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 外研八年级下册Module 10 On the radio练习

1.I want to write an a about health for the newspaper.2.Our head teacher Mr. Black showed some guests a our school yesterday.3.This problem s difficult to solve. What should I do?

2021-09-01    703    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 32 教案

Lesson 32 My Favourite RecordLearning aims: 1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Revise the tenses.Learning important points:Grasp how to use the words and the phrases.Learning difficult p

2023-04-13    401    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 30 教案

Lesson 30 A Cookie SaleLearning aims:1. Master the new words and phrases2. Revise the Simple Past Tense3. Write a short passage to describe the past eventLearning important points:1. Words and

2023-04-15    429    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 47 教案

Lesson 47 Connected to NatureLearning aims: Call on the students to take actions to protect our environment.Learn about the pollution problems in our life.Learning important points:Offering help

2023-04-13    342    0


湘八年级下册音乐教案 课题 第七单元 协奏曲品茗 计划课时 3 教 学 内 容 分 析 本课以介绍协奏曲这一题材,重点聆听三首不同风格的协奏曲,试图通过聆听、参与等音乐实践活动,使学生能初步体验到

2022-08-26    412    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 46 教案

Lesson 46 Protect Our EnviromentLearning aims: Know about the pollution in our country.We all should take care of our environment.Learning important points:How do you think the pollution in our

2023-04-15    482    0


部编八年级下册语文《关雎》教学实录 一.初读知文 师:今天,我们学习《关雎》。我看好多孩子都已经会背了,能说说你为何背的这么快吗? 生:好多章句子差不多,只是更换一个或几个字。 师:这是《诗经》常

2021-07-07    331    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 27 教案

Lesson 27 Business EnglishLearning aims:1. The new words and expressions.2. Know something about “Business Lingo”.Learning important points:The new words and phrasesLearning difficult points:I

2023-04-15    334    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 48 教案

Lesson 48 Garbage Is Interesting!Learning aims: 1. Master the new words and expressions: used, divide, pile, seat, lid, ton, duty2. Call on the students to protect the environment.3. Think about

2023-04-15    439    0

 10.1 分式 教案:苏科八年级下册数学

以(或除以)同一个不为零的整式中的“都”“同一个”“不为零”。 【应用巩固】 1.下列等式的右边是怎样从左边得到的? (1)=(y≠0); (2)= 2.化简下列各式: (1); (2). 3.化简下列分式:

2021-06-01    512    0


计算:·. 解:原式=·=. 完成教材第P8练习T1. 探究二:分式的乘方 1.阅读教材P7“思考”并回答怎样进行分式的乘方呢?仔细观察所得的结果,试总结出分式乘方的法则. (1)()3;(2)()k(k是正整数)

2022-02-24    551    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 29 教案

Lesson 29 How to Push a ProductLearning aims:1. Master the words and the phrases2. Master “Adverbial Clauses”3. Write about a passage about “Bill Gates”.Learning important and difficult points:

2023-04-13    328    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 42 教案

Lesson 42 North AmericaLearning aims: 1. Will/ Would/ Could you please…?2. Learn about the rhythm of the foreign songs.3. Know more about the world’s geography.Learning important points:1. Trav

2023-04-15    403    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 35 教案

Lesson 35 The Dream TeamLearning aims:Learn the new words and expressions.Learning important points:Grasp the new words and phrases.Learning difficult points:1. The difference between “such” an

2023-04-13    351    0

 外研八年级下册Module 6 Hobbies练习

1. Often, we prefer to pay for things by card instead of using c or paper money.2. —Hello. Can I help you?—I'm j looking, thanks.3. —How much is the book?—It's 20 d .

2021-09-01    583    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 25 教案

Lesson 25 Raising MoneyLearning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Know something about product.Learning important points:1. The new words and expressions.2. How to retell the dialo

2023-04-15    407    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 26 教案

Lesson 26 Cookies, Please!Learning aims:1. The new words and expressions2. Some sentences about “shopping”Learning important and difficult points:1. The new expressions2. How to make dialogues

2023-04-15    388    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 31 教案

Unit 6 Be a Champion!Lesson 31 Don’t Fall, Danny!Learning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions.2. Know about the Olympic Games.Important points:Grasp the new words and expressions.Diffi

2023-04-15    407    0

 冀教八年级下册英语 Lesson 41 教案

Lesson 41 A Class of the WorldLearning aims: 1. Know more about the world’s geography. 2. Compare the physical features with the Asian physical features.Learning important points:1. Learn about

2023-04-13    363    0


2020--2021物理选修3—1第二章 电路练习含答案 选修3—1第二章 电路 1、在“测定金属的电阻率”的实验中,由ρ=可知,对实验结果的准确性影响最大的是(  ) A.金属丝直径d的测量

2021-03-30    577    0
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