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1. 借脑 借力 借爱——唤醒家长新时代家庭教育观三步曲 衢江区第一小学 包慧娟 2. 由“虎妈猫爸”说开来…… 3. 镜头一: 4. 镜头二: 5. 镜头三: 6. 镜头三:呵呵,冰淇淋能能充饥吗?

2018-06-10    2118    0

 四年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 Shopping part B |人教(PEP)

Today is Mei Yangyang’s birthday .I want to buy a new dress for my birthday party.

2019-06-17    1545    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 1《Myself》(Lesson 1)优质课课件

My name is Miss Huang. I’m your new teacher. I’m twenty-nine years old. I want to be your friend.

2019-08-07    1366    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 3《Food》(Lesson 2)优质课课件

Where are they?They’re in the supermarket.What food do you see?

2019-08-07    1449    0

 四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the farm part B |人教

What’s this?It’s a horseforkshort

2019-06-17    1472    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 5《Clothes》(Lesson 1)优质课课件

Which class are you in?What’s the matter?What do you want for dinner?

2019-08-07    1284    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 6《Birthdays》(Lesson 2)优质课课件

Who are they?They’re Lily and Binbin.What are they doing?They’re drawing.What are they talking about?

2019-08-07    1126    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 4《Pets》(Lesson 2)优质课课件

Lily: Wow! What a pretty dog!Binbin: Thank you. Do you have a dog?Lily: No, but I have a rabbitBinbin: What does it look like?Lily: It’s white. It has long ears and red eyes.

2019-08-07    1289    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 5《Clothes》(Lesson 2)优质课课件

Ann: Mum, what should I wear today?Mum: Well, it’s cold and snowy outside. You should wear your sweater and coat. Wear your cap and gloves, too.

2019-08-07    1426    0

 【人教版】(新起点)三年级上英语Unit 1《Myself》(Lesson 2)优质课课件

Guess: What are they talking about?Who’s he?He’s Bill.Who’s she?She’s Sue.

2019-08-07    1384    0

 五年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《What’s your hobby》 ppt

Sing, sing, I like singing.Dance, dance, I like dancingRun, run, I like running.Swim, swim, I like swimming.What’s your hobby?I like_____ . _____ is my hobby.

2018-11-28    2821    0

 四年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Weather Part A |人教

What’s inside the box?Be careful, be careful, the ice-cream is cold____ careful, be careful, the soup is hot____ careful, be careful, the hamburger is hot,too.Let’s learn to care about others.学会关心别人

2019-06-17    1421    0

 外研 英语必修1Module 1Revision of the present tense 课件(共33张PPT)

1. Which verbs are in the present simple tense? A. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from BJ. B. We’re using a new textbook. C. The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. D. I’m writing down my thoughts about it.

2019-09-05    1374    0

 六年级下册英语课件- Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming 冀教版ppt

1. What season is it?2. What’s the weather like in different seasons?3. What happens to trees in different seasons?

2019-05-24    1882    0

 三年级下英语课件-Unit 1 Welcome back to school-人教(PEP)

This is Amy. She’s a girlThis is Mike. He’s a boy.

2019-04-11    1325    0


1. 小学生常见传染病预防宣传 XX小学 2.  流行性感冒 水痘 风疹 流行性腮腺炎 手足口病 疱疹性咽峡炎 肠道传染病 常见传染病 3. 流行性感冒传播途径主要症状易感人群预防措施 流行性感冒简称

2020-03-04    1224    0

 PEP 人教版三年级上英语《Unit 3 Look at me!Part A》 第二课时优质课课件

Summary 31. 七彩课堂 伴你成长Homework完成同步练习。画一张父母脸部五官图,标上英语名称。onetwo

2020-08-19    1281    0


1. XX小学传染病防控知识培训主讲人: 2019年3月1日 2. 概述 冬春季传染病高发原因: ①节令变化,气温早晚温差大,气候干燥,室内外骤变的温差,使呼吸道粘膜在大量冷空气刺激后防御机能降低;

2019-03-18    2035    0


1. 中小学校园安全教育 主题班会 2. 校园是安全的避风港吗?【真实案例】2012年 11月15日晚6时45分左右,江苏宿迁市宿豫实验初中的两名学生从教学楼坠落身亡。   死亡的两名学生一个15岁、

2020-04-15    1803    0

 三年级下册语文课件-池上 教版(共21张PPT)


2019-07-12    1020    0
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