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PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Research engineersSECONDARY AUDIENCE: Plant, corporate, and design engineersKEY RESEARCH QUESTIONThere is limited information in the open literature regarding the fabrication and performance of dissimilar metalwelds (DMWs) between 9%Cr creep-strength-enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel and austenitic stainless steelcomponents. Furthermore, the results from the available studies have not established the factors thatcontribute to the fusion line cracking reported for some in-service failures. This report provides examples ofindustry failures in several end-use components and links them to the key contributions from design,operation, fabrication, and metallurgy of DMWs.RESEARCH OVERVIEWThis report provides important guidelines regarding the design, fabrication, and construction of DMWsbetween 9%Cr CSEF steel and austenitic stainless steel components that are designed to transport or collectsteam. This report does not address details specific to the following: overlay welding, such as for corrosionresistance; repair welding, such as might be addressed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) Post Construction Code or the National Board Inspection Code; prescriptive guidance, including howto use particular welding processes; or qualification guidelines addressed by the ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Code, Section IX. Numerous practical considerations exist regarding the specification and fabricationof DMWs, and it is not possible to address all potential concerns regarding this type of connection in thisreport. Instead, this report provides basic guidelines that are important to the goal of promoting “better”practice and providing equipment owners and operators with information to consider regarding additionalrequirements that are relevant to purchasing specifications. Specific factors that affect performance in thecontext of design, fabrication, operation, and metallurgical risk are addressed.KEY FINDINGSThe summary of recommendations in this report provides a concise set of guidelines regarding key aspectsof DMW construction, including restrictions on the end-use application, weld joint geometry, welding process,post-weld heat treatment, transition pieces, operation, and special considerations.WHY THIS MATTERSEvery steam-raising power boiler in a power generating plant is made with a range of different steels. Thepressure boundary joints necessitate welding of the steels. Despite the number of joints that exist, there hasnot been an extensive evaluation of fabrication factors that affect performance in cross-weld creep for DMWsconstructed between 9%Cr CSEF steel and austenitic stainless steel components. This report provides insightinto the factors that contribute to performance with respect to when a weldment fails and how it fails (that is,damage tolerance).9842144EX

2019-02-24    3709    0


ICs 45 .02 0 ;93 .100 S 60 TB 中华人民共和国铁道行业标准 T B /T 30 73 - 2 0 03 铁道信号电气设备电磁 兼 容性试验及其限值 E M C tests and

2018-10-15    2218    0



2018-11-06    5530    0



2018-11-06    6798    0

 施德变频器 安装手册 编程手册

设备)。在类似应用中,可通过分离与变频器 相独立的设备,对超速和运行 轨迹在恒定控制之下进行必要的检查。 本手册中描述的产品和设备既可从技术的观点出发,也可从操作方式出发 在任何时候更换或改变,其说明绝不应视为具有契约的效力。2

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李佳琪的货技巧 其实李佳琦的成功,源自他本人和团队,在销售流程、销售技巧、客户心态、促单技巧上, 的确有过人之处,但并非无法理解,不可学习。复制李佳琦,或许很难;但是学习李佳琦, 让其他货主播变得更优秀,完全可行。

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是项目管理标准,展示在大多数时候适用于大多数项目的、被认为是良好做法的过程、 输入和输出。 本章定义若干关键术语,以及项目组合管理、项目集管理、项目管理和组织级项目管理 之间的关系。本章通过以下部分对 PMBOK®指南进行概述:

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