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 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 十七 Module 5 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读

called Confucianism. 【语篇概述】本文属于人物传记类文章, 主要介绍了孔子的儒家 想对哲学、政治、教育的影响。 1. The passage mainly discusses   

2019-10-31    1204    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 五 Module 2 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读

【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的描述, 肥皂剧中的中 上层阶级的观念——少生孩子、妇女参加工作等, 使巴西人慢慢地改 变自己的家庭观念和生活模式。 3. What is Martine’s conclusion

2019-10-31    1253    0

 人教版数学五年级上册第11(二单元2时)用数对确定位置(二) 同步习题 (含答案)

一、填空题1.想一想,填一填。(1)小红和小军在同一个教室上课,小红的座位在第二列,第四行,简记为(2,4);小军的位置简记为(3,5),则小军在该教室的位置是第( )列,第( )行。(2)电影票上的“4 排 9 号”,记做(9,4),则 7 排 11 号记做( )。(3)学校组织看电影,小刚在 8 排 3 号,许明在 7 排 3 号,秦月在 9 排 3 号,小文在 8 排1 号。 则小刚的前面是( ),后面是( )。[来源:Zxxk.Com]2、( )叫列,( )叫行,确定第几列从( )往( )数,确定第几行从( )往( )数。3、刘强在教室里的位置用数对表示是(4,1),表示坐在第 4 列、第 1 行的位置;王兵在教室里的位置用数对表示是(2,7),表示坐在第( )列、第( )行的位置。

2019-10-04    1834    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 九 Module 3 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读

Natalie Doan, 14, has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway, NewYork. Living just a few blocks from the beach, Natalie can see the oceanand hear the waves from her house. “It’s the ocean that makesRockaway so special, ”she says.On October 29, 2012, that ocean turned fierce. That night,Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast, and Rockaway was hitespecially hard. Fortunately, Natalie’s family escaped to Brooklyn shortlybefore the city’s bridges closed.

2019-11-01    1614    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十四 Module 6 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解

out C. look after D. pay off 【解析】选 C。逻辑推理题。cowboy 的工作是照料牛, 并把它们赶到 最近的铁路, 所以应是 look after(照料)。 4. A. road

2019-10-31    945    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十二 Module 6 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 完形填空“Dr Carr! Is it you? Is it really you? ”I turned and saw a smilingyoung man calling me. It was Gibby. Twelve years ago when he 1 myclass to begin the fifth grade, he was a shy, overweight little boy whoalways kept 2 .As a new student he had a 3 time during the first few months. Ioften 4 that when the boys began to choose 5 for a game, littleGibby would usually be 6 , standing aside lonely. Many times I wentout on the playground and 7 the boys

2019-11-01    933    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十二 Module 6 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 完形填空“Dr Carr! Is it you? Is it really you? ”I turned and saw a smilingyoung man calling me. It was Gibby. Twelve years ago when he 1 myclass to begin the fifth grade, he was a shy, overweight little boy whoalways kept 2 .As a new student he had a 3 time during the first few months. Ioften 4 that when the boys began to choose 5 for a game, littleGibby would usually be 6 , standing aside lonely. Many times I wentout on the playground and 7 the boys. Whenever I chose my team, Iwould 8 Gibby’s name. My team might not have been the best,

2019-10-31    916    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十三 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

would look up to him 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。从文章第二段第三句可知, 如果让妻子 工作赚钱, 别人会轻视丈夫。 11. The husband in the modern family   

2019-11-01    1674    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十一 Module 6 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读

Manchester is the “capital” of the northwest of England. Situatedon the east bank of the River Irwell, it is a lively busy city with a largestudent population. Although it was once seen as only a dull industrialplace, in recent years Manchester has become the“in”place. It iswell-known for its clubs, its fashion and its music, not to mention itsworld-famous football team, Manchester United.

2019-10-31    1197    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 八 Module 2 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解_8008

Ⅰ. 完形填空Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of theDeveloping World. But the 1 is that homelessness is everywhere. Forexample, how many of us would expect to see people living on thestreets of a 2 country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 3for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first 4 one longhot summer when most Germans were 5 on holiday. Kurt and hiswife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 6 a table in the street andgave food to the homeless.

2019-10-31    947    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 六 Module 2 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her.She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my classoften 1 about her and laughed their heads off. Shewould open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the openpage.All I knew was that she was an orphan( 孤儿)from Africa. She hadjust been adopted by a family in town who 2 that the best way forher to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I lookeddown at this 3 girl and promised myself that somehow I would helpher.

2019-10-31    1242    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二 Module 1 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 完形填空In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illnesswhen I received an invitation to a writer’s conference inOrlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) 1might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I 2 .

2019-11-01    1013    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二 Module 1 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 完形填空In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illnesswhen I received an invitation to a writer’s conference inOrlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) 1might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I 2 .Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I 3 to catcha taxi to my 4 and settle in. Next morning, I took another 5 to theshopping centre to buy a few souvenirs. 6 I went to a café to havelunch, but all the tables were 7 . Then I heard a friendly voice saying,

2019-10-31    966    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 十 Module 3 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 完形填空I was said to be the worst student in my class, andmy family thought I was hopeless. I had to 1 gradesix. At that time a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to ourschool.

2019-11-01    1201    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 六 Module 2 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her.She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my classoften 1 about her and laughed their heads off. Shewould open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the openpage.

2019-11-01    1032    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十 Module 5 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解

Ⅰ. 完形填空From age eight to eleven, I attended a small school in our village. Itwas made up of four 1 with about 25 children in each class accordingto age. Most of the time, one teacher was responsible for 2 allsubjects. However, the headmaster would 3 come into the onlyclassroom and gave lessons 4 the teacher if he had asked for leave. Itseemed that there was no subject he was not good at 5 he could giveus lessons on all the subjects.

2019-10-31    790    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 四 Module 1 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解

the job of a policeman. 【语篇概述】本文介绍了在英国警察的工作情况, 作者及人们对警 察工作的看法。 1. A. dislike    B. join    C. appreciate 

2019-10-31    998    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 八 Module 2 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解

【解析】选 C。词义辨析题。句意: 尽管 Rita 承认自己经常感到疲劳, 7 但是她愿意继续她的工作。从上文中 Kurt 和 Rita 为那些无家可归的 人所做的一切可知, 他们付出很多, 她一定很劳累。根据语境选

2019-11-01    853    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 二十三 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题

Ⅰ. 阅读理解AAs is known to us all, baths and bathing have long beenconsidered of medical importance to man. In Greece thereare the ruins of a water system for baths built over 3, 000years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some baths,as many 3, 000 persons could bathe at the same time.

2019-10-31    1670    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三后阅读作业: 十三 Module 4 Period 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 文本研读

There has been a dramatic increase in the number ofnatural disasters over the past few years, and it is assumedthat global warming and climate change could cause evenmore disasters in the future. Some of the world’s leadingcities are facing disasters like floods and heat waves.LondonLondon’s flood defences are getting older. Since 1982, the ThamesBarrier(水闸)has protected the city from the threat of flooding, but itwas only designed to last until 2030 and close once every two or threeyears. About 26 years later the barrier now closes five or six times a yearand according to Environment Agency predictions, by 2050 the barrierwill be closed on almost every tide if the problem is not addressed.

2019-10-31    1395    0
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