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 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 五 Module 2 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 用 although/but/however/while 填空1. John is more hard-working than his sister, ________ he failed in theexam.2. ____________ he is an experienced dancer, he still needs a lot ofluck in performing.3. There is not much time left. ____________ , we must get there ontime anyway.4. She went out, ____________ I stayed at home.5. She was tired, ____________ she still went on working.6. You will be lucky if you can go into the exhibition for a visit without aticket. ____________ , this does not always happen.7. You like playing tennis, ____________ I like reading.

2019-10-31    1976    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 十一 Module 4 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

__________ it on his own feet. 3 9. Fred 没有钱, 所以他决定找一份工作。 Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided ________________

2019-10-31    2068    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 十七 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 单句改错1. People often talk about Hangzhou, that is famous for the West Lake.2. He reached London in 1996, when, some time later, he became afamous actor.3. I have never been to Dalian, where is said to be an attractive city.4. The sun gives off light and warmth, who makes it possible for plants togrow.5. In an open boat, there were four men, one of who was a doctor.

2019-10-31    2482    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 十五 Module 4 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 阅读理解Most of the sandstorms that had swept China last year came fromforeign land, a Chinese official in charge of desertification control said onMonday. And the invasions( 入 侵 )could partly explain the frequentsandstorms in the country in recent years despite its achievementsin desertification control.

2019-10-31    2186    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 二 Module 1 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 单句改错1. Either my teacher or my classmates is coming. ( )2. The boy, as well as his sisters, want to go there. ( )3. What he chiefly wished for were a chance to go to university.( )4. Each of these books cost five yuan. ( )5. Five minutes aren’t enough to finish this test. ( )6. The number of the unemployed are still increasing. ( )7. A steel works have just been built there. ( )8. His family is waiting for him. ( )9. Every possible means have been used to work out the problem.( )

2019-10-31    1722    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 七 Module 2 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 阅读理解In most developed countries the government providesfree education for children because it realizes that educatedcitizens are useful to the country in their later life. Mostcountries also have private education. This means that parents can payto send their children to certain schools. People who agree with thissystem say that it gives parents a larger choice of schools. Other peoplethink that private schools give the children who go to them an unfairadvantage over other children.

2019-10-31    2072    0


- 1 - 在新提拔任职干部任前集体谈话会上的讲话 今天,县委决定召开新提拔任职干部集体谈话会,主要目的 是在任职前,对大家履行职责、廉洁从政提出明确要求。刚才, *部长宣读了县委的任职决定,*书记从增强党性修养、严守党的

2020-10-09    4834    1


学习习近平 总书记系列 重要讲话 坚持和发展中国 特色社会主义 总体论述 中国特色社会主义是中国共产党和中国人民团结的旗帜、奋进的旗帜、胜利的旗帜 要把坚持和发展中国特色社会主义作为学习、贯彻党的十八大精神的聚焦点、着力点、落脚点

2020-03-06    3532    0


在纪检组进驻见面会上的讲话 刚才,市纪委常委 XX 同志传达了市委、市纪委关于这次派 驻工作的指示精神;派驻我局的 XX 组长作了自我介绍;下面我 代表X 局党组作了表态发言。 一是提高认识,在提高政治站位中坚决贯彻纪委派驻工作部

2020-03-01    4128    0


礼仪应景类讲话怎么写 各位笔友,精品解析栏目又跟大家见面了。这次课,我们继 续上次的方向,重点与大家聊聊礼仪应景类讲话的特点及写法。 说起讲话,可能咱们平时用得比较多的是部署性、强调性、 提要求性的讲

2019-07-13    2235    0


会议是领导者实施领导的重要手段,领导讲话 又是会议的核心内容,是体现领导思想观点、决策 意图和工作部署等的重要载体。领导讲话各有各的 风格。虽然领导特别是主要领导的讲话代表班子集 体的意见,有的重要讲话还经过了班子集体研究,

2018-09-25    2726    0


一 根据省委组织部干部挂职锻炼工作安排,在各级组织的 关心关怀下,我有幸于 201X 年 X 月至 201X 年 X 月被选派到 省 X 挂职任教育处副处长。在挂职锻炼期间,我牢记组织的 嘱托,常怀感

2019-05-13    3333    0


.......................................3 企业工会民主建会工作常用文书参考文本式样.......................................

2020-03-02    2833    0


八年级英语上册作文范文 一、关于旅行需注明:时间、地点、人物、天气、事件、食物、感受。 My Vacation To Beijing Last summer I went to Beijing on vacation

2019-04-12    4521    0


考官Simon雅思大作文范文 (28篇)目录 1. 政府是否该支持本土电影 ..............................................................

2019-05-24    3211    0


1 “行为”与“位置”材料作为题目及范文 一、作文题目 阅读下面的材料,根据自己的感悟和联想,写一篇不少于 800 字的文章。 有人在飞机上发现这样一个现象:同样是 30 岁到 45 岁年纪的旅客,头等舱的旅客往往是在看书,公

2020-07-02    2188    0


教育事业奋斗终身”是我们教育工作者的最高精神境界。忠诚于人民 的教育事业,看成是教师的最高美德。干一行,爱一行,工作勤勤恳 恳、兢兢业业,严于律己,宽以待人,服从领导,不打折扣,认真、 圆满完成各项工作任务。 没有爱就没有教育

2020-08-28    2258    0


The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans on mobile andlandline phone services from 2001 to 2010.It is clear that spending on landline phones fell steadily over the 10-year period,while mobile phone expenditure rose quickly. The year 2006 marks the point atwhich expenditure on mobile services overtook that for residential phone services.In 2001, US consumers spent an average of nearly $700 on residential phone services,compared to only around $200 on cell phone services. Over the following five years,average yearly spending on landlines dropped by nearly $200. By contrast,expenditure on mobiles rose by approximately $300.

2019-05-24    1995    0


制定合理调查策略 提升办案工作质效 ——在全市纪检监察系统业务培训会上的辅导授课 同志们, 要做好案件的调查工作,必须讲究案件的调查策略,要查明案 件事实真相,也需要使用调查策略。这是因为案件调查存在着阻力,

2020-08-28    1659    0


企业优化纳税风险管理的几个必备工作 涉税信息通畅,是提高企业税收风险管理的通道 财务人员面对的是什么? 财务人员处理的是什么? 财务人员提供的是什么?国地税合并带来监管变化的应对 企业优化纳税风险管理的几个必备工作 1、业务识别准确,是化解企业纳税风险的基本功

2019-07-13    2473    0
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