple Rejection: 70dB@1kHz(Typ.) High input voltage (up to 7V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Build-in Enable/Output Current Limit circuit

2019-03-26    1549    0


Features Low power consumption Low temperature coefficient Built-in hysteresis characteristic High input voltage (up to 15V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89 SOT23-3 and SOT23 package

2019-03-26    1803    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 18V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89, SOT23-3 and SOT23 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    1497    0


Features Low power consumption Low temperature coefficient Built-in hysteresis characteristic High input voltage (up to 10V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±1% or ±2% TO92, SOT89, SOT23-3 ,SOT23 and SOT23-5package

2019-03-26    1841    0


Features 2V to 24V Input Voltage Up to 28V Output Voltage Integrated 80mΩ Power MOSFET 1.2MHz Fixed Switching Frequency Internal 4A Switch Current Limit Internal Compensation Thermal Shutdown Output Adjustable from 0.6V Available in a 6-pin SOT-23 package

2019-03-26    1621    0



2019-10-10    4415    0


Features Low voltage drop: 0.17V@100mA High input voltage: 15V Low temperature coefficient Large Output Current: >0.5A Low Quiescent Current: 1.0uA Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Built-in current limiter SOT89,SOT89-5,SOT23-3 and SOT23-5packagesApplications Battery-powered equipment Hand-Hold Equipment GRS Receivers Wireless LAN

2019-03-26    1539    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 32V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92 and SOT89 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    1116    0


Features Quiescent Current: 4.2uA@12V PSRR:60dB@100Hz Voltage drop:600mV@100mA ESD HBM:8KV High input voltage (up to 40V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Output current:100mA(Typ.) TO92 and SOT89 package

2019-03-26    1267    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient Low Quiescent Current: 5uA at 6V Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2%Applications Battery-powered equipment Reference voltage sources Cameras,video cameras Portable AV systems Mobile phones Portable games

2019-03-26    1190    0
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