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break up1) break up 打碎;使粉碎;弄破;解散;结束;解体解散;中断;终止;(学校)放假使苦恼;恳(地)2) break-up 开河1.Based on ice jam mechanism,hydraulics model and energetics model are introduced into this research and well simulate water level,freeze-up and break-up date of each spring in Wudinghe River.根据冰塞形成发展的机理,利用水力学模型和热力学模型模拟研究了无定河流域下游段丁家沟至白家川的每年春季河流水位、封河日期和开河日期。

2021-03-17    477    0


slap1) slap [英][slæp] [美][slæp] 松动拍击2) slap [英][slæp] [美][slæp] 拍打;松动;猛然;恰好;活塞敲击3) slap [英][slæp] [美][slæp] 拍,掌击

2021-03-17    481    0

 六年级下册语文讲义-小升初拓展:中国现代文学之 戏剧篇 部编版

中国现代文学之戏剧篇现代戏剧文学是指五四运动至中华人民共和国成立以来以话剧为主体的戏剧文学。中国古典戏剧有悠久的传统。但作为现代戏剧主要剧种的话剧,却发源于欧洲,20 世纪初经日本传入中国。名 人 名 言我们写戏、演戏是“巴结”群众,而丁先生写的戏是征服观众。——李健吾评丁西林丁西林被称为“独幕剧圣手”,《三块钱国币》是丁西林的独幕喜剧。这部喜剧取材于生活小事:女仆不小心打碎了

2020-10-25    594    0


guidebook1) guidepost [英]['gaidpəust] [美]['gaɪd,post] 导向柱2.Holder for sliding guide die sets for press tools-Punch holder for back pillar sets 冲模滑动导向模座后侧导柱上模座3.Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools-Punch holder for back pillar sets 冲模滚动导向模座后侧导柱上模座

2021-03-17    634    0


car1) car [英][kɑ:(r)] [美][kɑr] 汽车1.Optimization and Numerical Simulation on Forming Process of Taillight Supporter of the Car;汽车尾灯支架成形数值模拟与优化2.Air Pollution by Formaldehyde and Benzene inside Cars.; 汽车内空气中苯污染状况初探

2021-03-17    590    0


make fun of1) to tease; to make fun of; to poke fun at 调笑1."No. I drank champagne and romped and tried to flirt, and was altogether abominable," said Meg self-reproachfully.“不,我还喝了香槟酒,疯疯傻傻,调调笑笑。总之,可恶极了。”麦格后悔地道。

2021-03-17    441    0


ways of college student moral education; 加强艰苦奋斗精神培养,拓展大学生德育新途径 13. Importance of Hard Working Spirit and

2021-03-17    507    0


museum1) museum [英][mju'zi:əm] [美][mju'ziəm] 博物馆1.Occupational Hazards in the Museum; 博物馆工作的职业危害探讨2.The Response to Tradition——Notes on the Designing and Creation of Dafeng Museum; 传统的回应——记大丰市博物馆设计创作

2021-03-17    535    0


river1) river [英]['rɪvə(r)] [美]['rɪvɚ] 河流

2021-03-17    418    0


appearance1) appearance [英][ə'pɪərəns] [美][ə'pɪrəns] 外观1.Influence of raw material choice on the comfortability and appearance of raschel lace; 原料选择对拉舍尔花边性能和外观的影响

2021-03-17    540    0


out) out [英][aʊt] [美][aut] 出(外)2) out [英][aʊt] [美][aut] 过于1.He had been impatient, over-enthusiastic, in a hurry. 他确实过于性急,过于热切,过于匆忙了。2.To work too long or too hard. 工作过度工作过久或过于努力

2021-03-17    338    0


live through1) live through 渡过;熬过2) live [英][lɪv] [美][lɪv] 居住

2021-03-17    395    0


from1) from [英][frəm] [美]['frʌm] 介词from1.Semantic and rhetoric functions of from-an English preposition; 英语介词from的语义、修辞功能2.The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions. in,from, out,以及of都是介词。

2021-03-17    420    0


heavy1) heavy [英]['hevi] [美]['hɛvɪ] 重1.Results Research findings indicated that inhibition rates of heavy metals(individual or combined) on the seed germination were much lower than those on the root elongation.结论根伸长抑制率比种子发芽抑制率更能准确反映重金属的毒理效应。

2021-03-17    418    0


short1) short [英][ʃɔ:t] [美][ʃɔrt] 短路1.An improved bridge-type superconductor current limiter which can limit instantaneous and steady short current was presented,and the resistance-type,bridge-type and improved bridge-type superconductor current limiters were simulated.笔者提出了改进型桥路模型,该模型可限制瞬态短路电流和稳态短路电流。

2021-03-17    408    0


15+6-3 ( ) ⑵ 80÷8×5 80-8×5 ( ) ⑶ 65-4×9 65×4×9 ( ) 【拓展】(★★☆)计算。 ⑴ 128+136+72+64= ⑵ 572+156-172+144 = ⑶ 2×4×8×5×125×25

2020-03-21    902    0


通过对杂交籼稻若干组合的苗期、成株期和田间褐飞虱的抗性作了3 年的研究,结果表明协优963 等4 个组合具苗期抗褐飞虱的能力,协优963 等3 个组合成株期表现为抗褐飞虱。 2. Fengyou 54 (Yuefeng A/t54)

2021-03-17    488    0


in time1) time [英][taɪm] [美][taɪm] 时间1.Effect of Heating Temperature and Time on the Quality of Three Vegetable Oils; 不同加热温度和时间对3种植物油品质的影响

2021-03-17    519    0


高考英语读后续写备考:一个中心,两条拓展线 读后续写首先要求考生阅读一篇约350词的不完整故事,然后依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语进行续写(150词左右),将其发展成一篇情节和结构完整的短文。 故事

2023-03-11    425    0


rather than1) translate the content rather than the form 得意忘象1.As early as in ancient time when the Buddhism was translated into China,translators,some famous Buddhists,advocated to translate the content rather than the form when translating,and contributed a great lot to make Buddhism understood with fidelity and accepted widely in China.早在我国古代,为使众人正确理解佛教的根本宗旨和思想精神,一批佛经翻译家提出并实践了“得意忘象”的翻译思想,纠正了“格义”翻译法所造成的对佛经的误解,为佛教在中国的传播做出了巨大的贡献。

2021-03-17    329    0
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