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巩固和发展良好政治生态 ——廉政党课 同志们: 大家受党和人民的委派,主政一方、主管一线,责任重大、 使命光荣。市委对大家高度信任、寄予厚望。但是,信任不能代 替监督,特别是大家作为党组织书记,对一个地方、一个部门的

2020-02-23    6286    0


我的第一本紫斗数书 奶瓶级飞星算命术大释放 紫薇白娘子 虚晴 2011 哄小宝宝力作 出品 白娘子斗数日月谭 QQ 群:136108750 2 这是一本什么书 可以一眼看穿自己的算命书 简单到不能再简单的算命书

2018-12-01    11604    0


内部资料,请勿外传 铛铛响的电车拐过街角,民国的天空如此清澈 电影大道鸟瞰图 利兴面包房的香味飘来,老郑州的味道如此亲切 电影大道气氛图 站在世外桃源门口,心中暗涌着太极的江湖 太极街鸟瞰图 百步集上比武正紧,不知哪里传来铿锵的老腔

2018-11-16    5793    0


如何制作优秀课? 一、课 1、课定义 课是指基于教学设计思想,使用多媒体技术在五至十分钟以内 就一个知识点进行针对性讲解、模拟一对一教学情景的一段视音频。 这些知识点,可以是教材解读、题型精讲、考点归纳;也可以是

2020-03-10    2848    0


新时代如何加强 党风廉政建设 业务党支部 王知 前言 PREFACE 党的十九大第一次把党的纨律建设不政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作 风建设、制度建设并列,共同纳入党的建设总体布局,标志着我们党对坚持党

2019-11-05    4234    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 18V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89 ,SOT23-3and SOT23 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    1344    0


 Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient Low Quiescent Current: 1.5uA at 6V Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2%Applications Battery-powered equipment Reference voltage sources Cameras,video cameras Portable AV systems Mobile phones Portable games

2019-03-26    1427    0


doi :10 .3969/ j . issn .1673 -5013 .2012 .04 .017 柱 凝胶 法交 叉配 血不 合原 因分 析 宋雪珍1   宋雪梅2   孙凌云1   任小宁1  

2018-12-03    2105    0


Features Low voltage drop: 0.17V@100mA High input voltage: 15V Low temperature coefficient Large Output Current: >0.35A Low Quiescent Current: 1.0uA Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Built-in current limiter SOT89 and SOT23-3 package

2019-03-26    1717    0


Features Low power consumption:25uA (Typ.) Low voltage drop:0.2V@100mA(Typ.) Low output noise(27uVRMS) Standby Mode: 0.1uA Low temperature coefficient Output Voltage Range: 0.9V~5V Good line Regulation:0.05%/V High Ripple Rejection: 70dB@1kHz(Typ.) High input voltage (up to 7V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Build-in Enable/Output Current Limit circuit

2019-03-26    1549    0


Features Low power consumption Low temperature coefficient Built-in hysteresis characteristic High input voltage (up to 15V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89 SOT23-3 and SOT23 package

2019-03-26    1803    0


Features Low power consumption Low temperature coefficient Built-in hysteresis characteristic High input voltage (up to 10V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±1% or ±2% TO92, SOT89, SOT23-3 ,SOT23 and SOT23-5package

2019-03-26    1841    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 18V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92, SOT89, SOT23-3 and SOT23 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    1497    0


Features 2V to 24V Input Voltage Up to 28V Output Voltage Integrated 80mΩ Power MOSFET 1.2MHz Fixed Switching Frequency Internal 4A Switch Current Limit Internal Compensation Thermal Shutdown Output Adjustable from 0.6V Available in a 6-pin SOT-23 package

2019-03-26    1621    0



2019-10-10    4416    0


Features Low voltage drop: 0.17V@100mA High input voltage: 15V Low temperature coefficient Large Output Current: >0.5A Low Quiescent Current: 1.0uA Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Built-in current limiter SOT89,SOT89-5,SOT23-3 and SOT23-5packagesApplications Battery-powered equipment Hand-Hold Equipment GRS Receivers Wireless LAN

2019-03-26    1539    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient High input voltage (up to 32V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% TO92 and SOT89 packageApplications Battery-powered equipment Communication equipment Audio/Video equipment

2019-03-26    1116    0


Features Quiescent Current: 4.2uA@12V PSRR:60dB@100Hz Voltage drop:600mV@100mA ESD HBM:8KV High input voltage (up to 40V) Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2% Output current:100mA(Typ.) TO92 and SOT89 package

2019-03-26    1267    0


Features Low power consumption Low voltage drop Low temperature coefficient Low Quiescent Current: 5uA at 6V Output voltage accuracy: tolerance ±2%Applications Battery-powered equipment Reference voltage sources Cameras,video cameras Portable AV systems Mobile phones Portable games

2019-03-26    1190    0


日发布 2018 年 9 月 1 日实施 CNAS-CL01-A001 检测和校准实验室能力认可准则 在生物检测领域的应用说明 Guidance on the application of testing

2019-12-11    1511    0
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