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The more people you know, ___________ knowledge you get. 参考答案: the moreGood friends means sharing happiness but also sadness ____ each other. : of ; with ; by参考答案:with Hardly had the train arrived at the destination when the passengers ________ out in no time. : flew ; dropped ; flooded 参考答案:flooded

2021-01-09    1888    2


become convenient and affordable.{A; B; C} A. 在家和出的旅游现在已经变得方便和负担得起。 B. 家里的和国外的旅游现在已经变得方便和负担得起。 C. 现在国内和国外的旅行已变得方便和负担得起。

2021-01-09    1413    1


Ok, I'll fix your computer right now. –Oh, take your time. __________ : I can't stand it. ; I'm in no hurry. ; That's a great idea. 参考答案:I'm in no hurry. Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer – : What for ; What is it ; How is it 参考答案:What for He asked his neighbor to ________his house. : keep an eye on ; keep their eyes on ; keep theireyes open 参考答案:keep an eye on

2021-01-09    1705    1


We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ________cost. : low ; lowest ; lower 参考答案:lower _________we've no money, we can't buy it. : Since ; Because of ; Therefore 参考答案:Since Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them _________, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered. : thinking ; think a lot ; to think 参考答案:thinking

2021-01-09    2155    1


Did you enjoy your college life– ______: Yes, it was rich and colorful.; No, it is interesting.; I like my college very much.标准答案:Yes, it was rich and colorful.The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day.– I have chosen the online program at OU.: Because; Now that; That is the reason why标准答案:That is the reason why

2021-01-09    1996    0


Is your grandmother getting well now- .: Yes, she is much better now.; She gets up early.; She feels comfortable.标准答案:Yes, she is much better now.Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother- .: She is not retired.; She hurt her leg.; She got a new house.标准答案:She hurt her leg.Do you mind if I record your lecture- .: No, you'd better not.; No,not at all.; Never mind.标准答案:No,not at all.

2021-01-09    1320    0


You'd better ________ to hospital at once.: go; to; going标准答案:goShe said she __________ lost a pen.: have; has; had标准答案:hadHe is worth ____________.: trust; trusted; trusting标准答案:trusting

2021-01-09    1468    0


《理工英语2》形考任务单元自测6答案 题目1: A may act as a cause of these illnesses. A、Stress B、Relaxation C、Happiness

2022-07-29    999    0


《人文英语1》形考任务单元自测8答案 题目1:一 C - It's dark brown. A、How about his weight? B、ls he a tall guy? C、What color

2022-08-03    6957    0


《人文英语1》形考任务单元自测3答案 题目1: A recent report stated that the number of panish speakers in the U.S .would

2022-08-03    1484    0


电大本科《管理英语3》在线形考 单元自测6 试题及答案 说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。 一、选择填空 ―_____________

2023-06-08    2440    0


《理工英语2》形考任务单元自测2答案 题目1:- What do you think of your new teacher? --- C A、He came to teach us last week

2022-07-29    1175    0


《人文英语1》形考任务单元自测2答案 题目1:- Are you a member of the ? - I'm her brother A、house B、household C、home 题目2:-

2022-08-03    1645    0


电大本科《管理英语3》在线形考 单元自测7 试题及答案 说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。 一、选择填空 ―How is everything

2023-06-08    1442    0


电大本科《管理英语3》在线形考 单元自测2 试题及答案 说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。 一、选择填空 ―_________father

2023-06-08    715    0


《人文英语2》形考任务单元自测1答案 一、选择填空 题目1、- Hi! How are you doing? C A、That's all right B、How are you doing? C、l'm

2022-08-03    1324    0


电大本科《管理英语3》在线形考 单元自测5 试题及答案 说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。 一、选择填空 _________is known

2023-06-08    2162    0


《理工英语2》形考任务单元自测7答案 题目1:Ihave no doubt B she will come. A、Which B、that C、what 题目2: A she comes or not

2022-07-29    874    0


04019管理英语3任务1 1:- ______________________________ - No, sorry, I didn't know the rule about punching

2023-06-01    645    1


《人文英语2》形考任务单元自测8答案 题目为随机, 用查找功能(Ctrl+F) 搜索题目 题目1 : Juvenile delinquency __B__criminal acts committed

2022-08-03    1015    0
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