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PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Research engineersSECONDARY AUDIENCE: Plant, corporate, and design engineersKEY RESEARCH QUESTIONThere is limited information in the open literature regarding the fabrication and performance of dissimilar metalwelds (DMWs) between 9%Cr creep-strength-enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel and austenitic stainless steelcomponents. Furthermore, the results from the available studies have not established the factors thatcontribute to the fusion line cracking reported for some in-service failures. This report provides examples ofindustry failures in several end-use components and links them to the key contributions from design,operation, fabrication, and metallurgy of DMWs.RESEARCH OVERVIEWThis report provides important guidelines regarding the design, fabrication, and construction of DMWsbetween 9%Cr CSEF steel and austenitic stainless steel components that are designed to transport or collectsteam. This report does not address details specific to the following: overlay welding, such as for corrosionresistance; repair welding, such as might be addressed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) Post Construction Code or the National Board Inspection Code; prescriptive guidance, including howto use particular welding processes; or qualification guidelines addressed by the ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Code, Section IX. Numerous practical considerations exist regarding the specification and fabricationof DMWs, and it is not possible to address all potential concerns regarding this type of connection in thisreport. Instead, this report provides basic guidelines that are important to the goal of promoting “better”practice and providing equipment owners and operators with information to consider regarding additionalrequirements that are relevant to purchasing specifications. Specific factors that affect performance in thecontext of design, fabrication, operation, and metallurgical risk are addressed.KEY FINDINGSThe summary of recommendations in this report provides a concise set of guidelines regarding key aspectsof DMW construction, including restrictions on the end-use application, weld joint geometry, welding process,post-weld heat treatment, transition pieces, operation, and special considerations.WHY THIS MATTERSEvery steam-raising power boiler in a power generating plant is made with a range of different steels. Thepressure boundary joints necessitate welding of the steels. Despite the number of joints that exist, there hasnot been an extensive evaluation of fabrication factors that affect performance in cross-weld creep for DMWsconstructed between 9%Cr CSEF steel and austenitic stainless steel components. This report provides insightinto the factors that contribute to performance with respect to when a weldment fails and how it fails (that is,damage tolerance).9842144EX

2019-02-24    3708    0


资源(国际)„2019‟3 号 关于进一步规范专项奖励的实施意见 (试行) 各子公司: 根据集团公司关于专项奖励的指导意见,为进一步规范公司 内部分配秩序,强化薪酬分配的绩效导向,加大激励资源的投入

2020-04-03    2289    0


东 化 工 第 44 卷 总第 351 期 www.gdchem.com · 165 · 高锰酸钾复合药剂处理废水的研究 王锐刚,丁嘉珺,杨春 (山西大学 环境工程系,山西 太原 030013) [摘

2018-11-05    2004    0


ICS 号 中国标准文献分类号 团 体 标 准 T/UPSC xxxx - xxxx 小城镇空间特色造指南 Small Town Spatial Characteristic Guideline (征求意见稿)

2019-10-28    2250    0

 DB/T 29-111-2019 埋地质管道阴极保护技术规程

天津市工程建设标准 埋地质管道阴极保护技术规程 Technical specification of cathodic protection for underground steel pipeline

2019-05-24    2071    0


22前言 一、什么是成套支撑? 成套支撑就是剪力墙柱和顶板主次楞全部使用定型方通,锁具使用 定型锁具。 主楞 主楞次楞 次楞Content 二 总结 目 录 一 施工准备 成套支撑安装指引 三 标准层安装Part

2019-07-09    1805    0

 2019 年度述责述廉报告

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2020-08-10    3061    0

 笔《写字》 第 1 课 备课

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2019-08-30    2208    0


P66 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 国 家 标 准 GB/T31439.1—2015 波形梁护栏 第1部分:两波形梁护栏 Corrugatedsheetsteelbeamsforroadguardrail

2019-07-03    3062    0


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2020-04-30    16794    0


- 1 - 北京市总工会办公室文件 京工办发„2019‟13 号 ★ 关于做好 2019 年职工疗休养工作的通知 各区总工会,北京经济技术开发区总工会,各产业工会,各局工 会,各集团、公司工会,各高等院校工会,各直属基层工会:

2019-04-12    5165    1


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2019-01-24    2802    0


更多资料下载欢迎关注江城小升初微信公众号:whxsc027 欢迎加入武汉 2019 小升初江汉群:260933438 江汉区学区教学质量调研测试试卷 六年级数学 一、选择题 1.六(1)班有 50 人,昨天实到

2019-01-24    4179    0


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2019-02-14    4439    0

 DB/T 29-135-2018 天津市脲醛发泡保温夹心复合墙技术规程

DB/T 29-135-2018 备案号 J10540-2018 天津市脲醛发泡保温夹心复合墙 技术规程 Technical specification for thermal insulation cavity

2019-05-24    1623    0


Jul.2017    犱狅犻:10.11830/ISSN.10005013.201704004      复合型高锰酸钾缓释体原位修复 土壤中三氯乙烯的中试实验 刘春骁1,2,李云琴3,周真明1,2,李飞1,2,邹景1,2,苑宝玲1,2

2018-11-05    1219    0

 《国际财务报告准则使用指南(2019版)》英文版《IFRS in your pocket 2019

IFRS in your pocket 2019Abbreviations 1 Foreword 2 Our IAS Plus website 3 IFRS Standards around the world

2019-05-23    6662    0



2019-01-04    3696    0


物业管理服务工作调研报告   一、基本情况   我市物业服务工作从 xx 年左右开始起步,经过十多年的摸 索,从无到有,从小到大,呈现出良好的发展势头,物业服务 的整体水平有了较大提高,对优化人居环境,提升城市形象,

2020-03-07    3766    0


管脚手架扣件》 GB15831-95 国家技术监督局 1995-12-14 批准 1996-08-01 实施 本标准参照采用国际标准 ISO 4054—1980《管脚手架、对接销和底板要求及检验程序》。

2019-04-11    1105    0
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