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第79组 excuse me1.Please excuse me for a while. 请允许我离开一会儿。2.Excuse, me. Will not be a minute . 对不起。 一会儿就回来。3.Excuse me. Back in a tick. 对不起。一会儿就回来。

2021-03-17    594    0


long for1) long for 渴望;向往2) long [英][lɔŋ] [美][lɔŋ] 龙1.Intercultural Communication and Translation:——A Discussion about Long and Dragon from the Perspective of Post-colonialism;后殖民主义视野下的跨文化传播与翻译——从“龙”和“dragon”谈起

2021-03-17    521    0

 六年级下册语文讲义-素养拓展:「作」基础议论文写作 部编版

基础议论文写作我今天在来上课的路上,坐地铁的时候,听到了两个同学在争论一件事。他们在争论世界上谁最勇敢!其中一个高个子的小同学说:“我觉得钢铁侠最勇敢!”说完他挺洋洋得意、挺神气的!另一个矮个子的小同学小声的问他: “钢铁侠是谁啊?为什么他最勇敢啊?”(此处知道钢铁侠的同学肯定该笑 了)那个高个子同学也觉得很可笑,钢铁侠都不认识啊?于是,他就想,一定得在这个矮个子同学面前显摆一下。只见

2020-10-25    562    0


take1) take [英][teɪk] [美][tek] 所取的量2) take [英][teɪk] [美][tek] 一次拍摄的电影镜头数量3) take [英][teɪk] [美][tek] 拿在手上

2021-03-17    513    0


Why not1."Why not be a volunteer?" “何妨做志愿军呢?”2.Why not Translatology?; 翻译为何不可为“学”?——读《翻译学:一个未圆且难圆的梦》3.Do you like Hercules? Why or Why not? 你喜欢大力士赫尔克里斯吗?为什么?

2021-03-17    570    0


cheap1) cheap [英][tʃi:p] [美][tʃip] 低廉1.low in price, But good in function (performance) 价格低廉,性能良好2.goods for sale at attractive prices 价钱低廉诱人的货物.

2021-03-17    709    0


Civil War1) Civil War 南北战争1.With Shays Rebellion, the Civil War and the Watergate Case as examples, the spirit of reconciliation in the American culture is studied, and the actual measures taken in these examples together with their fine effects are explored.本文以谢司起义、南北战争、水门事件为例,对美国文化中的和解精神进行了分析研究,探讨了这些例子中具体的和解措施与良好效果,认为和解是一种美德,体现了人性的光辉,有利于社会团结、社会和谐与社会发展,和解精神具有普世价值,值得广泛发扬。

2021-03-17    823    0


shopping1) shopping [英]['ʃɔpɪŋ] [美]['ʃɑpɪŋ] 选购

2021-03-17    628    0


muddy1) muddy [英]['mʌdi] [美]['mʌdɪ] 淤泥质1.Study on definition of muddy coast and silty coast; 关于淤泥质海岸与粉沙质海岸界定的探讨2.In the present paper,wave attenuation over muddy seabed in the Lian-Yun-Gang port is comprehensively investigated by means of experiment,observation and theoretical analysis.

2021-03-17    515    0


one day1) One Day 《一天》2) one-day cost report 日清单1.The experience of completing one-day cost report in hospital; 住院病人费用日清单实施的体会3) One-day-tour 一日游

2021-03-17    635    0


flow1) flow [英][fləʊ] [美][flo] 流1.Properties for the space of curves and the translation flow; 曲线空间及平移流的性质2.Real-time identifying UDP-based skype voice flow algorithm; 一种实时检测基于UDP的Skype语音流的算法

2021-03-17    652    0


ong1) long [英][lɔŋ] [美][lɔŋ] 龙1.Intercultural Communication and Translation:——A Discussion about Long and Dragon from the Perspective of Post-colonialism;后殖民主义视野下的跨文化传播与翻译——从“龙”和“dragon”谈起2.On the Retranslation of "Dragon" and "Long"; 论“Dragon”及“龙”的再译

2021-03-17    576    0

 人教版 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy lifestyle 词汇拓展讲义(素材)

1. dominate ['dɒmIneIt] vt.& vi.支配;控制;占有优势→dominant adj.强大的;有优势的→domination n.控制;统治2. in response to  回答;回复response n. 回答;回复→respond vi. 回答;回复give/make a response to 对……做出回应respond to 回答;回复3.rewa

2023-02-27    394    0


car1) car [英][kɑ:(r)] [美][kɑr] 汽车1.Optimization and Numerical Simulation on Forming Process of Taillight Supporter of the Car;汽车尾灯支架成形数值模拟与优化2.Air Pollution by Formaldehyde and Benzene inside Cars.; 汽车内空气中苯污染状况初探

2021-03-17    589    0


try1) try [英][traɪ] [美][traɪ] 尝试1.A Study of Developing Students Intelligence——A Try at Teaching Descriptive Geometry with Module;努力开发学生智能的实验研究——在画法几何教学中进行模块式教学的尝试2.In a word,it is a bold try for buildinng a new forestry system and management model. 股份合作制林场是林业体制和经营模式改革的大胆尝试。

2021-03-17    535    0


idiom1) idiom [英]['ɪdiəm] [美]['ɪdɪəm] 习语1.On idioms translation on the basis of translation criteria and methods; 从翻译的标准和方法谈习语的翻译2.A Brief Analysis of the Origins of English Idioms; 浅析大学英语常见习语语源

2021-03-17    487    0


strawberry1) strawberry [英]['strɔ:bəri] [美]['strɔ'bɛrɪ] 草莓果实1.

2021-03-17    586    0


correction than at error correction.  里德所罗门码对「抹除」的更正能力是一般错误的两倍。 7. The more rapidly the records are gathered

2021-03-17    514    0


GB/T2994-1994高铝质耐火泥浆 18. Baroid wall-building test instrument  泥浆造壁能力试验仪 2)  mud [英][mʌd]  [美][mʌd]  污泥 1. Disposal and

2021-03-17    622    0


as is known to all1.Every barber knows that. 尽人皆知,家喻户晓。2.His guilt is apparent to all . 他的罪恶尽人皆知。3.These things are notorious; 这等丑事,尽人皆知。

2021-03-17    590    0
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