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六、区域差异分析的一般思 !!!!!!!!路 7 七、洪涝灾害成因与措施的答题模 !!!!!板 8 八、高中地理重要公 !!!!!!!!!!式 10 九、时区和国际日界线示意 !!!!!!!图 12 十、世界气候类型分布

2020-01-31    2391    0

 高中化学复习 氯气和氯化物

第一题(17 分)Cl2的基本性质氯气是一种重要的化工原料,具有广泛用途;但近年来多次发生氯气在储存和运输过程中发生泄漏事故,给人民群众的生命造成巨大威胁。1.如果你当时在现场,你应该往哪里撤离?2.如果你在该厂实验室准备撤离时,应该准备什么样的简易“防毒面具”避免吸入较多的氯气?3.如果你当时在距离化工厂较近的居民家中,如何利用家中现成物质来制作简易“防毒面具”?

2020-04-12    2778    0


1 高中物理模型汇总大全 模型组合讲解——爆炸反冲模型 [模型概述] “爆炸反冲”模型是动量守恒的典型应用,其变迁形式也多种多样,如炮发炮弹中的化学 能转化为机械能;弹簧两端将物块弹射将弹性势能转化为机械能;核衰变时将核能转化为动

2020-10-07    2308    0


1 沁园春·⻓沙(⽑泽东) …………………………………………………………………………32 ⽴在地球边上放号(郭沫若)……………………………………………………………………3红烛(闻⼀多)………………………………………………………………………………………3*峨⽇朵雪峰之侧(昌耀) …………………………………………………………………………4*致云雀(雪莱) ……………………………………………………………………………………53 百合花(茹志娟)…………………………………………………………………………………7*哦,⾹雪(铁凝)…………………………………………………………………………………11单元学习任务:少年情怀的表达——学写新诗

2019-08-05    7352    0


气体。 116、选取不同的参考系时,物体产生的位移可能不同,用公式求出的功就存在不确定性, 因此在高中阶段计算功时一般以地面为参考系。 117、判断力对物体是否做功时,不仅要看力和位移,还要注意力与位移之间的夹角。

2020-01-31    1623    0


【全国高中数学联赛模拟卷·五】 一试 一、填空题 (本大题共 8 小题,每小题 8 分,共 64 分) 1. 设 a > 0, b > 0, c > 0,且 a + b + c = 1,则 a3b2c

2020-04-01    1707    0


………………………………………… / 28 8、培养良好的习惯 ……………………………………… / 33 9、“超越”时间——高中生时间管理辅导……………… / 38 10、如何提高记忆效率 ……………………………….. / 44

2018-12-14    22793    0


高中数学必修 1 知识点 第一章 集合与函数概念 一、集合有关概念: 1、集合的含义:某些指定的对象集在一起就成为一个集合,其中每一个对象叫元素。 2、集合的中元素的三个特性: (1)元素的确定性; (2)元素的互异性;

2020-03-15    1392    0



2020-03-06    2433    0



2020-03-17    1360    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 十一 Module 3 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

Ⅰ. 阅读理解It was once thought that air pollution affected onlythe area immediately around large cities with factoriesand heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know thatalthough these are the areas with the worst air pollution,the problem is actually worldwide. On several occasions over the pastdecade,

2019-10-31    2466    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 一 Module 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary

Ⅰ. 选词填空ancient, architect, birthplace, civilization, face, gallery, landmark,project, situated, symbol1. The wedding ring is a _____________ of our love.2. Rome is famous for its _____________ monuments.3. The Empire State Building is a famous _____________ of New York.4. China is well-known for her five thousand years of _____________ .5. Asia is the _____________ of the great religions of the world.6. The government began a new _____________ in my hometown lastyear.7. The school is _____________ on a hill.8. The _____________ attracted thousands of art-lovers last year.

2019-10-31    1517    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 三 Module 1 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示写出单词的正确形式1. What will happen if the two parties fail to reach an ____________ (协议)?2. Strict management is one of the most important ____________ (特点)of my school.3. Shanghai is one of the ____________ (地区)in China with developedeconomy and culture.4. My cousin makes a living by selling agricultural ____________ (产品)inthe market.5. There were ____________ (代表)from 24 countries in the meeting Ijust returned from.6. There is a garden on the ____________ (对面的)side of the street.7. I forgot to ____________ (签名)the application form.8. A king must teach his prince how to ____________ (统治).

2019-10-31    1685    0


高二数学试题 第 1 页 (共 4 页) 2019—2020 学年第一学期普通高中期末质量检测 高二数学试题 本试卷共 4 页.满分 150 分. 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的姓名、准考证号.考生要

2020-03-14    2412    0


第 1页 共 4 页 绝密★启用前 2019—2020 学年度上期高中调研考试高二 文科数学试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时

2020-03-14    1596    0



2020-03-17    1304    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 七 Module 2 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

business studies. 【语篇概述】文章主要介绍了发达国家的教育方面的信息, 包括幼 儿园、初中、高中和大学以及为什么教育是重要的。 1. The passage mainly tells us   

2019-11-01    2378    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 一 Module 1 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 选词填空ancient, architect, birthplace, civilization, face, gallery, landmark,project, situated, symbol1. The wedding ring is a _____________ of our love.2. Rome is famous for its _____________ monuments.3. The Empire State Building is a famous _____________ of New York.4. China is well-known for her five thousand years of _____________ .5. Asia is the _____________ of the great religions of the world.6. The government began a new _____________ in my hometown last

2019-10-31    1609    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 十四 Module 5 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

Ⅰ. 用适当的关系词填空1. The Second World War __________ millions of people were killedended in 1945.2. He was born in the year __________ the Anti-Japanese War brokeout.3. He was the man by __________ Master of Game was translated.4. Is that the reason __________ you are in favor of the proposal?5. The magazine for __________ Betty paid one dollar was very good.6. Here is so heavy a box __________ can be lifted by nobody.7. Is this the shop __________ sells children’s clothing?

2019-10-31    2800    0

 2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 十三 Module 5 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

Ⅰ. 单词拼写1. Who is keeping __________ (秩序)on the spot?2. Whether or not you’re given a car depends on your __________ (地位)in the company.3. He __________ ( 辞 职 )from the company in order to take a morechallenging job.4. Boys and girls are __________ (平等的), and thus they should betreated fairly.5. The project worked on the __________ ( 原 则 )that each person’sexperience was equally valuable.6. Regular exercise is of great __________ (重要)to us.7. We have been treated with such __________ (善良)by everybody.8. I’d just like to __________ (强调)the importance of politeness in thisjob.

2019-10-31    1386    0
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