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I was a self-employed writer. But I had been in a bad 1 since my new neighbor moved in. Whenever I became2to write, I could hear a girl singing next door. She didn’t sing well at all, even 3 -it was absolutely a headache for me. 4 , it became a daily routine for me to 5 . How could I keep up my 6 and go on writing?

2021-04-04    564    0


好词1.drawbackn. .缺点;不利条件2.experimentn. 实验3.explorevt. 探索4.bann.&vt. 禁止5.argumentn. 争论

2021-05-14    388    0

 人教版(新课程标准)选修八:Unit5 Meeting your ancestors Using language导学案(无答案)

一.预习自测:1._______________n.饿死;挨饿2.______________ v.妨碍;打断3.______________ adj.dirty or untidy4.______________vt.删除5.______________ n.幼儿园n. 野兽7._____________ n.厘米8._____________ n.植物学9._____________ v.抓;擦伤;刮坏10.____________ vt.& n.逮捕

2022-12-08    301    0


Teaching ContentAdvance with English, Module 8, Unit 2, Word Power “Parts of an orchestra”.Teaching AimsAfter learning Word Power, the students are expected to:1.pronounce the new words correctly and understand the meanings with the help of the pictures.

2021-07-17    203    0


Teaching aimsLearn how to make an inversion and in what cases inversion is used.Teaching important and difficult pointsWhen and how to use an inversion.Teaching procedures

2021-07-17    186    0

 外研版选修八:Module6 TheTang Poems Introduction随堂检测(有答案)

Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary——2021-2022学年高二英语外研版选修随堂检测 一、填空 1.If the meaning is not clear in the poem

2023-03-03    219    0

 外研版选修八:Module 4 Which English Grammar随堂检测(含答案)

Module 4 Which English Grammar——2021-2022学年高二英语外研版选修随堂检测 一、填空 1.He is too young __________(go) to school

2023-03-03    258    0


Thoughts on Design本节课以看、说为主,通过Welcome to the unit部分所提供的四张图片,激活学生对音乐类别的了解,通过该部分相关问题的讨论,进一步激发学生的学习热情并为本单元后面更深入的学习奠定基础。Teaching AimsBe able to tell different types of music and musical instruments.

2021-07-17    189    0

 北师大版选修八选修模块8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection Lesson3 练习 (含答案)

北师大高二下学期Unit22Lesson3练习一、单词拼写根据下列各句句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1. It’s not a very g house, just a little cottage. 2. I is needed to make crops grow in dry regions. 3. Be caref

2023-02-15    206    0

 高二英语外研版选修八Module 2 The Renaissance-Grammar随堂检测(含答案和解析)

Module 2 The Renaissance Grammar——2021-2022学年高二英语外研版选修随堂检测 一、填空 1.Robert rushed off with great excitements

2023-02-19    183    0

 高二英语外研版选修八Module 3 Foreign Food-Listening,Speaking and Writing随堂检测(含答案和解析)

Listening, Speaking and Writing——2021-2022学年高二英语外研版选修随堂检测 一、填空 1.He is very generous, kind-hearted and

2023-02-19    186    0


difference 区别对待;有影响; 起(重要)作用 △bruise n. & vi. 瘀伤;擦伤 选修6 Unit 1 △realistic adj. 现实主义的;逼真的; 现实的 abstract adj

2019-11-07    1318    0

 高二英语外研版选修八Module 4 Which English-Listening,Speaking and Writing随堂检测(含答案和解析)

Listening, Speaking and Writing——2021-2022学年高二英语外研版选修随堂检测 一、填空 1.His unique genius made him different from

2023-02-19    152    0

 高中英语人教新课标选修八Unit1 A land of diversity Learning about language&Using language教案

Unit 1 A land of diversityLearning about languageTeaching goalsTarget languageUseful words and expressions: luggage, tram, apparently, slip, bakery, ferry, hire, seagull, immigration, team up wit

2023-02-24    157    0

 高二英语外研版选修八Module 3 Foreign Food-Grammar随堂检测(含答案和解析)

Module 3 Foreign Food Grammar——2021-2022学年高二英语外研版选修随堂检测 一、填空 1.The subway __________(complete) next year

2023-02-19    200    0


Unit 4 Pygmalion一.课本单词1. ________ vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛 2.overlook vt. _________/___________3.acquaintance n. ___________ 4.___________ n. 身份;地位;职位 5.plot n. ______/_____6.garment n. ___________ 7

2022-09-01    204    0


1. 坐标系与参数方程1. 自极点O任意作一条射线与直线相交于点M,在射线OM上取点P,使得,求动点P的极坐标方程,并把它化为直角坐标方程.解: 设,M ,∵,∴.∵,∴.则动点P的极坐标方程为. ∵极点在此曲线上,∴方程两边可同时乘,得.∴. 2. 曲线的参数方程(为参数),直线的极坐标方程.直线与曲线交于,两点,求的长.3. 在极坐

2013-01-18    721    0


历史选修一《历史上的重大改革回眸》提纲 第一部分 观点与概述 一、基本观点 “改革”与“革命”一同被视作人类社会发展、变革的重要推动力。 (一)改革的含义 在含义上看,改革是要革除社会制度中落后、腐

2020-04-04    909    1


浅谈我们的选修课 公共选修课是全校性的选修课,就是全校每个学生都可以选修的课程,学校的选修课种类繁多,大家可以依据自己想学的、感兴趣的去选修。觉得选修课是来学习自己感兴趣的东西,认为选修课是为了开阔

2020-04-25    648    0


化学与生活——知识点专题一 洁净安全的生存环境第一单元 空气质量的改善一、 空气质量报告(一)、空气质量评价包括:二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、可吸入颗粒物空气污染指数:根据空气中二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、可吸入颗粒物等污染物的浓度计算出来的数值。首要污染指数即位该地区的空气污染指数(二)、大气主要污染物及其危害1、温室效应(1)原因:①全

2014-10-14    615    0
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